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What do they know that we don't??
Pesa Nane
#21 Posted : Friday, August 02, 2013 11:59:24 AM
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guru267 wrote:
murchr wrote:
Pesa Nane wrote:
murchr wrote:
[quote=Clinton Foundation](New York, NY)—On July 31- August 8, President Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton will travel to Africa to visit Clinton Foundation projects in Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania (including Zanzibar), Rwanda, and South Africa. This trip, and the projects visited, will highlight many of the issues that President and Chelsea Clinton have long worked on—economic growth and empowerment, equality of opportunity, and health access.

In the last 3-4 months Tanzania has hosted the 3 last US Presidents...now we all know to these people, there's nothing like coincidence...what is it that they know/lobbying about?


Africa has 60+ nations (and territories)
5.Burkina Faso
8.Canary Islands
9.Cape Verde
10.Central African Republic
14.Côte d'Ivoire
15.Democratic Republic of the Congo
18.Equatorial Guinea

43.Republic of the Congo
46.Saint Helena
47.São Tomé and Príncipe
50.Sierra Leone
52.South Africa
59.Western Sahara
62.South Sudan

@Pesa Nane....so whats your point?

That Kenya's chances of being visited are 1/64... Sad

Point is.... Little Kenya is not the Capital of Africa! Not every 'landee' in Africa will land in Kenya.
Pesa Nane plans to be shilingi when he grows up.
#22 Posted : Friday, August 02, 2013 12:06:14 PM
Rank: Chief

Joined: 5/31/2011
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Chaps underestimating Kenya #ContinueWatchingFrom,a,Distance #ShockWillHitYou
#23 Posted : Friday, August 02, 2013 12:56:33 PM
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mwekez@ji wrote:
Chaps underestimating Kenya #ContinueWatchingFrom,a,Distance #ShockWillHitYou

Ebu waambie
The harder you work, the luckier you get
the deal
#24 Posted : Friday, August 02, 2013 1:32:35 PM
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Big money is betting on Tanzania...from China to America...you will be a fool if you aint taking notice...Tanzania is the next EA kingpin...I have been scouting that market.
#25 Posted : Friday, August 02, 2013 3:33:12 PM
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kryptonite wrote:
mwekez@ji wrote:
Chaps underestimating Kenya #ContinueWatchingFrom,a,Distance #ShockWillHitYou

Ebu waambie

#26 Posted : Friday, August 02, 2013 4:26:01 PM
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Joined: 2/26/2012
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@Pesa nane you fail to capture the real big picture. @deal, apart from mining deals what other big money is going to TZ? Is it not a matter of kapu la mjinga mwerevu anatia mkono?
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#27 Posted : Friday, August 02, 2013 4:29:52 PM
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The political climate in TZ is not as polarized as KE.
Here in Kenya every political decision is second guessed and debated on and opposed even if it is just for fun. Not to mention our propensity to hold street demonstrations, strike and throw the occasional stones.

TZ is still a one party state, everything is CCM, there are no official corruption figures because the literacy levels and the exposure of people is still very low. It's a walk in the park to get a mining license and TZ is neighbor to 7 other rich 'untapped' countries not to mention the home to the largest game reserves and a great coastline.

If you are a Mzungu with a briefcase full of money, where would you land ?
In Kenya you will go unnoticed except maybe by the prostitutes and conmen. In Tanzania, the white man is still given special treatment.
the deal
#28 Posted : Friday, August 02, 2013 4:41:19 PM
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murchr wrote:
@Pesa nane you fail to capture the real big picture. @deal, apart from mining deals what other big money is going to TZ? Is it not a matter of kapu la mjinga mwerevu anatia mkono?

China to fund new US$10 billion port for Tanzania as President Xi pays state visit to Dar Es Salaam

The development is also being seen as a way for Tanzania to steal a march on other Eastern seaboard competitors like Kenya’s Mombasa, while providing an export outlet to 10 other landlocked neighbours in the SADC.

Link http://voicesoftanzania....tate-visit-dar-es-salaam
#29 Posted : Friday, August 02, 2013 4:48:20 PM
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the deal wrote:
[quote=murchr]@Pesa nane you fail to capture the real big picture. @deal, apart from mining deals what other big money is going to TZ? Is it not a matter of kapu la mjinga mwerevu anatia mkono?

China to fund new US$10 billion port for Tanzania as President Xi pays state visit to Dar Es Salaam

The development is also being seen as a way for Tanzania to steal a march on other Eastern seaboard competitors like Kenya’s Mombasa, while providing an export outlet to 10 other landlocked neighbours in the SADC.

Link http://voicesoftanzania....ate-visit-dar-es-salaam[/quote]

I though some time back i read this article
"Six out of every 10 Tanzanian students who sat last year’s ordinary secondary level examinations attained the lowest grade possible, government results showed Monday.

Close to 54 per cent of students tested picked up Division Zero in National Form IV exams, a big rise from the 32 per cent who had failed to score in 2011.

Some were so dismal that they instead resorted to writing insults on the answer sheets after the realisation that they were completely unprepared."

Imagine employing those guys as your accountantsLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
#30 Posted : Friday, August 02, 2013 5:12:05 PM
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mkonomtupu wrote:
the deal wrote:
[quote=murchr]@Pesa nane you fail to capture the real big picture. @deal, apart from mining deals what other big money is going to TZ? Is it not a matter of kapu la mjinga mwerevu anatia mkono?

China to fund new US$10 billion port for Tanzania as President Xi pays state visit to Dar Es Salaam

The development is also being seen as a way for Tanzania to steal a march on other Eastern seaboard competitors like Kenya’s Mombasa, while providing an export outlet to 10 other landlocked neighbours in the SADC.

Link http://voicesoftanzania....ate-visit-dar-es-salaam[/quote]

I though some time back i read this article
"Six out of every 10 Tanzanian students who sat last year’s ordinary secondary level examinations attained the lowest grade possible, government results showed Monday.

Close to 54 per cent of students tested picked up Division Zero in National Form IV exams, a big rise from the 32 per cent who had failed to score in 2011.

Some were so dismal that they instead resorted to writing insults on the answer sheets after the realisation that they were completely unprepared."

Imagine employing those guys as your accountantsLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

This kind of mentality is what will make us not move forward as we should. We must run faster and not falsely reassuring ourselves that our competitor can never catch us
#31 Posted : Friday, August 02, 2013 5:15:02 PM
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Joined: 2/26/2012
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the deal wrote:
murchr wrote:
@Pesa nane you fail to capture the real big picture. @deal, apart from mining deals what other big money is going to TZ? Is it not a matter of kapu la mjinga mwerevu anatia mkono?

China to fund new US$10 billion port for Tanzania as President Xi pays state visit to Dar Es Salaam

The development is also being seen as a way for Tanzania to steal a march on other Eastern seaboard competitors like Kenya’s Mombasa, while providing an export outlet to 10 other landlocked neighbours in the SADC.

Link http://voicesoftanzania....ate-visit-dar-es-salaam

The port will either be a big elephant or will steal Msa's and dar's business.

Since its located btn Msa and dar ports...if Msa ups itsgame then it will mean they'll have to work hard to get business from Msa. Most of the other SADC members have a coastline..those that dont Zimbabwe, Bostwana are nearer to SA than TZ. That leaves them with Zambia and DRC and am sure KE will cut the slice when it comes to DRC. There's bad blood btn TZ and RW at the moment.
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#32 Posted : Saturday, August 03, 2013 9:26:56 AM
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Joined: 4/1/2009
Posts: 846
murchr wrote:
the deal wrote:
Kenya elected ICC suspects...well Tanzania has seized the opportunity...its all Tanzania for the next 10 years or until those ICC cases end...by then Tz brothers will be bragging about being the new EA king pinssmile smile

Ha ha lets see how that will play out. Most of these international investors land in Tz but end up relocating to Kenya because one resource that you cant change is personnel.

The reason these guys hate Kenyans with a passion, even the East is interested in TZ, some entourage from there was causing traffic mayhem at the airport on Tuesday....
#33 Posted : Saturday, August 03, 2013 5:38:52 PM
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CLK wrote:
murchr wrote:
the deal wrote:
Kenya elected ICC suspects...well Tanzania has seized the opportunity...its all Tanzania for the next 10 years or until those ICC cases end...by then Tz brothers will be bragging about being the new EA king pinssmile smile

Ha ha lets see how that will play out. Most of these international investors land in Tz but end up relocating to Kenya because one resource that you cant change is personnel.

The reason these guys hate Kenyans with a passion, even the East is interested in TZ, some entourage from there was causing traffic mayhem at the airport on Tuesday....

The airport in dar?
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#34 Posted : Saturday, August 03, 2013 6:10:42 PM
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I thought the ICC suspects were on their way to be cleared within the next two years top!

So Tanzania has a short time to celebrate... Obama even promised Kenya a special trip after the ICC farce is over!

Tanzania's hostility to foreigners will not be wished away over night or by events in Kenya!

Like Ethiopia, Tanzania has no future with the current policies in place!
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
the deal
#35 Posted : Sunday, August 04, 2013 1:38:59 PM
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In the 80-90's if someone said China's economy was gonna overtake Japan's economy by 2011....you will have been met with laughter...Tanzania & Ethiopia are Africa's sleeping lions...I'm particularly bullish on Tz...with their Pamoja spirit this guys will take a leap...as much as Kenyans are literate...theyre not together...the country is still torn along tribal lines...this whole tribal thing will keep holding the country back since guys with ideas but are from the wrong tribes get blocked...and also for how long will the other tribes be accepting and moving on?

Now Tz is the worlds proxy in DRC...we all know how Tz & SADC have been supporting Kabila...without their help...M23 would have overthrown Kabila long time ago...we all know who is supporting M23...

Now the thing is the World wants a stab at DRC's trilllions underground...but this is not possible without peace in that country....

Once peace is attained in DRC...the trillions underground will then be extracted & shipped through the new port...plus Tz has trillions of gas reserves of its own...now tell me how that port will be a white elephant....

#36 Posted : Sunday, August 04, 2013 2:39:28 PM
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Joined: 2/8/2007
Posts: 808
Good Kenyan people stop posturing on online forums, look at the numbers and visit dar-es-salaam. Ask any kenyan company doing business in TZ, Tz is the place to be. Certainly TZ will overtake kenya in GDP terms before 10yrs are over. Go to Dar and count the cranes
#37 Posted : Sunday, August 04, 2013 3:19:45 PM
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Kausha wrote:
Good Kenyan people stop posturing on online forums, look at the numbers and visit dar-es-salaam. Ask any kenyan company doing business in TZ, Tz is the place to be. Certainly TZ will overtake kenya in GDP terms before 10yrs are over. Go to Dar and count the cranes

Tanzania has seen 50years of peace since independence and Ethiopia wasn't even colonized!

There is no reason why these guys are still in the third world and moreso the poorest among us... If anything Tanzania should be the God of EAC and not Kenya Sad

If they want to achieve their true potential they must change their hostile policies!
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#38 Posted : Sunday, August 04, 2013 4:30:14 PM
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kryptonite wrote:
mwekez@ji wrote:
Chaps underestimating Kenya #ContinueWatchingFrom,a,Distance #ShockWillHitYou

Ebu waambie

I don't think any of the posters have underestimated Kenya. They are merely stating the fact that Kenya is not the only country in Africa with potential.

cc Cde Monomotapa

Afrika Hoyee!
#39 Posted : Sunday, August 04, 2013 6:08:55 PM
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guru267 wrote:
Kausha wrote:
Good Kenyan people stop posturing on online forums, look at the numbers and visit dar-es-salaam. Ask any kenyan company doing business in TZ, Tz is the place to be. Certainly TZ will overtake kenya in GDP terms before 10yrs are over. Go to Dar and count the cranes

Tanzania has seen 50years of peace since independence and Ethiopia wasn't even colonized!

There is no reason why these guys are still in the third world and moreso the poorest among us... If anything Tanzania should be the God of EAC and not Kenya Sad

If they want to achieve their true potential they must change their hostile policies!

If the guys i was schooling with few year ago are the ones to change those policies the future is 'bright'.
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.
#40 Posted : Sunday, August 04, 2013 6:34:09 PM
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Joined: 2/26/2012
Posts: 15,980
the deal wrote:
In the 80-90's if someone said China's economy was gonna overtake Japan's economy by 2011....you will have been met with laughter...Tanzania & Ethiopia are Africa's sleeping lions...I'm particularly bullish on Tz...with their Pamoja spirit this guys will take a leap...as much as Kenyans are literate...theyre not together...the country is still torn along tribal lines...this whole tribal thing will keep holding the country back since guys with ideas but are from the wrong tribes get blocked...and also for how long will the other tribes be accepting and moving on?

Now Tz is the worlds proxy in DRC...we all know how Tz & SADC have been supporting Kabila...without their help...M23 would have overthrown Kabila long time ago...we all know who is supporting M23...

Now the thing is the World wants a stab at DRC's trilllions underground...but this is not possible without peace in that country....

Once peace is attained in DRC...the trillions underground will then be extracted & shipped through the new port...plus Tz has trillions of gas reserves of its own...now tell me how that port will be a white elephant....

Replace the word in red as US
2. Natural gas is transported through pipes not ships because liquefying natural gas is difficult. Without DRC that port will either crash Dar or become a white elephant
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
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