@Kiash the SGR will be a separate, ''larger'' (gauge size) railway line very different from the Metre Gauge used by RVR currently, thus the SGR will be more profitable to run for an entity as it shall have lower maintenance costs and larger carriage capacity. Actually on the master plan/map, the two will run close together...in some instances very close
Whether RVR will be granted rights on a conscession for SGR, we are yet to see...(I doubt it). However remember that still RVR's metre gauge has access to the interiors once revamped (esp. agricultural areas) so perhaps they can capitalise on that business as the SGR hasn't factored in such plans...yet
Let the railway be built first then we'll see KRC or Gava issue the conscession...from what I know though, these conversations start early...by 2017, it will be a tad bit too late if YOU want to get such...
Knowledge= power, Information= wealth...and ignorance? Well..
Who knows...maybe Transcentury's exit was actually an entry?
I went into the (Ferry) industry knowing the same thing I knew with all other businesses I went into- Nothing. Then I built it from there. - Sheldon Adelson (Titans at the Table- Giants of Macau)