Musalia stopped short of disowning RAO.
Last evening on NTV show about the new constitution, Musalia was at pains to explain how he still agreed with his populist party leader RAO. He distanced himself from RAOs assertion that the number of MPs proposed by PSC was too high. Musalia explained that, that position, just like all others was negotiated and RAO was aware of the goings on.
Musalia had to contend with sceptical callers from his backyard perplexed that RAO was pulling from the opposite direction from his.
Populist as the position is, question is why is Raila acting as though he wasn’t consulted by his team in Naivasha.
Going forward, M. Mudavadi is advised to review his support for RAO.
Just as absolute power corrupts leaders, so does absolute fanaticism blind the people from logic