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Uhuru versus Raila 2017
#1 Posted : Saturday, January 21, 2017 7:10:01 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/16/2011
Posts: 2,317
Dear Voters, my only single vote can be miraculous and can heal Kenya or make it sick if I do not vote.Laughing out loudly
We need to register and vote and not blame elected leaders as they were elected by majority.
Well, I will give my view on whom between Uhuru and Raila we should elect as at 2017 August to lead us 5 years politically, socially and economically.
Straight hitting the nail on the head I would prefer President Uhuru to be the next President for Term 2. Uhuru has no baggage and would continue steering the country well as we will still remind him to tackle corruption cases, grabbing cases and other vices that bedevil us. Uhuru campaigns as a gentleman and a President we can envy. He has made Kenyan great and continue the path Former President Kibaki started of returning the country to quick development. The naughty boys and girls have taken advantage and have faced the law.
Uhuru is also young and likeable by many especially he being darling of the youth, women whom he ensured play great role,the elderly and children. Women are an asset to any Leader as they are the driver in homes who can ensure the family votes. So I pick Uhuru come 2017
Haya, for Raila, keep many mentioning his name, Raila, he is a hardened gentleman who has kept his name in many mouths for good or bad. He struts opposition winning countries gaily assuming an achievement. The recent visit to Ghana where Akufo Addo won made him return to Kenya to meet opposition leaders at Bomas with a crafted Memorandum of how Akufo downed Mahama. He welcomed people registering as a starting point to earning votes. His dream of 11 M opposition votes 7 months to elections is good and adorable. His economic record can only be seen in his businesses and not communal. He has no record of supporting Female participation economically. He only encourage Women firebrands like Millie, Omomdi, Angoro, Wanga, Mboko who have no similar women following. This is where Female apathy comes in. Women need Female leaders who fight for them in all fronts not for their own transport fare and tea.
Kenyans respect Raila and are likely to retain him in opposition by denying him votes to keep those in govt busy and aware of what they do. Raila may maintain the chair in opposition even after losing to Uhuru to his 90's if God allow.
Raila has done little to fight the menace caused to his people along the lake basin (Hayacinth) reducing income, and increasing expenses. He has never addressed it head on and apathy may result.
The tribal card Raila wanted to use is never favorite as there is no where he can link Uhuru to tribalism. In fact Uhuru Govt is best balanced and no infighting.
One more, Kenyans feel badly treated by Raila team not giving us the candidate to face Uhuru thereby sowing the seeds of mistrust. People would wonder how long Raila would take to even appoint a cabinet if such disagreements seem to arise in Opposition. By not doing so people will feel the country may stop (Standstill) for 5 Years if Raila was to be President. So the best thing is to deny him the seat.
Those in economics know that Elected Presidents should have shadow cabinets even before they are sworn in. A case is Trump in USA. Raila cannot use the theory of "Delay Tactics to beat an Incumbent. Kenyans may decide to punish him by bluntly rejecting him as their lives won't stop!!
Vote wise as your Vote is your life not weapon, we are not at war, we are all Kenyans
#2 Posted : Saturday, January 21, 2017 7:50:00 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 9/19/2015
Posts: 2,871
Location: hapo
haki 2pm

Learn to use commas. Fullstops. Paragraphs. etc..

Please don't forget to use grammar even if it's sheng...

Can anyone even read this stuff?
Thieves are not good people. Tumeelewana?

#3 Posted : Saturday, January 21, 2017 9:14:00 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/3/2008
Posts: 4,057
Location: Gwitu
punctuation :
The marks, such as period, comma, and parentheses, used in writing to separate sentences and their elements and to clarify meaning.
Truth forever on the scaffold
Wrong forever on the throne
(James Russell Rowell)
#4 Posted : Sunday, January 22, 2017 1:02:15 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/18/2008
Posts: 3,434
Location: Kerugoya
Realtreaty wrote:
Your Single Vote Is So Powerful It Can Destroy Or Make Kenya Great

Fellow Kenyan, you need to register as a voter and cast your ballot on voting day.

That way, you will have the moral authority to praise or jeer any elected leader, as you will have participated in the process involved in anointing them.

Making A Choice Between Uhuru Kenyatta And Raila Odinga

Registering as a voter and casting your ballot on 08 August 2017 shall determine who will lead this nation.

This leadership shall mold our Social, Political and Economic destiny for the next five-year period.

Factors In Favour Of Uhuru Kenyatta

Every right thinking Kenyan is implored to vote Uhuru Kenyatta back in for a second term.

Mr. Kenyatta does not have any baggage. As such, he will continue to steer this great nation brilliantly forward.

In addition, Mr. Kenyatta has shown he runs his campaigns like a gentleman. In that regard, he remains a revered statesman worldwide.

He has restored Kenya’s image worldwide while he continues from where Mwai Kibaki left off. This is in steering our nation’s economy to greater heights.

Mr. Kenyatta is young, compared to his opponent, and has a likable mien. He is well liked by every age group in Kenya.

This likability is particularly prominent among women. Remember that women run most of our homes and are, therefore, an important asset for any leader to succeed.

As Kenyans however, it is our collective duty to demand of him that he tackles corruption, land grabbing and every other vice that bedevil this Nation.

Strategies Adopted By Raila Odinga To Win The Presidency

Raila Oding’s quest to dislodge Uhuru Kenyatta does not rule out any strategy, good or bad.

He has taken to visiting democracies, where the opposition has lodged out the incumbent, to study how this has been achieved.

A case in point is his recent visit to Ghana after which he designed a Memorandum of Understanding for the creation of a joint opposition here in Kenya similar to the one in Ghana.

He went on to present this Memorandum at the recent opposition meeting at the Bomas of Kenya.

With gusto, he has embarked on a campaign to impel citizens in his perceived strongholds to register as voters.

He envisions marshalling more than eleven million voters within such strongholds, an adorable feat, should he succeed.

Factors Handicapping Raila Odinga’s Quest in Winning the Presidency

Raila Odinga infamy among Kenyans holds no bounds.

His economic development record is scant, only apparent in his private holdings.

Neither has he much to show in empowering women except encouraging firebrand woman such as Ms Millie Odhiambo, Ms. Angoro, Ms. Wanga, and Ms. Mboko, among others.

Such women are, unfortunately, a handicap rather than an advantage in uplifting his statesmanship stature. These firebrands are merely working for their personal gain rather than oiling Mr. Odinga’s quest for the Presidency.

The result of this association with firebrand women is a strong voting apathy among women in Mr. Odinga’s strongholds.

Again, he has so little to show in economically empowering citizens in his own backyard.

The hyacinth menace has ravaged Lake Victoria yet he, a scientist, has done nothing discernable to fight off this menace.

As a result, his own people are suffering reduced incomes and high expenses in exploiting commercial opportunities afforded by the lake, creating further voter apathy.

Opposition leaders in developed democracies appoint shadow cabinets. Raila Odinga however runs the opposition single handedly.

This shows that if he becomes President, he will run the government alone or through micro management, leading to poor management of the economy.

Kenyans hold Mr. Odinga in high esteem but only as an exceptional opposition leader.

They love him only because he is adept at keeping any government on its toes.

In this regard, many Kenyans will deny him votes so that he remains in the opposition long into the future.

Weaknesses In Strategy Against Uhuru Kenyatta

Raila Odinga had hoped to use the tribal card against the Uhuru-Ruto combination. However, this has backfired.

In fact, he is unable to link the Jubilee Party to tribalism since it is an amalgamation of many tribal parties under one umbrella.

In addition, Jubilee has coalesced around Uhuru Kenyatta as the Presidential candidate yet the opposition has not yet identified who is the flag bearer is, seven months to the elections.

This is creating seeds of mistrust among the opposition strongholds.


Uhuru Kenyatta is the best candidate Kenyans can elect on 08 August 2017.

Every Kenyan should therefore make this wise choice through using their vote for a better life.

#5 Posted : Sunday, January 22, 2017 10:32:12 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/18/2008
Posts: 3,434
Location: Kerugoya
Angelica _ann
#6 Posted : Sunday, January 22, 2017 11:26:06 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 12/7/2012
Posts: 11,910
Realtreaty wrote:
Dear Voters, my only single vote can be miraculous and can heal Kenya or make it sick if I do not vote.Laughing out loudly
We need to register and vote and not blame elected leaders as they were elected by majority.
Well, I will give my view on whom between Uhuru and Raila we should elect as at 2017 August to lead us 5 years politically, socially and economically.
Straight hitting the nail on the head I would prefer President Uhuru to be the next President for Term 2. Uhuru has no baggage and would continue steering the country well as we will still remind him to tackle corruption cases, grabbing cases and other vices that bedevil us. Uhuru campaigns as a gentleman and a President we can envy. He has made Kenyan great and continue the path Former President Kibaki started of returning the country to quick development. The naughty boys and girls have taken advantage and have faced the law.
Uhuru is also young and likeable by many especially he being darling of the youth, women whom he ensured play great role,the elderly and children. Women are an asset to any Leader as they are the driver in homes who can ensure the family votes. So I pick Uhuru come 2017
Haya, for Raila, keep many mentioning his name, Raila, he is a hardened gentleman who has kept his name in many mouths for good or bad. He struts opposition winning countries gaily assuming an achievement. The recent visit to Ghana where Akufo Addo won made him return to Kenya to meet opposition leaders at Bomas with a crafted Memorandum of how Akufo downed Mahama. He welcomed people registering as a starting point to earning votes. His dream of 11 M opposition votes 7 months to elections is good and adorable. His economic record can only be seen in his businesses and not communal. He has no record of supporting Female participation economically. He only encourage Women firebrands like Millie, Omomdi, Angoro, Wanga, Mboko who have no similar women following. This is where Female apathy comes in. Women need Female leaders who fight for them in all fronts not for their own transport fare and tea.
Kenyans respect Raila and are likely to retain him in opposition by denying him votes to keep those in govt busy and aware of what they do. Raila may maintain the chair in opposition even after losing to Uhuru to his 90's if God allow.
Raila has done little to fight the menace caused to his people along the lake basin (Hayacinth) reducing income, and increasing expenses. He has never addressed it head on and apathy may result.
The tribal card Raila wanted to use is never favorite as there is no where he can link Uhuru to tribalism. In fact Uhuru Govt is best balanced and no infighting.
One more, Kenyans feel badly treated by Raila team not giving us the candidate to face Uhuru thereby sowing the seeds of mistrust. People would wonder how long Raila would take to even appoint a cabinet if such disagreements seem to arise in Opposition. By not doing so people will feel the country may stop (Standstill) for 5 Years if Raila was to be President. So the best thing is to deny him the seat.
Those in economics know that Elected Presidents should have shadow cabinets even before they are sworn in. A case is Trump in USA. Raila cannot use the theory of "Delay Tactics to beat an Incumbent. Kenyans may decide to punish him by bluntly rejecting him as their lives won't stop!!
Vote wise as your Vote is your life not weapon, we are not at war, we are all Kenyans

Absurd and hurts the eye!!!!
In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins - cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later - H Geneen
#7 Posted : Sunday, January 22, 2017 1:31:24 PM
Rank: User

Joined: 8/15/2013
Posts: 13,237
Location: Vacuum
Realtreaty wrote:
Dear Voters, my only single vote can be miraculous and can heal Kenya or make it sick if I do not vote.Laughing out loudly
We need to register and vote and not blame elected leaders as they were elected by majority.
Well, I will give my view on whom between Uhuru and Raila we should elect as at 2017 August to lead us 5 years politically, socially and economically.
Straight hitting the nail on the head I would prefer President Uhuru to be the next President for Term 2. Uhuru has no baggage and would continue steering the country well as we will still remind him to tackle corruption cases, grabbing cases and other vices that bedevil us. Uhuru campaigns as a gentleman and a President we can envy. He has made Kenyan great and continue the path Former President Kibaki started of returning the country to quick development. The naughty boys and girls have taken advantage and have faced the law.
Uhuru is also young and likeable by many especially he being darling of the youth, women whom he ensured play great role,the elderly and children. Women are an asset to any Leader as they are the driver in homes who can ensure the family votes. So I pick Uhuru come 2017
Haya, for Raila, keep many mentioning his name, Raila, he is a hardened gentleman who has kept his name in many mouths for good or bad. He struts opposition winning countries gaily assuming an achievement. The recent visit to Ghana where Akufo Addo won made him return to Kenya to meet opposition leaders at Bomas with a crafted Memorandum of how Akufo downed Mahama. He welcomed people registering as a starting point to earning votes. His dream of 11 M opposition votes 7 months to elections is good and adorable. His economic record can only be seen in his businesses and not communal. He has no record of supporting Female participation economically. He only encourage Women firebrands like Millie, Omomdi, Angoro, Wanga, Mboko who have no similar women following. This is where Female apathy comes in. Women need Female leaders who fight for them in all fronts not for their own transport fare and tea.
Kenyans respect Raila and are likely to retain him in opposition by denying him votes to keep those in govt busy and aware of what they do. Raila may maintain the chair in opposition even after losing to Uhuru to his 90's if God allow.
Raila has done little to fight the menace caused to his people along the lake basin (Hayacinth) reducing income, and increasing expenses. He has never addressed it head on and apathy may result.
The tribal card Raila wanted to use is never favorite as there is no where he can link Uhuru to tribalism. In fact Uhuru Govt is best balanced and no infighting.
One more, Kenyans feel badly treated by Raila team not giving us the candidate to face Uhuru thereby sowing the seeds of mistrust. People would wonder how long Raila would take to even appoint a cabinet if such disagreements seem to arise in Opposition. By not doing so people will feel the country may stop (Standstill) for 5 Years if Raila was to be President. So the best thing is to deny him the seat.
Those in economics know that Elected Presidents should have shadow cabinets even before they are sworn in. A case is Trump in USA. Raila cannot use the theory of "Delay Tactics to beat an Incumbent. Kenyans may decide to punish him by bluntly rejecting him as their lives won't stop!!
Vote wise as your Vote is your life not weapon, we are not at war, we are all Kenyans

You need sex in your life
If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
#8 Posted : Sunday, January 22, 2017 7:09:39 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/16/2011
Posts: 2,317
aemathenge wrote:
Realtreaty wrote:
Your Single Vote Is So Powerful It Can Destroy Or Make Kenya Great

Fellow Kenyan, you need to register as a voter and cast your ballot on voting day.

That way, you will have the moral authority to praise or jeer any elected leader, as you will have participated in the process involved in anointing them.

Making A Choice Between Uhuru Kenyatta And Raila Odinga

Registering as a voter and casting your ballot on 08 August 2017 shall determine who will lead this nation.

This leadership shall mold our Social, Political and Economic destiny for the next five-year period.

Factors In Favour Of Uhuru Kenyatta

Every right thinking Kenyan is implored to vote Uhuru Kenyatta back in for a second term.

Mr. Kenyatta does not have any baggage. As such, he will continue to steer this great nation brilliantly forward.

In addition, Mr. Kenyatta has shown he runs his campaigns like a gentleman. In that regard, he remains a revered statesman worldwide.

He has restored Kenya’s image worldwide while he continues from where Mwai Kibaki left off. This is in steering our nation’s economy to greater heights.

Mr. Kenyatta is young, compared to his opponent, and has a likable mien. He is well liked by every age group in Kenya.

This likability is particularly prominent among women. Remember that women run most of our homes and are, therefore, an important asset for any leader to succeed.

As Kenyans however, it is our collective duty to demand of him that he tackles corruption, land grabbing and every other vice that bedevil this Nation.

Strategies Adopted By Raila Odinga To Win The Presidency

Raila Oding’s quest to dislodge Uhuru Kenyatta does not rule out any strategy, good or bad.

He has taken to visiting democracies, where the opposition has lodged out the incumbent, to study how this has been achieved.

A case in point is his recent visit to Ghana after which he designed a Memorandum of Understanding for the creation of a joint opposition here in Kenya similar to the one in Ghana.

He went on to present this Memorandum at the recent opposition meeting at the Bomas of Kenya.

With gusto, he has embarked on a campaign to impel citizens in his perceived strongholds to register as voters.

He envisions marshalling more than eleven million voters within such strongholds, an adorable feat, should he succeed.

Factors Handicapping Raila Odinga’s Quest in Winning the Presidency

Raila Odinga infamy among Kenyans holds no bounds.

His economic development record is scant, only apparent in his private holdings.

Neither has he much to show in empowering women except encouraging firebrand woman such as Ms Millie Odhiambo, Ms. Angoro, Ms. Wanga, and Ms. Mboko, among others.

Such women are, unfortunately, a handicap rather than an advantage in uplifting his statesmanship stature. These firebrands are merely working for their personal gain rather than oiling Mr. Odinga’s quest for the Presidency.

The result of this association with firebrand women is a strong voting apathy among women in Mr. Odinga’s strongholds.

Again, he has so little to show in economically empowering citizens in his own backyard.

The hyacinth menace has ravaged Lake Victoria yet he, a scientist, has done nothing discernable to fight off this menace.

As a result, his own people are suffering reduced incomes and high expenses in exploiting commercial opportunities afforded by the lake, creating further voter apathy.

Opposition leaders in developed democracies appoint shadow cabinets. Raila Odinga however runs the opposition single handedly.

This shows that if he becomes President, he will run the government alone or through micro management, leading to poor management of the economy.

Kenyans hold Mr. Odinga in high esteem but only as an exceptional opposition leader.

They love him only because he is adept at keeping any government on its toes.

In this regard, many Kenyans will deny him votes so that he remains in the opposition long into the future.

Weaknesses In Strategy Against Uhuru Kenyatta

Raila Odinga had hoped to use the tribal card against the Uhuru-Ruto combination. However, this has backfired.

In fact, he is unable to link the Jubilee Party to tribalism since it is an amalgamation of many tribal parties under one umbrella.

In addition, Jubilee has coalesced around Uhuru Kenyatta as the Presidential candidate yet the opposition has not yet identified who is the flag bearer is, seven months to the elections.

This is creating seeds of mistrust among the opposition strongholds.


Uhuru Kenyatta is the best candidate Kenyans can elect on 08 August 2017.

Every Kenyan should therefore make this wise choice through using their vote for a better life.

Quite Verbatim
Means you conveniently understood what the Lawyer wrote. In Law or The Bible so many stops are avoided to make parables discernible.
I can't write in black and you in Red just for you to say your Red is better. Its an illegality.
The Plural for Woman is Women.
Read Law and its theories guys.
@ Mathenge, this is not class 6 English.
Read more on ShakesSpear
Far more your name has NO English Equal.
Shame on you Shame on you Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

#9 Posted : Sunday, January 22, 2017 7:34:19 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/18/2008
Posts: 3,434
Location: Kerugoya
Realtreaty wrote:
Quite Verbatim
Means you conveniently understood what the Lawyer wrote. In Law or The Bible so many stops are avoided to make parables discernible.
I can't write in black and you in Red just for you to say your Red is better. Its an illegality.
The Plural for Woman is Women.
Read Law and its theories guys.
@ Mathenge, this is not class 6 English.
Read more on ShakesSpear
Far more your name has NO English Equal.
Shame on you Shame on you Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

You are welcome?
#10 Posted : Monday, January 23, 2017 5:09:13 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 4/22/2010
Posts: 11,522
Location: Nairobi
By Toni Kimani

The beauty of Democracy is that after a period of time (mostly 5 years or less), the people undertake an election for the purpose of choosing their next leaders or opt to retain some of them.

To the elected leaders, elections are akin to Armageddon.

Judgment day. The day when egos get a thrash.

When Uhuruto found themselves at the throne in 2013, they were full of themselves. UK shuttled the World like no other President before him. He flew to all corners enjoying himself and making merry.

Formula Ones in Dubai and partaking expensive wines in Europe. He spent more time abroad than he spent here in Kenya. The short time he was here, he donned military regalia and strutted the country like he owned it.

He was everywhere issuing title deeds and dismissing out of hand the opposition headed by Raila and Kalonzo. He even offered them jobs and brought a motion to Parliament to deny them their pension.

His people crafted draconian laws and media bills which were quickly passed by Parliament and ratified by him. Only the Courts’ came to our rescue.

Unlike Kibaki, he controlled both Parliament and Senate. What else would a President ask for?

Ruto on the other hand, was amassing wealth and trying to build his own dynasty. Drunk with power, he went round the country talking ill of opposition leaders and making fun of their political moves.

He had suddenly become a stand-up comedian. He made the poor congregants laugh with his funny anecdotes.

He became the new Robin Hood.

He gave Churches large amounts of money every week in Harambees. He invited leaders from all political divides to dinners and rewarded them heavily with money looted from the Coffers. Jubilee bought loyalty. And leaders were auctioned to the highest bidder.

Soon complacency set in.

They took everything for granted. PR became their sole agenda. Propaganda got airtime on our mainstream media. Online mandarins were all over with fictitious “FactsKe” crap. Uhuruto rubbished off the VISION 2030 blue-print, LAPPSET died a slow but sure death, KOMAZA became a cropper, Greenfields Project contracts were literally cancelled, the Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board lost its vigor after funding was slashed.

The Government of “Kusema na Kutenda” immersed itself in projects which were not predicated on any policies. Foreign debt increased exponentially. Looting became the order of the day. The economic environment became murky. Lay-offs and downsizing became the norm. Credit to the private sector reduced.

The economy was on a spiral.

When the Government was being criticized for looting and messing up the economy, UK and his side-kick came out guns blazing.

Everything was blamed on one man: RAILA.

Everything. Including the grand theft of public funds.

Now the chicken are coming home to roost and JP has realized that PR and propaganda are not giving the desired effect. That you cannot feed the people on rhetoric and electricity alone. The populace has become restless and unruly. Some even in front of their eyes, on the podium.

Meanwhile, the loud mouths of JP, Kindiki, Duale and Murkomen have gone on silence mode. Things are not the same again. After all, they will also be facing the same angry and frustrated electorate.

The President can now spare the time, go to Kameme and belt out mugithi lyrics, complete with a one man guitar.

Things are thick, my friend.

When you hear the President of a Republic on radio singing mugithi to appease the populace, know that shit has hit the fan.

And that, my friend, is the beauty of Democracy…
possunt quia posse videntur
#11 Posted : Monday, January 23, 2017 7:38:07 AM
Rank: Chief

Joined: 5/9/2007
Posts: 13,095
alma1 wrote:
haki 2pm

Learn to use commas. Fullstops. Paragraphs. etc..

Please don't forget to use grammar even if it's sheng...

Can anyone even read this stuff?

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly I was wondering why it was so hard to read that thing mpaka it was impossible to finish. Kumbe.
#12 Posted : Monday, January 23, 2017 10:34:27 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/3/2008
Posts: 4,057
Location: Gwitu
Nusu mkate Lazima!!
Truth forever on the scaffold
Wrong forever on the throne
(James Russell Rowell)
#13 Posted : Monday, January 23, 2017 11:47:04 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 4/22/2010
Posts: 11,522
Location: Nairobi
kaka2za wrote:
Nusu mkate Lazima!!

It will be a miracle if Jubilee wins...
possunt quia posse videntur
Angelica _ann
#14 Posted : Monday, January 23, 2017 11:49:14 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 12/7/2012
Posts: 11,910
maka wrote:
kaka2za wrote:
Nusu mkate Lazima!!

It will be a miracle if Jubilee wins...

They will still win because of lack of a alternative/better choice!!!!
In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins - cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later - H Geneen
#15 Posted : Monday, January 23, 2017 12:50:51 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/3/2008
Posts: 4,057
Location: Gwitu
aemathenge wrote:

Checking on Mzee's health. Wapi report?
Truth forever on the scaffold
Wrong forever on the throne
(James Russell Rowell)
#16 Posted : Monday, January 23, 2017 1:29:24 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 11/14/2006
Posts: 1,311
maka wrote:
kaka2za wrote:
Nusu mkate Lazima!!

It will be a miracle if Jubilee wins...

This reminds me of 2013 when Mcreggae and Co here were so convinced that CORD was winning that they could not take any other argument. They said....tukutane kwa debe....lol

Now some people are fully convinced that Jubilee rigged.... that 2 million voters voted for president alone (not voting for other positions) . They don't accept the numbers from IEBC on this.... and they've not asked....out of all those votes, what percentage voted for Uhuru and what percentage voted for others?

So we are back there 2013.... a huge proportion of people setting themselves up for a huge disappointment and stress again

#17 Posted : Monday, January 23, 2017 1:31:07 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 11/14/2006
Posts: 1,311
maka wrote:
kaka2za wrote:
Nusu mkate Lazima!!

It will be a miracle if Jubilee wins...

This reminds me of 2013 when Mcreggae and Co here were so convinced that CORD was winning that they could not take any other argument. They said....tukutane kwa debe....lol

Now some people are fully convinced that Jubilee rigged.... that 2 million voters voted for president alone (not voting for other positions) . They don't accept the numbers from IEBC on this.... and they've not asked....out of all those votes, what percentage voted for Uhuru and what percentage voted for others?

So we are back there 2013.... a huge proportion of population setting themselves up for a huge disappointment and stress again

Obi 1 Kanobi
#18 Posted : Monday, January 23, 2017 1:44:08 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/23/2008
Posts: 3,017
aemathenge wrote:
Realtreaty wrote:
Your Single Vote Is So Powerful It Can Destroy Or Make Kenya Great

Fellow Kenyan, you need to register as a voter and cast your ballot on voting day.

That way, you will have the moral authority to praise or jeer any elected leader, as you will have participated in the process involved in anointing them.

Making A Choice Between Uhuru Kenyatta And Raila Odinga

Registering as a voter and casting your ballot on 08 August 2017 shall determine who will lead this nation.

This leadership shall mold our Social, Political and Economic destiny for the next five-year period.

Factors In Favour Of Uhuru Kenyatta

Every right thinking Kenyan is implored to vote Uhuru Kenyatta back in for a second term.

Mr. Kenyatta does not have any baggage. As such, he will continue to steer this great nation brilliantly forward.

In addition, Mr. Kenyatta has shown he runs his campaigns like a gentleman. In that regard, he remains a revered statesman worldwide.

He has restored Kenya’s image worldwide while he continues from where Mwai Kibaki left off. This is in steering our nation’s economy to greater heights.

Mr. Kenyatta is young, compared to his opponent, and has a likable mien. He is well liked by every age group in Kenya.

This likability is particularly prominent among women. Remember that women run most of our homes and are, therefore, an important asset for any leader to succeed.

As Kenyans however, it is our collective duty to demand of him that he tackles corruption, land grabbing and every other vice that bedevil this Nation.

Strategies Adopted By Raila Odinga To Win The Presidency

Raila Oding’s quest to dislodge Uhuru Kenyatta does not rule out any strategy, good or bad.

He has taken to visiting democracies, where the opposition has lodged out the incumbent, to study how this has been achieved.

A case in point is his recent visit to Ghana after which he designed a Memorandum of Understanding for the creation of a joint opposition here in Kenya similar to the one in Ghana.

He went on to present this Memorandum at the recent opposition meeting at the Bomas of Kenya.

With gusto, he has embarked on a campaign to impel citizens in his perceived strongholds to register as voters.

He envisions marshalling more than eleven million voters within such strongholds, an adorable feat, should he succeed.

Factors Handicapping Raila Odinga’s Quest in Winning the Presidency

Raila Odinga infamy among Kenyans holds no bounds.

His economic development record is scant, only apparent in his private holdings.

Neither has he much to show in empowering women except encouraging firebrand woman such as Ms Millie Odhiambo, Ms. Angoro, Ms. Wanga, and Ms. Mboko, among others.

Such women are, unfortunately, a handicap rather than an advantage in uplifting his statesmanship stature. These firebrands are merely working for their personal gain rather than oiling Mr. Odinga’s quest for the Presidency.

The result of this association with firebrand women is a strong voting apathy among women in Mr. Odinga’s strongholds.

Again, he has so little to show in economically empowering citizens in his own backyard.

The hyacinth menace has ravaged Lake Victoria yet he, a scientist, has done nothing discernable to fight off this menace.

As a result, his own people are suffering reduced incomes and high expenses in exploiting commercial opportunities afforded by the lake, creating further voter apathy.

Opposition leaders in developed democracies appoint shadow cabinets. Raila Odinga however runs the opposition single handedly.

This shows that if he becomes President, he will run the government alone or through micro management, leading to poor management of the economy.

Kenyans hold Mr. Odinga in high esteem but only as an exceptional opposition leader.

They love him only because he is adept at keeping any government on its toes.

In this regard, many Kenyans will deny him votes so that he remains in the opposition long into the future.

Weaknesses In Strategy Against Uhuru Kenyatta

Raila Odinga had hoped to use the tribal card against the Uhuru-Ruto combination. However, this has backfired.

In fact, he is unable to link the Jubilee Party to tribalism since it is an amalgamation of many tribal parties under one umbrella.

In addition, Jubilee has coalesced around Uhuru Kenyatta as the Presidential candidate yet the opposition has not yet identified who is the flag bearer is, seven months to the elections.

This is creating seeds of mistrust among the opposition strongholds.


Uhuru Kenyatta is the best candidate Kenyans can elect on 08 August 2017.

Every Kenyan should therefore make this wise choice through using their vote for a better life.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly A good education does make a big difference, the puke that had been scribbled by @realtreaty is suddenly worth looking at twice. thanks @aemathenge
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins
#19 Posted : Monday, January 23, 2017 1:59:55 PM
Rank: Chief

Joined: 5/9/2007
Posts: 13,095
kaka2za wrote:
aemathenge wrote:

Checking on Mzee's health. Wapi report?

Kelele ya Gidi had to be reported/checked; especially after the party told him to go and research on the best side to support.
#20 Posted : Monday, January 23, 2017 2:10:48 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 12/1/2008
Posts: 1,098
Liv wrote:
maka wrote:
kaka2za wrote:
Nusu mkate Lazima!!

It will be a miracle if Jubilee wins...

This reminds me of 2013 when Mcreggae and Co here were so convinced that CORD was winning that they could not take any other argument. They said....tukutane kwa debe....lol

Now some people are fully convinced that Jubilee rigged.... that 2 million voters voted for president alone (not voting for other positions) . They don't accept the numbers from IEBC on this.... and they've not asked....out of all those votes, what percentage voted for Uhuru and what percentage voted for others?

So we are back there 2013.... a huge proportion of population setting themselves up for a huge disappointment and stress again


I hope that doctors wont be on strike that crucial day of August to resuscitate some wazuans who will have suffered from heart failure after the results are announced. smile
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