mlennyma wrote:mkate_nusu wrote:Technically speaking a single nuclear power plant with 3 core reactors operating at peak capacity can provide the country's energy requirements and put Kengen and their hydro power sources out of business..,
but I highly doubt we have the skills to operate a nuclear power plant and meet the safety requirements at the very least
With the debts in kengen I don't think the government is serious going the nuclear way anytime soon,
if goodwill was there, the government can employ some Japanese to teach Kenyans for even 10yrs running the plant together Very true. It could also be owned by the Japanese and GoK 50-50 to entice them.
This cheap extra capacity could be used for cooking purposes in all household kitchens and reduce the over reliance on fossil fuels and charcoal, have central water heating in apartment blocks, light up all our streets, encourage investment in energy intensive industries thus fuelling economic growth, etc etc. Any surplus can be sold to our brothers in the EAC
We need leaders with a vision in the next elections