You guys can continue re-writing history as much as you wish. Continue pegging the success or failure of a countywide game on one person and you will remain on your own.
As you were day dreaming on how an indisciplined outfit as Kenyan football could win the world cup, the rugby management went ahead and started poaching players who would otherwise have been playing Kenyan football.
Players behaving badly are quickly put in line (ask Injera). Officials behave with decorum even when they have major issues. Most important, I'm able to take my children to a rugby game and enjoy my afternoon without being clobbered to death by terrorists.
The students of Kakamega High, which used to produce Kenyan soccer players, have seen the folly of behaving like Oliech, FKF and football fans.
There is no future in Kenyan football that is why men leave their wives and families on weekends to watch football from other countries.
Anything is better than watching failures in the making.
But we changed the constitution, you are allowed to believe that Oliech is a star. I'm allowed to compare him to Prezzo and Huddah. Talent but "no mas".
Rudisha or Oliech who do you choose?
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.