From the look of things this constitution will sail through.
However, I have some reservations over the haste and the way Kenyans are being herded from without - to pass a constitution, any constitution.
even legitimate concerns are being locked out in order to beat some unrealistic dead line.
Look at the provided time frame, to do voter registration, civic education et al.
The voter registration is particularly constrained.
Must we strain ourselves that much, is the mother law cast on stone?
In the back burners are US, Annan amongst other pupeteers.
The draft isnt entirely bad but could do with some panel beating.
Since we already have identified the flaws, we should be able to fix them now rather than later.
As a matter of fact, changing some clauses in the constitution once it is promulgated is an uphill task.
It's better to do it now.
Dunia ni msongamano..