Fibreglass or Fiberglass is at times reffered to as glass reinforced plastic.
Common fibreglass items are the bodies of trucks especially for transporting flowers, ice-cream, and dairy products, fish, amongst others. Other products include, Pick up rear canopies, sunbeds, Motorbike boxes, and many more.
Usage of Fibreglass is so wide, it can actually be considered inexhaustible.
During the rainy season, it is a common occurrence to see slabs that leak and septic tanks that fill up due to water seeping into them from surrounding areas.
Concrete and Stone & Mortar Water Tanks on the other hand get small cracks which lead to loss of water at times substantial amounts of it.
By laminating with Fibreglass, the problem is solved permanently for the lifetime of the slab, Water Tank, Septic tank or whatever item.
In the case of slabs, some people have been forced to fix iron sheets on the slabs, rendering them unusable for other purposes while with Fibreglass they can be used as children’s playgrounds, laundry areas water tanks can also be mounted on the slabs for recreational use to mention but a few.
In general, most of the items that can be moulded can be made from Fibreglass.
We have a team of experienced technicians with yours truly being on my 15th year dealing with the same.