To you my darling KPLC, I have a short poem for you,
"My love, I speak from my heart, my rose.
Kwani what happened woiye?
Do you remember them days when we used to roll at those prices above 20's et all?
what made you to forget the joy we shared up there?
My heart is saddened coz you have changed!
My friends tell me our good days are in the past...
Where did your determination go?...
Who switched off your enthusiasm?....
I know you better than them,...
I know what lies in your belly,....
I know...oh yes I know the roar in your voice!
Now listen to this verse dear one,
Have you forgotten about the seed of the chinese Bamboo tree?
Know yee thee that,...
The seed of the chinese bamboo tree,..
stays buried under the soil for 5years!
....oh yes, 5-long years of patience and tire and longing,...
Doomsayers curse and predict and waver and prophesy that you rotted and dwarffed and died in the soil!
..Oh how wrong they are my dear!
How mistaken and lost their minds be!
However,....I say again however!
In the sixth year the bamboo tree shoots up like a rocket 100metres in the sky ONLY Within 3months.
Come now my Harriet,...
Come to me dear Romeo and let me behold thy oils till we sing again the ballard of our marriage"
Shame them who despise you,...
Show your curves now baibe,...
I cant imagine you are still undervalued!
Thats why, they cant yet see your Great PE..
That EPS, makes me sigh,
That PE makes me melt...
Your Technical Analysis mood swings have defeated me.
But one thing I am sure, your Vundamentals are Tops.
Bring the power now ohh,and let this darkness flee away,.. for that is the mission you were born to accomplish"
I rest my case remembering our vows of long ago,..
"in good and bad times we shall be arms in arms, shoulder to shoulder! Wake up Now My Nigga! and Run like a Gazelle!
#kujipea motisha manze!
Ask & it'll be given to you,seek & you shall find..Mathew:7:7