Club SK
Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke
Rank: Veteran Joined: 1/16/2007 Posts: 1,320
For the record. These are whom the Lord Jesus described as blessed at the sermon on the mountain. Mathew 5. In his words, 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. How then can anyone call people to receive blessings? Unless of course the blessings are not the ones Jesus talks about above.
Rank: Chief Joined: 5/9/2007 Posts: 13,095
And now that inaitwa JUBILEE crusade, will CORD guys attend?
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/11/2012 Posts: 5,222
Wendz wrote:Mukiri wrote:We should pray for our Pastors and Preachers as they go about spreading the gospel. If this thread is anything to go by, you can see how much attack by the enemy they face. 'Dear Lord, Please give Bonnke strength and wisdom as he comes to preach the word of God.' About time Kenya went back to the glorious days of crusades. We have opened our country to witchcraft and sorcery. Posters are all over advertising mganga this mganga that. Dear God, come and take over your Country again! I feel you.... but if akina Njoroge(or what was that "chot" pastor's name?) are the pastors to go with......smh, they, just like our Mpigs, brought shame to the House of God. Like I said earlier, Pastors are targeted more by the enemy. They are ambassadors of Christ. So any mistake is blown out of proportion. There are people, some at CITAM Valley road, praying and fasting that Bonnke's crusade will touch lives and not succumb to the attacks of the enemy. Njoro will be judged harshly as he outrightly used deception. I hope he has repented.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 1/16/2007 Posts: 1,320
@Mukiri Kindly comment on post number 21 above. In light of the call on the Reinhard Bonnke flyer to "Come and receive your blessings"
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/11/2012 Posts: 5,222
kiterunner wrote:Mukiri wrote:We should pray for our Pastors and Preachers as they go about spreading the gospel. If this thread is anything to go by, you can see how much attack by the enemy they face. 'Dear Lord, Please give Bonnke strength and wisdom as he comes to preach the word of God.' About time Kenya went back to the glorious days of crusades. We have opened our country to witchcraft and sorcery. Posters are all over advertising mganga this mganga that. Dear God, come and take over your Country again! you seriously dont see anything wrong in these charlatans fleecing the poor then living in palaces? ati in the name of God? You choose to ignore or you just dont see it? SMD Be careful Mat. 7:1 Murmuring about another’s work for Christ will put one in a position of judging I Samuel 26:11 The LORD forbid that I should stretch forth mine hand against the LORD'S anointed Num. 12:9-10 When Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses, Miriam was plagued with leprosy Num. 21:5-6 When the people of Israel spoke against God and Moses, God sent fiery serpents to chastise them for their sin. Num. 16:2-3 When Korah and over 250 others spoke against Moses and Aaron, God allowed the earth to swallow Korah and the others up. II Kings 2:22-23 When children mocked God’s man Elisha, God allowed two she bears to destroy 42 of the mockers. History tells us that Pontius Pilate, who ordered Jesus’ death, died by suicide. Mat. 27:5 Judas turned against Jesus, and became so miserable about what he had done against Jesus that he killed himself. Proverbs 6:16-19
Rank: Veteran Joined: 12/17/2010 Posts: 1,163 Location: Sudan
Angelica _ann wrote:Let us forget about propaganda and come listen to the word of the Lord. Uhuru park today not Kenya Vs Nigeria match please! Its ok. Ladies seems will reach heaven earlier than some of us. They do not question a thing about thier 'pastors'. The the pastors know how to utilize the opportunity. "Peace is our profession, War is our business" ...Unknown
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/26/2008 Posts: 2,097
kiterunner wrote:Mukiri wrote:We should pray for our Pastors and Preachers as they go about spreading the gospel. If this thread is anything to go by, you can see how much attack by the enemy they face. 'Dear Lord, Please give Bonnke strength and wisdom as he comes to preach the word of God.' About time Kenya went back to the glorious days of crusades. We have opened our country to witchcraft and sorcery. Posters are all over advertising mganga this mganga that. Dear God, come and take over your Country again! you seriously dont see anything wrong in these charlatans fleecing the poor then living in palaces? ati in the name of God? You choose to ignore or you just dont see it? SMD SMD MEANS?? "Never regret, if its good, its wonderful. If its bad, its experience."
Rank: Member Joined: 2/7/2013 Posts: 447 Location: Nairobi
how come they dont go to hospitals and perform miracles there. They need the miracles more than I and u who can walk to their crusades. beats logic. You cant win, unless you first begin....
Rank: Veteran Joined: 10/25/2007 Posts: 1,574
Um Sayala wrote:Angelica _ann wrote:Let us forget about propaganda and come listen to the word of the Lord. Uhuru park today not Kenya Vs Nigeria match please! Its ok. Ladies seems will reach heaven earlier than some of us. They do not question a thing about thier 'pastors'. The the pastors know how to utilize the opportunity. This reminds of how my mum was conned at KNH.
She had taken a relative there for a medical test and while it was being done she went to the shops hapo Makabatini to buy some food. On her way back, just as she was about to enter the hospital, she was approached by 3 ladies, very neatly dressed. They said they had patients in the hospital and that one of the patients was in ICU and he's not doing so well. So, they were looking for a person who could join them so that they could have a session of prayer.
Mum, being the overwhelmingly Godly person she is, decided, "Oh what a noble idea" and they walked over to the KNH car park. They decided to pray in the car owned by the ladies; a very decent Toyota Fielder. Infact, Mum's driver was only a few cars off but she never thought of it then.
So, prayers started. In the middle, one of the ladies asked Mum that since money has to paid at KNH these days, they pray for that money so that it serves the purpose it was intended and that their patients get healed for sure. Lady 1 opened her bag, took about 7k and it was placed in an envelop. Lady 2 placed 5k in a separate envelop. Lady 3 about 4k. Mum, oh dear Mum, opened her bag, removed the 10k she was to pay her bills with and placed it in an envelop. Prayers then continued for another 10 minutes or so.
Finally, the ladies thanked her for praying with them and they gave her her blessed envelop back. And they left the car. They told her to have faith and all will be well and that God hears the prayers of those who believe in him. Mum says she wanted to check that her money was still in the envelop but she never did. She did so when she reached the cashier's counter!
I got a call from my Dad, saying Mum has been conned. I asked how? Kumbe, they switched the envelopes and placed paper cut to the same size as money! How they did it as they prayed I don't know. So, since I was near KNH, I went over and paid the bill for her.
I had to speak to her and examine her carefully to ensure that they did not spray some hallucinogenic medicine on her. I was not mad. But it was interesting how she would give 10k to people she did not know. I was very glad to have her back. Who knows they could have decided to kidnap her and harvest her kidneys.
There are thieves out there who steal in God's name. Many deceitful persons who claim to be preachers and pastors and men/women of God.
Wazuans, be careful.Set out to correct the world's wrongs and you will most certainly wind up adding to them.
Rank: Elder Joined: 2/8/2013 Posts: 4,068 Location: At Large.
I believe in God and I believe in his mercy, his love, his blessings and miracles.Howelse can one explain some of the happennings in this world. However, this very Rev Bonkhe and the late Rev Mrima made me draw the line. In one of the crusades back in the days somebody went to the dias and confessed how he was a thief, But on that day while in matatu to Eldoret somewhere near Burnt Forest at around 2.30pm he heard the preachings by Rev Bonkhe and he was touched.There and then he decided to accept Jesus and return the loot to Nakuru. Brethren help me here:The guy was at Burnt Forest at 2.30pm but at 3.00pm he was back in Nakuru on the dias with 10 new lorry tyres (The loot)that were being ferried in atop a Nissan Matatu. It was not possible to get to Nakuru in 30mins from Burnt Forest in a Matatu.It was not possible to ferry 10 huge lorry tyres stop s matatu.To me that was a big fat lie.Stage managing an event that never was. As for Mrimi, he brought in a family that had a son who had gotten a Polio attack earlier and was in crutches aged kido 10years.After prayers the boy was asked to drop the crutches and walk.The first steps he was held by his hand but afterafew steps they let go...the poor boy went down in a bang...a very sad scene......and what explanation did they give .......he lacked enough faith. The line was drawn that day for me and Miracle preachers.I deal with my God direct. Love is beautiful and so are those who share it.With Love, Marriage is an amazing event in ones life time, the foundation of joy, happiness and success.
Rank: Elder Joined: 2/27/2007 Posts: 2,768
Mtu Biz wrote:Take a look at the clarion call on the flyer. "Come and receive your blessings" ![](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s720x720/931358_173750182785605_227589906_n.jpg) Thats what attracts the crowds... This has nothing to do with THE Gospel. Nowhere in scripture are people invited to come to God to receive anything. You see that word CfaN, the meaning is not as indicated but rather....Cash-in from african Naivety... ...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
Rank: Member Joined: 5/31/2013 Posts: 109
Is it really true that satan lets off some people almost scot free, that he spares some people the vigor of his snares?
Are not suggestive material accessible to all? And by all? And for all?
Or is there another definition of 'all'?
Then where is this thought from? That the enemy targets others more than others?
Of course this crusade will be 'a success' and thousands will be 'ministered unto', devils will be cast out, people 'slain in the spirit' and Jesus will be spoken of and the word preached.
Oh yes, I know what will happen.
But then again since when did a) miracles, spirit slaying and casting out devils b) success of crusades and many wonderful works, c) prophesying in Jesus' name b) dispatching and receiving blessings etc
become the benchmark? benchmark against deception?
Ah, if they themselves do not scrutinize the bible to see if these things are so, how can they condone scrutiny? Anathema!
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/13/2009 Posts: 1,950 Location: in kenya
Ante_Christa wrote:Is it really true that satan lets off some people almost scot free, that he spares some people the vigor of his snares?
Are not suggestive material accessible to all? And by all? And for all?
Or is there another definition of 'all'?
Then where is this thought from? That the enemy targets others more than others?
Of course this crusade will be 'a success' and thousands will be 'ministered unto', devils will be cast out, people 'slain in the spirit' and Jesus will be spoken of and the word preached.
Oh yes, I know what will happen.
But then again since when did a) miracles, spirit slaying and casting out devils b) success of crusades and many wonderful works, c) prophesying in Jesus' name b) dispatching and receiving blessings etc
become the benchmark? benchmark against deception?
Ah, if they themselves do not scrutinize the bible to see if these things are so, how can they condone scrutiny? Anathema!
![d'oh!](/Images/Emoticons/eusa_doh.gif) @Ante_Christa am not getting what you are saying? or are these questions targeted at your followers? '......to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; 3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.' Colossians 2:2-3
Rank: Veteran Joined: 10/9/2006 Posts: 1,502
This people. " Atheist will go to heaven " Pope Francis. work to prosper
Rank: Member Joined: 5/31/2013 Posts: 109
selah wrote:Ante_Christa wrote:Is it really true that satan lets off some people almost scot free, that he spares some people the vigor of his snares?
Are not suggestive material accessible to all? And by all? And for all?
Or is there another definition of 'all'?
Then where is this thought from? That the enemy targets others more than others?
Of course this crusade will be 'a success' and thousands will be 'ministered unto', devils will be cast out, people 'slain in the spirit' and Jesus will be spoken of and the word preached.
Oh yes, I know what will happen.
But then again since when did a) miracles, spirit slaying and casting out devils b) success of crusades and many wonderful works, c) prophesying in Jesus' name b) dispatching and receiving blessings etc
become the benchmark? benchmark against deception?
Ah, if they themselves do not scrutinize the bible to see if these things are so, how can they condone scrutiny? Anathema!
![d'oh!](/Images/Emoticons/eusa_doh.gif) @Ante_Christa am not getting what you are saying? or are these questions targeted at your followers? Those are rhetorical questions not meant to be answered by anybody but to encourage the reader to slow down and (re)consider. That you have replied has taken me off guard and caught me flat footed. Honestly.
Rank: Member Joined: 7/9/2011 Posts: 730 Location: Nairobi
Mukiri wrote:kiterunner wrote:Mukiri wrote:We should pray for our Pastors and Preachers as they go about spreading the gospel. If this thread is anything to go by, you can see how much attack by the enemy they face. 'Dear Lord, Please give Bonnke strength and wisdom as he comes to preach the word of God.' About time Kenya went back to the glorious days of crusades. We have opened our country to witchcraft and sorcery. Posters are all over advertising mganga this mganga that. Dear God, come and take over your Country again! you seriously dont see anything wrong in these charlatans fleecing the poor then living in palaces? ati in the name of God? You choose to ignore or you just dont see it? SMD Be careful Mat. 7:1 Murmuring about another’s work for Christ will put one in a position of judging I Samuel 26:11 The LORD forbid that I should stretch forth mine hand against the LORD'S anointed Num. 12:9-10 When Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses, Miriam was plagued with leprosy Num. 21:5-6 When the people of Israel spoke against God and Moses, God sent fiery serpents to chastise them for their sin. Num. 16:2-3 When Korah and over 250 others spoke against Moses and Aaron, God allowed the earth to swallow Korah and the others up. II Kings 2:22-23 When children mocked God’s man Elisha, God allowed two she bears to destroy 42 of the mockers. History tells us that Pontius Pilate, who ordered Jesus’ death, died by suicide. Mat. 27:5 Judas turned against Jesus, and became so miserable about what he had done against Jesus that he killed himself. Proverbs 6:16-19 So you are scared t say you see the scam? At times I wonder what the deeply religious folk among us would have been had the mzungu not brought christianity? May be they would have been as serious in the spirits and would be castigating anyone that did not bow to the African gods, then the white man showed up and pap, we have Mukiris our goals are best achieved indirectly
Rank: Member Joined: 7/9/2011 Posts: 730 Location: Nairobi
Tebes wrote:kiterunner wrote:Mukiri wrote:We should pray for our Pastors and Preachers as they go about spreading the gospel. If this thread is anything to go by, you can see how much attack by the enemy they face. 'Dear Lord, Please give Bonnke strength and wisdom as he comes to preach the word of God.' About time Kenya went back to the glorious days of crusades. We have opened our country to witchcraft and sorcery. Posters are all over advertising mganga this mganga that. Dear God, come and take over your Country again! you seriously dont see anything wrong in these charlatans fleecing the poor then living in palaces? ati in the name of God? You choose to ignore or you just dont see it? SMD SMD MEANS?? shaking my d*** (in disbelief) our goals are best achieved indirectly
Rank: Member Joined: 7/9/2011 Posts: 730 Location: Nairobi
Bigchick wrote:I believe in God and I believe in his mercy, his love, his blessings and miracles.Howelse can one explain some of the happennings in this world.
However, this very Rev Bonkhe and the late Rev Mrima made me draw the line.
In one of the crusades back in the days somebody went to the dias and confessed how he was a thief, But on that day while in matatu to Eldoret somewhere near Burnt Forest at around 2.30pm he heard the preachings by Rev Bonkhe and he was touched.There and then he decided to accept Jesus and return the loot to Nakuru.
Brethren help me here:The guy was at Burnt Forest at 2.30pm but at 3.00pm he was back in Nakuru on the dias with 10 new lorry tyres (The loot)that were being ferried in atop a Nissan Matatu.
It was not possible to get to Nakuru in 30mins from Burnt Forest in a Matatu.It was not possible to ferry 10 huge lorry tyres stop s matatu.To me that was a big fat lie.Stage managing an event that never was.
As for Mrimi, he brought in a family that had a son who had gotten a Polio attack earlier and was in crutches aged kido 10years.After prayers the boy was asked to drop the crutches and walk.The first steps he was held by his hand but afterafew steps they let go...the poor boy went down in a bang...a very sad scene......and what explanation did they give .......he lacked enough faith.
The line was drawn that day for me and Miracle preachers.I deal with my God direct. thanks, i was wondering if i am mad for seing the cons, our goals are best achieved indirectly
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/11/2012 Posts: 5,222
kiterunner wrote:Mukiri wrote:kiterunner wrote:Mukiri wrote:We should pray for our Pastors and Preachers as they go about spreading the gospel. If this thread is anything to go by, you can see how much attack by the enemy they face. 'Dear Lord, Please give Bonnke strength and wisdom as he comes to preach the word of God.' About time Kenya went back to the glorious days of crusades. We have opened our country to witchcraft and sorcery. Posters are all over advertising mganga this mganga that. Dear God, come and take over your Country again! you seriously dont see anything wrong in these charlatans fleecing the poor then living in palaces? ati in the name of God? You choose to ignore or you just dont see it? SMD Be careful Mat. 7:1 Murmuring about another’s work for Christ will put one in a position of judging I Samuel 26:11 The LORD forbid that I should stretch forth mine hand against the LORD'S anointed Num. 12:9-10 When Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses, Miriam was plagued with leprosy Num. 21:5-6 When the people of Israel spoke against God and Moses, God sent fiery serpents to chastise them for their sin. Num. 16:2-3 When Korah and over 250 others spoke against Moses and Aaron, God allowed the earth to swallow Korah and the others up. II Kings 2:22-23 When children mocked God’s man Elisha, God allowed two she bears to destroy 42 of the mockers. History tells us that Pontius Pilate, who ordered Jesus’ death, died by suicide. Mat. 27:5 Judas turned against Jesus, and became so miserable about what he had done against Jesus that he killed himself. Proverbs 6:16-19 So you are scared t say you see the scam? At times I wonder what the deeply religious folk among us would have been had the mzungu not brought christianity? May be they would have been as serious in the spirits and would be castigating anyone that did not bow to the African gods, then the white man showed up and pap, we have Mukiris The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Why does my being religious pain you so much? Do you ascribe to another master at war with mine?
Rank: Member Joined: 2/7/2013 Posts: 447 Location: Nairobi
Club SK
Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke
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