I have a 3 bedroom massionnette in Jonathan Ngeno (langata) and is furnished on morgage.currently there 2chicks 1 dude living there each pays 30k per month which goes in repayment of the morgage, one of the chicks should be leaving end of march.
However there all whites who are here on various volunteer projects usually staying 3-6months.
How this works is, am a member of a group called CS (couch surfing) where travellers round the world look for accomodation that would be otherwise cheaper than regular hotels.If eg you want to go to Brazil go to CS look for members in Rio and enquire about availability,agree on terms and off you go.you can check the website really cool
Let me have your thoughts on this, and if she/he will agree on a house share must tell you demand is high as Easter is coming up and a fab way to meet people round the world.
The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday's logic.