It is important to understand what money means. Does a Central Bank system make a few people rich and the rest poor? Why should you money lose value over time through the effects of inflation? Shouldn't we rather have a money system that increases value with time?
If you are working class and you keep money aside for your retirement, do you think it will reach a point where your savings will be enough to take care of you in your sunset years?
It is as simple as this:
Quote:Sound money (policy) means economic prosperity and limited government.
Unsound money means inflation, recessions and depressions and big government.
What sort of system do you want for your children?
NB: The video is based on the US system but it applies to all states with a Central Bank system.
Money, Banking and the Federal ReserveConventional thinkers waste time building shelters when they are unnecessary and then have no shelters when they need them the most. Socionomists do the opposite.