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28 cops killed in samburu...
#81 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 4:10:18 PM
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madollar wrote:
2012 wrote:
Njung'e wrote:
15 police officers still missing.We can only pray that they are found alive.

15 are too many!

Kwani what kind of an operation was this? Or did they disperse to comb the area? Were there survivors to tell what happened? Now who send regular police to do an army's job?

and to think they were only going to recover stolen cows no other mission was planned.kwani whats the price of a cow those sides if they are willing to kill over 50 uniformed men

Speaking of stolen cattle, I have never understood how over 1,000 heads of cattle can disappear in thin air and can't be traced with helicopters. I know North Eastern is vast but this is not a herd of Ferraris that they move at lightening speed. How do they do it?

BBI will solve it
#82 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 4:27:41 PM
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So far only NHIF sends condolences with a paid advert in todays DN
#83 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 4:44:00 PM
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2012 wrote:
madollar wrote:
2012 wrote:
Njung'e wrote:
15 police officers still missing.We can only pray that they are found alive.

15 are too many!

Kwani what kind of an operation was this? Or did they disperse to comb the area? Were there survivors to tell what happened? Now who send regular police to do an army's job?

and to think they were only going to recover stolen cows no other mission was planned.kwani whats the price of a cow those sides if they are willing to kill over 50 uniformed men

Speaking of stolen cattle, I have never understood how over 1,000 heads of cattle can disappear in thin air and can't be traced with helicopters. I know North Eastern is vast but this is not a herd of Ferraris that they move at lightening speed.
How do they do it?

I wonder too
Kenya ni yetu sisi sote
#84 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 4:54:15 PM
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2012 wrote:
madollar wrote:
2012 wrote:
Njung'e wrote:
15 police officers still missing.We can only pray that they are found alive.

15 are too many!

Kwani what kind of an operation was this? Or did they disperse to comb the area? Were there survivors to tell what happened? Now who send regular police to do an army's job?

and to think they were only going to recover stolen cows no other mission was planned.kwani whats the price of a cow those sides if they are willing to kill over 50 uniformed men

Speaking of stolen cattle, I have never understood how over 1,000 heads of cattle can disappear in thin air and can't be traced with helicopters. I know North Eastern is vast but this is not a herd of Ferraris that they move at lightening speed. How do they do it?

I am sure as the cattle move they leave behind large tracts of urine and dung - unless those bandits clean the same as they move.

I think it comes down to priorities and the available police resources to follow up such cases, the resources are very constrained in those areas - and you can see what happens when they follow up and try to recover the cattle.

the areas are not high priority for us kenyans.
#85 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 4:54:44 PM
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Its just too sad that we could loose such young and promising kenyans.As a former police officer,I can testify that it is indeed quite disheartening when one looses his colleagues in such a manner. we all know what ails our police service...even as we throw our comments,the buck stops with the government(parliament and head of state).When I was a rookie cop in the early 90s,I was posted to Wajir district.cases of cattle rustling were still as rampant as ever..hardly a month passed without us loosing police officers in situations such as suguta mar mar.Most of these raiders were ussually from neighbouring countries backed by some local allies.They were ussually heavily armed and moved in large number.For some reasons ,they were never bold enough to massacre officers at the level witnessed on saturday.The police still did not have resources however the cooperation with the military was perfect esp during gen mohamouds era.the military choppers-YYs were deployed rapidly in such situations.Therefore as we mourn our fallen brothers,let us force our govt into action.let them invest heavily in the police service the same way they have invested in infrastructure...because until the police are assured of their safety,have the necessary tools and are well paid,we ordinary civilans should not lie to ourselves that we are safe.
King G
#86 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 7:02:42 PM
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McReggae wrote:
Nachola ward councillor Lawrence Lorunyei arrested over the killings!!!!

Sll fish being sacrificed! A councilor to orgnaise such a massive killing alone! this gava has issues, jokes aside!
#87 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:11:12 PM
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kollabo wrote:
So far only NHIF sends condolences with a paid advert in todays DN

munene was at syokimau no one has briefed him that so many of his hard working mboys are no more.sad to have such a president who doesn't give a damn.
punda amecheka
#88 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:15:42 PM
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patcho wrote:
Its just too sad that we could loose such young and promising kenyans.As a former police officer,I can testify that it is indeed quite disheartening when one looses his colleagues in such a manner. we all know what ails our police service...even as we throw our comments,the buck stops with the government(parliament and head of state).When I was a rookie cop in the early 90s,I was posted to Wajir district.cases of cattle rustling were still as rampant as ever..hardly a month passed without us loosing police officers in situations such as suguta mar mar.Most of these raiders were ussually from neighbouring countries backed by some local allies.They were ussually heavily armed and moved in large number.For some reasons ,they were never bold enough to massacre officers at the level witnessed on saturday.The police still did not have resources however the cooperation with the military was perfect esp during gen mohamouds era.the military choppers-YYs were deployed rapidly in such situations.Therefore as we mourn our fallen brothers,let us force our govt into action.let them invest heavily in the police service the same way they have invested in infrastructure...because until the police are assured of their safety,have the necessary tools and are well paid,we ordinary civilans should not lie to ourselves that we are safe.

Applause Applause
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
Um Sayala
#89 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:41:31 PM
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I said it before and am saying it now....Iteere should resign. The buck stops with him as the Commissioner(Commander) of the police force. you cannot lose 8 officers in Tana River and as if that is not enough...lose another 50(FIFTY) officers and continue yap yapping thus...
I will not take responsibility of the attack by resigning because the buck stops with the ground commanders who carried out the operation”, the police boss said.

This is a real flop mr Iteere
We suspect intelligence of the operation by the police leaked to the attackers”, said Iteere.

NO its unacceptable GO HOME mr commissioner.
"Peace is our profession, War is our business" ...Unknown
Um Sayala
#90 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:49:58 PM
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I concur with a Mr Wafula
Evans Wafula 13 November 2012 3:31 PM
The buck stops with the ground commanders,seriously!but the whole police force falls under you.You are incharge,and therefore you have to take responsibilty.It's like a coach saying that the buck stops with the players.You are the police commissioner must set guidelines,rules or engagements and Standard Operating Procedures to be strictly enforced and followed.For example,there have to be a rule that such operations have only to be done with officers that are familiar with the terrain.That such operations have to be carried out with air support.That such operations have to be carried out with police/officers clad in bullet proof vesist and ballistic helmets.Iteere is the one that has to carry the cross.He can blame the ground commanders all he can,but the buck stops with him.What has he tried to do to improve the police?What reforms has he implemented?He had not tried to fight to his foot soldiers.Has ever asked the government to procure protection gears like bullet proof vests?Many life would have been saved.Or ask the governement to buy armoured vehicles to deal with such missions.
"Peace is our profession, War is our business" ...Unknown
#91 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 9:08:14 PM
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National Security Council orders deployment of KDF in Samburu.
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#92 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 9:35:59 PM
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Um Sayala wrote:
I concur with a Mr Wafula
Evans Wafula 13 November 2012 3:31 PM
The buck stops with the ground commanders,seriously!but the whole police force falls under you.You are incharge,and therefore you have to take responsibilty.It's like a coach saying that the buck stops with the players.You are the police commissioner must set guidelines,rules or engagements and Standard Operating Procedures to be strictly enforced and followed.For example,there have to be a rule that such operations have only to be done with officers that are familiar with the terrain.That such operations have to be carried out with air support.That such operations have to be carried out with police/officers clad in bullet proof vesist and ballistic helmets.Iteere is the one that has to carry the cross.He can blame the ground commanders all he can,but the buck stops with him.What has he tried to do to improve the police?What reforms has he implemented?He had not tried to fight to his foot soldiers.Has ever asked the government to procure protection gears like bullet proof vests?Many life would have been saved.Or ask the governement to buy armoured vehicles to deal with such missions.

Media sensationalization and side shows. Iteere dont listen to anyone. Was anybody here present to determine the CONTEXT of Iteere's answer, which was right anyway?


"Tell them what to do, let them go on determining how best to do it, as long as it follows your intent and Concept of Operations." Gen S Patton, US Army.

Iteere wanted the livestock recovered (primary objective). The local police comanders should determine how best to do it, so long as the objective is attained.

That aside, it should be brought to light that Suguta is no walk in the park, and Police should not have been pushed to go to such a dangerous TERRITORY, in fact, for the sake of the future, it should be in writing, no one shall venture into Suguta valley other than KDF. Practically, only the Armoured Battallion and attack helicopters usually venture there and they do a thorough job. Now picture our hapless unprotected inexperienced Metropolitan police in such a dangerous front facing the ngoroko/toposa/turkana/merille without even an immediate backup which would be useless anyway (apart from collecting their dead colleagues) walking hopelessly in a canalized and ideal killing ground. Rout.

Let our security apparatus learn a serious n hard lesson in this. Let not those precious souls go in vain.
#93 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 9:50:32 PM
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What does 'AMBUSH AREA' mean?
If they knew it was,why was it hard to avoid the place or send spies to survey the place first?
Poor boys.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#94 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 9:50:59 PM
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McReggae wrote:
Seems the number could be more and some are still being held hostage!!!!


Pray Pray Pray
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#95 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:00:20 PM
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50 with 15 or more still missing.
I saw vultures hovering over the valley.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#96 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:07:51 PM
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kollabo wrote:
So far only NHIF sends condolences with a paid advert in todays DN

Why did NHIF move with such a sturning speed?
Madahana can be funny at times.
Not talking
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#97 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:12:22 PM
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Moi had his weaknesses but he would never have allowed this to happen. And if it happened his respnse would have been swift and memorable. To him killing a chief was serious enough ..now if you slaughtered 40 cops I cant just start to imagine what he would h[have done
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#98 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:30:44 PM
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vinii wrote:
Moi had his weaknesses but he would never have allowed this to happen. And if it happened his respnse would have been swift and memorable. To him killing a chief was serious enough ..now if you slaughtered 40 cops I cant just start to imagine what he would h[have done

@vinii, in M zero one's day, the outside world would have discovered what happened a minimum of three years after the incident, if ever.

Dwell on that.

Now had old man Michuki been around, the human rights mboys and ngalos would have heard a field day, if you get what I mean.

May the good Lord rest our fallen boys in eternal peace.
#99 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:31:41 PM
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Lolest! wrote:
National Security Council orders deployment of KDF in Samburu.

Just got the alert. I almost feel for those people, hell is about to befall them.

Proverbs 19:21
#100 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:37:30 PM
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Mukiri wrote:
Lolest! wrote:
National Security Council orders deployment of KDF in Samburu.

Just got the alert. I almost feel for those people, hell is about to befall them.

Men who still have ther balls hangng should be counting down and fear for the collateral damage bound women in the area.
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