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The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
#541 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 2:20:03 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2008
Posts: 4,449
guru267 wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
The only comments I've seen is trying to justify this barbaric acts with those of the Jews in the Old Testament, as if that makes it right.

@ecstacy those "barbaric" acts were blessed by Yahweh and they were on his command!! So they are right in God's eyes!

That is the same Old Testament that is in your Bible!

And if something is right in God's eyes who cares what the rest of the world thinks??

and what does Christ teach Christians in the New Testament? Loving your neighbors as you love yourself by beheading them? Why did Jesus have to teach to convert the Jews and Gentiles? Why did Christ not act like IS? Is it because Christ had not read the scrolls containing the Old Testament?..

#542 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 2:20:52 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 12/11/2008
Posts: 2,306
Nandwa wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
[quote=ecstacy]As for the last battle in Raqqa this weekend here is actual battle footage showing ISIS attack the besieged Syrian Army Brigade 93 in Raqqa. The extent to which IS is well armed is shown by their use of drones to plan this final assault. 500 IS and Syrian army soldiers died in this battle. The blood letting continues unabated:

IS released phone video footage from their battle for the Raqqa Syrian airbase showing them marching captured Syrian soldiers stripped to their inner wear and being forceful made to chant IS terrorist slogans. An estimated 250 men are then lined up on the ground and massacred. Is the God of IS probably the devil himself? 'He' seems to have a thirst for lots and lots of human blood.

Video - http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=163_1409228428[/quote]

Na hizi huwa hawa-comment!

They are desperately looking for any angle for which they can blame the US/Israel.

You can say that again @Nandwa. There is only one god who loves death, suffering, and human sacrifice
Great men are not always wise, neither do the aged understand judgement...
#543 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 2:24:30 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 9/15/2006
Posts: 3,906
guru267 wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
The only comments I've seen is trying to justify this barbaric acts with those of the Jews in the Old Testament, as if that makes it right.

@ecstacy those "barbaric" acts were blessed by Yahweh and they were on his command!! So they are right in God's eyes!

That is the same Old Testament that is in your Bible!

And if something is right in God's eyes who cares what the rest of the world thinks??

Why do the actions need justification... 'Jews', 'old testament', 'bible', 'God', 'Yahweh' etc.

Devilish actions by mad barbarians - ISIS should stand upright and claim their actions. Why even drag the name of Allah into the mess? Such bad taste. Cowards

#544 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 4:39:03 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 3/19/2013
Posts: 2,552
Muriel wrote:
symbols wrote:


Don't you see the violence? The photos?

I do.Just a smile and a nod.Perspective.

Christ is coming back to an Islamic earth.Convert,pay tax or off with your head!'Enforcers' of the law.
#545 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 4:50:52 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2008
Posts: 6,275
Location: Kenya
ecstacy wrote:
guru267 wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
The only comments I've seen is trying to justify this barbaric acts with those of the Jews in the Old Testament, as if that makes it right.

@ecstacy those "barbaric" acts were blessed by Yahweh and they were on his command!! So they are right in God's eyes!

That is the same Old Testament that is in your Bible!

And if something is right in God's eyes who cares what the rest of the world thinks??

and what does Christ teach Christians in the New Testament? Loving your neighbors as you love yourself by beheading them? Why did Jesus have to teach to convert the Jews and Gentiles? Why did Christ not act like IS? Is it because Christ had not read the scrolls containing the Old Testament?..

@ecstacy, you want to know what Christ taught in the New Testament of the BIBLE? Now read below and let us know who taught them.

1. "Think not that I am come to bring peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword" (Matthew 10:34)

2. "I have come to bring fire on the earth" (Luke 12:49)

3. Jesus asked his disciples to sell one of their belogings and purchase a sword.
He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." (Luke 22:36)

4. Jesus said "Why do you call me good? answered Jesus, No-one is good but God alone!" (Mark 10:18)

5. Jesus said the law from the Old testament will not be changed.
"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but rather to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until Heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of the pen; will by any means disappear from the Law until all things are accomplished.” (Matthew 5:17-19]

Now tell us we need the holy spirit to understand the words. Pray
#546 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 4:52:23 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2008
Posts: 6,275
Location: Kenya
symbols wrote:
Muriel wrote:
symbols wrote:


Don't you see the violence? The photos?

I do.Just a smile and a nod.Perspective.

Christ is coming back to an Islamic earth.Convert,pay tax or off with your head!'Enforcers' of the law.

Just 2.5% tax of what remains after expense, eh! Applause Applause
This 30% of gross we are being charged is crazy! d'oh! d'oh!
#547 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 4:59:14 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 3/19/2013
Posts: 2,552
AlphDoti wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
guru267 wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
The only comments I've seen is trying to justify this barbaric acts with those of the Jews in the Old Testament, as if that makes it right.

@ecstacy those "barbaric" acts were blessed by Yahweh and they were on his command!! So they are right in God's eyes!

That is the same Old Testament that is in your Bible!

And if something is right in God's eyes who cares what the rest of the world thinks??

and what does Christ teach Christians in the New Testament? Loving your neighbors as you love yourself by beheading them? Why did Jesus have to teach to convert the Jews and Gentiles? Why did Christ not act like IS? Is it because Christ had not read the scrolls containing the Old Testament?..

@ecstacy, you want to know what Christ taught in the New Testament of the BIBLE? Now read below and let us know who taught them.

1. "Think not that I am come to bring peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword" (Matthew 10:34)

2. "I have come to bring fire on the earth" (Luke 12:49)

3. Jesus asked his disciples to sell one of their belogings and purchase a sword.
He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." (Luke 22:36)

4. Jesus said "Why do you call me good? answered Jesus, No-one is good but God alone!" (Mark 10:18)

5. Jesus said the law from the Old testament will not be changed.
"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but rather to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until Heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of the pen; will by any means disappear from the Law until all things are accomplished.” (Matthew 5:17-19]

Now tell us we need the holy spirit to understand the words. Pray

#548 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 5:48:12 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 1/21/2010
Posts: 6,675
Location: Nairobi
ecstacy wrote:
guru267 wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
The only comments I've seen is trying to justify this barbaric acts with those of the Jews in the Old Testament, as if that makes it right.

@ecstacy those "barbaric" acts were blessed by Yahweh and they were on his command!! So they are right in God's eyes!

That is the same Old Testament that is in your Bible!

And if something is right in God's eyes who cares what the rest of the world thinks??

and what does Christ teach Christians in the New Testament? Loving your neighbors as you love yourself by beheading them? Why did Jesus have to teach to convert the Jews and Gentiles? Why did Christ not act like IS? Is it because Christ had not read the scrolls containing the Old Testament?..

Very simple question...

Christ is the Holy Spirit and not a Son of Adam...
Show me someone like that and I will change my stance!

And the same new testament says when Christ returns he will also be chopping heads of pagans or haven't you read revelations??
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#549 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 5:50:25 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 1/21/2010
Posts: 6,675
Location: Nairobi
muganda wrote:
guru267 wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
The only comments I've seen is trying to justify this barbaric acts with those of the Jews in the Old Testament, as if that makes it right.

@ecstacy those "barbaric" acts were blessed by Yahweh and they were on his command!! So they are right in God's eyes!

That is the same Old Testament that is in your Bible!

And if something is right in God's eyes who cares what the rest of the world thinks??

Why do the actions need justification... 'Jews', 'old testament', 'bible', 'God', 'Yahweh' etc.

Devilish actions by mad barbarians - ISIS should stand upright and claim their actions. Why even drag the name of Allah into the mess? Such bad taste. Cowards

And why shouldn't they?? They have precedence set for their actions!

Precedence that has the support of God the Father!
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#550 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 6:15:11 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2008
Posts: 4,449
UK has raised it's threat level to "severe" specifically due to ISIS and involvement of some of it's nationals with this terror group.
#551 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 6:21:02 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 7/22/2011
Posts: 1,325
guru267 wrote:
muganda wrote:
guru267 wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
The only comments I've seen is trying to justify this barbaric acts with those of the Jews in the Old Testament, as if that makes it right.

@ecstacy those "barbaric" acts were blessed by Yahweh and they were on his command!! So they are right in God's eyes!

That is the same Old Testament that is in your Bible!

And if something is right in God's eyes who cares what the rest of the world thinks??

Why do the actions need justification... 'Jews', 'old testament', 'bible', 'God', 'Yahweh' etc.

Devilish actions by mad barbarians - ISIS should stand upright and claim their actions. Why even drag the name of Allah into the mess? Such bad taste. Cowards

And why shouldn't they?? They have precedence set for their actions!

Precedence that has the support of God the Father!

Ushetani mtawacha! The Bible has the ten commandments, one of which states ' Thou shall not kill' Funny how you and your cult members conveniently ignore this. While we are at it, why the constant quoting of the Bible, nothing of worth to quote from the Quran?
#552 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 6:52:37 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 7/22/2011
Posts: 1,325
guru267 wrote:
Wendz wrote:
Which land because i could gladly leave it if i knew which one? Could you kindly elaborate this in Kenyan context. Also, in your elaboration, kindly let us know how the muslims rightly acquired/inherited/attained the said land.

When Christ comes back the whole earth will be Islamic land so maybe you could try space or Mars!

Ujinga ni kusema when Christ, a Christian, comes back, the whole world will be Islamic, a non Christian religion, actually a cult that goes against everything Christ stood for! Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
#553 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 8:06:27 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/11/2012
Posts: 5,222
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
guru267 wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
guru267 wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
And was @Guru wrong when she declared herself to be Shiite?Are you faulting her and declaring yourself to be Muslim in the right way?

@Mukiri why do you hurl insults at me by calling me a Shiite?? What did I do to you?

When did I declare myself to be an idol worshiper?

I am very sorry... slip of the finger/boardSad You are a Sunni!!

If I may ask, is it characteristic of the Shiites to refuse to declare their stand? Like someone who's name we'll not mention

@Alph is Sunni even though he doesn't want to categorize himself...

I do not think he could degrade himself to bow to an image of anything!

Applause Applause Applause
@Alph, looks like @Guru has your balls. A funny thing because I thought in Islam, it was the other way roundd'oh!

Question is, is she right about you?

Question 2, if she's right, what is this 'nonsense' you wrote in post #504 (and one you keep repeating) that Islam is the same? Yet according to her, there are Muslims who 'bow to an image of anything'

@mukiri nobody has my balls, they are right here dangling in usual position. Why are interested in them anyway, ama you want to see if it fits latest toy in the market?

I can see you're provoking, and violeting the spirit of this community. Since i don't want to be ushered with you, like the way you did to @kysse and adult sex toys below Shame on you




Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly I must be really getting to you if you can stoop that lowLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

My questions above still stand
Question 1, is she right that you are also a Sunni?

Question 2, if she's right, what is this 'nonsense' you wrote in post #504 (and one you keep repeating) that Islam is the same? Yet according to her, there are Muslims who 'bow to an image of anything

You Can't keep yourself from asking same question over and over? Then you call my answers "nonsense"?

Unfortunately, whatever I answer, you will not get satisfied. You will only get satisfied after you put me into some category, for what reason? You know better.

Your intention is not to understand, your intention is to provoke. I don't want to be sucked into abuses which you normally unleash, resulting in you being "ushered".


I gave you more than enough answers already:
Post #407 my first answer here
Post #411 my second answer here
Post #414 Since you worship Jesus (pbuh) so you assumed Muslims also worship Muhammad (pbuh)
Post #416 Your first call asking me to slaughter @guru
Post #426 Your second call telling me to 'slaughter' @guru
Post #428 I asked you show me Shia ir Sunni evidence from the Qur'an
Post #432 I told you these categories were developed to judge Muslims
Post #444 @mukiri started using disrespectful words
Post #456 @mukiri desperately bringing TRIBALISM TO DISCUSSION
Post #477 boasting that the "only race chosen by God"
Post #504 my latest answer

Wewe jibu swali. Wacha theatricsShame on you Simple. Are you Sunni or not?

Proverbs 19:21
#554 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 8:09:07 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2008
Posts: 4,449
Nabwire wrote:
guru267 wrote:
Wendz wrote:
Which land because i could gladly leave it if i knew which one? Could you kindly elaborate this in Kenyan context. Also, in your elaboration, kindly let us know how the muslims rightly acquired/inherited/attained the said land.

When Christ comes back the whole earth will be Islamic land so maybe you could try space or Mars!

Ujinga ni kusema when Christ, a Christian, comes back, the whole world will be Islamic, a non Christian religion, actually a cult that goes against everything Christ stood for! Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
#555 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 9:13:24 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2008
Posts: 6,275
Location: Kenya
Nabwire wrote:
guru267 wrote:
Wendz wrote:
Which land because i could gladly leave it if i knew which one? Could you kindly elaborate this in Kenyan context. Also, in your elaboration, kindly let us know how the muslims rightly acquired/inherited/attained the said land.

When Christ comes back the whole earth will be Islamic land so maybe you could try space or Mars!

Ujinga ni kusema when Christ, a Christian, comes back, the whole world will be Islamic, a non Christian religion, actually a cult that goes against everything Christ stood for! Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

@nabwire who told you Jesus Christ (pbuh) was Christian? Can you produce your proof?
#556 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 9:18:16 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2008
Posts: 6,275
Location: Kenya
Mukiri wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
guru267 wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
guru267 wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
And was @Guru wrong when she declared herself to be Shiite?Are you faulting her and declaring yourself to be Muslim in the right way?

@Mukiri why do you hurl insults at me by calling me a Shiite?? What did I do to you?

When did I declare myself to be an idol worshiper?

I am very sorry... slip of the finger/boardSad You are a Sunni!!

If I may ask, is it characteristic of the Shiites to refuse to declare their stand? Like someone who's name we'll not mention

@Alph is Sunni even though he doesn't want to categorize himself...

I do not think he could degrade himself to bow to an image of anything!

Applause Applause Applause
@Alph, looks like @Guru has your balls. A funny thing because I thought in Islam, it was the other way roundd'oh!

Question is, is she right about you?

Question 2, if she's right, what is this 'nonsense' you wrote in post #504 (and one you keep repeating) that Islam is the same? Yet according to her, there are Muslims who 'bow to an image of anything'

@mukiri nobody has my balls, they are right here dangling in usual position. Why are interested in them anyway, ama you want to see if it fits latest toy in the market?

I can see you're provoking, and violeting the spirit of this community. Since i don't want to be ushered with you, like the way you did to @kysse and adult sex toys below Shame on you




Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly I must be really getting to you if you can stoop that lowLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

My questions above still stand
Question 1, is she right that you are also a Sunni?

Question 2, if she's right, what is this 'nonsense' you wrote in post #504 (and one you keep repeating) that Islam is the same? Yet according to her, there are Muslims who 'bow to an image of anything

You Can't keep yourself from asking same question over and over? Then you call my answers "nonsense"?

Unfortunately, whatever I answer, you will not get satisfied. You will only get satisfied after you put me into some category, for what reason? You know better.

Your intention is not to understand, your intention is to provoke. I don't want to be sucked into abuses which you normally unleash, resulting in you being "ushered".


I gave you more than enough answers already:
Post #407 my first answer here
Post #411 my second answer here
Post #414 Since you worship Jesus (pbuh) so you assumed Muslims also worship Muhammad (pbuh)
Post #416 Your first call asking me to slaughter @guru
Post #426 Your second call telling me to 'slaughter' @guru
Post #428 I asked you show me Shia ir Sunni evidence from the Qur'an
Post #432 I told you these categories were developed to judge Muslims
Post #444 @mukiri started using disrespectful words
Post #456 @mukiri desperately bringing TRIBALISM TO DISCUSSION
Post #477 boasting that the "only race chosen by God"
Post #504 my latest answer

Wewe jibu swali. Wacha theatricsShame on you Simple. Are you Sunni or not?

Ask another question brother.
#557 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 10:44:48 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/11/2012
Posts: 5,222
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
guru267 wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
guru267 wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
And was @Guru wrong when she declared herself to be Shiite?Are you faulting her and declaring yourself to be Muslim in the right way?

@Mukiri why do you hurl insults at me by calling me a Shiite?? What did I do to you?

When did I declare myself to be an idol worshiper?

I am very sorry... slip of the finger/boardSad You are a Sunni!!

If I may ask, is it characteristic of the Shiites to refuse to declare their stand? Like someone who's name we'll not mention

@Alph is Sunni even though he doesn't want to categorize himself...

I do not think he could degrade himself to bow to an image of anything!

Applause Applause Applause
@Alph, looks like @Guru has your balls. A funny thing because I thought in Islam, it was the other way roundd'oh!

Question is, is she right about you?

Question 2, if she's right, what is this 'nonsense' you wrote in post #504 (and one you keep repeating) that Islam is the same? Yet according to her, there are Muslims who 'bow to an image of anything'

@mukiri nobody has my balls, they are right here dangling in usual position. Why are interested in them anyway, ama you want to see if it fits latest toy in the market?

I can see you're provoking, and violeting the spirit of this community. Since i don't want to be ushered with you, like the way you did to @kysse and adult sex toys below Shame on you




Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly I must be really getting to you if you can stoop that lowLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

My questions above still stand
Question 1, is she right that you are also a Sunni?

Question 2, if she's right, what is this 'nonsense' you wrote in post #504 (and one you keep repeating) that Islam is the same? Yet according to her, there are Muslims who 'bow to an image of anything

You Can't keep yourself from asking same question over and over? Then you call my answers "nonsense"?

Unfortunately, whatever I answer, you will not get satisfied. You will only get satisfied after you put me into some category, for what reason? You know better.

Your intention is not to understand, your intention is to provoke. I don't want to be sucked into abuses which you normally unleash, resulting in you being "ushered".


I gave you more than enough answers already:
Post #407 my first answer here
Post #411 my second answer here
Post #414 Since you worship Jesus (pbuh) so you assumed Muslims also worship Muhammad (pbuh)
Post #416 Your first call asking me to slaughter @guru
Post #426 Your second call telling me to 'slaughter' @guru
Post #428 I asked you show me Shia ir Sunni evidence from the Qur'an
Post #432 I told you these categories were developed to judge Muslims
Post #444 @mukiri started using disrespectful words
Post #456 @mukiri desperately bringing TRIBALISM TO DISCUSSION
Post #477 boasting that the "only race chosen by God"
Post #504 my latest answer

Wewe jibu swali. Wacha theatricsShame on you Simple. Are you Sunni or not?

Ask another question brother.

Brother? No more matusi?smile

Ok.. Is @Guru practising wrong Islam, in outrightly saying she's Sunni?

Proverbs 19:21
#558 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 10:58:28 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2008
Posts: 6,275
Location: Kenya
Mukiri wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
guru267 wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
guru267 wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
And was @Guru wrong when she declared herself to be Shiite?Are you faulting her and declaring yourself to be Muslim in the right way?

@Mukiri why do you hurl insults at me by calling me a Shiite?? What did I do to you?

When did I declare myself to be an idol worshiper?

I am very sorry... slip of the finger/boardSad You are a Sunni!!

If I may ask, is it characteristic of the Shiites to refuse to declare their stand? Like someone who's name we'll not mention

@Alph is Sunni even though he doesn't want to categorize himself...

I do not think he could degrade himself to bow to an image of anything!

Applause Applause Applause
@Alph, looks like @Guru has your balls. A funny thing because I thought in Islam, it was the other way roundd'oh!

Question is, is she right about you?

Question 2, if she's right, what is this 'nonsense' you wrote in post #504 (and one you keep repeating) that Islam is the same? Yet according to her, there are Muslims who 'bow to an image of anything'

@mukiri nobody has my balls, they are right here dangling in usual position. Why are interested in them anyway, ama you want to see if it fits latest toy in the market?

I can see you're provoking, and violeting the spirit of this community. Since i don't want to be ushered with you, like the way you did to @kysse and adult sex toys below Shame on you




Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly I must be really getting to you if you can stoop that lowLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

My questions above still stand
Question 1, is she right that you are also a Sunni?

Question 2, if she's right, what is this 'nonsense' you wrote in post #504 (and one you keep repeating) that Islam is the same? Yet according to her, there are Muslims who 'bow to an image of anything

You Can't keep yourself from asking same question over and over? Then you call my answers "nonsense"?

Unfortunately, whatever I answer, you will not get satisfied. You will only get satisfied after you put me into some category, for what reason? You know better.

Your intention is not to understand, your intention is to provoke. I don't want to be sucked into abuses which you normally unleash, resulting in you being "ushered".


I gave you more than enough answers already:
Post #407 my first answer here
Post #411 my second answer here
Post #414 Since you worship Jesus (pbuh) so you assumed Muslims also worship Muhammad (pbuh)
Post #416 Your first call asking me to slaughter @guru
Post #426 Your second call telling me to 'slaughter' @guru
Post #428 I asked you show me Shia ir Sunni evidence from the Qur'an
Post #432 I told you these categories were developed to judge Muslims
Post #444 @mukiri started using disrespectful words
Post #456 @mukiri desperately bringing TRIBALISM TO DISCUSSION
Post #477 boasting that the "only race chosen by God"
Post #504 my latest answer

Wewe jibu swali. Wacha theatricsShame on you Simple. Are you Sunni or not?

Ask another question brother.

Brother? No more matusi?smile

Ok.. Is @Guru practising wrong Islam, in outrightly saying she's Sunni?

Matusi ndio wewe ulikuwa naye.

ok... about your question, my answer is No, if @guru is following the Quran and Hadith, then I call her a Muslim. I don't seen anything wrong with that.

In that case, I prefer to call her a Muslim, because she is following the Quran and Hadith. For other labels you're interested in, you can ask her, believe me she can explain herself.
#559 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 11:16:37 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/11/2012
Posts: 5,222
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
guru267 wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
guru267 wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
And was @Guru wrong when she declared herself to be Shiite?Are you faulting her and declaring yourself to be Muslim in the right way?

@Mukiri why do you hurl insults at me by calling me a Shiite?? What did I do to you?

When did I declare myself to be an idol worshiper?

I am very sorry... slip of the finger/boardSad You are a Sunni!!

If I may ask, is it characteristic of the Shiites to refuse to declare their stand? Like someone who's name we'll not mention

@Alph is Sunni even though he doesn't want to categorize himself...

I do not think he could degrade himself to bow to an image of anything!

Applause Applause Applause
@Alph, looks like @Guru has your balls. A funny thing because I thought in Islam, it was the other way roundd'oh!

Question is, is she right about you?

Question 2, if she's right, what is this 'nonsense' you wrote in post #504 (and one you keep repeating) that Islam is the same? Yet according to her, there are Muslims who 'bow to an image of anything'

@mukiri nobody has my balls, they are right here dangling in usual position. Why are interested in them anyway, ama you want to see if it fits latest toy in the market?

I can see you're provoking, and violeting the spirit of this community. Since i don't want to be ushered with you, like the way you did to @kysse and adult sex toys below Shame on you




Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly I must be really getting to you if you can stoop that lowLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

My questions above still stand
Question 1, is she right that you are also a Sunni?

Question 2, if she's right, what is this 'nonsense' you wrote in post #504 (and one you keep repeating) that Islam is the same? Yet according to her, there are Muslims who 'bow to an image of anything

You Can't keep yourself from asking same question over and over? Then you call my answers "nonsense"?

Unfortunately, whatever I answer, you will not get satisfied. You will only get satisfied after you put me into some category, for what reason? You know better.

Your intention is not to understand, your intention is to provoke. I don't want to be sucked into abuses which you normally unleash, resulting in you being "ushered".


I gave you more than enough answers already:
Post #407 my first answer here
Post #411 my second answer here
Post #414 Since you worship Jesus (pbuh) so you assumed Muslims also worship Muhammad (pbuh)
Post #416 Your first call asking me to slaughter @guru
Post #426 Your second call telling me to 'slaughter' @guru
Post #428 I asked you show me Shia ir Sunni evidence from the Qur'an
Post #432 I told you these categories were developed to judge Muslims
Post #444 @mukiri started using disrespectful words
Post #456 @mukiri desperately bringing TRIBALISM TO DISCUSSION
Post #477 boasting that the "only race chosen by God"
Post #504 my latest answer

Wewe jibu swali. Wacha theatricsShame on you Simple. Are you Sunni or not?

Ask another question brother.

Brother? No more matusi?smile

Ok.. Is @Guru practising wrong Islam, in outrightly saying she's Sunni?

Matusi ndio wewe ulikuwa naye.

ok... about your question, my answer is No, if @guru is following the Quran and Hadith, then I call her a Muslim. I don't seen anything wrong with that.

In that case, I prefer to call her a Muslim, because she is following the Quran and Hadith. For other labels you're interested in, you can ask her, believe me she can explain herself.

Mimi sina matusi... Like someone said here, sometime back, I describe someone so well, one can only feel sorry for them.

So if @Guru is not 'Un-Muslim-like' in declaring her stand, are you? In hiding yours

Proverbs 19:21
#560 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2014 11:35:23 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2008
Posts: 6,275
Location: Kenya
Mukiri wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
guru267 wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
guru267 wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
And was @Guru wrong when she declared herself to be Shiite?Are you faulting her and declaring yourself to be Muslim in the right way?

@Mukiri why do you hurl insults at me by calling me a Shiite?? What did I do to you?

When did I declare myself to be an idol worshiper?

I am very sorry... slip of the finger/boardSad You are a Sunni!!

If I may ask, is it characteristic of the Shiites to refuse to declare their stand? Like someone who's name we'll not mention

@Alph is Sunni even though he doesn't want to categorize himself...

I do not think he could degrade himself to bow to an image of anything!

Applause Applause Applause
@Alph, looks like @Guru has your balls. A funny thing because I thought in Islam, it was the other way roundd'oh!

Question is, is she right about you?

Question 2, if she's right, what is this 'nonsense' you wrote in post #504 (and one you keep repeating) that Islam is the same? Yet according to her, there are Muslims who 'bow to an image of anything'

@mukiri nobody has my balls, they are right here dangling in usual position. Why are interested in them anyway, ama you want to see if it fits latest toy in the market?

I can see you're provoking, and violeting the spirit of this community. Since i don't want to be ushered with you, like the way you did to @kysse and adult sex toys below Shame on you




Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly I must be really getting to you if you can stoop that lowLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

My questions above still stand
Question 1, is she right that you are also a Sunni?

Question 2, if she's right, what is this 'nonsense' you wrote in post #504 (and one you keep repeating) that Islam is the same? Yet according to her, there are Muslims who 'bow to an image of anything

You Can't keep yourself from asking same question over and over? Then you call my answers "nonsense"?

Unfortunately, whatever I answer, you will not get satisfied. You will only get satisfied after you put me into some category, for what reason? You know better.

Your intention is not to understand, your intention is to provoke. I don't want to be sucked into abuses which you normally unleash, resulting in you being "ushered".


I gave you more than enough answers already:
Post #407 my first answer here
Post #411 my second answer here
Post #414 Since you worship Jesus (pbuh) so you assumed Muslims also worship Muhammad (pbuh)
Post #416 Your first call asking me to slaughter @guru
Post #426 Your second call telling me to 'slaughter' @guru
Post #428 I asked you show me Shia ir Sunni evidence from the Qur'an
Post #432 I told you these categories were developed to judge Muslims
Post #444 @mukiri started using disrespectful words
Post #456 @mukiri desperately bringing TRIBALISM TO DISCUSSION
Post #477 boasting that the "only race chosen by God"
Post #504 my latest answer

Wewe jibu swali. Wacha theatricsShame on you Simple. Are you Sunni or not?

Ask another question brother.

Brother? No more matusi?smile

Ok.. Is @Guru practising wrong Islam, in outrightly saying she's Sunni?

Matusi ndio wewe ulikuwa naye.

ok... about your question, my answer is No, if @guru is following the Quran and Hadith, then I call her a Muslim. I don't seen anything wrong with that.

In that case, I prefer to call her a Muslim, because she is following the Quran and Hadith. For other labels you're interested in, you can ask her, believe me she can explain herself.

Mimi sina matusi... Like someone said here, sometime back, I describe someone so well, one can only feel sorry for them.

So if @Guru is not 'Un-Muslim-like' in declaring her stand, are you? In hiding yours

Is it your specialization to describe people? Can't you dialogue without falling into temptation to describe people, putting them in tribes, races, sects etc? What I know is you were really described so well by many Wazuans here, even admin did as well, and even ushered you. And I remember you felt sorry for yourself, and so remorseful you even repented and told yourself you will change.

You see @mukiri, what does your Bible teach about controlling your tongue (fingers). Does it not give you guidelines about how you should speak about others? Does it not teach you against delighting in meddling and slandering?

James 3:2 - If we can control our speech, we can control all areas of our lives.
Titus 3:1,2 - Christians are told to "speak evil of no one."
1 Peter 2:1 - "Lay aside ... all evil speaking."

So about your question. The answer is I didn't say it is Muslim-like or un-Muslim-like for her declaring anything. I said a Muslim is one who follows the Quran and Hadith.
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