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Africans problems due to low inherent intelligence
#1 Posted : Friday, May 29, 2009 1:13:00 PM
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Joined: 9/18/2008
Posts: 27
I have thought day and night about Africa's historical and contemporary unending quagmire. This article discusses low intelligence as the reason..... read on

Low intelligence makes helping blacks very difficult for social planners,activists,politicians,social workers,educators,and businessmen who wantto utilize African Americans as productive factors in the work world. If true,this may build resentment,trigger lawsuits,and allow demogagues to confuse the issue and confound consensus.
According to the best selling book on race and intelligence,TheBell Curve,as a group,African Americans have a average mean IQ ofonly 85 points as compared to Europeans who have an average mean IQ of 100-103points.

However,in some African countries,the Average Mean IQ Level is even lowerinfact,lower than 60 points on average. This occurs in many out of the wayvillages along the Zaire River Basin. Fifty percent of these Africans areeither in the retarded or moron group.
Back in America,only 16% of African Americans have IQ's above 100 points,which is approximately what is required to achieve a mere D-/F+ in college.Graduation rates of a mere 32% at all-black Howard University bear thisout,and Howard University is definitely not a difficult school to attend.

Only 2.3% of all African Americans have an IQ above 115 points,about D+/C-in college. Only 667,000 out of 29,000,000 African Americans measure above115 points as can be seen in the above illustration. This is hardly enoughIQ level in the distribution pattern to justify Affirmative Action Programs.There just aren't enough African Americans to fill the jobs available. Thatis why white women were elevated to 'minority status' by affirmative action executives,even though white women are far more plentiful than whitemen who are themselves a minority by comparison.*

If these facts are true,there is little hope that it can be helped by anymeans known to society.

The importance of inheritance in IQ transmission has been quietly observedwith little fanfare in the press through scientific IQ testing of African,African American,and European Twins... Scientific and educational publicationsabound. (See the bibliography pages in 'TheBell Curve' for hundreds of such manuscripts,articles,books,etc.,published in scientific circleswhere the discussion of IQ and educability levels takes place on a dailybasis.)

'The Bell Curve,' 1995,is available for free in your favorite public and/or school library. 'TheBell Curve' contains hundreds of interesting pages explaining thevarious ins and outs of U.S. Armed Forces and National Student Longitudinalintelligence testing results for African Americans versus European Americansand Asian Americans and others** by educators,scientists,and statisticians....

*Scientists and Educators are beginning to realize that low intelligenceis possibly due to genetic inheritance of historically low African AmericanIQ levels... Some have suggested intermarriage with whites to raise blackIQ levels,but many in both groups have found this to be a distasteful solutionwith fascist underpinnings. So,it is generally opposed. This leaves AfricanAmericans with a permanently low IQ with no hope of remediation,becauseIQ is not a function of education. The tragedy is found in the mere 17%-25%graduation rates in African American high school statistics as childrenwith low IQ who are forced to act as though they have high IQ predictablyfail,giving them feelings of low self-esteem and worthlessness,and mayprecipitate their later tendency toward violent criminal behavior.

**Not so good news for African Americans,except that it shows that EuropeanAmericans are not the smartest people in America is the fact that the AsianAmericans are smarter as a group than European Americans. Asians have anIQ of 103 IQ compared to 100 IQ for European Americans. Jews are the veryhighest. Jews have an IQ of 115 points. Probably as a result of their higherIQ,Jews have been the most productive people in the world for the sizeof their population. [If Hitler had utilized the Jews in Germany,he wouldhave won World War Two. Einstein,Oppenheimer,Ferme,and Teller,who wereJews,developed the atomic and hydrogen bombs that ended World War Two andkept the United States and Europe secure since 1945 when the first atomicbomb,developed in large part by brilliant,high IQ Jewish scientists,wasexploded on Hiroshima.]
Source http://www.americancivil....com/africanfailure.html
#2 Posted : Friday, May 29, 2009 2:32:00 PM
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Joined: 4/9/2008
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nugu wewe,njinga kabisa,kwani kweni ni westfordshire??......you are the silly type that...............this is not worth replying to!!!

Off for summit at wendz party,wherever it is,wherever it is!! now thats a worthy thing,bure wewe.

If you have money that you expect to start using in five years,it now belongs in stocks.
When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.
#3 Posted : Friday, May 29, 2009 3:04:00 PM
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Agreed. If the best their intelligence can do is copy paste a whole article rather than write one about themselves...
#4 Posted : Friday, May 29, 2009 3:06:00 PM
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Joined: 2/27/2007
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we have a moron aboard the SK ship!!!!!!

...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#5 Posted : Friday, May 29, 2009 3:21:00 PM
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I was expecting better from you man.

You can tell from the silence/insults that the thread is rather revolting esp. when it comes from a black guy (you are right?).

Two questions:

1.Taken your early morning cup o' coffee today?
2.Do you believe the research yourself?

We are (well,a number of us) damn frustrated with what's happening in our country (e.g. our habit of defending and continuously voting back the same people who have economically + socially raped,balkanised and destabilised our country for decades) and the position presented by this research can be very tempting if you look at what you see daily e.g. like a whole Prof. not seeing the economic sense in the Coke/Nyayo deal (just cant get it out of my system)

Let me indulge you though and say that I disagree with the article on the following basis:

1. Last I checked,age,experience and education are factors in any real IQ measurement. Think about a child (black/white/yellow) born and somehow left in the wild for the first 18 years of his life with no interaction with humans. What would that persons score be on an IQ test?

2. Have worked with jungus & asians (which I am sure you and many others here have) and in my own experience,there is no difference. What has yours been? There are jungu idiots in the same proportion as black and asian ones even at corporate level. What saddens me is the way mwafrikas are still intimidated by white/yellow skin today...

3. Have you ever done an IQ test yourself? If you have,I will resist the urge to ask what your score was. When I think about the mwafrikas I have interacted with in my life,I do not see any intellectual difference with whites/asians were they given the exact same operating environment all other factors constant . Yes,we may suffer from a lack of knowledge,exposure,education and lag behind many countries/continents in overall development but it has nothing to do with a genetically-acquired IQ.

4. Using the same reasoning as the author,I would expect the high IQ Jews to be the persons that can be most easily helped to sort out their problems,then Asians (I guess this includes Arabs),then Europeans and finally Africans. See how twisted that looks? The first 2 have one of the longest-running 'problems' in the world. In fact,many problems in the world today can be traced back to Jews/Arabs concerns.

We have issues but it is always important that we put things in perspective. We have problems but there are places/people outside Africa that have bigger problems than we do. Hopefully,we will get better before we get worse.

This article is a load of top-level BS. Redeem yourself while you can.
#6 Posted : Friday, May 29, 2009 3:25:00 PM
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Bure kabisa. But,last night a pal of mine and myself had a discussion on why miro's seem a little bit daft and he attributed this to those shenzi woolen caps and sweaters our mothers swathed us in as little kids. Come to think of it that was the initial onslaught our brains encountered that's akin to microwaving. Now consider all the negative psych like the one above and you know why miro's carry a psychological milling stone around their shackled necks.

As a man thinketh so is he
As A Man Thinketh So is He
#7 Posted : Friday, May 29, 2009 7:33:00 PM
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@ all

Thanks guys. Unfortunately,the insults were expected and I expect more to come,please bring them on my people. My thread and any contributions are not about a popularity contest - I need none. I am at a point in my life when I say what must be said.....

Mine is a search for understanding; whom I am and by extension who we,the african people are; and more so why we are the way we are. I would be the last one to be ashamed of low intelligence because - if we believe in God - he creates us as we are (the question would then be why?); If I ever get before God; and He grants me one question - I will ask him that why question. If we believe in evolution,it is a selective process that relies on random raw materials (mutations) that have nothing to do with our choice. So,intelligence is nothing to be proud about; nor is lack of anything to be ashamed of. However,take note that I am in no way in support of the article - but I am broad minded enough at this point in my life and having experienced what I have; to take it and all other considerations into cognisance.

@ Adept thanks for your input,however,I have nothing to redeem. I and all us Africans have nothing to redeem - we have taken away our self-worth and thown it away alongside any posterity we might have left for our children. There is nothing more to live for as an African (how many of you in this forum argue for Kibaki because you are kikuyus and Raila because you are luo's! - what thinking is that?). I drive my 4X4 and live in a nice neighbourhood but I have nothing to live for because all these are meaningless things; man must live on more than material things in a cesspool. I am a success in the Kenyan eye (sic) but I am a total failure in my own eyes as my people fail and my country and my continent fails - so I feel an overwhelming sadness and have nothing to lose (hence the copy pasted article from me,the moron). Being called a moron by my fellow Kenyans is better than being called an 'angry black man' by a white colleague in the US - and so I ask myself,what is wrong with us Africans? - why didn't our forefathers set sail to conquer Europe and bring back white slaves? Why didn't our forefathers invest in thought,philosophy and the accompanying ethics,invent some alphabet (and thereby write our history and our lineage),improved their lot by inventing appropriate tools and engineering works,begin trading and have economic models upon which Africa prospered? Why is it in the year 2009 we are unable to use copy pasting (yes copy pasting) to simply borrow ideas we see all around the world to move Africa forward? Why is it that we allow foreigners (read NGOs),in the 21st century,to come into our countries and apportion basic manual tools to our rural folk as 'appropriate technology'?

So I will ask myself why,why,why? Is it the curse of Ham? Or is it intelligence? Or is there some other reason and if so what?

I think about this day and night as everything unravels in our country. I think until I can think no more. I fear the future of our children is no more (unless they migrate to countries (US/Europe) that other races built (don't give me colonial and slave hogwash - our forefather should have gone out and colonised and brought slaves to build Africa - they did (could?) not)! Is this state ordained? Or are we intelligent people that have for some reason decided historically and in modern times to self destruct? I do not know,I do not know. But I will continue thinking about it - no amount of insults will stop me - it is my divine right. It is not about what your achievements are today,as tomorrow we are gone,it must be about your contribution to intangible values that will live on positively. Before I go,I would want to understand myself and my people,warts and all; why we are the way we are...

And yes,folks.. I am the moron on SK ship.......

Enjoy your weekend
Obi 1 Kanobi
#8 Posted : Friday, May 29, 2009 7:41:00 PM
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What nonsense,I am not going to argue as to whether this findings are correct or false smply because they are irrelevant.

I look at it differently,would one rather be a Michael Jordan,JayZ,beyonce,chris Rock etc or would one rather be some damp asian lab assistant with high IQ,or some white doctor cleaning wounds in Ohio etc.

Blacks are proven entertainers and sportsmen,it takes high intelligence and hardwork to excel in such competitive fields. Intelligence is not all about adding 1 plus 1.

Secondly testing an african villager on european/american oriented IQ test is unfair,I would like to see the whites surviving for 1 day in the congo forest with their high IQ's

I guess if you can't win with facts,you can always pen bile-laced,xenophobic rants to distract everyone.
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins
#9 Posted : Saturday, May 30, 2009 4:24:00 AM
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Joined: 9/29/2006
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@obi. So you think the Congo forest makes us morons!? Charley asked a simple question : how many support Kibaki just coz he is of their tribe? And you think Obama is a kenyan forgetting the american gene. I know there is no congo forest in America where Obama grew!

Hotels will always serve the fruits/vegs of the reason. In stocks ur duty as a trader is to identify the HOTshare of the season.
The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it's conformity.
the sage
#10 Posted : Saturday, May 30, 2009 7:45:00 AM
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I don't think you can use the same IQ test for Africans and Americans because we live in two different realities.

How do you ask about say simultaneous eqautions to someone who has never been to school.

Furthermore,the poorer you are the less you are likely to pass those tests because of lack of resources.

Think anout it,isn't it the Makinis and all other academies that perform best in KCPE and not those shags schools.
the sage
#11 Posted : Saturday, May 30, 2009 7:48:00 AM
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I don't think you can use the same IQ test for Africans and Americans because we live in two different realities.

How do you ask about say simultaneous eqautions to someone who has never been to school.

Furthermore,the poorer you are the less you are likely to pass those tests because of lack of resources.

Think anout it,isn't it the Makinis and all other academies that perform best in KCPE and not those shags schools.
mv ufanisi
#12 Posted : Saturday, May 30, 2009 8:37:00 AM
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this is most likely a Kenyan living in the States and basically this kind of pseudo-science is always coming off white professional racists to justify their racism. They are always comparing blacks and whites in all aspects and their verdict is always - something is wrong with blacks. Anyway man I hope you stay strong and never forget your experiences home. Otherwise you can easily give into self doubt and feel less - YOUR LOSS their WIN. I think that's all matters. How do you handle this CHALLENGE? - are you going to WIN or LOSE. A modified quote from Desperado the film - are you an Afri-CAN or an Afri-CAN'T?? haha. Fact check below.
Historically speaking whites have used such allegedly 'scientific' tests like the Bell Curve to make ridiculous claims about Africans which have all been proved to be a white lie.
For example during Slavery the racist whites used the excuse of 'Christianity' to justify enslaving people and forcing them to work on their farms. Apparently at that time the excuse was that blacks are so unintelligent that they wouldn't know what to do with freedom so they had to be enslaved - IMAGINE that!
After slavery was abolished and the Jim Crow era came into play,these kinds of pseudo science persisted. For example before a black became the World Boxing Champion - there was a pseudo scientific study that said blacks had a 'yellow streak' that made them incapable of succeeding in such a sport requiring intelligence and courage. So how come we don't see that anymore? Jim Johnson,Mike Tyson and etc already put this myth in its place. Another case of a pseudoscience.

Charley,Africans just have a DIFFERENT value system and DIFFERENT beliefs.
The value system in AFRICA is more social and community/family centered than in the states. In my opinion the quality of life here for most people in Kenya/Africa is way better/happier than for most Americans. We don't have the TALLEST skyscrapers,LATEST cars/bikes,the longest and smoothest highways,everybody living in a mansion / apartment - which by Western standards is what is defined as DEVELOPMENT. BUT we have very strong SOCIAL ties,more LAUGHTER,more FRIENDS,more RELATIVES,we RESPECT our elders,we PARTY more,we generally know our NEIGHBORS,the WATCHMAN at the station is 'SOLDIER', - which makes our lives comfortable - that's how we define DEVELOPMENT. So by our standards Europeans and Americans are POOR and UNDEVELOPED. It all depends on what PROGRESS means to you.
In any case in the next 100 years,we will have the BUILDINGS,ROADS etc etc blah blah blah. But we will also have our social lives and culture. By then we will be way ahead. We have only been in this game for 40 years,it's taken them hundreds of years to get to where they are. But I'm sure this MYTH will again be discounted in the near future.
In terms of intelligence why don't they measure our kids from Starehe or Alliance against kids in American high schools - they will find to their shock that our kids are smarter than them. And maybe they will come up with a reason to disregard those findings and only use results from kids studying in Shags and poor parts of Kenya in order to JUSTIFY their beliefs - because if you're looking for something & your mind is already made up you will find it. That's why you go to an African village give kids the same IQ test as American kids and when they don't do well on your tests you conclude they are less intelligent. Why don't the American kids also take an African IQ test like fetching water,looking after animals,walking lots of miles,knowing about wild plants and animals etc and see if they are also not regarded as MORONS?
Just a sidetrack - the people who wrote this most likely think all Africans live in the desert with a begging bowl in hand or live in a war ravaged country. These are the images people in the States or whatever are fed about Africa.
They would be shocked to see an SK community - Africans online? I'm shocked! Or they would be surprised to come to our middle and upper income areas and see a lot of us have better homes & cars than they do & we still have a BALL.
Finally this kind of pseudo-science is just laughable and ill conceived. Why would anyone do such a study if they are not trying to push an agenda that is tied to their beliefs? Can't real scientists work on real issues like finding a cure for cancer or helping the Americans to avoid feeding themselves to death - an indicator of a low IQ in itself?
Why don't they explain their problems like that? FAT people have a low IQ so we can't help them etc etc. Following this line of thought is like digging deeper and deeper into a sh*thole.
Don't FALL for the trap my friend. Keep your African pride UP like it should be.
#13 Posted : Saturday, May 30, 2009 8:49:00 AM
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Posts: 42
This is the best article i have read on sk! Keep up Charles! What i like the most is why,why we cannot copy and paste the successes of others,and get ahead. We still wait until the technology is 'useless' and is handed to us 'free'. Just like the mercy train,those donations are now down and gone,so,do we start donating again,or do we copy and paste a well researched technology of water harvesting and save our people come the next famine?
Cool Charles,keep it up!
#14 Posted : Saturday, May 30, 2009 11:08:00 AM
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Well,this is a fascinating topic and felt I needed to contribute to it as I’m interested in history and I believe history can provide some insights.

When I started reading Charley's first post (the copy paste article),I immediately dismissed the dude as another sorry soul suffering from some form of inferiority complex,and was tempted to ask him to shove it.

Then I read his second post,and realized why he brought up the topic. This is a question that has been asked many times by many people (including myself) and even more people who think they know the answer have attempted to answer it. The above topic (the IQ article) is a classic answer forwarded by your average Joe deluded into thinking that certain races are genetically superior to others. Why do I say deluded? Well,it's a very shallow answer and IQ tests have been discredited severally as a measure of real intelligence (who prepares these IQ tests anyway? How well do you think a Westerner would do on an IQ test on survival,say in a place like New Guinea?).

However,there are people who have attempted to answer the question much better,and one of them is Jared Diamond (Evolutionary Biologist). Now,I've always found scientists who have dedicated their lives to answering specific questions(think Galileo,Newton etc) more reliable (whatever their skin tone) as they welcome criticism and are willing to change their stance based on emerging evidence(think evolutionary scientists). There is one book this guy (Jared) has written that attempts to answer this question - Guns,Germs and Steel; that’s a real eye-opener (I'm currently reading it). Let me give you some tit-bits into this book.

In the prologue,he explains what drove him into attempting to answer this complex question,a question he spent 25 years researching on. It was 1972,and he was walking on the beach of New Guinea. He came across a remarkable and charismatic local politician,Yali,and they spoke for more than two hours. Now,the country was still 'administered' by Australia at that time but independence was in the air. This politician had never been outside New Guinea and had not been educated past High School. He quizzed the author on everything from his job to how the Aboriginals ended up in New Guinea to how White Europeans colonized New Guinea (and not the other way round as Charley here has asked).

New Guineans were using stone tools when the Europeans arrived,bringing steel axes,matches medicines etc (collectively referred to as 'cargo' by the New Guineans then). The white colonialists openly despised the locals as “primitive” and even by 1972,the daftest of these colonialists still enjoyed a far higher standard of living and were referred to as “masters” by even the most intelligent and charismatic of New Guineans. The author says that he and Yali knew perfectly well that New Guineans are on average at least as smart as the Europeans,so his question was (and as is here) inevitable: “Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea,but we black people had little cargo of our own?”

Now,any lesser mind would attempt a simple answer,such as that offered by Charlie’s first copy paste article. A lesser mind because it takes a great mind to recognize this as a difficult question,as the answer really is not in race (we have the same genetic make-up),rather history.

Ever heard the saying: “Necessity is the mother of invention”? When you argue that Jews are the most intelligent race on earth because the atomic bomb was invented by Jews,you are making a lot of assumptions. For instance,it’s only Britain and France that have developed nuclear weapons in Europe. Is it that the Swiss,Dutch,Germans and other Europeans are of less intelligence? Or are the Pakistanis more intelligent than the Japanese since the former have nuclear weapons and the latter don’t? At the very basic,the people who invented certain items were in more need for them at the time than those who didn’t. Europeans were very war-like (on a large scale) in the middle ages and even before so it’s no surprise to me that they had a head-start on weapons development.

But of course a lot of inventions were not driven by need,rather the need developed when people recognized the potential of the invention. There is also the receptiveness of a society to inventions. Remember that guy from around Nyeri,without an aeronautical background,who was building planes using car engines and actually got them off the ground (but had difficulty landing them safely)? What of professor Obel from UON? Didn’t people laugh at him when he said he’d come up with a cure for HIV? I don’t remember society being supportive. Instead,the Eurasians take note,come over and do research with our scientists on issues such as the prostitutes who were discovered to be resistant to HIV. When the research results were released,I remember the local scientists complaining they were not recognized adequately for their inputs. I don’t remember public uproar in their support. What of patents? Do we really support inventors? Try demo-ing an idea of yours to one of the local companies and see how fast your idea gets stolen,with no recourse.

Most people equate Native Africans with blacks,white Africans with recent intruders. Why? Most people look back into only a few hundred years of history in trying to answer this question,dwelling on European colonialism and slave trading. Yet archeological evidence points to people living on the African continent for more than seven million years! Jared only goes 13,000 years back into history and even in this instance,before the arrival of white colonialists; Africa had not just blacks,but five of the world’s six major divisions of peoples.

Charley,tell you what,I’ve already written way too much on this subject and you can find books written by people who did some serious research into this subject. I’ll be looking for other books too on this as well as other hot-button topics such as religion (The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins,an Evolutionary Scientist,is breath-taking). I won’t even get into that particular topic as it’s even more controversial than this one.

Anyway,some comments by people who have read Guns,Germs and Steel:

“Fascinating… Lays a foundation for understanding human history” – Bill Gates

“The question,‘why did human societies have such diverse fates?’ has usually received racist answers. Mastering information from many different fields,Jared Diamond convincingly demonstrates that head starts and local conditions can explain much of the course of human history. His impressive account will appeal to a vast readership” – Luca Cavalli-Sforza,Professor of Genetics,Stanford University.

So Charley,I’ll recommend this book,and any other written by scientists/historians that have spent their lives researching the issue. Other books so you can contrast historical accounts and criticisms by other people who at least seem to have an idea of what they are talking about. Jared says that professional historians still disagree on historic events,but that’s ok,you will in the process have your mind opened up by the different perspectives and probably be a whole lot more critical of what people tell you,as I have found myself the more I’ve read non-fiction books.
#15 Posted : Saturday, May 30, 2009 11:16:00 AM
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Joined: 9/19/2008
Posts: 5
Although am a farmer doing my low IQ thing,I believe it will be nice if Kanyambu,Charley or Masukuma travel a little bit and see the world. Otherwise check in your self esteem department .
KANYAMBU,CHARLEY,MASUKUMA,GOD LOVE YOU VERY MUCH...... everyone else thinks you are essholes.
MV Ufanisi you talked nothing but the truth. I endorse your statements. For conversational purposes I will refer to the 3 guys as Jerks.
Jerks how will you do in business if people work for you for free for 400 years. You will do well and develop. You might also get rich. The traders who sold you those people might also get very rich. Fact, White house,Congress and many other buildings were build with free labor.
Obi is right,Jerks to be a star,talent is mixed with hard work. Tell me of a runner who doesn't practice idiots.
Jerks,don't you remember colonization,what did you think they did to the Land resources.
The highways you see in US were build in the 60s. They just maintain them now. In Africa we are building them now. Jerks believe me,we will catch up. According to Forbes Kenya stocks beat the Dow,Foolish Blacks work there.(Main article at forbes...need not to ignore Africa ..The last frontier)
Of some inventions,they can be costly to some scale,is not that people are foolish. Canadian dont make cars,Chinese copy and paste,it makes Money,why reinvent the wheel. Like many people have indicated,they don't have time to comment,they think you are super foolish essholes.
To the 3 Idiots am sad and I can be personal. My galfriend is Jewish and I don't think she is better than my sister. She is just a girl raised in a different environment.
Idiots remember this fact,MONEY MAKES YOU MORE SMART AND HANDSOME. So get the broad difference.
Mkulima and the esshole Jerks story

My fellow citizens lets work hard so that every house will have a meal on the TableMkulima
#16 Posted : Saturday, May 30, 2009 11:25:00 AM
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@Masukuma,i want to agree with 100%

Guys Singapore was just a swamp off the coast of Malaysia in the fifties today one of the finest places to live in the world. Imagine they import even drinking water but tap would never dry up.

Harare was a very nice city in 1980 today its a messy,and brother Mugabe was soon going be President without a population.

Nairobi was paradise in 1961 today the whole city is becoming one fat digusting slum.

Only an African leader would encourage people to destroy an eco system and that is happening right in Kenya.Mau forest is one good example.

Even the schools that colonialist built for us,the standard are now much lower than had been intended for an African.

Today thousands and thousands of Africans are runing away from the continent some great number of them dying trying to cross over to Europe because the situation on our continent is one of hopelessness.

United Kingdom is just 1/4 size of Kenya with a population of 60million people,all its citizen has access to basic necessities,while Kenya with a huge landmass and half the population of that of the UK,88% of her people do not have access to basic human neccessity such as water or decent housing.

Obi 1 Kanobi
#17 Posted : Saturday, May 30, 2009 11:29:00 AM
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Joined: 7/23/2008
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@MV Ufanisi

You have written exactly what I would,had I the patience. Fantastic!! The white man is as limited as the african.


I have to congratulate you for posting this topic,it is the kind of self critic that we need in order to find our place in the world,But never despair and doubt yourself,just accept the hand fate has given you and make the best of it.


Do not desregard the contribution of sport and entertainment to the cause of the black man (in the US). And it is as sustainable as anything in the world,and it does take intelligence and hardwork to make it at the top level,talent only gets you through the door.

And to make things more exciting here,the most advanced thinking in the US now wants the IQ system of classifying american students to be abolished. The arguement is that high intelligence does not make you successfull,success is bred from sheer hard work.

Bill Gates created microsoft not from being the pre-eminent IT student at Havard but rather from hard work in his fathers garage and dedication.

I guess if you can't win with facts,you can always pen bile-laced,xenophobic rants to distract everyone.
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins
mundu wa thi
#18 Posted : Sunday, May 31, 2009 11:29:00 AM
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..just taking chance that the scientist are right and we are daft as they claim... then why are we not doing anything about our situation if at all we can do... i tend to believe even if you are not smart with hard work and dedication you can beat the smart person in the competition...just like back in school,even if some of us were not smart we used to beat the smart boys buy working harder, learning from our mistakes,and doing it over and over until we got it right...so Africans that's no reason to be where we are ..

there's is always something to hope for...
Obi 1 Kanobi
#19 Posted : Sunday, May 31, 2009 12:56:00 PM
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As a group,the black/african is caught in a time warp that will require them to learn the patience of the asians to succceed.

It is very frustrating when one works hard through school,fights and succeeds in getting limited resources (work) then you turn full circle and spend the next 10 years sorting legacy problems including building houses for your parents,paying fees for your siblings etc.

When you return to your self,your family is grown up,you have no savings to pay fees,build your own house etc.

The average white man will not have this responsiblities and will definitely succeed in life if success is measured in being able to afford a holiday once a year.

Kuwa muafrica ni ngumu. But patience and acceptance that you may have to forgo your dreams in this life time so you set up your children in theirs may be what will allow us to catch up with the west.

I guess if you can't win with facts,you can always pen bile-laced,xenophobic rants to distract everyone.
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins
#20 Posted : Sunday, May 31, 2009 2:02:00 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 11/21/2006
Posts: 1,590
Charley-interesting source of info you got there. Are you black african btw? Does this stuff define your mother and father?

In any case,please read a bit of History. Even headline stuff going back the last 2,000 yrs will be fine.

Tx skjay- you saved me from writing a lengthy piece.

Sehemu ndio nyumba
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