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#1 Posted : Friday, April 30, 2010 10:49:40 AM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 1/7/2010
Posts: 68
Location: kenya
i believe that every person should be allowed to have their own views on katiba... its indeed a very personal issue. So if the govt feels that the likes of Ruto should either say Yes or quit from cabinet is very wrong. The govt should also stop taking sides... n leave it to wananchi to say yes or no. I still insist its a personal decision and should not be violated by anyone. I heard the US ambassador say that they r not supporting yes or No... the govt should take those steps!!!!!!!!!
#2 Posted : Friday, April 30, 2010 12:50:38 PM
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Location: Nairobi
All this talk that voting No means having to live with the old constitution is a fallacy and simply a scare mongering tactic by those who prefer to misrepresent the situation; by those who lack the courage to demand better; or by those who are blindly beholden to some Yes politician . After all a No vote in 2005 was not a vote in favour of the existing constitution nor is it in 2010. A NO vote at the referendum is simply a vote saying the draft is inadequate and should be recalled for necessary amendments so that it attains the desired pass mark. One of the key responsibilities of the grand coalition as set out in the coalition agreement is to provide Kenyans with a new constitution. So if indeed the Principals care at all about their obligations under the coalition pact, there is no reason why shortly after a NO vote the draft should not be amended and the resultant revised draft presented to the Kenyan people for approval well ahead of 2012. Unfortunately, this will mean spending another 10 billion on a second referendum which can be avoided if the principals were to set aside their arrogance and lust to rule with imperial presidential powers and instead do what is right for Kenya and push for slight readjustments to the current calendar so that amendments are done before the referendum. Indeed, should the principals insist in denying Kenyans an opportunity to amend now and following which the NO vote prevails at the referendum, then it the two principals should be called upon to resign for allowing their intransigence and over inflated egos to cause Kenya such massive waste of resources?

Equally, those who say that people who have serious reservations about the draft should still vote yes and amendments done later are dishonest and are trying to lead the NO people up the garden path. It is clear that once the draft is passed, the mantra will be the constitution with all its provisions – abortion, Kadhi courts, poor provisions on land, imperial president etc was approved by Kenyans and therefore any attempts to amend it amounts to subverting the will of Kenyans! The NO campaigners have proposed that a number of questions on specific contentious issues be framed in the referendum so that for example one say Yes to the draft but indicate that he wants or does not want an amendment to the clause(s) on Kadhi Courts, Abortion etc. That way, it will be established clearly what the view of a majority of Kenyans is on any one contentious issue. If for example, most Kenyans don’t express any reservations on Kadhi courts, then it would make sense to ask the Christian church leaders to hold their peace as Kenyans have adjudicated on this specific question. Surprisingly, the YES brigade is again refusing to give Kenyans the opportunity to express their positions on this specific issues and yet want to lie that these is a people driven process. Washindwe!

Kenyans who have concerns about the proposed constitution should vote NO to signal that they are recalling the draft for amendments. If car manufacturers in the interest of safety regularly recall back to the factory for fixing at great expense vehicles discovered to have faulty parts, why can’t we recall a faulty draft for the sake of our nation?

A faulty constitution should NOT be unleashed on Kenyans when it can be easily amended NOW. Refusing to amend a faulty constitution would be an act of extreme malice to Kenyans and a NO vote would be the only sensible response.
#3 Posted : Friday, April 30, 2010 12:58:45 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 11/19/2007
Posts: 2,047
moongazer! did u type all this?
#4 Posted : Friday, April 30, 2010 1:03:44 PM
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Your arguments though having merit, are illegal.

The provisions of the law are very clear. The vote is Yes or No. Not maybe, remove this, add this.

What I find faulty is the present.

Where out of 5 election petitions, the CURRENT situation allows thugs and thieves to negotiate for me and mine. It is obvious that out of the 221 mps, only Raila and Kibaki are legit as they were unopposed.

That is faulty.

What I find faulty is that a policeman can clobber you in the streets and you have no recourse.

What I find faulty is that with the CURRENT constitution, by the time I finish writing this 5 women will have undergone an abortion in the hands of some pliers.

What I find faulty is that this shoe I am wearing, is too tight for me. This shoe I am wearing needs to be removed. (thanks Obi 1)

It is not the imagined future or Kenyans dropping babies in the streets and Harems and suicide bombers popping up in my kalocal.

What we have is FAULTY. It needs to go.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#5 Posted : Friday, April 30, 2010 1:15:22 PM
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Moongazer wrote:
......Equally, those who say that people who have serious reservations about the draft should still vote yes and amendments done later are dishonest and are trying to lead the NO people up the garden path........

If we were all to agree then there would not be any need for a referendum. So, its your chance to vote either side. Remember that not everyone can agree one one thing regardless of the contents.... just cool down and cast your vote.
#6 Posted : Friday, April 30, 2010 1:18:03 PM
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@alma. What the people who have reservations about the draft are asking for is for the law to be amended to allow for a little more time for amendments and a more elaborate referendum where several questions can be posed. Nothing illegal about changing the law!

Happy to let you know that a constitution arising out of the amendments will be an upgrade on the current proposed draft will address all the faults you have outlined and many more.

#7 Posted : Friday, April 30, 2010 1:23:52 PM
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moongazer, I have no problem with people having reservations. I have reservations even with my girlfriends.

The fact is what you are trying to do is illegal as the law presently is set.

True, the Mps can change it. Do you really think it is possible? If you do, then marshall the mp's and make them change it.

The clock is ticking and has been ticking.

I kept saying the clergy's approach of my way or the highway was ill advised. They should have threatened to excommunicate the mp's before they passed this draft.

its too late now.

There are no ammendements, there are no new ideas, there will be no more negotiations.

it is time for you to go educate your neighbour and discuss with them. Time is ticking.

For me, my stand is very clear. However, you will not find me forcing you to break the law to see my point of view.

Go educate enough people to vote no. I can assure you, the yes campaigners are doing it right now.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#8 Posted : Friday, April 30, 2010 1:24:02 PM
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@Layman. The purpose of a referendum is to ascertain or confirm public sentiment and in the case of a constitution obtain public approval. Else how can it be establish that we all agree without some form of vote?
#9 Posted : Friday, April 30, 2010 1:34:34 PM
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Joined: 6/19/2008
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blackcobra wrote:
i believe that every person should be allowed to have their own views on katiba... its indeed a very personal issue. So if the govt feels that the likes of Ruto should either say Yes or quit from cabinet is very wrong. The govt should also stop taking sides... n leave it to wananchi to say yes or no. I still insist its a personal decision and should not be violated by anyone. I heard the US ambassador say that they r not supporting yes or No... the govt should take those steps!!!!!!!!!

haaaaaaaiiiii, si hata bibi akikataa kutimiza wajibu kwa nyumba ya bwana anarudishwa kwao? aaaii! hata ruto ni hivyo hivyo... aliitikia kuwa kwa hii harusi, bas, fuata nyayo! ndio hiyo!
#10 Posted : Friday, April 30, 2010 1:54:15 PM
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dio kabitha wendz

I don't know who told people that constitution making is a personal or moral issue.

It is the most political act in the world. If the politicians of the day feel like letting you go, you should go before they dump you.

The next few weeks will not be fair. It will be a dirty campaign. Extremely political and those thinking otherwise are leaving in neverland.

I will not be surprised to see a pastor's wife named as having had an abortion.

It is also about numbers not morality.

This is the voting block


All muslims (thanks to the ill adviced macho attitude by the clergy)
Cotu (basically half of Nairobi)
Coast province
Eastern (they can see kalonzo penyaring at last)


The clergy
The flock that actually listens to them
Moi's and Ruto's constituencies


The rest of the country

Those are the numbers.

Stop posting on wazua and go get the No vote. Things are elephant with the statistics I have just given.

Those are the facts. Don't waste time forming another committee with the government which is busy mobilising the provincial admin to hand out leaflets on Yes as they destroy changaa dens.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#11 Posted : Friday, April 30, 2010 2:02:40 PM
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I think the days of writing the constitution are now over. We can't afford more time. Or money on writing. We can not be like an infant who forevers wants to nyonya. I find the warrior a particularly hypocritical example of this given he is then who co-wrote the constitution review act; was at PSC suggesting among others the presidential system and yet once the document is written, he waits for RAO to take position so he can take the opposite.

In any case, all that remains is for me to take the katiba, read it, discuss its merits and de-merits with others who've read it, take my voting card and head to the booth come the appointed day.

The Governor of Nyeri - 2017
#12 Posted : Friday, April 30, 2010 3:25:21 PM
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Joined: 5/31/2008
Posts: 1,076

Your effort here is akin to romancing a stone!!!

I appreciate that, yours are real issues, In fact personally I am so persuaded.
But looking at your discourse above, especillly with @Alma... ngumu sana.

Politicians are happy that we dont really put them to task to deliver. If we did they would be wary to so casually present us a draft with such loose ends.

Who will call them to account.
Dunia ni msongamano..
#13 Posted : Saturday, May 01, 2010 7:54:39 AM
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Let me refresh your memory, was the Wako draft better than the current constitution? Did it have benefits? The the Land section was copied word for word from the Bomas Draft and should be exactly the same with what we have now in the CoE draft it had provisions for dual citizenship, it had expressly said that the president was under the law e.t.c. WAS IT BETTER than the Lancaster house constitution? YES. Was it 80% Good? Could it be ammended (with provisions similar to what we have now in the CoE drafti)? ...same answer as now - YES everyone agreed including ODM on that. so why did it fail? Because people did not want 20% Bad (the Poison analogy came from ODM).
The Reason it failed is because the Noisy and flamboyant politicians were on one side skillfully changed a point of reference to the BOMAS draft and I remember the words on Mutula Kilonzo "If the Wako draft does not pass, we will NOT HAVE A CONSTITUTIONAL VACUUM". I can remember akina Kalonzo using provisions of Article 35 of the wako draft to say it aided abortions by giving women rights to REPRODUCTIVE Health.
POLITICIANS are just a mirror image of Kenyans (we chose them coz we think they represent our aspirations).
Say NO! to break this hold.
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Much Know
#14 Posted : Saturday, May 01, 2010 9:41:08 AM
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No! I will vote no, but I am tired of arguing, this is like arguing against the inclusion of the old section 2a of the constitution where Moi had the whole country under a spell, they voted 99% in parliament and the raia agreed. But out of conviction i will vote No! Even if my vote is the only no!
A New Kenya
#15 Posted : Sunday, May 02, 2010 5:33:46 AM
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@Much Know

Don’t worry, this are very early days. History of Kenya polls shows that huge shifts can occur right at the end of a campaign. Remember one Jindo Matiba who flew in at the last minute and still managed with his Ford Asili to quickly build up popularity to come a close second. Many believe that had those elections been held say two weeks later, Matiba would have appropriated all the votes that went to Kibaki and would have won handily. Also recall that some few months to the last elections, polls were showing Kalonzo to be the most popular presidential candidate only for tables to be turned on him within weeks and he ended up distant third.

My reading of the current NO/YES campaign is that it will take a similar trend. The current strong showing of YES in the polls is simply a blind echo of the Kibaki & Raila position by virtue of their being first off the block. It’s telling that the same polls admit that majority have not read the draft! The only two groups that appear to be quite solidly behind the draft are the Muslims who are in defense of Kadhi Courts and a certain part of Nyanza. The rest (majority) of Kenya is up for grabs!

The Yes campaign is exhibiting serious weaknesses by focusing on hitting at individuals campaigning for NO, framing the current debate as the draft versus existing constitution which it is not, and by calling the clergy names such as crooks, liars and ignoramuses which only serves to fire them up. Contrast this with the NO campaigns focus on reiterating what they see as wrong with the draft. It is telling that the Yes campaign attempts to portray abortion as a gender as opposed to a life/morality issue has fallen right down on its face! The YES appears to be out of ammunition.

So don’t worry @ Much Know, your NO vote will end up having a lot of company and will in all probability carry the day!
#16 Posted : Sunday, May 02, 2010 7:14:33 AM
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Joined: 11/19/2007
Posts: 2,047
Some insights on this thread are very brilliant.

I think that i have said on a different thread that i do not understand why the 2 principals make it look like it is now or Never.We know what the contentious issues are,why can't they be agreed upon/ find a way of getting everyone on board? - it is not like people are asking for the whole bl****y draft to be reviewed.
Much Know
#17 Posted : Sunday, May 02, 2010 7:25:33 AM
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Posts: 3,548
Thanks moongazer, i hope in the end sense will reign and the constitution will reflect the true will of the people, no to kadhi courts!
A New Kenya
#18 Posted : Sunday, May 02, 2010 8:44:14 AM
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Joined: 5/13/2008
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Ladies And Gents

Why are you wasting too much time arguing. Everyone is right, its all to do with your interests. Read On,...if you had'nt

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