wewe habana ikho musungu....
your language and grammar are very..
in fact extremely indigenous.....
unless ofcourse...
you have been here for the longest time..
and have adopted our 'bad' habits...
the grand message.....
society is extremely suspicious of such relationships....
they will identify the local girl ...
as a gold digger....
eager to betray her local and traditional teachings....
for a better life....
while they will look at the man..
as one so desperate....
he could not hook up one of his own sisters.....
coz your sisters are known to be tough.....
no nonsense....
but weird...... love of dogs et cetera....
thus armed....
choose your friends ....... and hang outs...........well
I'm the real Massey F.....shut your mouth
I'm the real Massey Fergu...... Shut your mouth....