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The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
#261 Posted : Monday, July 14, 2014 6:19:21 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2012
Posts: 15,980
guru267 wrote:
murchr wrote:
I wonder if in Christianity there's a prediction* of how Catholics (Believers of Peter being the rock of the church) and Protestants (those who follow the teachings of Paul) will betray Christ.

My friend ALL Christians follow Pauls teachings which did not agree with Peters!

So in that way ALL Christians betrayed Christ! And Jesus warned his 12 about the wolf in sheeps clothing Sad

If Peters teachings were followed there would be absolutely no need for Islam in this world!

Get your facts right St Peter & St Pauls teachings are all in the bible. The guide for Christians.

Read Galatians 2:11-16 to see why they disagreed
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#262 Posted : Monday, July 14, 2014 9:32:33 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2008
Posts: 4,449
guru267 wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
"3 Things You Need to Know About ISIS" By Bilal Abdul Kareem who has spent much of the past two years filming and documenting a range of foreign fighters for several TV channels and gotten to know ISIS fighters very well:

"3 Things You Need to Know About ISIS"
"I got to know ISIS fighters in Syria pretty good, after all I spent much of the past two years filming and documenting a range of foreign fighters for several TV channels. I can understand why some would be confused about ISIS as Muslims are very sceptical of what they see in the news media. Some wonder if it is a conspiracy against well intending Muslim fighters. I can appreciate their hesitancy. As a journalist I follow the media very closely and all we need do is look at the awful media coverage of the Gaza events to know that something is seriously wrong with mainstream media. Is this another case of such?
For easy reading I have listed 3 reasons why I believe ISIS has poisoned the Syrian revolution.

#1 Support of the People
In all honesty without any holding back of the truth, the Syrian people who lived within their territories and those who lived outside of their territories absolutely hated ISIS. Most of them felt that they had merely traded in a tyrant in Bashar Al Asad for another tyrant in ISIS. They felt they were second class citizens in their own country. Most people don’t realise but ISIS is 95% foreign fighter. They would walk the streets and look down on the average Syrian and many of them wouldn’t return the “salaam” if greeted as they didn’t see many of the Syrians as Muslims. Yes it’s true that Syrians in general like their cigarettes, music videos, and other stuff they should leave alone but to consider them non-Muslims??? This is very far. Why is it that Syrians don’t join ISIS? Jabha Islamiyya, Jabha An Nusra, and all the other Islamic groups are predominantly Syrian with a minority mix of foreign fighters. Why not ISIS? It is because ISIS terrorised the indigenous people and no one wanted them in their country let alone join them. Their prisons were full of weak Syrians who ran afoul of their corrupt ideology. Where are those Syrians who are supposed to be cheering on the “rise” of ISIS? I don’t know of any who are.

#2 Fighting Fellow Mujaahideen
ISIS fighters in Syria are not on one single front line against Bashar Asad’s army in Syria. I know this is a shock to many who have fallen prey to the nasheed and heroic youtube videos featuring ISIS fighters but after having spent much time throughout the country I can tell you with certainty that all of their resources that well intending Muslim donors have given them are being used to fight their fellow Mujaahideen. They are no threat at all to Asad’s forces as they are not fighting them ANYWHERE in Syria. For fear of not wanting to get my account closed on Facebook I would show you pictures of how they beheaded Mujaahid fighters from Ahrar Asham, Jabha An Nusra and other groups fighting the Asad regime. How ugly is it to see the heads of bearded Muslim fighters on the floor with an ISIS fighter posing over them holding a knife and one finger in the air as if he killed these young men for the sake of Allaah. ISIS felt that ONLY they were serious about bringing Islam to the people and no one else was. Therefore they eagerly spilled the blood of those who had fought numerous battles against regime forces.
While 95% of ISIS consists of foreign fighters, it doesn’t mean that 95% of the foreign fighters have gone to ISIS. Most of the foreigners do not go to ISIS. The news media wants the people at large to believe that as it fits their narrative that “foreign fighters are a threat to their home country” narrative. Actually ISIS made things very difficult for the foreign fighters in Syria as they unlawfully imprisoned, killed, and endangered the lives of the Syrian people. Thus some of the Syrians began to dislike ALL foreign fighters due to ISIS actions as they couldn’t tell who was and who wasn’t ISIS.

#3 Support of the Scholars and People of Influence
There is not ONE scholar who came out in support of ISIS and it’s leader’s claim to khilafah. Actually it is just the opposite, they all came out in unison denouncing the claim to the caliphate in specific and the movement in general. ISIS has been denounced by several Shaykhs who are respected by people of Jihad like Shaykh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi, Shaykh Abdullaah AL Muhaysini, and Shaykh Abu Qatada, not to mention a huge rebuke from Ayman Zawahiri and his demand for them to pack up their operation in Syria as well.
A small amount of Muslims around the world have an apocalyptic view of how things should be and ISIS seems to suit them just fine. They feel that ISIS is on the truth simply due to the fact that the news media and the masses are against them. This can in no way be used as a proof. The world at large is against rapists, murderers, and thieves too. Can we say that they are on the truth simply because they are fiercely opposed?

How could we as Muslims not scorn a movement that has:
Is it likely a group like this could bring benefit to the lives of the Muslims they would lead in their local area? Therefore is it likely they could bring peace and unification to the Muslims around the world? Or is it more likely that they would bring more disunity, destruction, and chaos?

A total lack of wisdom from this group led by Abu Bakr Baghdadi is what has hurt the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people. Foreign fighters along with their Syrian counterparts were a big reason for the taking of huge swaths of territory during this revolution and the regime feared that mix. Notice that much territory was being taken in Iraq by Sunni forces (falsely stated that ISIS is the head of them-but that’s another story!). Also, notice that those advances have all but stopped as soon as the news broke of this new “Khalifah”. At best I think we can only say that Baghdadi’s group is sorely lacking people of wisdom in their ranks and in no way can be branded “saviours” of the Muslim nation in any way."

Let's talk in 10 years...

I notice how you have conviniently evaded key issues highlighted in the article. ISORAIT #10yrsWaiting

Boko Haram have now stated they support the IS. I presume you are/plan to be a mother.

When Boko Haram, the abductors of over 200 girls, agree with you, don't you think there is a problem?

Link - http://www.dailystar.com...dadi.ashx#axzz37QCmhSjv
#263 Posted : Monday, July 14, 2014 10:18:47 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 11/17/2009
Posts: 1,049
guru267 wrote:
murchr wrote:
For those who dont know Shia islam - followers of Mohammeds son in law and cousin Ali, & Sunni follow the so called first caliphate Abu Bakr

Seems there was a succession issue here

The only issue came with the Shiites...

Muhammad predicted Abu Bakr would become his successor... Even Ali was cool with Abu Bakr as Caliph!

Then somewhere down the line someone lied to Shiites that Ali was divine and they should have shrines and worship images of him! Similar to Catholics...

Hence my question
Did this happen during Muhammed's life on earth or after his death!

Just as absolute power corrupts leaders, so does absolute fanaticism blind the people from logic
#264 Posted : Monday, July 14, 2014 12:03:25 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2008
Posts: 6,275
Location: Kenya
Nandwa wrote:
guru267 wrote:
murchr wrote:
For those who dont know Shia islam - followers of Mohammeds son in law and cousin Ali, & Sunni follow the so called first caliphate Abu Bakr

Seems there was a succession issue here

The only issue came with the Shiites...

Muhammad predicted Abu Bakr would become his successor... Even Ali was cool with Abu Bakr as Caliph!

Then somewhere down the line someone lied to Shiites that Ali was divine and they should have shrines and worship images of him! Similar to Catholics...

Hence my question
Did this happen during Muhammed's life on earth or after his death!

@Nandwa I think @gurus post is self explanatory. It's clearly mentioned there "later", right?
#265 Posted : Monday, July 14, 2014 12:06:05 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2008
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Location: Kenya
murchr wrote:
guru267 wrote:
murchr wrote:
I wonder if in Christianity there's a prediction* of how Catholics (Believers of Peter being the rock of the church) and Protestants (those who follow the teachings of Paul) will betray Christ.

My friend ALL Christians follow Pauls teachings which did not agree with Peters!

So in that way ALL Christians betrayed Christ! And Jesus warned his 12 about the wolf in sheeps clothing Sad

If Peters teachings were followed there would be absolutely no need for Islam in this world!

Get your facts right St Peter & St Pauls teachings are all in the bible. The guide for Christians.

Read Galatians 2:11-16 to see why they disagreed

@muchr this would've been my take but I've been in the road the past many days. If you look into the two teachings, you'd find they differ from Jesus' (a.s)
#266 Posted : Monday, July 14, 2014 12:30:06 PM
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Joined: 11/17/2009
Posts: 1,049
AlphDoti wrote:
Nandwa wrote:
guru267 wrote:
murchr wrote:
For those who dont know Shia islam - followers of Mohammeds son in law and cousin Ali, & Sunni follow the so called first caliphate Abu Bakr

Seems there was a succession issue here

The only issue came with the Shiites...

Muhammad predicted Abu Bakr would become his successor... Even Ali was cool with Abu Bakr as Caliph!

Then somewhere down the line someone lied to Shiites that Ali was divine and they should have shrines and worship images of him! Similar to Catholics...

Hence my question
Did this happen during Muhammed's life on earth or after his death!

@Nandwa I think @gurus post is self explanatory. It's clearly mentioned there "later", right?

@ Alpha
You need to scroll backwards to post #255 so as to contextualise the issue
Nandwa wrote:
guru267 wrote:
Wainadi wrote:
guru267 wrote:
nakujua wrote:
why don't they gang up and attack Israel

According to Muhammad's prophecy its only a matter of time before this happens!

The Arab states have to first denounce nationalism and embrace Sharia and Islamism!

I would love to see the union between Saudia and Iran. That would be the day.

Muhammad said Shiites will eventually side with Romans as you can see is happening already!

The March to Jerusalem will strictly be Sunni!

Ala when did the fault lines between Shiite and Suni form vis a vis Mohammeds existence, or did he whisper some things from outer space long after his death!

Just as absolute power corrupts leaders, so does absolute fanaticism blind the people from logic
#267 Posted : Monday, July 14, 2014 2:24:25 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2012
Posts: 15,980
AlphDoti wrote:
murchr wrote:
guru267 wrote:
murchr wrote:
I wonder if in Christianity there's a prediction* of how Catholics (Believers of Peter being the rock of the church) and Protestants (those who follow the teachings of Paul) will betray Christ.

My friend ALL Christians follow Pauls teachings which did not agree with Peters!

So in that way ALL Christians betrayed Christ! And Jesus warned his 12 about the wolf in sheeps clothing Sad

If Peters teachings were followed there would be absolutely no need for Islam in this world!

Get your facts right St Peter & St Pauls teachings are all in the bible. The guide for Christians.

Read Galatians 2:11-16 to see why they disagreed

@muchr this would've been my take but I've been in the road the past many days. If you look into the two teachings, you'd find they differ from Jesus' (a.s)

No they dont
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#268 Posted : Monday, July 14, 2014 7:52:40 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 3/19/2013
Posts: 2,552
#269 Posted : Thursday, July 17, 2014 11:14:27 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2008
Posts: 4,449
This is the recently IS produced "This is life in the Islamic state" video. Professional quality stuff. Life is soo good under the IS, they exhibit religious tolerance by blowing up holy Shia sites and mosques..

#270 Posted : Friday, July 18, 2014 8:36:35 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2008
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Location: Kenya
ecstacy wrote:
This is the recently IS produced "This is life in the Islamic state" video. Professional quality stuff. Life is soo good under the IS, they exhibit religious tolerance by blowing up holy Shia sites and mosques..

In summary

A. The man is going around reminding people that the Friday prayer is an obligation. They need to close their shops, trading and hasten.
Allah (Almighty God) says in the Qur'an: "O you who believe, when the call for the salah of jumu'ah is proclaimed,
hasten unto the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business (and trading).
That is best for you if you but knew."

B. Destroying some items, idolised places, graveyards for worship etc. Some people do some kind of Shirk at graves, and they have turned the graves of saints into places of worship. They construct things around the graves, then visit these graves and tombs indulge in many forms of polytheism

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "Spells, amulets and love-charms are (forms of) shirk."

Scholars unanimously maintain that it is haram (unlawful) to wear amulets. The prophet said: "Whoever wears an amulet, may Allaah not fulfil his need, and whoever wears a sea-shell, may Allaah not give him peace."

1. Amulets are things made from pearls or bones and worn on the necks of children or adults or hung up in houses or cars, in order to ward off evil – especially the evil eye – or to bring some benefits.
2. Shirk (Arabic word) refers to the sin of practicing idolatry or polytheism.

My reply does not mean I support what is happening right now with ISIS and the like. I have not been following the developments keenly and have little knowledge to comment much.
#271 Posted : Friday, July 18, 2014 12:42:35 PM
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Joined: 11/19/2009
Posts: 3,142
AlphDoti wrote:
I have not been following the developments keenly and have little knowledge to comment much.

You have not been following the progress of the caliphate? Where are your interests? Are they not in the caliphate?
#272 Posted : Friday, July 18, 2014 12:46:22 PM
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Joined: 2/26/2008
Posts: 4,449
Muriel wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
I have not been following the developments keenly and have little knowledge to comment much.

You have not been following the progress of the caliphate? Where are your interests? Are they not in the caliphate?

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly very convinient
#273 Posted : Friday, July 18, 2014 1:06:15 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2008
Posts: 4,449
AlphDoti wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
This is the recently IS produced "This is life in the Islamic state" video. Professional quality stuff. Life is soo good under the IS, they exhibit religious tolerance by blowing up holy Shia sites and mosques..

In summary
B. Destroying some items, idolised places, graveyards for worship etc. Some people do some kind of Shirk at graves, and they have turned the graves of saints into places of worship. They construct things around the graves, then visit these graves and tombs indulge in many forms of polytheism

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "Spells, amulets and love-charms are (forms of) shirk."

Scholars unanimously maintain that it is haram (unlawful) to wear amulets. The prophet said: "Whoever wears an amulet, may Allaah not fulfil his need, and whoever wears a sea-shell, may Allaah not give him peace."

1. Amulets are things made from pearls or bones and worn on the necks of children or adults or hung up in houses or cars, in order to ward off evil – especially the evil eye – or to bring some benefits.
2. Shirk (Arabic word) refers to the sin of practicing idolatry or polytheism.

My reply does not mean I support what is happening right now with ISIS and the like. I have not been following the developments keenly and have little knowledge to comment much.

Using your logic, if Christians find Hindus engaging in "Idolatry" when worshiping their multiple gods, why should your Islam be a special case, kwanza the way they have 'misrepresented' the Christian Bible?

You rationalizing religious intolerance and forget the same can be applied to you in triple measure, it's just that we prefer to live as fellow children of God who share a home, the earth. We have gone ahead to pass a constitution, just like the Iraqi's, to say our state is secular, so as to allow Alphadoti worship his Allah in peace too. Why does Islam think it has a monopoly of violence??
#274 Posted : Friday, July 18, 2014 2:34:11 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2008
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Location: Kenya
ecstacy wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
This is the recently IS produced "This is life in the Islamic state" video. Professional quality stuff. Life is soo good under the IS, they exhibit religious tolerance by blowing up holy Shia sites and mosques..

In summary
B. Destroying some items, idolised places, graveyards for worship etc. Some people do some kind of Shirk at graves, and they have turned the graves of saints into places of worship. They construct things around the graves, then visit these graves and tombs indulge in many forms of polytheism

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "Spells, amulets and love-charms are (forms of) shirk."

Scholars unanimously maintain that it is haram (unlawful) to wear amulets. The prophet said: "Whoever wears an amulet, may Allaah not fulfil his need, and whoever wears a sea-shell, may Allaah not give him peace."

1. Amulets are things made from pearls or bones and worn on the necks of children or adults or hung up in houses or cars, in order to ward off evil – especially the evil eye – or to bring some benefits.
2. Shirk (Arabic word) refers to the sin of practicing idolatry or polytheism.

My reply does not mean I support what is happening right now with ISIS and the like. I have not been following the developments keenly and have little knowledge to comment much.

Using your logic, if Christians find Hindus engaging in "Idolatry" when worshiping their multiple gods, why should your Islam be a special case, kwanza the way they have 'misrepresented' the Christian Bible?

You rationalizing religious intolerance and forget the same can be applied to you in triple measure, it's just that we prefer to live as fellow children of God who share a home, the earth. We have gone ahead to pass a constitution, just like the Iraqi's, to say our state is secular, so as to allow Alphadoti worship his Allah in peace too. Why does Islam think it has a monopoly of violence??

@ecstacy as it suits you my brother. I was just highlighting what is in the picture.

The constitution you are trying to think it's yours is also for the Muslims. If a Muslim commits a crime, he won't be taken to Sharia court, but to criminal court. If a Christian commits a crime, he will be taken to same criminal court... But when a Muslim marries another Muslim, they'll be married under Sharia law, and that's non of your business.

No need for you to have headache about Constitution, because it is not your exclusive right to put anything there. All Kenyans are part of it. And besides, sharia law was already recognized in our constitution, even before you were born. And also before the constitution in 1963, there was Sharia law in Kenya.

So don't foaming in the mouth, and have sleepless nights and hate over something which does not affect you at all. First check it out and let me know if you find anything illegal about Sharia Law on marriage, divorce and inheritance.

If you want to debate any comparison start a thread. But let this thread discuss ISIS.
#275 Posted : Friday, July 18, 2014 2:55:53 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2008
Posts: 4,449
AlphDoti wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
This is the recently IS produced "This is life in the Islamic state" video. Professional quality stuff. Life is soo good under the IS, they exhibit religious tolerance by blowing up holy Shia sites and mosques..

In summary
B. Destroying some items, idolised places, graveyards for worship etc. Some people do some kind of Shirk at graves, and they have turned the graves of saints into places of worship. They construct things around the graves, then visit these graves and tombs indulge in many forms of polytheism

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "Spells, amulets and love-charms are (forms of) shirk."

Scholars unanimously maintain that it is haram (unlawful) to wear amulets. The prophet said: "Whoever wears an amulet, may Allaah not fulfil his need, and whoever wears a sea-shell, may Allaah not give him peace."

1. Amulets are things made from pearls or bones and worn on the necks of children or adults or hung up in houses or cars, in order to ward off evil – especially the evil eye – or to bring some benefits.
2. Shirk (Arabic word) refers to the sin of practicing idolatry or polytheism.

My reply does not mean I support what is happening right now with ISIS and the like. I have not been following the developments keenly and have little knowledge to comment much.

Using your logic, if Christians find Hindus engaging in "Idolatry" when worshiping their multiple gods, why should your Islam be a special case, kwanza the way they have 'misrepresented' the Christian Bible?

You rationalizing religious intolerance and forget the same can be applied to you in triple measure, it's just that we prefer to live as fellow children of God who share a home, the earth. We have gone ahead to pass a constitution, just like the Iraqi's, to say our state is secular, so as to allow Alphadoti worship his Allah in peace too. Why does Islam think it has a monopoly of violence??

The constitution you are trying to think it's yours is also for the Muslims. If a Muslim commits a crime, he won't be taken to Sharia court, but to criminal court. If a Christian commits a crime, he will be taken to same criminal court... But when a Muslim marries another Muslim, they'll be married under Sharia law, and that's non of your business.

..But let this thread discuss ISIS.

Not so fast mister..

ISIS is trying to set up an Islamic State governed under Sharia law. Do you agree with their (ISIS/IS) interpretation of Sharia Law? a simple Yes or No please.
#276 Posted : Sunday, July 20, 2014 10:54:23 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2008
Posts: 4,449
ISIS/IS support the Palestinian cause, by burning their flag..lol

#277 Posted : Sunday, July 20, 2014 11:15:00 PM
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Joined: 7/17/2011
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Location: Mbui-Nzau, Kikumbulyu
All this to punish China?? Watch a region go from midro class to stone age ....see whats happened to Libya.. they are scrambling for the airport as of now..sad
#278 Posted : Sunday, July 20, 2014 11:41:30 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2008
Posts: 4,449
ecstacy wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
This is the recently IS produced "This is life in the Islamic state" video. Professional quality stuff. Life is soo good under the IS, they exhibit religious tolerance by blowing up holy Shia sites and mosques..

In summary
B. Destroying some items, idolised places, graveyards for worship etc. Some people do some kind of Shirk at graves, and they have turned the graves of saints into places of worship. They construct things around the graves, then visit these graves and tombs indulge in many forms of polytheism

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "Spells, amulets and love-charms are (forms of) shirk."

Scholars unanimously maintain that it is haram (unlawful) to wear amulets. The prophet said: "Whoever wears an amulet, may Allaah not fulfil his need, and whoever wears a sea-shell, may Allaah not give him peace."

1. Amulets are things made from pearls or bones and worn on the necks of children or adults or hung up in houses or cars, in order to ward off evil – especially the evil eye – or to bring some benefits.
2. Shirk (Arabic word) refers to the sin of practicing idolatry or polytheism.

My reply does not mean I support what is happening right now with ISIS and the like. I have not been following the developments keenly and have little knowledge to comment much.

Using your logic, if Christians find Hindus engaging in "Idolatry" when worshiping their multiple gods, why should your Islam be a special case, kwanza the way they have 'misrepresented' the Christian Bible?

You rationalizing religious intolerance and forget the same can be applied to you in triple measure, it's just that we prefer to live as fellow children of God who share a home, the earth. We have gone ahead to pass a constitution, just like the Iraqi's, to say our state is secular, so as to allow Alphadoti worship his Allah in peace too. Why does Islam think it has a monopoly of violence??

The constitution you are trying to think it's yours is also for the Muslims. If a Muslim commits a crime, he won't be taken to Sharia court, but to criminal court. If a Christian commits a crime, he will be taken to same criminal court... But when a Muslim marries another Muslim, they'll be married under Sharia law, and that's non of your business.

..But let this thread discuss ISIS.

Not so fast mister..

ISIS is trying to set up an Islamic State governed under Sharia law. Do you agree with their (ISIS/IS) interpretation of Sharia Law? a simple Yes or No please.

Iraqi bishops have today asked the World to act on behalf of the Christian minority.

In orders contained in an IS letter after this past Friday prayers, Alphadoti & gurus friends, the Islamic State group, threatened Christians in the Iraqi city of Mosul with death if they do not convert to Islam or pay a tax.

Following these orders, hundreds of Christians are fleeing Mosul today Sunday headed to Kurdish territory. In IS manned checkpoints, the IS are stealing the cars and possessions of these Christians and making them walk instead to Kurdistan.

Mosul has a Christian tradition going back 2,000. So much for religious tolerance.

Link on the orders - http://www.aljazeera.com...2014718111040982432.html
#279 Posted : Monday, July 21, 2014 6:43:31 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 1/21/2010
Posts: 6,675
Location: Nairobi
ecstacy wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
ecstacy wrote:
This is the recently IS produced "This is life in the Islamic state" video. Professional quality stuff. Life is soo good under the IS, they exhibit religious tolerance by blowing up holy Shia sites and mosques..

In summary
B. Destroying some items, idolised places, graveyards for worship etc. Some people do some kind of Shirk at graves, and they have turned the graves of saints into places of worship. They construct things around the graves, then visit these graves and tombs indulge in many forms of polytheism

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "Spells, amulets and love-charms are (forms of) shirk."

Scholars unanimously maintain that it is haram (unlawful) to wear amulets. The prophet said: "Whoever wears an amulet, may Allaah not fulfil his need, and whoever wears a sea-shell, may Allaah not give him peace."

1. Amulets are things made from pearls or bones and worn on the necks of children or adults or hung up in houses or cars, in order to ward off evil – especially the evil eye – or to bring some benefits.
2. Shirk (Arabic word) refers to the sin of practicing idolatry or polytheism.

My reply does not mean I support what is happening right now with ISIS and the like. I have not been following the developments keenly and have little knowledge to comment much.

Using your logic, if Christians find Hindus engaging in "Idolatry" when worshiping their multiple gods, why should your Islam be a special case, kwanza the way they have 'misrepresented' the Christian Bible?

You rationalizing religious intolerance and forget the same can be applied to you in triple measure, it's just that we prefer to live as fellow children of God who share a home, the earth. We have gone ahead to pass a constitution, just like the Iraqi's, to say our state is secular, so as to allow Alphadoti worship his Allah in peace too. Why does Islam think it has a monopoly of violence??

The constitution you are trying to think it's yours is also for the Muslims. If a Muslim commits a crime, he won't be taken to Sharia court, but to criminal court. If a Christian commits a crime, he will be taken to same criminal court... But when a Muslim marries another Muslim, they'll be married under Sharia law, and that's non of your business.

..But let this thread discuss ISIS.

Not so fast mister..

ISIS is trying to set up an Islamic State governed under Sharia law. Do you agree with their (ISIS/IS) interpretation of Sharia Law? a simple Yes or No please.

Iraqi bishops have today asked the World to act on behalf of the Christian minority.

In orders contained in an IS letter after this past Friday prayers, Alphadoti & gurus friends, the Islamic State group, threatened Christians in the Iraqi city of Mosul with death if they do not convert to Islam or pay a tax.

Following these orders, hundreds of Christians are fleeing Mosul today Sunday headed to Kurdish territory. In IS manned checkpoints, the IS are stealing the cars and possessions of these Christians and making them walk instead to Kurdistan.

Mosul has a Christian tradition going back 2,000. So much for religious tolerance.

Link on the orders - http://www.aljazeera.com...014718111040982432.html

The tax is only 2.5% of savings which is very fair if you ask me and is equal to what Muslims pay in Zakat!

The theory is that Kaffirs should not be exempt from helping the needy!

Muhammad however said when Christ returns he will abolish this tax because he will restore peace and justice to the world
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#280 Posted : Monday, July 21, 2014 10:16:59 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2008
Posts: 4,449
IS militants have seized a monastery in northern Iraq, kicking out its Christian monks as well as Christian residents of Mosul.

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS) insurgents stormed the ancient Mar Benham monastery in the Christian town of Qaraqosh Sunday, near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, which was overrun by ISIS on 10 June.

Mar Benham is a 4th century monastery run by the Syriac Catholic church.

A member of the Syriac clergy said the monks pleaded to be allowed to save some of the monastery’s relics but the ISIS fighters refused and ordered them to leave on foot with only the clothes on their back.

“You have no place here anymore, you have to leave immediately,” one of the militants told the monks, according to the clergyman.

The monks then walked several kilometers along a road and were eventually picked up by Kurdish Peshmerga fighters who drove them to Qaraqosh, AFP reported Monday.

Link - http://rt.com/news/17448...-ransack-monastery-iraq/
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