I used to be on your side but I am tempted to change kiasi due to some other concerns.
Fact... we cannot have a good textile industry if we continue importing second hand clothes. Remember my old adage that I stole from P.L.O- AFRICANS HAVE BEEN CULTURED TO CONSUME WHAT THEY DON'T PRODUCE AND PRODUCE WHAT THEY DON'T CONSUME?
It makes economic sense to have these bans. Plus for pride purposes as well... (personally I don't wear mitumba... as soon as I got some money - nilizipiga kwaheri bye bye). Uhuru has the same thoughts by the way - he talked off the cuff 2 times on the same and restrained himself from going further. How does one wear second hand underwear?
HOWEVER, let's assume everyone on the planet gets a new car or clothes or TV e.t.c. What is the effect on the environment? Africans have become like the scavengers of the economic system... not a glorious job but a job none the less. We get the most out of these cars, clothes, electronics. For each tonne of iron mined from the ground we keep on using it mpaka it drops then we bandage it and keep it moving
There are no easy answers
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!