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animosity towards muslims of somali origin
#21 Posted : Monday, January 18, 2010 1:58:35 PM
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The point is....every Friday that there are "demon-strations" from Jamia Mosque,the traders at city market loose business.
This happens quite a lot.Unfortunately,Friday is the most important day for the business people there and they have decided not to sit back and make losses anymore.
During the "erections" of 07,the meat guys in dago felt the same and were ready to stop the "demon-strations" at all cost.
For sure, this chaps must style up as they seem to be alienating themselevs with this behaviours.
Take coast for eg.with no tourism,the coast guy is buried.Forget the port because they cannot offload even a pencil from the table.Better defined as laziness.
Now the capture ship (as their core business...are paid 525 million on their latest),sell guns in eastleigh,bring duty free cargo for unscrupulous traders etc etc,....
They go to upmarket areas abd buy oall the plots for double the price and we just look agape.haaa !
hey... now they hawk meat in small vans illegally from buffe park to homes.
They want to operate above the law.
This must end otherwise somethings brewing.
U can turn a blind eye but alas,am not a prophet...
#22 Posted : Monday, January 18, 2010 2:53:43 PM
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I am really embarrassed to read this thread. I thought we were done with small mindedness after the ethnic hate-fest we indulged in a year ago.

Someone even advances the hollow theory that fostering a common hatred of Somalis will help unite Kenyan tribes and thus solve our problems. How far did our united hatred of Kikuyu's take us? May I remind you that most of the Muslims and/or Somalis' that you so quickly rush to condemn wholesale are are Kenyans.

I am especially sad to see some people whose opinion I previously respected rush to preach such a race to the bottom.

Shame on you!
"The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." (Niels Bohr)
#23 Posted : Monday, January 18, 2010 3:20:00 PM
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@Murenj & Wakanyugi... Lets be honest gentlemen.. or is it ladies? I don't get how you managed to read the 'animosity towards muslims of somali origin' into fridays events. Wananchi's reactions were against a group of muslims whose actions were seen as being totally unjustified and ridiculous... causing a breach of peace on a totally bogus premise. I bet no mwananchi took notice of whether they were somali, kikuyu, turkana or whatever tribe - this was just a bunch of guys who were being a nuisance and when majority of the observers got fed up the reaction was spontaneous - shut them up by whatever means.

Kind of reaction you would have with someone who's being painfully unreasonable and annoying - you want to give them a resounding slap...
#24 Posted : Monday, January 18, 2010 3:26:51 PM
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@Wakanyugi Applause courageous and wise.

Must confess that I identify with the majority of views expressed by all the members here - seriously it takes no effort to do so. It's about time muslims of somali origin begun respecting others sentiments. And the riot on Friday was very ill advised and only served to evoke @Gordon Gekko and @Njunge sentiments of 'go to hell'

I'm trying though, to distinguish and keep in mind many dynamic muslim/somali personalities I admire:
-those bright ones who make it big in Kenya business coming from the arid North Eastern to earn all our respect
-those enterprising ones who have become the preferred mobile/mpesa dealers in the country
-those prayerful ones who give an example for other religions to emulate their piety
-those good looking pretty ones who when social make up the spreads of glossy magazines
-etc etc

IT'S TOUGH BUT I'M TRYING, and Kenya would not be the same without them.
#25 Posted : Monday, January 18, 2010 3:36:56 PM
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Granted, advocating for wholesale hatred may not be a neat thing to do.

But then, how easy is it to love fellows who advocate that Kenya continues to host a suspected terror agent, in the league of Osama?

Further, if you were in Kenya from Friday through to today, you will have noticed that the 'demonstrators' had some very interesting characters in their midst with other agenda over and above Al faisal.

We saw hoods, Military fatigues, Writings in Arabic, Al Shabab flags, Taunts to Kenyans - to slit throats etc.
Those are fellows bringing war to Kenyans' door step.
However hard we try, it will remain very difficult to embrace such characters of people.
As the matter raged, we never heard any of the moderate Muslims raise a finger and or discourage their brothers.

What they are saying so belated, is what they ought to have said right from the word go.

Talk of locking the stable after the Horse has bolted.
We must learn to confront some os these ills head on and stop the pretence at good culturedness in the face of a terrorist minded goons.
Isuni yilu yi maa me muyo - ni Mbisuu
#26 Posted : Monday, January 18, 2010 6:01:16 PM
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Call me a tribalist or woteva, bt we have been grooming/stroking/carressing an enemy of the state 4far too long. We will have ourselves to blame if that will b the trend. Al Shabaab is real. Somalis r sympathisers of their own, albeit naturally...
#27 Posted : Monday, January 18, 2010 6:11:11 PM
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Looo! @Njung'e I see the policeman who was shot is still alive on my TV
#28 Posted : Monday, January 18, 2010 6:19:35 PM
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Granted this is a free country and people are entitled to their opinions, no matter how odious they are. But the gist of this thread is wholesale condemnation of Somali's and Muslims, without bothering to distinguish between the rioters and the many upright members of this congregation (thanks Muganda for trying).

It is this rush to wholesale condemnation that brought our nation to the brink recently. I recall many people here lamenting the errors of our ways then and even swearing 'never again.'

How quickly we forget.
"The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." (Niels Bohr)
#29 Posted : Tuesday, January 19, 2010 5:12:55 AM
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Just read what has been happening in Jos Nigeria for the last 3 days. Looks like Nairobi is heading that way.
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt...
-Mark Twain
#30 Posted : Tuesday, January 19, 2010 6:26:13 AM
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WOW, am shocked at fellow wazuaits turning on each other, but pleased at the patriotism toward the end....my 2cents; fear breads hatred and tribalistic tendencies, we need to be open minded and not invoke wholesome generalizations especially of muslim community, we HAVE TO care for each other. that being said, little room shld be given to radical islam/ hate preaching frm all religions especially due to the nature of our porous borders.Kenya is for ALL kenyans and illegal immigration should not be encourged since it begins the vicious cycle of fear/intolerance.
and as this friday, we brace ourselves for more strife esp. at the coast lets remember the real issues- do we continue believing that this "Jamaican sheikh" is not a threat to us Kenyans???
.Success is Intentional.
#31 Posted : Tuesday, January 19, 2010 6:49:09 AM
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What happened on Friday was disgraceful. The demonstrators were wrong to go to the streets, but also the police erred in allowing the business men to throw stones in retaliation. Indeed we are lucky that things cooled down fast. Some of the media tried to preach Kenyans to reason, and I salute KTN and Citizen for responsible reporting. Once again a media house was reporting very negative (see the headline of one daily, yesterday).
Also Muslim leaders condemned the demos; please read yesterdays newspapers for information. Some people are linking this to Alshabab, because of the flag, all this is wrong.
It seems Kenyans are very forgetful. Our experience with the post-poll violence in 2008 should be an eye opener………..
@Bkismat, the information is welcome, but it’s wrong to compare Nigeria to Kenya.
#32 Posted : Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:04:33 AM
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The so called moderate muslims in Kenya (and the world over),are known to look the other way as long as it is not one of them.When the extremists hit the USA embassy did they raise a finger?...Kikambala??...When that Jamaican idiot arrived in Kenya,we expected the muslim community to renounce him....Here is a fellow who has been jailed in Britain for advocating the killling of all jews and Indians...huh??....What did we get?..The moderates kept mum and the extremists came out to the streets,destroyed innocent businesses,"slit our throats",shot at our soldiers and hell....waved a foreign terrorist flag on OUR land.......Is this not madharau of the highest order??
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#33 Posted : Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:10:04 AM
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OK let us put this way; The Only Good Indian is a Dead Indian
Origins of Sayings -
The Only Good Indian is a Dead Indian
About the history and origins behind the famous saying the only good Indian is a dead Indian.
Stories behind Famous Sayings
Who Said It: Gen. Philip Sheridan
The Story behind It: In January, 1869, General Sheridan held a conference with 50 Indian chiefs at Fort Cobb in the so-called Indian Territory (later part of Oklahoma). At that time, Sheridan, who had gained recognition as a Union officer in the Civil War, was in charge of the Dept. of the Missouri. One of his duties was to oversee the Indian Territory, making sure that the Indians remained on their reservations and did not harass the white settlers. When Comanche chief Toch-a-way was introduced to Sheridan at the conference, the Indian said, "Me Toch-a-way, me good Indian." Sheridan reportedly smirked and replied, "The only good Indians I ever saw were dead." Later on, the remark became "The only good Indian is a dead Indian."

#34 Posted : Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:24:48 AM
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@Njung'e: ...tell them...tell them more...and these people, no, muslims are planning another mayhem on Friday... my foot...
#35 Posted : Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:30:40 AM
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To much of a coincidence my dear brother....Jos in Nigeria....Christians killed in Egypt.....Churches burnt in Malaysia....Failed attempt on a detroit flight....All in one month.Truth is,it is time Islam examined itself as a religion in the way it relates with others(Kaffirs?.

Not surprised.To a muslim,maybe the only good kaffir is a dead kaffir....whatever that means.

Planning another Demon-stration??.....See,there is no lesson learnt by this idiots.....and non of the so said "moderates",including some hypocrites here, will come out to condemn...until after Friday.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#36 Posted : Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:36:29 AM
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@ Njung'e
the only good kaffir is a dead kaffir
That is exactly the opposite of what I mean and that is what the Wazua Moderator deleted...
#37 Posted : Tuesday, January 19, 2010 8:48:13 AM
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@ Bashka
A little more honesty sir!

If in the days preceeding Friday last, the larger Muslim fraternity had disuaded the pro demo group from persuing their ill advised idea we would give credit.
The act of indifference over the matter actually renders many guilty by association.
They neglected to stand up to be counted -an error of ommision - this time deliberately.

Now did you accuse the police for not doing anything to protect the Muslim demonstartors from the general public that engaged them out of frustration and loss of business!!

Surely did you expect the police now to loose focus on and start fighting everybody and anybody.
What confusion would that be, containing the Muslim rioters and at the same time chasing the business community all over.

In any case we know that the police largely did nothing/very little. They watched the situation as their central command seemed hesitant on making the right decision - to get the Muslims engaged as law breakers. It is this lack of action by the police that prompted the business community to take it upon themselves to repulse the Muslims.

Hence just as the police watched the muslims, so did they watch the business people.

If the police are aloof they are aloof for everybody.
I actually accuse the police for being aloof in the first place. The general public wouldnt have gotten in the cross fire if the police had handled the matter as they should.
Dunia ni msongamano..
#38 Posted : Tuesday, January 19, 2010 9:33:12 AM
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all this boils down to religious intolerance, the saying,'the only good kaffir is a dead one'(or opposite) should not be encouraged. religious intolerance is right down negative(rem christian pastor who stated that Haiti got what it deserved because of idol worship???)!!moderation should be promoted and yes the council of islam kenya did disown the firebrand jamaican cleric/idiot(njunge), i personally believe that these fellas (moderate muslims) shld go to the mosque and work on friday and not disrupt the rest of us with this backward protest hence creating division to support an intruder whom no one wants!!!surely when not liked by a few, maybe thats normal, but when the whole world denies you...then, maybe then...theres something wrong with you!!
.Success is Intentional.
#39 Posted : Tuesday, January 19, 2010 9:46:53 AM
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@ marting. no half truths please. not "idol worship" but for making a pact with the devil so that they could kick out the french.
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt...
-Mark Twain
#40 Posted : Tuesday, January 19, 2010 10:09:17 AM
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Many times, we have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.
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