Aaaawww….this is soooo sweet!!
THANKYOU Wazua Admins for the beautiful package sitting on my still puzzled,but Thanks!!
THANKYOU VERY MUCH The Wazua community for nominating me as being ‘dynamic’ kind hearted…And all those other sweet things I can see mentioned above
You guys are such a loving family,am AWED and amazed! I had to google up the meaning of ‘dynamic’ and though am not very certain am really dynamic…I will strive to be dynamic from now henceforth now that you guys think that I am..
And why am I always the last one to find out stuff about myself? hehee!
It was a really big surprise when the Wazua team called me up with this good news, and I honestly thought they were asking about the Charity club coz I couldn’t think of any other reason, only to hear a completely different a story! You guys got me, and got me real good..
Honestlly speaking,I think the Wazua community has a lot of selfness and noble people, but just because I and Vision2030 happen to be the ‘self appointed’ coordinators of the Sk/Wazua charity club,we tend to stand out. Lakini.,..the real silent noble, dynamic, selfless people are right amongst the vast Wazua community!
These Wazua package is very beautiful and well thought,and I would really have loved to share it with you my selfless brothers and sisters,but unfortunately, some of the things cant exactly be shared,and even if they would…not everyone would get a share
However,there are a couple of very nice things here that can be shared out..and,since I believe I’ll be seeing some of you either at the Rehab centre or at other functions over the wknd..i wont mind sharing the wine and some chocolates
And, there are two ladies I wouldn’t forget, they’re the most selfless,humble people I’ve ever met,they’re the best definition of humility and selflessness…these are the Matrons of the Ruiru Rehab centre.i think they will greatly appreciate a gesture of love from the Wazua Community,so I will send over some of the stuff to them, because truth be told,their humility and selflessness is immeasurable. They take care of 60 former street kids and mother them day in, day’s a tough job and needs a special calling coz eneyewe, even money cannot entice anyone to do the kind of work they do and endure the kind of stuff they do.
Am Greatly humbled by this gesture of LOVE, and as I and those I’ll share with indulge in the goodies,I sure hope we’ll be able to spread the Love shown unto us far and wide…especially to the hopeless regardless of whether they are our friends, family or complete strangers. Love makes the world go round, so please share some love. Not only during Valentines day,but ALWAYS in life!!
Make sure you look for me before all this is over….iko message yako
THANKS SO MUCH WAZUARIANS, I truly appreciate this Valentines gift. This will be amongst the most memorable Valentine’s of my life. HAPPY VALS TO YOU ALL AND GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY
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