Divergent views on what really is the middle class or (mindo crass) however one cannot judge this by wealth alone, other factors have to come into play that mirror society as it is today.
My take on the various social classes that exist.
Elite - Guess we all know who this, they score highest on all 3 capitals.
Established middle class - second wealthiest, scoring highly on all 3 capitals, they are the most gregarious and score second highest on cultural capital.
Technical middle class - A small distinctive new group that score low on social and cultural capital.
New affluent workers - A young class group which is socially and culturally active with middle levels of economic capital.
Traditional working class - Scores low on all forms of capital but not completely deprived.Its members are reasonable aged.
Emergence service workers - A new young and urbane group which is relatively poor but has a high social and cultural capital.
Precariat - Most deprived class scoring low on all forms of capital.
The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday's logic.