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Cecilia Mwangi
#101 Posted : Wednesday, November 07, 2012 12:28:49 AM
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Joined: 3/24/2010
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Zenge wrote:
Personally i would not mind her even as a second wife (ata gama ni gontragt)I wonder why guys are complaining here yet wanatamani kwa umbali.
it takes a courageous man to bring in a second wife

Danso aendelee kuchapa ilale!
#102 Posted : Wednesday, November 07, 2012 8:34:00 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/1/2011
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Location: Nairobi
AlphDoti wrote:
pn wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
pn wrote:
Everyone undergoes a learning curve and i can assure you sometime from now Cecilia, Linda etal will be giving a very different story let them check out how the story of one Mary Mukindia ended up and what she has to say about her hitching a ride on a fully occupied vehicle. For those who are saying that women are more than men check out Isaiah 34:16a Look in the scroll of the LORD and read:None of there will be missing, not one will lack their mate. Every being is matched with their mate not mates!

This is the position to many church people, I mean those who just take their pastors' words as plain truth.

They condemn this kind of relationships, painting is like it is hell, eventually making those in it feel like they have done something wrong.

Many such people do not look critically at what their Scripture says. They tell these people you've sinned, you'll go to hell.

And these same people give a blind eye to mpango wa kando. Some of them even say that if my husband has mpango wa kando, it's better I do not know about it. Is this not pretending ad hypocrisy!! Of course no woman would accept husband to take another wife, but it does not mean this is sin.

So @pn even when you're married as the only wife, there're problems.
Similarly to those married as 2nd or 3rd or 4th wife, they have their joys and their sorrows too.
But when you try to insinuate that plural marriages are guaranteed failure, then you go wrong.

Your own Bible tells you how to treat 2nd or 3rd or 1000th wife. Only that your pastor does not read these in his sermons!!!

@Alphadoti may i correct you, my reference doesn't come from my pastor but purely from the Supreme source, the Bible. To your question God desires monogamy in marriage however if one finds themselves in another type of marriage our God is a God of second chances you go to Him with a sincerely repentant heart He will forgive you and the Holy Spirit will convict you on the way forward regarding your union. About treating your co-wives the rule of thumb in the Bible is love your neighbour as you love yourself because God knows how to avenge for His own, if He judges that anyone deserves any form of punishment He will mete it out to them in His own way and at His chosen time.

@pn I don't understand why you say 'your God this', 'your God that'.
Do you mean that you have a different God and other people have a different God?

Let me tell you my friend, there is no word from your God saying marry only one Shame on you
There is no verse in the Bible, which says marry only one Sad

If you read the Bible how many wives did prophets have? You do not know your scripture well.

So if these guys in the Bible had more than one wives, some upto 1000, why can't people like Mambatana have two? What is the problem?

Look here...
- If you read the Jewish scripture, it gives you permission to have wives as many as you wish.
- If you read the Christian Bible, it gives you permission to have as many wives as you wish.
- If you read the Bible, Abraham had 3 wives. Solomon, how many wives did he have? He had 700 wives.

So what happened later on?
It is later on the church has put a ban that Christians should marry only one, not the Bible.
It is the Jewish community who married more than one wife, until 1950 that Chief Rabbai, pastor Synod, that Jews should marry only one.
So it is the rabbai not the Jewish scritures.

For completeness sake
- And according to Hindu scriptue, you can marry as many as you wish.
- It is the Indian government in 1954 passed a law called Hindu Special Marriage Act, which says Hindu should marry only one.
- It is not the Hindu scripture, it is the Indian penal court.

What does the Quran say?
Now if you want to know, I have already said here what the Quran say.
Quran 4:23: "Marry women of your choice, in two or threes or fours, but if you can't do justice, MARRY ONLY ONE"

This statement marry only one, is only given in the Quran and no other religion or scripture.

So what am I saying?
So if you want to marry more than one woman, the criteria is you should "do justice".
If you can't do justice, you should marry only one.

Now, what are the reasons why certain men are permitted to have more than one wife?
Many of you who do not understand life and do not understand the scriptures, even their own scriptures, think this issue is compulsory,

Polygamy is not compulsory, it is optional
If you want to discuss this topic and understand the logic behind this, you can just say.

But when you say, those who marry more than one wife need to repent, then you go wrong. It is not sin in the eyes of God, it is the church who tells you that. And you do not question. The church even tells people not to marry, if you marry you go to hell. Ridiculous Pray

@Alph, what do you mean by 'doing justice' and 'excess women'?
#103 Posted : Thursday, November 08, 2012 8:49:48 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 4/30/2008
Posts: 6,029
She is mrs.joho.wazuans can easily engage in creative thinking in the wrong direction.apologies to mambatana,cecilia and joho.I HAVE CONFIRMED SHE IS MRS.JOHO.
#104 Posted : Thursday, November 08, 2012 9:17:18 PM
Rank: Elder

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mawinder wrote:
She is mrs.joho.wazuans can easily engage in creative thinking in the wrong direction.apologies to mambatana,cecilia and joho.I HAVE CONFIRMED SHE IS MRS.JOHO.


Former Miss Kenya Cecilia Mwangi is currently the talk of the town after the no-holds-barred interview with Drum magazine in which she admits being married to a youthful member of Parliament from the Coast who has another family.


image courtesy of nation.co.ke
Receive with simplicity everything that happens to you.” ― Rashi

#105 Posted : Thursday, November 08, 2012 9:31:31 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/13/2011
Posts: 660
double dealing perhaps?
story teller
#106 Posted : Thursday, November 08, 2012 11:25:43 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 6/25/2010
Posts: 415
No wonder the jamaa is bouncing cheques everywhere....hio ni stress....there is always a price to pay...nothing is for free especially with a mama like that and many others...lakini wacha ajienjoy..

It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.
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