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The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
#841 Posted : Tuesday, September 16, 2014 9:54:19 PM
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ecstacy wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
simonkabz wrote:
The caliph himself with his "Allah" McCain

Alongside another reknowned terrorrist ^^^^^

Kweli ujinga hauna dawa!

@simon, do you mean this guy is working for McCain?

The US trained the Syrian rebel fighters in Jordan and armed them to fight Pres. Assad of Syria.

Some of the rebels on returning to Syria chose to fight their own jihad to establish the so-called Islamic Caliphate.

That is as far as US involvement went with ISIL then. The conspiracy theories also should end here.

The IS group leadership is intelligent in acquiring Western military training through the Syria channel or via former Saddam Hussein Sunni Republican Guards and seizing better weapons abandoned by fleeing Iraqi forces. These weapons were then taken over into a 'safer' Syria to the ISIL HQ Raqqa.

This is no different from what happened when the US armed and funded the Mujahideen to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan just for these Taliban to turn on their former masters on 'defeating' the Soviets.

You've said it. But the motive of the west in Syria/middle East is never clear, and they deliberately cloud it to confuse the masses. I'm waiting to see the reaction of Russia if ISIL is attacked inside Syria, and if at all the west cunningly expands the onslaught on Assad forces like they did in Libya.

The same goes for Iran. Both Iran and Syria have been rejected outright by the US as possible partners in the scheduled annihilation of ISIS, which will happen anyway.......this is a pointer to a scenario that will become very complicated in the coming days. Obama has proven himself as the devil reincarnate, wrecking nations and leaving radicals, murderers and immense suffering in his wake!
#842 Posted : Wednesday, September 17, 2014 10:00:53 AM
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ISIS Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
#843 Posted : Wednesday, September 17, 2014 10:20:04 AM
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#844 Posted : Wednesday, September 17, 2014 10:43:11 AM
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When i wrote here that some people are being played against each other, some sneered arrogantly..

Obama never changed the US's foreign policy, only the tactics, and he is doing an exemplary job as a chessmaster.

People should ask themselves. Are any of the current manoeuvres by the US affecting them directly? Terrorists targeting US on home soil? their interests outside US? What are the oil production levels in areas they control, e.g Libya, Iraq etc? Who are on the ground fighting? Does the US have any more boots on the ground in the current skirmishes?

What are the effects of such manoeuvres on her perceived competitors, i.e Russia, China, etc?
#845 Posted : Wednesday, September 17, 2014 10:45:43 AM
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simonkabz wrote:

Laughing out loudly
#846 Posted : Wednesday, September 17, 2014 2:27:29 PM
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The Islamic State have released a Hollywood like 'Flames of War' Trailer as the battle for Iraq and Syria against the global coalition warms up. [Youtube]http://t.co/N7lpzmgyHW[/Youtube]
#847 Posted : Wednesday, September 17, 2014 2:32:34 PM
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ecstacy wrote:
The Islamic State have released a Hollywood like 'Flames of War' Trailer as the battle for Iraq and Syria against the global coalition warms up. [Youtube]http://t.co/N7lpzmgyHW[/Youtube]

They are just silly. They are emboldening the world against themselves, they are so stupid to display their barbaric side rather than the better side.
#848 Posted : Wednesday, September 17, 2014 2:41:48 PM
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simonkabz wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
The Islamic State have released a Hollywood like 'Flames of War' Trailer as the battle for Iraq and Syria against the global coalition warms up. [Youtube]http://t.co/N7lpzmgyHW[/Youtube]

They are just silly. They are emboldening the world against themselves, they are so stupid to display their barbaric side rather than the better side.

I think their media strategy as sick as it is, is working. By the latest CIA estimates, the Islamic State have managed to successfully recruit a military size larger than that of our own country Kenya. Their media target audience is primarily Islamic and what they have done is make Jihadism sexy. As for the enemies, it's to send chills. On both counts, it's working. You don't see guru & alphadoti from a moderate state and islamic following here disgusted by outright barbaric acts of these barbarians..their mantra is "Victory or martyrdom!"..
#849 Posted : Wednesday, September 17, 2014 3:00:08 PM
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simonkabz wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
The Islamic State have released a Hollywood like 'Flames of War' Trailer as the battle for Iraq and Syria against the global coalition warms up. [Youtube]http://t.co/N7lpzmgyHW[/Youtube]

They are just silly. They are emboldening the world against themselves, they are so stupid to display their barbaric side rather than the better side.

Muhammad already promised us the whole world would rise up against the Islamic state... The question is... Who in our army cares??
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#850 Posted : Wednesday, September 17, 2014 4:13:33 PM
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guru267 wrote:
simonkabz wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
The Islamic State have released a Hollywood like 'Flames of War' Trailer as the battle for Iraq and Syria against the global coalition warms up. [Youtube]http://t.co/N7lpzmgyHW[/Youtube]

They are just silly. They are emboldening the world against themselves, they are so stupid to display their barbaric side rather than the better side.

Muhammad already promised us the whole world would rise up against the Islamic state... The question is... Who in our army cares??

Ukimaliza kuvuta bangi u-post tena.
#851 Posted : Wednesday, September 17, 2014 4:16:50 PM
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ecstacy wrote:
simonkabz wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
The Islamic State have released a Hollywood like 'Flames of War' Trailer as the battle for Iraq and Syria against the global coalition warms up. [Youtube]http://t.co/N7lpzmgyHW[/Youtube]

They are just silly. They are emboldening the world against themselves, they are so stupid to display their barbaric side rather than the better side.

I think their media strategy as sick as it is, is working. By the latest CIA estimates, the Islamic State have managed to successfully recruit a military size larger than that of our own country Kenya. Their media target audience is primarily Islamic and what they have done is make Jihadism sexy. As for the enemies, it's to send chills. On both counts, it's working. You don't see guru & alphadoti from a moderate state and islamic following here disgusted by outright barbaric acts of these barbarians..their mantra is "Victory or martyrdom!"..

I wonder what the two are still doing in Kenya. They should be beheading people by now and clearing their camel-f***ing state of kaffirs..
#852 Posted : Thursday, September 18, 2014 12:55:02 AM
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ecstacy wrote:
jaggernaut wrote:
World shocked as ISIS executes hundreds....

They do not negotiate and are not interested in doing so. They just massacre. Never has the world seen a such a clear reason to use chemical weapons on the enemy.

I think it's about time...or some biological assault like Ebola! Shida ni women & shudren (exclude @Guru whom I suspect is Samantha White Widow)
#853 Posted : Thursday, September 18, 2014 7:49:02 AM
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Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#854 Posted : Thursday, September 18, 2014 8:00:45 AM
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guru267 wrote:

I was not wrong when I called you the village mad woman!! Is this supposed to frighten us into believing in the "religion of peace"? Uskonde! Bado unatafuta visa ya kuenda Wall Street?! Hilarious, allahu akbar your way through, you will need more than luck. By the way these images no longer illicit fear, they have become boring coz we know they will all soon be bombed to their 72 virgins
#855 Posted : Thursday, September 18, 2014 8:41:19 AM
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Nabwire wrote:
guru267 wrote:

I was not wrong when I called you the village mad woman!! Is this supposed to frighten us into believing in the "religion of peace"? Uskonde! Bado unatafuta visa ya kuenda Wall Street?! Hilarious, allahu akbar your way through, you will need more than luck. By the way these images no longer illicit fear, they have become boring coz we know they will all soon be bombed to their 72 virgins

We shouldn't be worried as the 'allies' wish us to believe that ISIL is a global threat. They can't do anything significant. So far, they have dealt themselves heavy psychological and spiritual damage. They rely on threats, coercion; and as a wise man once put it, forcing people to agreement is like 'a castrated man trying to rape a woman'.

Even if no resistance was put by the allied powers, the dead wouldn't get to a billion people. And if they worked hard enough they'd end up confused and paralyzed, their ideas of martyrdom totally wrecked.

Think of the HBO video on westgate, yes, many were killed, but the terrorists crumbled psychologically and started offering apologies and justifications.

Human limits are known, and not even Baghdadi is educated enough to understand this. For all I care they can even my head on a plate. I don't rely on it to be.

#856 Posted : Thursday, September 18, 2014 8:57:30 AM
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tycho wrote:
Nabwire wrote:
guru267 wrote:

I was not wrong when I called you the village mad woman!! Is this supposed to frighten us into believing in the "religion of peace"? Uskonde! Bado unatafuta visa ya kuenda Wall Street?! Hilarious, allahu akbar your way through, you will need more than luck. By the way these images no longer illicit fear, they have become boring coz we know they will all soon be bombed to their 72 virgins

We shouldn't be worried as the 'allies' wish us to believe that ISIL is a global threat. They can't do anything significant. So far, they have dealt themselves heavy psychological and spiritual damage. They rely on threats, coercion; and as a wise man once put it, forcing people to agreement is like 'a castrated man trying to rape a woman'.

Even if no resistance was put by the allied powers, the dead wouldn't get to a billion people. And if they worked hard enough they'd end up confused and paralyzed, their ideas of martyrdom totally wrecked.

Think of the HBO video on westgate, yes, many were killed, but the terrorists crumbled psychologically and started offering apologies and justifications.

Human limits are known, and not even Baghdadi is educated enough to understand this. For all I care they can even my head on a plate. I don't rely on it to be.

Absolutely true, their bark is extremely loud, but when push comes to shove.... the song changes to USA & Israel are bullying us! Quite the cowards! They used to illicit fear but when I saw them gunning down and beheading their own Arabs, I knew they are not really a threat, because ignorance has them on a self destruct mode. If you can gun down your own people who atleast believe half that jihad BS, how in the heck will you build an army? Good luck convincing Johnny on Wall Street to leave his banking job and enroll in this madness. Oh I forgot, they only recruit the ignorant! smile
#857 Posted : Thursday, September 18, 2014 10:23:31 AM
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guru267 wrote:

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Scary, right? Get married and get children, stop this grandiose delusions of yours. You have done more damage to that allah of yours than you know!

^^^^^Just this one Rafale is enough to stop any army in their tracks-it is usually equated to an army BRIGADE, with unmarched firepower and precision than 10,000 camel-fakin terroristas. And they will be deployed in their hundreds!

#858 Posted : Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:12:50 AM
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A large-scale anti-terrorism raid in Sydney this morning has foiled a plot to "commit violent acts" in Australia, including a plan to behead a member of the public.

More than 800 officers launched the raids as part of Operation Appleby in suburbs across Sydney's west and north-west, with a further 70 police involved in raids on properties in Brisbane's south.

Police said 15 people had been detained in Sydney as part of the operation between NSW officers, the Australian Federal Police and ASIO.

Court documents are expected to reveal that the raids, at 25 different properties, were aimed at a cell which planned to behead a member of the public in Sydney.

The documents are expected to say that the plan involved snatching a random member of the public in Sydney, draping them in an Islamic State group (IS) flag and beheading them on camera.

Link - http://abcnews.go.com/In...terrorism-raids-25575668
#859 Posted : Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:57:44 AM
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simonkabz wrote:
guru267 wrote:

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Scary, right? Get married and get children, stop this grandiose delusions of yours. You have done more damage to that allah of yours than you know!

^^^^^Just this one Rafale is enough to stop any army in their tracks-it is usually equated to an army BRIGADE, with unmarched firepower and precision than 10,000 camel-fakin terroristas. And they will be deployed in their hundreds!

13 Years of so called war on Islam and that Rafale of yours hasn't even caused a dent.

I'm dissapointed... You should have won by now!
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#860 Posted : Thursday, September 18, 2014 12:42:44 PM
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guru267 wrote:
simonkabz wrote:
guru267 wrote:

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Scary, right? Get married and get children, stop this grandiose delusions of yours. You have done more damage to that allah of yours than you know!

^^^^^Just this one Rafale is enough to stop any army in their tracks-it is usually equated to an army BRIGADE, with unmarched firepower and precision than 10,000 camel-fakin terroristas. And they will be deployed in their hundreds!

13 Years of so called war on Islam and that Rafale of yours hasn't even caused a dent.

I'm dissapointed... You should have won by now!

That is the exact reply I expected from you. You see, muslims have been dropping dead like flies, but your thick ISIS goggles from the devil wont see. There are many people who can see the evil of the west, like myself. When you fellows outdo them in barbarity, we just look on and cheer as you are slaughtered. You could have won much more support had you embraced kindness and love.....now everybody wants a piece of your arse, everybody wants to kill a few of these muslims. I saw you boasting that the 40 nations against ISIS is a show of the ISIS strength. Shock on you! Everybody is disgusted, and they want to keep as many heavenly virgins as busy as possible. Meanwhile, I hope you inflict substantial damage on the US while at it, but sioni. Missiles kwa matako ndio mtapata unfortunately.
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