Rank: Elder Joined: 4/22/2010 Posts: 11,522 Location: Nairobi
josiah33 wrote:sky5 wrote:That can't have been a pastor, but a wolf in sheep's skin. Buyer beware!!
A pastor is a shepherd who feeds and takes care of the sheep; but when one turns around and makes delicacies of the sheep, that's a WOLF!
But how can a lady (Carol) submit to an immoral act with a 'pastor' , something is wrong with the sheep/congregation!!! She should have reported this to the elders or other pastors/bishops!!! what do u expect the elders to do if the church is the personal property of the said pastor? ...well said I couldnt have said it better,i like what Joel Osteen says everytime he finishes his sermon to paraphrase,join a good faith based bible following church...the bible is the standard,why not follow it as a guide. possunt quia posse videntur