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Keep trying...
#81 Posted : Sunday, June 09, 2013 11:03:02 AM
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how do i attach an image
#82 Posted : Sunday, June 09, 2013 3:19:56 PM
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naimandeksa wrote:
how do i attach an image

what do you mean
#83 Posted : Wednesday, June 12, 2013 8:25:11 PM
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My life in seven words ... Keep doing what I do best, drawing.
#84 Posted : Thursday, June 13, 2013 12:00:26 PM
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#85 Posted : Thursday, June 13, 2013 6:13:39 PM
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naimandeksa wrote:
how do i attach an image

Like this:

#86 Posted : Friday, June 14, 2013 2:59:27 AM
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Even Albert Einstein wasn't that brilliant in sch, never give up. Here is his report card

"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#87 Posted : Friday, June 14, 2013 9:54:45 AM
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#88 Posted : Friday, June 14, 2013 11:27:46 AM
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washiku wrote:
naimandeksa wrote:
how do i attach an image

Like this:

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Proverbs 19:21
#89 Posted : Sunday, June 16, 2013 9:20:14 PM
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#90 Posted : Monday, June 17, 2013 7:22:05 AM
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washiku wrote:
naimandeksa wrote:
how do i attach an image

Like this:

Washiku be nice...just explain to the guy the process. Not everyone is blessed technologically....Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you
#91 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2013 9:47:02 AM
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Lessons on Personal Branding - Monday, October 08, 2007
Target Setting for Success- Lessons on Personal Branding

A talk by Eric Kimani

> Distinguished guests ladies & gentlemen,
> I am delighted to have been invited to come and share some thoughts
> with you.
> Tonight I have chosen to address one of the topics you asked me to
> speak on-target setting or planning for success. This is a wide topic and I
> have chosen to provoke our thoughts on Personal Branding.
> To answer the question why brand yourself I will narrate in short a
> chapter by Tom Peters the management guru in one of his books - "The
> Circle of innovation".
> He tells the story how in 1980 Percy Bernevik left his job in the US to
> take up the leadership of the giant Swedish engineering firm ASEA.
> There he inherited a 2,000 -person headquarters. He pruned it quickly
> to 200 people!
> In 1987 ASEA merged with Switzerland's Brown Boveri to create the
> world's largest Electrical engineering firm Asea Brown Boveri (ABB)
> inheriting Brown Boveri's 4,000 strong headquarters. Six months later
> the headquarters was down to 200! As of 1998 the headcount had gone
> down to 140 down from 6,000.
> The message is that if it has not happened to you it soon will- 59 out
> of 60 of you and me here tonight are at risk and hence the need to
> brand ourselves!
> How do we brand ourselves?
> 1. Keep time! As a general rule we have little respect for time. You
> give someone an appointment and they come half hour or an hour late.
> You
> call a meeting and half the people turn up late. Until you have a
> reputation for respect for time you will not project yourself as a
> powerful brand. I have chaired a professional committee for over 8
> years and we meet from 7.30 to 8.30 a.m. and occasionally to 9 am. We have
> never started the meeting late or ended it late! I chair many others
> and I will be on time 99% of time. I have a reputation for keeping time. It
> is part of my branding effort. I have little respect for people who do
> not keep time. Ordinarily they are unreliable and weak brands. This is
> an area of life that is easy to improve.
> In some cultures like Germany, it is commonly taken as a personal
> affront to be late and they will cancel important business or social
> appointments on this score alone.
> 2. To build a powerful brand of yourself you must be passionate at what
> you do. I once worked for a large tea company and my calling/visiting
> card besides my name had the inscription "Passionate about Tea". And
> those who knew me will tell you I was passionate about it! I have heard
> someone comment that if I worked at Sameer with the same passion heaven
> would be the limit for "Yana". I am intending to print new business
> cards screaming "Yana where the rubber meets the Road"! Like Martin
> Luther said once- if you are a sweeper sweep to the glory of God.
> I say if you are a teacher here tonight teach with passion; whatever
> your vocation give it your best. If you cannot account for the day
> don't bother to wake up and burn energy and fuel through the Nairobi traffic.
> If you do not show up on time to passionately deliver a measurable
> product you will not be a powerful brand. I get to work often earlier
> than 6.30 a.m. to keep my brand equity higher than the competition! My
> friend Bill Lay the CEO of General Motors sometimes comes for coffee to
> my office before 7 a.m.! Martin Oduor Otieno the CEO of KCB Group gives
> me a 7 a.m. appointment! This is the branding I am talking about! These
> men are passionate about the work they do!
> 3. You must learn how to deliver extra-ordinary service. You must be
> reliable to your customers- and this applies whether you are talking of
> a finance department staff, HR or any enterprise. For 10 year we have
> run a small family business with my wife in a service industry
> dominated by big competitor firms. Our customer base is largely what I would call
> the 5-star institutional market. Our customer retention in that decade
> has been close to 95% - the greatest reason for this is that we are
> reliable in service delivery! Most great managers and leaders are head
> hunted for their extra ordinary service delivery which portrays them as
> powerful brands.
> 4. Understand globalization. I will never forget a picture that
> appeared in the Economist somewhere in the late 90's showing a Maasai herdsman
> looking after his cattle with his legs traditionally crossed and
> talking on a mobile phone- it looked so distant then; it became a reality so soon
> thereafter.
> The world is not a global village anymore but a virtual one! Jobs are
> no longer limited to within borders. The boundaries are no longer in
> existence except in our politicized minds! Our competition for the jobs
> and market share is not local - it is global. Entrepreneurial
> competition is also now global. I am incoming chairman of Help Age
> International the leading global Non-Governmental Organization on
> ageing with headquarters in London. I fly out on a Wednesday night to attend
> board meetings and other functions on Thursday and Friday and I am back
> in Nairobi on Saturday night! I tell people to stop complaining about
> Chinese and get their acts together- China is here to stay! We must be
> prepared to compete with China and anyone else on a global level.
> Today Indians are sub-contracting Kenyans on technology for back office
> operations; the government of Kenya has announced that each
> constituency will have a technology village. In the Sameer Export Processing Zones
> we have American Corporations run by Kenyans on Kenyan soil but the call
> centre customer has no clue and does not care who handles the call!
> The world has truly flattened. To appropriately brand yourself, you
> must understand globalization and the flattening of the world. I heard a
> serious joke the other day that not long ago mothers threatened their
> kids in America to think of the starving Indians and eat their food; I
> hear that today they are implored to read or an Indian will take their
> jobs! To project yourself as a powerful brand in the world we must
> understand globalization.
> 5. Jobs have been re-engineered and continue to be re-engineered by
> technology. I joined Sameer Africa 2 years ago. Six of us had 6
> secretaries. Today we share 2!It takes weeks or months before anyone
> types a letter for me in the office! Today you can buy your air-ticket
> from the comfort of your office or home; print your boarding pass and
> show up at immigration. Travel agency has been totally re-engineered by
> technology- what next? You must think and brand yourself appropriately!
> 6.To create a brand of yourself you must stop thinking
> employment/employee and begin to see yourself as an independent
> contractor irrespective of whether you are a cleaner, a CEO, a teacher
> or a middle executive. No independent contractor will refuse to show up
> for work or do a shoddy job because the repercussions will be major in
> lost income and bad future references. A couple of years ago a Jewish
> friend who thought I was a good brand stopped me at a roundabout to
> offer to ask whether I would take a job contract with a certain
> company!
> I did and it was one of my most lucrative jobs. Not long ago I
> negotiated a very good job contract in a Java Coffeehouse! I tell
> people that I am not employed by Sameer Africa- I work with Sameer Africa and
> my intentions are to passionately deliver an extra-ordinary performance
> that will raise my brand equity higher!
> Begin to be known as the best Accountant around; the best lawyer; the
> best sales person; the best at whatever you do- it is at the heart of
> the brand you wish to become.
> You are Chairman/CEO/of life; forget that you work for someone. It is
> liberating like you cannot imagine.
> In the same way Coca cola, Yana, Keringet are powerful brands, you need
> to make Kamau, Otieno or Kioko a powerful brand! You must understand
> that it does not work any longer to tell a prospective employer that I
> was Finance Director, or General Manager of XYZ- You must say what it
> is you achieved- A measurable achievement! I know this one man that was
> CEO of a company that then fired him many years ago and for the last 20
> years all he has told anybody who cares to listen is that he used to be
> the CEO of XYZ....! He made a poor brand of himself and no one ever
> employed him again.
> 7.To brand yourself, you must pass what one management writer called
> the Painter test. Imagine that your painter did not turn up for work would
> you pay him on a daily rate? Why is it then that a manager who
> habitually misses work and deadlines only gets away with a down grading
> on his/her annual appraisal while a painter would go without pay? Would
> you recommend a painter who misses to show up or does a shoddy job? In
> the same measure a Brand You requires that you pass this test. This
> test is increasingly becoming the measure in an era of performance
> management.
> 8. Branding yourself for success demands that you exercise power that
> is far beyond what is vested in your employment, contract or work
> enviroment. I tell those wishing to grow their careers that authority
> is never given; authority must be grabbed.
> Most well branded managers know that you take action and then seek
> affirmation- Powerlessness is indeed a state of mind.
> I have done things in the past that even my immediate boss could not
> have the "power" or "authority" to do. I once successfully recommended
> to my boss's boss to relieve him of his job and give it to me. I got it
> without undermining anyone!
> 9. Powerful branding demands a high level of moral authority. This is
> the highest form of authority anyone can have- far higher and
> transcendent than any form of formal authority. Moral authority will
> give you access to people and places you have never imagined. It
> increases your brand visibility. This is the kind of authority Mother
> Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King etc had. Moral authority
> gives you access to a very large circle of influence. I am sure Nobel
> Laureate Wangari Maathai will be remember far into the future for the
> moral authority she built than for the fact that she was in parliament!
> Recently I conceived an idea to strengthen the activities of Palmhouse
> Foundation- an educational trust I co-founded with my wife and whose
> mission is to finance the secondary education of bright and deserving
> children.
> I invited 13 extremely highly regarded and placed Kenyans to become the
> Advisory and Oversight Board. Some are men and women I would otherwise
> hesitate to ask for any kind of favor because of their high status in
> society. Not one of them turned down the request! And why?
> What authority did I have? I have moral authority. Moral authority
> belongs to those who offer themselves for the well being of others. The
> reward you get is a powerful circle of influence and a very high brand
> visibility!
> Many of you know me for higher positions I have held in society but I
> can guarantee you that none of those positions would beat the Palmhouse
> Foundation and its moral signature on my life.
> 10.Personal branding demands higher credibility. Credibility comes from
> trust. I recommend a book by the chairman of one of the leading
> companies in the USA titled "winners never cheat". Those looking to
> establish a truly transcendent brand must be trusted. I have on many
> occasions told the story of a man who years ago offered me a seven
> digit "thank you" for something he perceived I did for him. I was aware that
> I had done nothing out of my work/job and he had won the contract
> transparently and performed it judiciously. I turned down his thank you
> offer. To this day he remains perhaps one of my greatest brand
> testimony to many in his very wide and global circle of influence! Credibility
> and trust are central to protecting your brand equity! Nothing will kill
> your self confidence and self worth as taking a bribe and no matter how
> rich you become through this avenue, you will remain a weak brand in
> the market. I know many seemingly successful and rich people who would pay
> anything to increase their brand presence but their credibility kills
> it!
> 11.To increase brand visibility it would help to build yourself a
> website. I have had one since 2003! Some of the most incredible lessons
> I learn today are from some of you who visit and post messages on my
> website.
> It is need not be the most state of the art. Very soon a website will
> become as much a necessity as an email address and if you do not have
> one you are "mteja" - you cannot be reached.
> Four months ago I received an email from Australia from a man I do not
> know.
> He was looking for the founder/chairman of Group Four Security a
> gentleman by the name Ed Van Tongeren. He told me in an email that he
> had been looking for him for a long time because he once saved his life
> many years ago but they lost contact. When he went to the World Wide
> Web and searched, the only Ed Van Tongeren was mention in a speech I posted
> on my website. I was able to connect the two gentlemen. I trust you
> understand the power of the website.
> 12.Finally learn and upgrade your skills to improve the brand you! Read
> voraciously. I am an accountant, lawyer and motivational public
> speaker!
> To retain my command on these and many areas I have to read widely.
> Only this way can you learn to anticipate the future! People ask me where we
> get the time. I respond by saying to them redeem time! Many people
> spend unnecessary time on TV, and reading newspaper from end to end. Like my
> chairman likes to put it by the time you finish reading the news paper
> your morale is so reduced by the bad news that are the hallmark of our
> newspapers that your output is greatly reduced. I read all my three
> papers in about 10 minutes and if I missed to read them I would not
> notice. I can go without TV for days. I choose to do things like
> reading that enhances my brand.
> Having spoken about how to set targets and brand ourselves for success,
> I will conclude by trying to answer the question often posed;
> How much success does a man need?
> I will attempt to answer this question with a short story told by the
> famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy in his book- "How much land does a
> man need". In this book he narrates the story of a man who was asked to
> walk all the land he needed as long as he had to be at the starting point
> before darkness. The deal then was that he would get all the land as
> far as he walked and back.
> He started at day break and walked and walked and walked. Every time he
> thought it was time to start heading back he would think of a little
> more land to walk ahead.
> The sun started threatening to go down and he started walking back. The
> sun was now threatening to set faster. He began to run. He ran, and ran
> and ran.
> He tried harder and faster. Finally as the darkness was about to fall
> he crossed the finishing line with final leap and fell on the ground with
> blood oozing out of his mouth he died! His servant who had accompanied
> him dug a shallow grave long and deep enough to bury his master's dead
> body. Leo Tolstoy answered his question- how much land does a man need?
> - Only enough to cover him from the head to the toe.
> How much success do you need?
> Thank you and God bless you.
#92 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2013 9:55:09 AM
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#93 Posted : Friday, June 28, 2013 2:14:22 AM
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#94 Posted : Saturday, June 29, 2013 1:20:11 PM
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Desiderata has always been my best. Both the Read and the Song.

Favorite Line for me would be;

"there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans."

Life is joy, death is peace, but the transition is very difficult.
#95 Posted : Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:48:32 PM
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#96 Posted : Sunday, June 30, 2013 12:54:35 AM
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#97 Posted : Monday, July 01, 2013 12:58:16 PM
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#98 Posted : Tuesday, July 02, 2013 2:11:01 PM
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#99 Posted : Tuesday, July 02, 2013 10:44:54 PM
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Location: Marsabit
washiku wrote:

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Applause Applause
Nevermind what haters say, ignore them til they fade away - Just live your life
#100 Posted : Friday, July 05, 2013 10:09:16 PM
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