The only reason Obama was elected was because America was in desperate need of someone who had the capability. America was becoming islolated and economy down the toilet. Another thing his neither white or black,those confused jama's could live with that.
Compared to all the candidates,it had to be Obama and his compaign was ground level. Colour was irrelevant,it was almost a matter of life or death. If America was not where it was economically and international relation haywire. Obama would probably not have been elected.
Now that been said,Obama can pretend racism is not an issue and everything is nice and sweet with the country.Racism is big and really big in America
By him using the word stupid,which means not intelligent. It showed he is human and in touch with people. He didnt call the involved cops racist,he called the arrest stupid. Which could mean training,also showing it will not be torelated,it was wrong and the blacks also voted for the guy.
It is was no win situation. Its those situations you say what you honestly feel and deal with the aftermath. The blacks were waiting,the professor personal friend-who probably worked day and night to get him in,the whites were also waiting.
So Obama been clever dealt with the deed. It was wrong due to ignorance and not been too clever,just been plain stupid.It could have been a slanted statement but HEY!
An answer was better than silence and it goes to show,this guy thinks on his feet(One of the reasons he was better than his opposers). He admitted he didnt have all the facts and maybe baised because its a friend. But from the facts he had at hand it didnt look intelligent.
From where am seating even without all the facts,the cops were extremely extremely stupid and this has placed Obama on another level. He has balls,tough if he does not say what will please everyone. Say as it is and deal with it later,like a man.
You must want it with an exuberance that erupts through the skin & joins the energy that created the world.