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Uhuru versus Raila 2017
#61 Posted : Wednesday, January 25, 2017 4:43:09 PM
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Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#62 Posted : Wednesday, January 25, 2017 4:53:43 PM
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madollar wrote:

Starting to look like a lost cause unless that graph flattens in week 3 in jubilee strongholds regarding IEBC No's come august inaweza kuwa a thrashing no matter the presidential candidate on the NASA side

Voter turn out!!!. The war mongering and dance will erode more of Raila's votes and so Jubilee will continue wishing that he retains the self destruction mode for as long as possible. Does someone know what i mean?
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#63 Posted : Wednesday, January 25, 2017 5:28:46 PM
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Thanks Guks but I think I was not clear in my request.

Am looking for registered voters as at Dec 2016
before this MVR exercise in the same format as the one you listed in the other post.
Love is beautiful and so are those who share it.With Love, Marriage is an amazing event in ones life time, the foundation of joy, happiness and success.
#64 Posted : Wednesday, January 25, 2017 6:34:04 PM
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Isuni yilu yi maa me muyo - ni Mbisuu
#65 Posted : Wednesday, January 25, 2017 6:44:52 PM
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madollar wrote:
Lolest! wrote:
Ngalaka wrote:
madollar wrote:
Fyatu wrote:
kaka2za wrote:
Voter registration numbers not looking good for Cord/NASA Vihiga 33% vs Kiambu 105%

Weka link

What if raila had toshad someone already would the figures from areas like Kiambu be so high.Hapa kuna watu wana scratch kichwa when they see 105% considering ile talk ya voter apathy

If Raila REALLY wants to OKOA Kenya, he should back someone else.
Say Aukot on top of the ticket, with a running mate like Mudavadi or Kalonzo. Then they campaign on platform of ZERO tolerance to corruption!
Jubilee itaenda home asubuhi!

Hapo sasa!!

Starting to look like a lost cause unless that graph flattens in week 3 in jubilee strongholds regarding IEBC No's come august inaweza kuwa a thrashing no matter the presidential candidate on the NASA side

May be not.
We predicate our view on the expectation that even those voters in the so called Jubilee zones are not robots. As much as everybody else they have issues to pick with the ruling class - the economy, corruption etc.

Those issues are overridden by their fear of Raila - so with him out of the equation, and a realistic promise for bringing corruption under check, they might just be game
Isuni yilu yi maa me muyo - ni Mbisuu
#66 Posted : Wednesday, January 25, 2017 7:10:15 PM
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Ngalaka wrote:
May be not.
We predicate our view on the expectation that even those voters in the so called Jubilee zones are not robots. As much as everybody else they have issues to pick with the ruling class - the economy, corruption etc.

Those issues are overridden by their fear of Raila - so with him out of the equation, and a realistic promise for bringing corruption under check, they might just be game


I loooooove !!!!


Hear, hear.
#67 Posted : Wednesday, January 25, 2017 7:22:48 PM
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Njung'e wrote:
Swenani wrote:
Njung'e wrote:
Registered voters by county week 1

1 MOMBASA 28,618-Cord
2 KWALE 16,871-Cord
3 KILIFI 38,339-Cord
4 TANA RIVER 3,271-Jubilee
5 LAMU 2,169-Toss up
6 TAITA/TAVETA 6,413-Cord

7 GARISSA 12,236-Jubilee
8 WAJIR 5,102-Jubilee
9 MANDERA 6,668-Jubilee

10 MARSABIT 2,722-Cord
11 ISIOLO 2,243-Jubilee
12 MERU 33,285-Jubilee
13 THARAKA-NITHI 8,918-Jubilee
14 EMBU 15,740-Jubilee
15 KITUI 19,124-Cord
16 MACHAKOS 27,203-Cord
17 MAKUENI 18,345-Cord

18 NYANDARUA 15,677-Jubilee
19 NYERI 19,071-Jubilee
20 KIRINYAGA 17,194-Jubilee
21 MURANG'A 26,393-Jubilee
22 KIAMBU 61,541-Jubilee

23 TURKANA 7,682-Cord
24 WEST POKOT 7,253-Jubilee
25 SAMBURU 1,315-Jubilee
26 TRANS NZOIA 15,116 Toss up
27 UASIN GISHU 18,325-Jubilee
28 ELGEYO/MARAKWET 6,559-Jubilee
29 NANDI 13,609-Jubilee
30 BARINGO 5,707-Jubilee
31 LAIKIPIA 9,673-Jubilee
32 NAKURU 35,815-Jubilee
33 NAROK 12,472-Jubilee
34 KAJIADO 15,536 Toss up
35 KERICHO 10,526-Jubilee
36 BOMET 9,783-Jubilee

37 KAKAMEGA 25,451-Cord
38 VIHIGA 11,162-Cord
39 BUNGOMA 21,331 Toss up
40 BUSIA 17,239-Cord

41 SIAYA 13,171-Cord
42 KISUMU 21,254-Cord
43 HOMA BAY 18,197-Cord
44 MIGORI 18,869-Cord
45 KISII 16,937 Toss up
46 NYAMIRA 7,517-Cord

47 NAIROBI CITY 95,966 Toss up
48 DIASPORA - inconsequential

TOTAL 825,145

smile smile

A friend from Western tells me that this is only practical if CORD/NASA has a different Presidential candidate from Raila. If Raila insists and MdVD is not the one, then, the entire Western vote will be up for grabs!. He could be wrong!

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Raila is counting on 11 M votes
He is now grabbing the Jubilee phrase "tyranny of Numbers" as the lie to lure people to register and vote for him.
Raila seems to be "second hand" man who relies on past.
About corruption, Raila bud was nibbled when Auditor General blamed both side of Govt on severe corruption. Raila changed course and has nothing to hype on for now.d'oh!
It is rumored that Raila had called AG Ouko to go slow on opposition side and talk about it after elections. Ouko replied he is not in politics but in civil service under tenure. Raila is said to have sent some Luo elders to talk to Ouko for favor!!!!
#68 Posted : Wednesday, January 25, 2017 7:47:37 PM
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Simply put,people won't vote for Uhuru, they will vote against RAO.
Seriously who advises Baba?!
Truth forever on the scaffold
Wrong forever on the throne
(James Russell Rowell)
#69 Posted : Thursday, January 26, 2017 8:14:06 AM
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Hubris May Be Jubilee’s Ruin


This word (Hubris)

– defined loosely as “excessive pride, presumption or arrogance” –

has increasingly come to mind,

as I have read of President Uhuru Kenyatta pleading with the youth of Central Kenya to come out and register in large numbers so as to ensure his victory in the August election;

or of the Deputy President William Ruto being rudely reminded by voters in Narok County that the promises he had made to them of significant infrastructure projects,

have largely gone unfulfilled.

And there are many other signs that all is not well in the Jubilee Party.

So much so that even though history tells us that no Kenyan president seeking reelection has yet been defeated at the polls,

opposition supporters have cause for optimism.

Speaking of history,

one of the most consistent historical patterns down the ages is that victory often intoxicates the victors.

And that such intoxication often lays the foundation for catastrophic defeat.
#70 Posted : Thursday, January 26, 2017 12:10:34 PM
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Raila in Isiolo and Meru today campaigning for Jubilee.

This is not a laughing matterPray Sad

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly .

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#71 Posted : Thursday, January 26, 2017 12:32:17 PM
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kaka2za wrote:
Simply put,people won't vote for Uhuru, they will vote against RAO.
Seriously who advises Baba?!

First baba needs to get his house in order.

I think lack of proper advisors is really showing because it should have been clear if he's running for the big seat or not before the voter registration. In Kenya, we register to vote someone in or vote someone out.

On getting his house on order, he needs to let go of the guys hanging on the fence with one foot in cord/ODM and the other in Jubilee. He also needs to get dump Kalonzo and Wet as Wet is already used up and watermelon has already declared his stand by actions. If Jubilee wins, it's because of unity and there are no grey areas.

BBI will solve it
#72 Posted : Thursday, January 26, 2017 1:23:16 PM
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Njung'e wrote:
Raila in Isiolo and Meru today campaigning for Jubilee.

This is not a laughing matterPray Sad

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly .

Has he mentioned the 'adopt a polling station' rhetoric?
That seems to be the only thing he learnt in Ghana and he believes it will make him President.
Truth forever on the scaffold
Wrong forever on the throne
(James Russell Rowell)
#73 Posted : Thursday, January 26, 2017 2:38:41 PM
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Njung'e wrote:
Raila in Isiolo and Meru today campaigning for Jubilee.

This is not a laughing matterPray Sad

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly .

enyewe handlers wa raila why prioritise an area where 95% will not vote for you in a campaign for voter registrationLaughing out loudly
#74 Posted : Thursday, January 26, 2017 2:46:08 PM
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madollar wrote:
Njung'e wrote:
Raila in Isiolo and Meru today campaigning for Jubilee.

This is not a laughing matterPray Sad

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly .

enyewe handlers wa raila why prioritise an area where 95% will not vote in a campaign for voter registrationLaughing out loudly

He is in self destruct mode as usual.
#75 Posted : Thursday, January 26, 2017 6:24:36 PM
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madollar wrote:
Njung'e wrote:
Raila in Isiolo and Meru today campaigning for Jubilee.

This is not a laughing matterPray Sad

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly .

enyewe handlers wa raila why prioritise an area where 95% will not vote for you in a campaign for voter registrationLaughing out loudly

You and i were wrong. Raila went to Meru so that the locals could get a chance to photo him.smile

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#76 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2017 10:43:37 AM
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Raila has held a stupid press conference today claiming the Govt is using state machinery to campaign.
Who really advises RAO?
Both the govt and opposition have elected Leaders who earn from our tax money. So both Leaders are well found running helter-skelter telling people to register as a National Duty while at the same time visiting the distressed.
So Raila is failing again
Even Obama while President campaigned for Clintons!!!
#77 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2017 11:45:41 AM
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Realtreaty wrote:
Raila has held a stupid press conference today claiming the Govt is using state machinery to campaign.
Who really advises RAO?
Both the govt and opposition have elected Leaders who earn from our tax money. So both Leaders are well found running helter-skelter telling people to register as a National Duty while at the same time visiting the distressed.
So Raila is failing again
Even Obama while President campaigned for Clintons!!!

Do you even know what you are saying. NO american tax is used during campaigns. Even though obama campaigned for clinton using the airforce, the cost related to campaign trips were billed by the WH/US govt to HC's campaign
If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
#78 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2017 11:52:43 AM
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Joined: 4/11/2007
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Realtreaty wrote:
Raila has held a stupid press conference today claiming the Govt is using state machinery to campaign.
Who really advises RAO?
Both the govt and opposition have elected Leaders who earn from our tax money. So both Leaders are well found running helter-skelter telling people to register as a National Duty while at the same time visiting the distressed.
So Raila is failing again
Even Obama while President campaigned for Clintons!!!

It is wrong to use government resources for personal use and me and you know that.
wa P
#79 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2017 12:00:43 PM
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sheri wrote:
Realtreaty wrote:
Raila has held a stupid press conference today claiming the Govt is using state machinery to campaign.
Who really advises RAO?
Both the govt and opposition have elected Leaders who earn from our tax money. So both Leaders are well found running helter-skelter telling people to register as a National Duty while at the same time visiting the distressed.
So Raila is failing again
Even Obama while President campaigned for Clintons!!!

It is wrong to use government resources for personal use and me and you know that.

Nobody is campaigning. All are doing civic duty of asking people to register as voters.
wa P
#80 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2017 12:05:36 PM
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sheri wrote:
Realtreaty wrote:
Raila has held a stupid press conference today claiming the Govt is using state machinery to campaign.
Who really advises RAO?
Both the govt and opposition have elected Leaders who earn from our tax money. So both Leaders are well found running helter-skelter telling people to register as a National Duty while at the same time visiting the distressed.
So Raila is failing again
Even Obama while President campaigned for Clintons!!!

It is wrong to use government resources for personal use and me and you know that.

One side of divide seem bent to create a 'rigged election' narrative. With a view to chaos and a negotiated settlement.

There is risk in actually the hunter becoming hunted.
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