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Why is Africa poor in general compared to the West?
#101 Posted : Friday, February 08, 2013 6:44:40 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 3/26/2012
Posts: 1,182
murchr wrote:
mkeiyd wrote:
murchr wrote:
pariah wrote:
Any African alphabets?[/color] Paintings? Musical notes? Engineered machine? All

the somali in the 9th century had a writing system which has not been deciphered to date but you raise valid points

Dont go far...just cross the border to the north, Ethiopia

Ethiopia's Amharic and Hebrew are both Semitic. May thinking would be they share genesis. Same as Japanese and Korean share the same genesis. That's my thinking.

What the lack of alphabet for the rest of the Africa means we could not have had a well integrated education systems hence we could not research,compose nor record.

Stop trying to disposses the Ethiopian people of their culture and heritage. They believed in themselves hence the survival of their culture(amharic alphabet). On your other issue....why paintings and not pottery, has it crossed your mind that maybe we never valued pictures as such but valued things (pots, carvings etc)

@Murchir, I'm not trying anything. It's a FACT,both Amharic and Hebrew are Semitic.

Why paintings? There was etc,to include everything else.
Are you suggesting i should write everything here? Is it possible?
So we valued pots? Have you seen a Chinese pot to begin with?
Stop finding lame excuses for lack of our progress.

@DtheK, Don't hide under the "lots of people suffer from racial inferiority" so as not to discuss this matter exhaustively.
Face reality and you have a chance of correcting things. The political leaders,the founding fathers,the MO1 are all black. They messed. WHY? They didn't think enough. Think of it as traffic at a junction. Those who think bigger than the space ahead of their cars give way,they know the whole road network is one system,you selfishly clog one part and you clog the whole system. AKILI.

The non-blacks is not one big state that sits down to impoverish Africa. A richer Africa would produce more and consume more. 'Good for the world. What would a poor Africa consume? Vietnam was once very very poor, Korea,heck even India and China were once poor. Why did the West let them get out of abject poverty? They are now better partners to the west than Africa is.
Its stupid to think the world wants a poor Africa when our ways of production are of PRE-AGRARIAN revolution era.
The solutions that the non-blacks offer us,are remedies to our inability to put our houses in order. We follow feelings,you would think we are blind.We want to be ruled by people who don't care,heck we even kill for them. How smart is that my friend.

But as you've said,there is hope and i said that earlier on.

If we accept to learn and accept that our WAYS have been pathetic,we'll move forward.
But if we continue fooling ourselves that we smart,electing poor leaders,not changing our ways of thinking and production,not seeing non-blacks as our masters,we are going nowhere.

PK's competition? That is NOT the problem. The problem is the FOLLOWERS.
We don't think big. And that is everywhere for everyone to see. Ignoring facts doesn't change them,it just makes one ignorant.
#102 Posted : Friday, February 08, 2013 6:54:52 PM
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guru267 wrote:
murchr wrote:
pariah wrote:
Any African alphabets?Paintings? Musical notes? Engineered machine? All

the somali in the 9th century had a writing system which has not been deciphered to date but you raise valid points

Dont go far...just cross the border to the north, Ethiopia

Hawa si mweusi kama sisi!!

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Portfolio: Sold
You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.

#103 Posted : Friday, February 08, 2013 6:57:42 PM
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Impunity wrote:
guru267 wrote:
murchr wrote:
pariah wrote:
Any African alphabets?Paintings? Musical notes? Engineered machine? All

the somali in the 9th century had a writing system which has not been deciphered to date but you raise valid points

Dont go far...just cross the border to the north, Ethiopia

Hawa si mweusi kama sisi!!

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Ethiopians do not consider themselves aficans....just go to Habesha and see how they handle you
Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
#104 Posted : Friday, February 08, 2013 7:19:39 PM
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Joined: 2/26/2012
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mkeiyd wrote:
murchr wrote:
mkeiyd wrote:
murchr wrote:
pariah wrote:
Any African alphabets?[/color] Paintings? Musical notes? Engineered machine? All

the somali in the 9th century had a writing system which has not been deciphered to date but you raise valid points

Dont go far...just cross the border to the north, Ethiopia

Ethiopia's Amharic and Hebrew are both Semitic. May thinking would be they share genesis. Same as Japanese and Korean share the same genesis. That's my thinking.

What the lack of alphabet for the rest of the Africa means we could not have had a well integrated education systems hence we could not research,compose nor record.

Stop trying to disposses the Ethiopian people of their culture and heritage. They believed in themselves hence the survival of their culture(amharic alphabet). On your other issue....why paintings and not pottery, has it crossed your mind that maybe we never valued pictures as such but valued things (pots, carvings etc)

@Murchir, I'm not trying anything. It's a FACT,both Amharic and Hebrew are Semitic.

Why paintings? There was etc,to include everything else.
Are you suggesting i should write everything here? Is it possible?
So we valued pots? Have you seen a Chinese pot to begin with?
Stop finding lame excuses for lack of our progress.

@DtheK, Don't hide under the "lots of people suffer from racial inferiority" so as not to discuss this matter exhaustively.
Face reality and you have a chance of correcting things. The political leaders,the founding fathers,the MO1 are all black. They messed. WHY? They didn't think enough. Think of it as traffic at a junction. Those who think bigger than the space ahead of their cars give way,they know the whole road network is one system,you selfishly clog one part and you clog the whole system. AKILI.

The non-blacks is not one big state that sits down to impoverish Africa. A richer Africa would produce more and consume more. 'Good for the world. What would a poor Africa consume? Vietnam was once very very poor, Korea,heck even India and China were once poor. Why did the West let them get out of abject poverty? They are now better partners to the west than Africa is.
Its stupid to think the world wants a poor Africa when our ways of production are PRE-AGRARIAN revolution.
The solutions that the non-blacks offer us,are remedies to our inability to put our houses in order. We follow feelings,you would think we are blind.We want to be ruled by people who don't care,heck we even kill for them. How smart is that my friend.

But as you've said,there is hope and i said that earlier on.

If we accept to learn and accept that our WAYS have been pathetic,we'll move forward.
But if we continue fooling ourselves that we smart,electing poor leaders,not changing our ways of thinking and production,not seeing non-blacks as our masters,we are going nowhere.

PK's competition? That is NOT the problem. The problem is the FOLLOWERS.
We don't think big. And that is everywhere for everyone to see. Ignoring facts doesn't change them,it just makes one ignorant.

Hebrew writting and Amharic are very different, and from your argument, its almost sounds like you want to say that Amharic would not exist if it weren't of the hebrew texts.

Are you not contradicting yourself now? At first you were of the opinion that nothing worth anything comes from Africa....as per your previous posts thats why i insisted that we as a people need to change our mentality and start accepting our indigenous aspects and brands art and everything that goes with culture.

Drinking coffee was/is an Ethiopian way of life, isnt the west now addicted to it?
May be you should go back to my 1st or 2nd post on this thread and try to understand what I meant
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#105 Posted : Friday, February 08, 2013 8:46:46 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/11/2009
Posts: 1,223
You are an IDIOT if you look down on yourself or others just because of their African ancestry. That Ujinga that is so deep and entrenched that only maombi can change you.

Even Guys like Charles Njonjo who are African outside and something else inside would not write such demeaning posts on Africans that i see on this discussion.
History will not remember you for your IQ. It will remember you for what you did. “Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration.” Thomas Edison
Pick n Pay
#106 Posted : Friday, February 08, 2013 8:51:39 PM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 1/29/2013
Posts: 45
Location: South Africa
BGL wrote:
You are an IDIOT if you look down on yourself or others just because of their African ancestry. That Ujinga that is so deep and entrenched that only maombi can change you.

Even Guys like Charles Njonjo who are African outside and something else inside would not write such demeaning posts on Africans that i see on this discussion.

The African is not looked down upon, he looks down upon himself. He has, l highly believe, psychological issues that will take generations to address.
Greed is fear.
#107 Posted : Friday, February 08, 2013 8:57:52 PM
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Joined: 7/22/2011
Posts: 1,325
Mkeiyd unfortunately you dont get it. You are basically asking us to bend down and worship the west coz if we dont, sanctions will be imposed!! There is a little thing called self respect that you dont seem to possess. The right to vote freely is one of the most sacred rights a citizen has, when you let another country take that away, then you are no longer a sovereign state. Its funny that you and your followers are preaching for people to dance to the West's tune lest Kenya becomes a banana republic, what you dont understand is the minute you start dancing to their every tune, you have already become a banana republic, coz now they control your very basic right! Or you think that after you elect the person they want you to elect, they will somehow respect you and you will somehow achieve the dream of becoming a power to be reckoned with in the world? Once power is lost, it is lost for good, next elections they will demand not suggest that you vote in a puppet dictator of their choice. And dont give me that tired argument that you cant compare the US to Kenya, the US was not always a super power, when they defected from the UK they went through these same power struggles that emerging countries like Kenya are going through! The difference is the Americans refused to bow down to the demands of the UK, had they not had the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, they would still be ruled by the UK. Set your priorities right.
#108 Posted : Friday, February 08, 2013 8:59:24 PM
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Joined: 10/11/2009
Posts: 1,223
Pick n Pay wrote:
BGL wrote:
You are an IDIOT if you look down on yourself or others just because of their African ancestry. That Ujinga that is so deep and entrenched that only maombi can change you.

Even Guys like Charles Njonjo who are African outside and something else inside would not write such demeaning posts on Africans that i see on this discussion.

The African is not looked down upon, he looks down upon himself. He has, l highly believe, psychological issues that will take generations to address.

Talk about yourself..... do not make a general statement.
History will not remember you for your IQ. It will remember you for what you did. “Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration.” Thomas Edison
Pick n Pay
#109 Posted : Friday, February 08, 2013 9:16:47 PM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 1/29/2013
Posts: 45
Location: South Africa
BGL wrote:
Pick n Pay wrote:
BGL wrote:
You are an IDIOT if you look down on yourself or others just because of their African ancestry. That Ujinga that is so deep and entrenched that only maombi can change you.

Even Guys like Charles Njonjo who are African outside and something else inside would not write such demeaning posts on Africans that i see on this discussion.

The African is not looked down upon, he looks down upon himself. He has, l highly believe, psychological issues that will take generations to address.

Talk about yourself..... do not make a general statement.

You are in denial.
Greed is fear.
#110 Posted : Friday, February 08, 2013 9:23:23 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/11/2009
Posts: 1,223
Pick n Pay wrote:
BGL wrote:
Pick n Pay wrote:
BGL wrote:
You are an IDIOT if you look down on yourself or others just because of their African ancestry. That Ujinga that is so deep and entrenched that only maombi can change you.

Even Guys like Charles Njonjo who are African outside and something else inside would not write such demeaning posts on Africans that i see on this discussion.

The African is not looked down upon, he looks down upon himself. He has, l highly believe, psychological issues that will take generations to address.

Talk about yourself..... do not make a general statement.

You are in denial.

Pick n Pay then Go to hell!
History will not remember you for your IQ. It will remember you for what you did. “Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration.” Thomas Edison
#111 Posted : Friday, February 08, 2013 10:43:59 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/23/2009
Posts: 1,626
My friends,the intellect and culture of Africans is being shown here as you speak.Can't you see it?
Uncertainty is certain.Let go
Pick n Pay
#112 Posted : Friday, February 08, 2013 10:47:57 PM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 1/29/2013
Posts: 45
Location: South Africa
BGL wrote:
Pick n Pay wrote:
BGL wrote:
Pick n Pay wrote:
BGL wrote:
You are an IDIOT if you look down on yourself or others just because of their African ancestry. That Ujinga that is so deep and entrenched that only maombi can change you.

Even Guys like Charles Njonjo who are African outside and something else inside would not write such demeaning posts on Africans that i see on this discussion.

The African is not looked down upon, he looks down upon himself. He has, l highly believe, psychological issues that will take generations to address.

Talk about yourself..... do not make a general statement.

You are in denial.

Pick n Pay then Go to hell!

You do have a way with words.
Greed is fear.
#113 Posted : Friday, February 08, 2013 10:51:54 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 11/16/2011
Posts: 196
Location: united states of africa
Plates, cups, spoons: Silver, bronze and brass. The nonsense that is made out of steel and aluminum is crap and unhealthy. Start ordering them plates.

Copper, gold, platinum, silver together with other herbs are used to cure cancer, hepatitis, diabetes, arthritis, purification of the blood, etc etc. Koka Shastra is the book, (not 129 or 179 page one, the 1000 plus page.

The bible is Africa for those who still think Jesus is white. Start asking people from other parts of Africa what their customs and traditions are, their beliefs of where they came from then you'll be surprised.

Its all just a game.

Learn how to stand on your own two feet, not the third artifical one.
#114 Posted : Saturday, February 09, 2013 1:07:41 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/11/2012
Posts: 5,222
jonna wrote:
Plates, cups, spoons: Silver, bronze and brass. The nonsense that is made out of steel and aluminum is crap and unhealthy. Start ordering them plates.

Copper, gold, platinum, silver together with other herbs are used to cure cancer, hepatitis, diabetes, arthritis, purification of the blood, etc etc. Koka Shastra is the book, (not 129 or 179 page one, the 1000 plus page.

The bible is Africa for those who still think Jesus is white. Start asking people from other parts of Africa what their customs and traditions are, their beliefs of where they came from then you'll be surprised.

Its all just a game.

Learn how to stand on your own two feet, not the third artifical one.

If I had Silver/Bronze plates and cups I'd need serious security, Mobutu style. So you are saying stainless steel is unhealthy?

And Africa is not poor but we are fast getting there courtesy of the west. We have all the fertile land, the fresh air and sunshine, healthy food and beleifs which are fast getting swallowed by concrete, steel, plastic, weapons and confused beleifs of what are the important things in life!

Proverbs 19:21
#115 Posted : Saturday, February 09, 2013 8:22:46 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 1/21/2010
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Location: Nairobi
Nabwire wrote:
Mkeiyd unfortunately you dont get it. You are basically asking us to bend down and worship the west coz if we dont, sanctions will be imposed!! There is a little thing called self respect that you dont seem to possess. The right to vote freely is one of the most sacred rights a citizen has, when you let another country take that away, then you are no longer a sovereign state. Its funny that you and your followers are preaching for people to dance to the West's tune lest Kenya becomes a banana republic, what you dont understand is the minute you start dancing to their every tune, you have already become a banana republic, coz now they control your very basic right! Or you think that after you elect the person they want you to elect, they will somehow respect you and you will somehow achieve the dream of becoming a power to be reckoned with in the world? Once power is lost, it is lost for good, next elections they will demand not suggest that you vote in a puppet dictator of their choice. And dont give me that tired argument that you cant compare the US to Kenya, the US was not always a super power, when they defected from the UK they went through these same power struggles that emerging countries like Kenya are going through! The difference is the Americans refused to bow down to the demands of the UK, had they not had the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, they would still be ruled by the UK. Set your priorities right.

After listening to you I now know you must be one of the simplest minds I have ever encountered!

Who exactly does the West want us to elect?? weka rink..
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#116 Posted : Saturday, February 09, 2013 8:29:48 AM
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Joined: 7/22/2011
Posts: 1,325
I thought you rarely engage those of us beneath your level?? Hahaha ama your level got lowered? Ama I am way above your level. I hate to digress from topic but utanikoma, your opinions mean zilch to me. You can insult away, my simple mind got me into one of the top business schools in the US, yours got you where?? Hahaha ati you were saying after completing your CFA you are off to Wallstreet....hahahaha biggest joke of the century. Wallstreet iko na wenyewe, your little degree will not get you further than a receptionist at some unknown firm, I can guarantee you that. You think of all these American kids with internships up to the collar from JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, they will pick you....hahahaha. Anyways you were saying?? Go on and throw a temper tantrum like you always do,your advice fell on deaf ears, now you haveresorted to name calling. I pity you and your little delusional mind.
#117 Posted : Saturday, February 09, 2013 8:42:47 AM
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Joined: 1/21/2010
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Location: Nairobi
Nabwire wrote:
Hahaha ati you were saying after completing your CFA you are off to Wallstreet....hahahaha biggest joke of the century. Wallstreet iko na wenyewe, your little degree will not get you further than a receptionist at some unknown firm, I can guarantee you that. You think of all these American kids with internships up to the collar from JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, they will pick you....hahahaha.

Women lie, men lie but numbers don't and will never lie!

Here's one of the reasons I would be picked just since you asked!! smile


Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#118 Posted : Saturday, February 09, 2013 8:48:15 AM
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guru267 wrote:
Nabwire wrote:
Hahaha ati you were saying after completing your CFA you are off to Wallstreet....hahahaha biggest joke of the century. Wallstreet iko na wenyewe, your little degree will not get you further than a receptionist at some unknown firm, I can guarantee you that. You think of all these American kids with internships up to the collar from JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, they will pick you....hahahaha.

Women lie, men lie but numbers don't and will never lie!

Here's one of the reasons I would be picked just since you asked!! smile



Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly You really are gonna show your fantasy profile as a way to get in?? Sweetheart, you really are clueless. Here's some advice, there is a janitorial position at Goldman Sachs, maybe they will consider you since your portofolio is just oh so overwhelming. Thanks for the hearty laugh though
S.Mutaga III
#119 Posted : Saturday, February 09, 2013 8:51:41 AM
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Joined: 3/26/2012
Posts: 830
Nabwire wrote:
I thought you rarely engage those of us beneath your level?? Hahaha ama your level got lowered? Ama I am way above your level. I hate to digress from topic but utanikoma, your opinions mean zilch to me. You can insult away, my simple mind got me into one of the top business schools in the US, yours got you where?? Hahaha ati you were saying after completing your CFA you are off to Wallstreet....hahahaha biggest joke of the century. Wallstreet iko na wenyewe, your little degree will not get you further than a receptionist at some unknown firm, I can guarantee you that. You think of all these American kids with internships up to the collar from JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, they will pick you....hahahaha. Anyways you were saying?? Go on and throw a temper tantrum like you always do,your advice fell on deaf ears, now you haveresorted to name calling. I pity you and your little delusional mind.

I really hate this...since starting this thread on 2 days ago,I havent commented,but had to comment on this one. I hate anyone who discourages another without any good reason.
A successful man is not he who gets the best, it is he who makes the best from what he gets.
#120 Posted : Saturday, February 09, 2013 8:51:43 AM
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Joined: 7/22/2011
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I can just picture the recruiting agents face on seeing your big portofolio....hahahaha.
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