Surething wrote:Hello, Anyone have experience of making cement blocks on site? In particularly arrangements on how much on average to pay for labour, per bag of cement used or per block????!I don't want to get ripped off.
I have a site in Western Kenya that is far away from areas with natural and machine cut stones as to make Cement blocks a feasible option,as clean water for curing is available on site in plenty, I have the space and sand is cheap.
Looking at it also in terms of savings in the long run as plastering cement blocks which are already flat on all sides will be cheaper, as opposed to natural stone that can be highly irregular on one side and brick which will cost a packet to mortar, not to mention breakages during transport & questionable quality in some areas.
Any other tips will be highly appreciated.
Smart idea there,thinking out of the box.
I am currently working somewhere in africa,and they use such blocks for building. Easy to make as only water,sand and cement are needed.
What you should ensure is that the mixture of cement and sand is in the ratio of 1:3 i.e. 1 bag cement to 3 wheelbarrows sand,levelled at the top. Water should be added to just ensure the mixture is workable,not flowing (like they do for mortar).
Also ensure the mould is for a block of 390mmX190mmX190mm for structural walling, or 390mmX190mmX100mm for partition walling (e.g. separating toilet and bathroom, etc.)
Share details and images when you get going please, and all the best.