Hague or Local tribunal... Mutula is a lawyer.. Money anywhere...
Where the cases take forever; more money; fly to Geneva more miles;My piece to Ocampo.. Sir,you need work; else ICC might close; confuse them more and takeover the case! Swing to action and prove a point; infact you can talk to M7 to assist you arrest the MPigs in Kenya (he now owns migingo)Mpigs.. am sorry very sorry for people like Ruto, UK,J Michuki,H Ali,Raila,Kibaki,Dr Mutua,the media KASS FM,Mungiki,K Warriors,and you reading this...Hague or anywhere.. justice is needed now.. Ocampo read the names in full and lets get cracking!!
if the incompetent and the reckless compete,the result is a disaster.. MN