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#1 Posted : Tuesday, December 16, 2014 7:41:52 PM
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Joined: 8/15/2013
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1.What is the role/work for PSCU?
2.Have any of them stepped in class
3.Are they representing the presidency or TNA?

Each and every time I read a statement from the so called "PSCU senior directors",my suspicion about PSCU being run by some of our well known wazuan's is confirmed


By now, the people of Kenya have lost all hope and expectation of a loyal, patriotic Opposition from ODM. It is now time to face the facts: CORD is an expression of ODM, which together with the civil society, are appendages of Raila Odinga.

All the noises about ‘constituent parties’ and ‘coalition’ are the politest nonsense.

Extracting maximum political advantage out of crises, tragedies and disasters is ODM’s cardinal governing value.

As a result, ODM seems to resurrect suddenly upon news of carnage, conflict, difficulty and suffering in this country. ODM’s most exuberant political performances are restricted to funerals.

Nowhere in the civilized world does a legitimate entity exist which slumbers at boon times, yearning desperately for the worst news, and exulting with abandon when it strikes.

ODM knows that the people of Kenya benefit when its Government is effective.

ODM cannot countenance Government observing and fulfilling its constitutional mandate to manage the affairs of this Nation.

It therefore wants the people to die and suffer needlessly as a way of getting at Government.

It is totally devoted to undermining Government even if that results in insecurity, instability and pain for the people.

This is why Raila Odinga has no qualms standing before the world to canvass the most irresponsible, mendacious and dangerous allegations in opposing the Security Laws (Amendment) Bill.

He claims that the right to assemble, demonstrate, picket and present petitions has been taken away.

In fact, the Bill proposes to make these rights easier and more convenient to exercise in accordance with advanced democratic practice.

Government wants Kenyans to be safe when exercising their rights, and not to inconvenience others who also have rights through obstruction, nuisance or rioting.

Besides, Government wants to ensure that terrorists do not take advantage of lawful gatherings and murder or maim innocent demonstrators.

By law, people have always been responsible for the actions of others. That is why offences like failure to prevent the commission of a felony exists.

That is why accessories and accomplices have legal liability. People in positions of authority obviously have responsibility for the actions of those who work for, or with them.

We understand Mr. Odinga’s difficulties. But we want to assure him that Men In Black as well as ‘No Raila, No Peace’ are matters best left to his conscience. In any event, his responsibility for his followers’ and servants’ (mis)conduct has nothing to do with the Bill.

We want Mr. Odinga to understand that all rights are necessarily curtailed by the public interest and others’ rights as well.

An accused person’s right to see the evidence held by the Prosecution cannot take away victims and witnesses’ safety. Court proceedings for disclosure can be used by terrorists to advise their accomplices at the expense of Kenyans.

We remind Mr Odinga that the ICC, which he has cited most irrelevantly, actually redacts extensive portions of evidence. His protestation on this account is therefore disingenuous.

At no point has the Bill qualified the rights against self-incrimination. Streamlining of rules of evidence and trial procedure is meant to aid the attainment of justice and advances the interests of all parties.

At this point, we observe that Mr. Odinga’s advisors have utterly abandoned him to grapple with simple terms which have confused him.

In the spirit of Christmas, the PSCU has resolved to donate 3 English dictionaries to Mr Odinga, ODM and CORD respectively. ‘Gory’, ‘obscene’ and ‘offensive’ are not new words.

They have always been part of English vocabulary and they speak to community standards of what is dignified, decent and acceptable. We have faith that come the new year, the Opposition will be able to engage in coherent and relevant discourse on matters of national interest.

Mr Odinga served for long stints in Government. It is tragic that his appreciation of the country’s most critical needs remains nascent.

Small arms proliferation is a serious problem that endangers Kenyan lives and property every day. This proliferation stems from regional insecurity and has substantial cross-border dimensions. Solutions therefore must incorporate institutional collaborations and capacities beyond policing.

The military is a professional institution charged with keeping our territory safe from internal and external threats.

For Mr. Odinga to suggest that we hamstring our security services merely to gratify his dubious ideals is saddening. His enjoyment of round-the-clock VIP protection has insulated him from Kenya’s security reality. His ivory tower, simplistic, arm-chair approach to national security is disappointing.

Information on tenants and occupancy of various establishments is basic security commonsense.

It is a logical extension of Nyumba Kumi and community policing approaches. Westgate, Lamu and Mandera involved painstaking mobilization and resourcing by people who passed as residents or tenants of communities and establishments.

Mr. Odinga wants terrorists to be housed without question, so that they can assemble their explosives and plan their outrages without any disruption.

The Government is proposing basic vigilance for the security of Kenyans.

Mr Odinga is only reprising his hackneyed routine of scaremongering and lamentation.

He is opposed to KDF’s presence in Somalia. He is opposed to Nyumba Kumi. He is opposed to the repatriation of illegal and even dangerous immigrants.

He is opposed to security operations to restore peace and order in troubled parts of the country. It is no surprise that he would be viscerally opposed to any effort to make this country safe.

A number of NGOs, which funnel hundreds of millions of shillings annually, have been found to be active facilitators of terrorism.

That is why any initiative to make life difficult for terrorists makes the Opposition and civil society uncomfortable.

His statement is the sort of desperate submission defence lawyers resort to on behalf of terrorists.

As a matter of fact, Mr Odinga’s and ODM’s interventions are consistently aligned to the most audible narratives of Al Shabaab and other violent extremists. In him, they have finally found an able and willing spokesman.

Kenya is at war. Innocent Kenyans are targeted by terrorists. Kenyans have a right to security.

The Government is determined to observe every Kenyan’s right to security. The Opposition is opposed to anything that suggests or promises a safer Kenya for all people.

The Government will not be deterred in its commitment to protect Kenyans from terrorism, banditry and crime.

It is one thing to shout freedom, like Raila and his cohort in the civil society. The difficult part, requiring resolve, stamina and courage, is protecting freedom.

Our constitutional order is threatened by terrorists and their collaborators, many of whom speak the language of civil rights fluently and vehemently.

The Jubilee Alliance is protecting our freedom form terrorists, bandits, gangsters and criminals.

We know this is futile, but we will never stop trying: We ask Mr Odinga and the Opposition to try, at least once, standing with the people of Kenya, and speaking for them. The terrorists can afford representation. They probably don’t need your services. But the people do.











ODM’s statement on security and the State of the Nation is a most transparent, desperate and woefully inadequate fig-leaf to cover up its most spectacular failure: the fact that they have been unable to live up to the basic minimum of its loud pretences to democracy. The statement was released on the eve of a leadership selection exercise that cannot even hold a candle to the infamous mlolongo KANU elections in terms of democratic credentials. ODM is a sick party, ravaged most woefully by its leadership, which routinely showcases violence, nepotism, intolerance, tribalism and hypocrisy as its governing values. ODM is one entity that has nothing to show for all its time in government. Indeed, it is the least qualified entity to speak to the state of the nation, or how Governments deliver services to the people.

The only good thing that can be said about this statement is that, for once, ODM did not canvass its political capers at a funeral. Nevertheless, ODM should never deceive itself that Kenyans cannot see through this playful ruse.

It is notable that ODM has convened at the sunset of its democratic pretences to realign its spent ‘Okoa Jahazi’ charade with civil society antics. It is rehashing its stock narratives that have, time and again, failed to persuade Kenyans to board its ill-fated train. According to ODM, national discourse is an echo-chamber where the Opposition and civil society Mutual Admiration Society delude one another that they are serving anyone other than their dubious paymasters.

We will reiterate this: there are issues with security in Kenya. We will also emphasise that Government’s efforts to set things right are ongoing in a systematic, institutional, rational and large-scale manner unprecedented in Kenya’s history. ODM is in denial; Kenya moved away from the politics of fitina and confrontation. We are now in the era of delivery, engagement and transformation. ODM is rightly afraid that it is fast sliding down the slippery slope into oblivion. We understand with their desperation.

The Government remains on the side of the people. Government is delivering in a big way and is on course to fulfilling its pledges. The Government only communicates things that are happening. A lot of good work is being done, and the lives of Kenyans continue to be transformed every minute, every day. This agenda is unstoppable. Nothing the ODM or their Men in Black, wherever they are, will stop us from telling Kenyans about it.

The PSCU is committed to maintaining a faithful, patriotic, transparent and informative engagement with the people of Kenya. This is to ensure that the people know what its government is doing, and that Government programmes respond to their needs. We shall not waver from this commitment, ever.

We ask the people of Kenya to maintain their confidence in government. There are issues here and there, undeniably. But Government is capable and dedicated to delivering every single commitment and mandate.

It is clearly impossible for ODM to avoid politicising every national challenge and demanding irrelevant, cosmetic and vain remedies. It must recover the decency to avoid seeing political opportunity in tragedies, crises and challenges that Kenyans face from time to time. It must draw its inspiration, not from funerals, but from a desire to serve.
If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
#2 Posted : Tuesday, December 16, 2014 8:17:24 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/20/2007
Posts: 4,432
These are confused "bloggers" who got a job at statehouse.

To them life is about Raira, raira, raira, raira

I too have not liked those laws, I'm I now a civil society Raila tool. What of Ahmednassir?

Such a shameful statement. It's as if someone was taking Faxe Raila coming up with such a statement.

We are talking about issues like how an accused person has to give the prosecution a list of all his witnesses and how he is going to defend himself in a court of law. Even North Korea doesn't do that.

These guys still have their noses up Raira's ass.

Swenani, have no doubt about it. They are all members of Wazua. Hiyo ni crystal balls yangu.

Having said that, I hope they don't send CID officers to arrest me for saying they are mere bloggers who got a job at state house.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#3 Posted : Tuesday, December 16, 2014 8:59:58 PM
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Joined: 6/11/2008
Posts: 892
The first time i saw their post, I thought I was mistaken.
I do not like the way they react. their Language is uncontrolled.
someone needs train them for sure. at the same time, I don't think their should be replying to Raila or other politicians directly. They should act professionaly
For in him (Jesus) we live and move and have our being-Acts 17:28
#4 Posted : Tuesday, December 16, 2014 9:00:37 PM
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Joined: 1/7/2007
Posts: 838
So this is where Talam and Munira went to hide.
#5 Posted : Tuesday, December 16, 2014 9:08:25 PM
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ali wrote:
The first time i saw their post, I thought I was mistaken.
I do not like the way they react. their Language is uncontrolled.
someone needs train them for sure. at the same time, I don't think their should be replying to Raila or other politicians directly. They should act professionaly

I wonder whether they know what they were meant to be doing

President Uhuru Kenyatta announced his intent to overhaul how Government communicates and interacts with citizens –by establishing
the Presidential Strategic Communications Unit

... PSCU will replace PPS that was largely tasked with covering the President.

PSCU will be charged with covering the President and the First Lady, Research on Policy, communication of Government Policy, digitization of government communications and branding State events and functions.
If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
#6 Posted : Tuesday, December 16, 2014 9:53:19 PM
Rank: Chief

Joined: 5/9/2007
Posts: 13,095
These are just over-fed babies who after a sumptuous meal want to compete on who pukes the most on the neighbor's kids, hoping to please their father by so doing. They are reducing the presidency to a joke to be honest. Does Uhuru read the statement before its released? I wouldnt mind if such words were being typed by a Wazuan or by a kid of FB, but when the statement comes from an official govt body, then I can not fail to equit them to boys on whom a cane has been spared for long. Gutunio/Kunanio
#7 Posted : Wednesday, December 17, 2014 6:47:36 AM
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Joined: 11/21/2006
Posts: 1,590
Surprises me the kind of young people Uhuru likes having close to him.
Of all 30m Kenyan youths, these 6 are the best he could find?
Sehemu ndio nyumba
#8 Posted : Wednesday, December 17, 2014 7:31:31 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/20/2007
Posts: 4,432
There was an MP last night on Citizen news. He basically said the same things. However, he didn't come off as being childish and petty. He also didn't come off as a hash tag.

Maybe they should hire him to tame these rogue PR experts. Say the same thing but say it with the knowledge that you are representing the presidency. NOT a political campaign for TNA.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#9 Posted : Wednesday, December 17, 2014 7:40:06 AM
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Joined: 5/9/2007
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Mainat wrote:
Surprises me the kind of young people Uhuru likes having close to him.
Of all 30m Kenyan youths, these 6 are the best he could find?

Age is not even the issue, arrogance and lack of maturity is their undoing. You see, I don't mind if these are things they post in their pages in their own personal capacities, or at political rallies or elsewhere. But when they issue such a statement as an official press release from their offices on the hill, then one is left wondering whether they appreciate the high standards the office they represent ought to be measured with. Surprisingly, Manoah never signs off those statements. Maybe you are right, it could be age. My badSad
#10 Posted : Wednesday, December 17, 2014 7:48:07 AM
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Joined: 5/9/2007
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alma wrote:
There was an MP last night on Citizen news. He basically said the same things. However, he didn't come off as being childish and petty. He also didn't come off as a hash tag.

Maybe they should hire him to tame these rogue PR experts. Say the same thing but say it with the knowledge that you are representing the presidency. NOT a political campaign for TNA.

It seems these days you are watching local channels. What happened?
#11 Posted : Wednesday, December 17, 2014 7:52:25 AM
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Joined: 7/20/2007
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washiku wrote:
alma wrote:
There was an MP last night on Citizen news. He basically said the same things. However, he didn't come off as being childish and petty. He also didn't come off as a hash tag.

Maybe they should hire him to tame these rogue PR experts. Say the same thing but say it with the knowledge that you are representing the presidency. NOT a political campaign for TNA.

It seems these days you are watching local channels. What happened?

I have someone in the house who insists on seeing "weka news". Unfortunately, I have to sit patiently before they say "haya sawa sasa" smile
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#12 Posted : Wednesday, December 17, 2014 9:14:48 AM
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Joined: 6/17/2008
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Uhuru appoints people based on emotions, Jaro Soja comes to mind!!!!
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#13 Posted : Wednesday, December 17, 2014 9:17:34 AM
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alma wrote:
washiku wrote:
alma wrote:
There was an MP last night on Citizen news. He basically said the same things. However, he didn't come off as being childish and petty. He also didn't come off as a hash tag.

Maybe they should hire him to tame these rogue PR experts. Say the same thing but say it with the knowledge that you are representing the presidency. NOT a political campaign for TNA.

It seems these days you are watching local channels. What happened?

I have someone in the house who insists on seeing "weka news". Unfortunately, I have to sit patiently before they say "haya sawa sasa" smile

This is must be a common threat in houses,kwangu ni "Sawa basi"
If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
#14 Posted : Wednesday, December 17, 2014 10:13:23 AM
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Joined: 1/20/2014
Posts: 3,528
You almost wish they can contextualise their reply to national issues and policies and not repying directly to Raila, ODM and CORD! As they bilittle Raila & co. sisi wanjiku ndiye tunaumia na maneno insecurity and all.

Anyway Kenya inawenyewe sisi are just part of #team BMW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune - Jim Rohn.
#15 Posted : Wednesday, December 17, 2014 10:43:27 AM
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Joined: 1/25/2012
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I have always thot its called MSCHEWW kumbe inaitwa PSCU.
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.
#16 Posted : Wednesday, December 17, 2014 11:46:30 AM
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Joined: 11/14/2007
Posts: 4,152
alma wrote:
These are confused "bloggers" who got a job at statehouse.

To them life is about Raira, raira, raira, raira

I too have not liked those laws, I'm I now a civil society Raila tool. What of Ahmednassir?

Such a shameful statement. It's as if someone was taking Faxe Raila coming up with such a statement.

We are talking about issues like how an accused person has to give the prosecution a list of all his witnesses and how he is going to defend himself in a court of law. Even North Korea doesn't do that.

These guys still have their noses up Raira's ass.

Swenani, have no doubt about it. They are all members of Wazua. Hiyo ni crystal balls yangu.

Having said that, I hope they don't send CID officers to arrest me for saying they are mere bloggers who got a job at state house.

#17 Posted : Wednesday, December 17, 2014 12:16:09 PM
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Joined: 10/3/2008
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Next time,Kenyans should not burden a good guy with the presidency.
Truth forever on the scaffold
Wrong forever on the throne
(James Russell Rowell)
#18 Posted : Wednesday, December 17, 2014 1:23:07 PM
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Joined: 12/11/2008
Posts: 2,306
The problem is lack of class. Guys are just mjengo types occupying an high office. Their language betrays them
Great men are not always wise, neither do the aged understand judgement...
#19 Posted : Sunday, December 21, 2014 11:09:26 AM
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Hata kama lusungu ilikuja na meli,this is just so embarrassing.Someone might think the statement was written by Idi Amin Dada
The US state department statement on the security law President Uhuru Kenyatta signed into law yesterday is a clear indication that the agency decided to go with the view of the noisemakers rather than the Security (Amendment Act) itself. First, our law is better than the American patriot and homeland security acts that give rogue powers to security agencies. In the US, fbi and intelligence officers have a carte blanche in the fight against terrorism and biological warfare. But our law has provided checks by courts of law. What is more, Kenya has no Guantanamo Bay!
Our law doesn’t curtail the freedom of assembly and the state department should read the law as passed, and not what go by what its associates want them to believe.
On refugees, our law sets a limit of 150,000 refugees. That is the decision Kenya has made and it is final. Kenya has played and will continue to play its role in providing a roof for those who run away from conflict.
The statement questions a decision by a government department that deregistered rogue NGOs and put on notice those that flout the law. NGOs aren’t above the law and they must answer to the authorities. Isn’t it peculiar that a foreign government appears sympathetic to organisations that think the law is an irritating irrelevance? But Kenya cannot look the other way when the law is as clear as day and night. The law is good for Kenya and kenyans. It will help Kenya in the same way the patriot act and the homeland security act have helped Americans. Munyori buku senior director of public
communication at state house
If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
#20 Posted : Sunday, December 21, 2014 1:19:08 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/8/2008
Posts: 1,575
Swenani wrote:
Hata kama lusungu ilikuja na meli,this is just so embarrassing.Someone might think the statement was written by Idi Amin Dada
The US state department statement on the security law President Uhuru Kenyatta signed into law yesterday is a clear indication that the agency decided to go with the view of the noisemakers rather than the Security (Amendment Act) itself. First, our law is better than the American patriot and homeland security acts that give rogue powers to security agencies. In the US, fbi and intelligence officers have a carte blanche in the fight against terrorism and biological warfare. But our law has provided checks by courts of law. What is more, Kenya has no Guantanamo Bay!
Our law doesn’t curtail the freedom of assembly and the state department should read the law as passed, and not what go by what its associates want them to believe.
On refugees, our law sets a limit of 150,000 refugees. That is the decision Kenya has made and it is final. Kenya has played and will continue to play its role in providing a roof for those who run away from conflict.
The statement questions a decision by a government department that deregistered rogue NGOs and put on notice those that flout the law. NGOs aren’t above the law and they must answer to the authorities. Isn’t it peculiar that a foreign government appears sympathetic to organisations that think the law is an irritating irrelevance? But Kenya cannot look the other way when the law is as clear as day and night. The law is good for Kenya and kenyans. It will help Kenya in the same way the patriot act and the homeland security act have helped Americans. Munyori buku senior director of public
communication at state house

I care!
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