you write: 'My buddy says the you are paid dividends on the shares you hold no matter when you purchased them. Books close on 1st of June then shares held as at 31st May shall be counted as well and dividends earned.'
Your buddy is correct.
When you buy shares,you buy all the rights to them as at the date of transfer to your name. Thus if there were any dividends to be paid after the transfer,you will get them in full....even if the transfer was done the day before the register closed!
But,bear in mind that the transfer date is not the same as the the purchase date! The transfer to your name is done a few days (at most 4 business days) after the purchase.
If you buy the shares after a dividend has been declared,but before the register closes,then you are buying 'CUM-DIVIDEND',i.e.,with the dividend.
If you buy the shares after the register closes but before the dividend cheques are written ou (payment date)t,then you are buying 'EX-DIVIDEND',i.e.,without the dividend
Behind the gardens...Behind the wall...Under the tree (Including: Red...Dark Blue...Yellow)
Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.