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constitution smelling
#1 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 6:36:00 AM
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finally we are about to reach canaan,if mps put a side their differences we can get anew constitution as early as next year. what they proposed in it is simply the best for us. if it goes through it will reduce corrp,and have better governance.

#2 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 6:49:00 AM
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We will have a ceremonial president. No powers whatsoever. Why have a president in such an instant at all? He will only be using the tax payers money and sleeping at state house.

Baada ya dhiki,faaraja
#3 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:11:00 AM
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agree with ali

we will hav a popularly elected prezo with zero power! how is that a gud thing...we shall be subject to parliamentary dictatorships...the number of mps shall increase by 40 odd and then there shall be guys cald governors who will also increase the govts wage bill...which shall be paid from our taxes!...outragoues...ammendments to the current one shud hav been made as opposed to an overhaul
#4 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:33:00 AM
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In many countries the person with the most power is not elected directly by the people.

In U.S it is the electorol college,India MPs,Britian the same e.t.c e.t.c....

Why? In Kenya's case insulate the election of the ceo from the people. You elect your rep,then let them fight it out in bunge.

If the election of the P.M is acrimonious,let it be acrimonous in bunge. All the abuse,punching violence (if necessary) will be done in bunge,while we watch on TV or radio.

Thus no more obessession with the presidency since P.M can be removed easily. No more stone carrying youth no more usless endless campaigns.

The president is a place holder,while bunge fight it out to seek consensus on a P.M prezzo holds country together. He then invites winner to form Government.

During this delicate time if Uganda declares war and invades us,we have a commander in cheif at the helm. Plus he is the symbol of national unity kind of like our king. Since only

Governors and state government may help in the long run. Why? they will replace the 8 PC's 16 sub-pc's 280 DC's and god knows how many DO's and cheifs and support staff. Governors with power are good. If you have a problem with water in your region,you don't run to P.M you ask your Governor who obtains a portion of taxes from you.

I don't like so many mps in the draft. Plus they should put a restriction so that PM does not run for prezzo or vice versa after two terms. Kind of what has happened in Russia.

#5 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:51:00 AM
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The president will not even be a commander in chief. He will not even sit in the defence council. We will only have a president. Lakini hatujui kazi yake itakua gani?

Baada ya dhiki,faaraja
#6 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:58:00 AM
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Parliamentary system aint gud.we'll b chöosn between good candidates in bad parties n bad candidates in gud parties.so if i want odm to win n my local odm man is a jerk,al b forced to vote 4 him to see my party in power.I hav not read the draft but i wonder does it put a limit on presi terms and fails 2 put 1 on pm like the bomas joke did?n what is the essence of queuing to vote 4 a ceremonial head?Just bring back Moi n make him the king,we hav a mornachy

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#7 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:59:00 AM
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If the president is elected by popular suffrage,then he should be the CEO to run the day today affairs of the Government - determine how the tax payers funds are utilized.

He cant do that if he is not the one to appoint and chair the cabinet.

What we require in such a scenario is checks and balances to guard against such excess as the Aglo Leasing and Goldenbergs.

Alternatively,we could go the way of parliamentary Governace where the PM is CEO. In such a situation we do not necessarily need to have a president and if we decide to have one,he is not to be elected by the people directly. Parliament can pick a nice looking guy to perform such ceremonial duties as preside over state functions etc.

Personally this is not a favourite.

If we mix the two,then whoever is mandated directly by the people should be the boss,unto whom any other mainstream Govt officer reports.

Dunia ni msongamano..
#8 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:04:00 AM
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in fact with this kind of constitution there will be no dictatorship and leaders will not sleep on their jobs becoz there will be check points from all levels.

#9 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:06:00 AM
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Imagine a president who requires 50% + 1 votes of all votes cast,25% in all provinces. then the clown does not have any power....thats stupidity. why r we bothering to have him thea or set such a high threshold for him/her?
the Parliamentary system need to be based on a hybrid of 1-man-1vote and some bit of affirmative action. if we proceed with what we currently have,it will not be representative since Embakasi currently has more registered voters than the whole or N.Eastern. Boundary reviews need to be done and done fairly so that the foundational aspect of democracy i.e. wengi wape does not get infringed
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#10 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:25:00 AM
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As long as we have marauding MPigs,flexing their unchecked powers...we are doomed! The executive,the PM and the judiciary will be thoroughly checked...BUT,pray,who will check a ROGUE PARLIAMENT????

Lets elect the CEO and then parliment selects their clown prezy/PM...why should kenyans be bothered to vote for a clown???? Hii ni kuchezea wakenya!!!


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#11 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:31:00 AM
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the US prez is still popularly elected,there are only 2 cases when the popular vote winner lost to the electoral college winner,kindly note that the drafters of the US constitution were aristocrat farmers who wanted to prevent' government by mob rule' or as we call it nowadays democracy....i say again...handing over the power to parliarment is simply accepting the country to be a parliamentary dictatorship and with our current crop of mps's wud u dare imagine that?
#12 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:42:00 AM
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i think they should give the prezo more powers than pm or scrap that post.

#13 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 9:04:00 AM
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really like in britain,there is no president. In india the president and PM are elected by parliament.
when you involve the people in a voting excercise it need not be in vain. becouse executive power is vested in the people but is delegated to the president/pm.

I am all for a system of checks and balances but i dont think setting up a high threshold for a president and then usurping the power to a prime minister who is only accountable to what maybe a rogue parliament is the right way to go.
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#14 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 9:24:00 AM
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When ckrc went around colectin views,there was fear that Moi would hold on 2 power after 02.hence proposals like presi shd be a degree holder,shd not b over 70,shd hav a wyf by his side...n.k. We stil hav a chance to influence the outcome by contributing as requested by CoE in today's papers

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