Making a constitution is not running a pub,Its an investment in our future. I don't see the problem with the commisioners publishing their profiles. I for one would like to know the background of the persons charged with this task
Do they actually pay for this,I thot the papers would be happy to publish such info for free!
So far Mutula Kilonzo is doing a fantastic job,things seem to be moving faster and he is certainly very open about whats happening under his watch,unlike Martha ' don't mess with me' Karua.
I've noticed the youth in particular coming in to a workplace with a completely outsized notion of their own value and importance... just a thinly-veiled arrogance. May be the credit crunch induced recession is whats needed to remind us all about the value of hard work.... By Anonymous
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins