Club SK
Dealing wth relas n hela
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/7/2012 Posts: 11,910
Let us not spend all the monies in Nairobi Country. reserve at least 15% for development projects!!! in your home country aka hand outs to support hospital bills, funerals, dowry and the likes. In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins - cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later - H Geneen
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/2/2009 Posts: 26,329 Location: Masada
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/2/2007 Posts: 8,776 Location: Cameroon
I usually arrive late at night or lets just say, early in the morning. I drive directly to our family home. As I leave at daytime, I gather 100bob notes n distribute them to the subuas n sufferers, n the older women who know me. This keeps borrowers at bay somewhat. Lakini the drunks! damn, they don't relent, so when go to the bar, I reserve like 5 beers for the first 5 subuas. We live in a society, can't afford to be too mean TULIA.........UFUNZWE!
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/23/2008 Posts: 3,017
One should not be too mean to the close relas when you meet them face to face, for the wamama's toss them aka loose 100 or 200 depending on your closeness and their importance in the family. You will be surprised at how much they appreciate. For the men if they drink its easy, carry them to the local shopping centre and hook them up with those kali kali plastic bottled alcohol as you drink your favourite, they will not mind. For the hardcore drinkers, give them aka 2sok at around 11.00 am to go to the changaa den, when they get there, they will share with the usual crew, other crew members will ofcourse keep sharing their chang'aa they will ensure they don't leave the changaa den till around 4.00 am the next morning. If the men don't drink, then arrange some mbuzi choma. I really hate giving men money for whatever reason. For those relas who call you asking for m-pesa, always promise to return their calls and then ignore them after that, they will eventually give up. "The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/18/2011 Posts: 12,069 Location: Kianjokoma
I like this thread. I do not give to those masufferer. They never get enough and will stop you another time. That said, social capital is important as society will give you free services for your social needs e.g. Dowry. Maybe the best is to deal with them like @xyzee.
Rank: Chief Joined: 3/24/2010 Posts: 6,779 Location: Black Africa
xyzee wrote:I have an uncle who would call every time with one story or the other. He would always ask for small amounts that in most cases you would not mind giving out but it became too much.
One day asked for 600, I gave him a 1000 as a soft loan which he gladly took promising to pay back. On the day he had promised to pay I called him and of cause he give me another date, this continued untill he started ignoring my calls. And with that my problem was solved. Genius! GOD BLESS YOUR LIFE
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/2/2009 Posts: 2,458 Location: Nairobi
Impunity wrote:radio wrote:Impunity wrote:smith01 wrote:Impunity wrote:Stop going home to greet paroz while dressed in a Sir Henry's suit white at the same time clutching a briefcase plus sharpshooter pair of shoes!
Dress like a hustler!
@Impunity this one really works for me. I have brown coudroy trao I bought in 2004 at Gikomba just near the Machakos bus station; 90% of the times I have been seen in Shags I have always been seen in it! It has a conspicuously dark brown patch on the left thigh area. I leave my car 15 km away in the homestead of a former primary school teacher who is a close friend to me, in fact he is my grass-root informer. I then board a pikipiki boda boda @50 bob to home. Jeez! Just saw that you don't give a 2k? I have about 23 close relaz, in fact extended families and 2nd cousind; if you multiply 2000 times 23 then you know what you will be giving out in a month!!!! And these relaz have got their relaz too from their wives side or husbands side who will sooner rather than later get the wind of your little wealth and come for it too. And, if & When you bid the world goodbye, God forbid... Thay shall qualify ad dependants.... imagine all relas, 23 asking to share with ur wifee n kidsur little hard earned peanuts.... SHAME!""!
Rank: Veteran Joined: 11/19/2010 Posts: 1,308 Location: nairobi metropolitan
youcan'tstopusnow wrote:xyzee wrote:I have an uncle who would call every time with one story or the other. He would always ask for small amounts that in most cases you would not mind giving out but it became too much.
One day asked for 600, I gave him a 1000 as a soft loan which he gladly took promising to pay back. On the day he had promised to pay I called him and of cause he give me another date, this continued untill he started ignoring my calls. And with that my problem was solved. Genius! the way to go. Democracy does not belong to the dead
Rank: Elder Joined: 2/7/2007 Posts: 11,935 Location: Nairobi
They work for it.....even if it means digging an area where i have no intentions of doing anything......as for neighbours and sumbuas,i buy stuff from them.You need cash?.Lete hata wheelbarrow mzee,jembe panga,kamba,sufuria,kuku....any stuff.No free cash!.....So i guess they all think i am damn mean idiot sasa huwa wananiangalia kwa mbali and they can be overheard saying,"Kale kazee ni kashenzi sana"....but who cares? Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Rank: Member Joined: 2/9/2012 Posts: 576
Impunity wrote:dossy7 wrote:Impunity wrote:smith01 wrote:Impunity wrote:Stop going home to greet paroz while dressed in a Sir Henry's suit white at the same time clutching a briefcase plus sharpshooter pair of shoes!
Dress like a hustler!
@Impunity this one really works for me. I have brown coudroy trao I bought in 2004 at Gikomba just near the Machakos bus station; 90% of the times I have been seen in Shags I have always been seen in it! It has a conspicuously dark brown patch on the left thigh area. I leave my car 15 km away in the homestead of a former primary school teacher who is a close friend to me, in fact he is my grass-root informer. I then board a pikipiki boda boda @50 bob to home.  Impunity u just cracked me up Though the coudroy tao is made in US state of Texas it cost me a mere 100 bob and has outlasted 10s of my other garments! They must think you are the poorest guy around ,do they give you something to take to town like Maize, flour or potatoes to have something to keep you going. Africa belongs to Africans.
Rank: Member Joined: 8/5/2008 Posts: 602
Impunity wrote: smith01 wrote: Impunity wrote: Stop going home to greet paroz while dressed in a Sir Henry's suit white at the same time clutching a briefcase plus sharpshooter pair of shoes! Dress like a hustler! @Impunity this one really works for me. smile I have brown coudroy trao I bought in 2004 at Gikomba just near the Machakos bus station; 90% of the times I have been seen in Shags I have always been seen in it! It has a conspicuously dark brown patch on the left thigh area. I leave my car 15 km away in the homestead of a former primary school teacher who is a close friend to me, in fact he is my grass-root informer. I then board a pikipiki boda boda @50 bob to home. smile Laughing out loudly reverse Papa Shirandula. For me I could be dressed in rags and they'll still ask and ask and ask for years on end. I have two cousins who will call at least twice a week and have done so since 2009, I no longer answer them. The fact that I live in Nairobi is enough for them to think I am Warren Buffet.Ditto......sometimes i do it, sometimes a ka-shopping, sometimes i dont.... "The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions" - Alfred adler
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/20/2008 Posts: 6,275 Location: Kenya
Njung'e wrote:They work for it.....even if it means digging an area where i have no intentions of doing anything......as for neighbours and sumbuas,i buy stuff from them.You need cash?.Lete hata wheelbarrow mzee,jembe panga,kamba,sufuria,kuku....any stuff.No free cash!.....So i guess they all think i am damn mean idiot sasa huwa wananiangalia kwa mbali and they can be overheard saying,"Kale kazee ni kashenzi sana"....but who cares? This works for me for general public: wanashika jembe, panga, spade ama nyundo. But the question is: how do you handle the close relas. The likes of wife bro who has been sent away from school, her brother who didn't secure campus room and has to rent from out but paid all money for meals and fees...? Tell us guka
Rank: Veteran Joined: 2/25/2009 Posts: 973
xyzee wrote:I have an uncle who would call every time with one story or the other. He would always ask for small amounts that in most cases you would not mind giving out but it became too much.
One day asked for 600, I gave him a 1000 as a soft loan which he gladly took promising to pay back. On the day he had promised to pay I called him and of cause he give me another date, this continued untill he started ignoring my calls. And with that my problem was solved. Nice. Thats also the way to deal with pals who keep asking for cash and they believe that anything less than a k should not be paid back. Some relaz in shags are incorrigible,didnt go home during festive sn so went to shags after new yr and they still asked for belated sikukuu!
Rank: New-farer Joined: 5/13/2011 Posts: 41
Impunity wrote:Stop going home to greet paroz while dressed in a Sir Henry's suit white at the same time clutching a briefcase plus sharpshooter pair of shoes!
Dress like a hustler!
 but true Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/17/2008 Posts: 23,365 Location: Nairobi
Don't overgive, however remain african!!!! ..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/26/2008 Posts: 2,097
Njung'e wrote:They work for it.....even if it means digging an area where i have no intentions of doing anything......as for neighbours and sumbuas,i buy stuff from them.You need cash?.Lete hata wheelbarrow mzee,jembe panga, kamba,sufuria,kuku....any stuff.No free cash!.....So i guess they all think i am damn mean idiot sasa huwa wananiangalia kwa mbali and they can be overheard saying,"Kale kazee ni kashenzi sana"....but who cares? Very true @Guka. People should work to earn money, and not depend on handouts. I often tell them to go sweat it out in the farm, weeding/slashing, tilling, pruning anything that will justify their getting a coin from me period! And no advance. "Never regret, if its good, its wonderful. If its bad, its experience."
Rank: Member Joined: 4/20/2012 Posts: 888
Have a budget for CSR...., Give to the poor not rela's.
Rank: Chief Joined: 5/9/2007 Posts: 13,095
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/2/2009 Posts: 26,329 Location: Masada
MKWASI wrote:Have a budget for CSR...., Give to the poor not rela's. Most of us have the entire relas being poor! How do u go about that? Portfolio: Sold You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/23/2009 Posts: 8,083 Location: Enk are Nyirobi
How to deal with relas requesting for cash during these Covid times? Life is short. Live passionately.
Club SK
Dealing wth relas n hela
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