Kaigangio wrote:@ bomboclat,
there are two types of ballasts available...kayole and mlolongo types...
the best quality is the mlolongo type which on average approaches the ideally recommended size of 3/4 inch (19mm) and is more expensive...
the kayole is of poor quality and not very good for floor slabs...it is normally cheaper...
the businessmen crooks will normally deliver the kayole ballast at the price of mlolongo type...
the mlolongo ballast goes for 21k for areas around kasarani, mwiki, githurai 44 and 45, kahawa west, thome and garden estate.
not very sure about the timber as of this year...
@Kaigangio 21k will be for how many tonnes? Someone wants me to pay him 26k for 18 tonnes. If you know a supplier who can be cheaper to supply even sand at kahawa west inbox