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Would you vote for an openly gay candidate?
#41 Posted : Tuesday, October 09, 2012 11:27:05 PM
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Joined: 12/17/2011
Posts: 887
It's a NO NO NO to Gays for me.
Even if u have the best ideas n policies,nope.
Everything in the body was given a purpose,so use yours wisely mr @hamburglar[/quote]

Ummm, what do you mean "use yours wisely Mr. hamburglar?" Have you been drinking? hehehehe...Where did I say that I misuse mine? People are really really really dumb on this site it's almost painful...lol..Now where did this one get the idea that Mr. Hamburglar was not using his body wisely? I think they need to ban cheap drinks in Kenya and abolish rural to urban migration..... See what the cheap drinks akina karobo and chakula kinywaji are doing to dipshits like this one here who didn't have a lot of brain matter in his head to begin with? This is hilarious....Now if we couple such stupidity with the cheap drinks it becomes a national disaster...lol.
#42 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 5:12:56 AM
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hamburglar wrote:
@ humpburglar ....you sure sound kama mtu wa side B....keep bending!

Let's debate the topic at hand instead of accusing me of being a side B or side C or whichever side you desire....Small minds are known to throw around accusations and insults when they can't conjure a good debate.....Question is not whether hamburglar is Side A, B or C or all of the above, question is, would you vote for a gay candidate? Yes or No? And why Yes or NO? If comprehending English is too hard for you, I will try to translate it in Swahili..."Unaweza pigia shoga kura? Ndio au La?", lol, I love my Swahili impression...See how simple that was????

P.S. And for all you wondering about my sexual orientation, I am a full blooded male and I happen to have a smoking hot girlfriend that I am in love with very much...But I also appreciate gay people and tolerate them like I would my straight friends or anybody else for that matter.....So please people, venture out of the caves that you live in and understand that this world has different people who all just want to be treated with respect and be accorded equal rights like everybody else...
Ladies and gentlemen, and gays, meet wazuas first official side B.lol :)
#43 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 7:59:42 AM
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chemos wrote:
King G wrote:
Hiyo ni maneno ya iTiNA!

d'oh! d'oh! Laughing out loudly
If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
#44 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 8:00:15 AM
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Lolest! wrote:

Nobody asked him whether he is gay or not. He chose to tell us about his sexual preference! Why do gays feel obliged to declare their 'special' status? Ama they get funding from liberal countries?

If you declare it yourself today it won't be used on you tomorrow.Thats what I think
Uncertainty is certain.Let go
#45 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 8:41:10 AM
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@hamburglar-usiogope tell us the truth - it will set you free. We can also see how we can assist you.
Shoga ni La..La..La ama La.
#46 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 8:49:16 AM
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MKWASI wrote:
@hamburglar-usiogope tell us the truth - it will set you free. We can also see how we can assist you.
Shoga ni La..La..La ama La.

....jamaa anadefend booty riders and doesn't wat to be called one!!!
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#47 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 5:21:03 PM
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McReggae wrote:
MKWASI wrote:
@hamburglar-usiogope tell us the truth - it will set you free. We can also see how we can assist you.
Shoga ni La..La..La ama La.

....jamaa anadefend booty riders and doesn't wat to be called one!!!

Kwani ku defend watu inamaanisha wewe ni mmoja wao?....Pick up a book and read it sometime, wacha kuwa ignorant hivyo, you sound like an idiot.....Going by your reasoning, does it mean that the white people who fought and died in the civil war for the rights of black slaves were "black"? When somebody is being discriminated against, we need to stand up for their rights, I am disappointed in you Mcreggae because you always seem like a level headed guy but kumbe pia wewe ni useless tu kama all the other idiots here.....The other guys are mentally challenged and I could care less about what they have to say, wajinga ni wajinga, but you, c'mon man, you should know better, wacha kujifanya chali mjinga buda
#48 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 5:35:07 PM
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MKWASI wrote:
@hamburglar-usiogope tell us the truth - it will set you free. We can also see how we can assist you.
Shoga ni La..La..La ama La.

Your broke ass can't assist me with anything my friend...Gay people are human beings too and I will continue defending them over and over until they are accorded equal rights....Ati assist me? Assist me with what? A broke ass like you anaweza nisaidia na nini? lol, ati truth will set me free? free from what? From stupidity like the one you are displaying?

Problem with Kenyans is that they digress to false accusations and completely distract from the topic because they are small minded.....people here can't debate, their small minds can't argue points, they resort to attacking somebody who has a different opinion instead of sticking to the topic....Topic was about if we would vote for a gay candidate and suddenly it turned around into a "hamburglar is gay" thread...Akili ndogo ni mbaya, no wonder some people here will die poor....Small brains..Such small brains that can't debate points, always resorting to upuzi when their small brain are challenged to think....Some people here have IQ's lower than their shoe size....Watu wajinga to death..Arrgghh...I need to look for a website with people that can at least think, this place is retarded.....Education ni muhimu...lol, some people here like the ones accusing me of being gay just because I support gay rights sound like they didn't make it past primo...No wonder Kenya is a third world country, too many idiots running around.
#49 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 5:55:29 PM
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masukuma wrote:
huyu jamaa ako na matusi... hajui kura yangu sio YETU? the criteria that one chooses to decide who to vote for is not a standard criteria nor should it be! - heck I could even choose to vote for someone who has fresh breath as opposed to one who has a big head. Kura sio yetu ni YANGU! Wewe sema kama utapigia msee wa exhaust kura au la- wacha matusi. For me... I would not vote for a Gay guy - 96.4% of kenyans also think the lifestyle is unacceptable.

Good answer, thanks for sticking to the point and not divagating into the "hamburglar is gay" nonsense...If you wouldn't vote for a gay candidate, that's your prerogative....It's your vote fanya vile unatake nayo..Democracy is great.....As for me, I don't have a problem with a gay candidate, to each their own....

That is a good answer that you gave and I applaud your virtuosity and ability to stick to the topic, it's a free country, vote for whoever you want to vote for, fresh breath, big head, big stomach, large nose, 12 fingers, whatever tickles your fancy...But as long as everybody is accorded equal rights (Even the gay candidates) and have a right devoid of discrimination to seek our votes, then am a happy guy......Everybody is equal in this world whether you people like it or not, gay people are not going anywhere, they are human beings too, stop the HATE it is wrong..But on a lighter note, I doubt you can find a lot of candidates in Kenya with fresh breath...lol

Look guys, hopefully I can talk some sense to those who care to reason....If an openly gay candidate came to me and showed me the blueprint of how he intends to help Kenya nd Kenyans improve their lives, how he intends to help the underpriviledged attain better living standards, how he intends to create jobs and build our economy, how he intends to fight corruption, how he intends to end tribalism and other important issues like that, and if I find him to be credible and honest, he will get my vote whether gay or otherwise, it doesn't matter...It's unfortunate that people here are focusing on the wrong issues...People are focusing on the individual's lifestyle instead of the indivudual's policies....That's why people are attacking me personally instead of sticking to the topic....I have noticed that a lot when it comes to debating people here, they take shots at the individual instead of looking at the issues being discussed....Once agan, that is a staple of weak minds, they resort to personal attacks when they can't think....The things that I mentioned are what matter to me when I choose to vote for a candidate....What he does in his bedroom behind closed doors is not my business and should not be anybody's business...I would rather vote for a gay person with a good vision for Kenya than vote for these same stupid MP's whose only concern is trying to vote for big bonuses for themselves while most Kenyans continue to wallow in poverty....I don't CARE what a candidate's sexual preference is, all I care for is his/her vision for Kenya...It's very sad that people are missing this simple point.....
#50 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 5:58:35 PM
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ChessMaster wrote:
Lolest! wrote:

Nobody asked him whether he is gay or not. He chose to tell us about his sexual preference! Why do gays feel obliged to declare their 'special' status? Ama they get funding from liberal countries?

If you declare it yourself today it won't be used on you tomorrow.Thats what I think

Lolest, I can't simply enagage you in a mature debate, you are the same person that was saying that magic is real....Surely, do you expect me to have any kind of debate with soembody who believes in magic? lol, kuwa serious dude...
#51 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 6:19:07 PM
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Homosexuality is blatantly going contrary to human nature.

If they cannot figure out the role of their gender relative to the opposite, neither will I trust them to figure out other things for the society.
They tried to bury us, they didn't know we were seeds.
#52 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 9:10:16 PM
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hamburglar wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
Lolest! wrote:

Nobody asked him whether he is gay or not. He chose to tell us about his sexual preference! Why do gays feel obliged to declare their 'special' status? Ama they get funding from liberal countries?

If you declare it yourself today it won't be used on you tomorrow.Thats what I think

Lolest, I can't simply enagage you in a mature debate, you are the same person that was saying that magic is real....Surely, do you expect me to have any kind of debate with soembody who believes in magic? lol, kuwa serious dude...

Well, who invited you here? I started the thread!

Why are you so emotional about these perverts? Or is @nostop and @ dash right when they say you are the strange type of plug?

Anyway, on magic, why don't you keep this debate in your thread for atheists or start a new thread on magic.

Mr Too-good-to-believe-in-God , you have judged God to be evil and told us how good you are. Would you care to extend that goodness here? We could do with a little bit more of politeness!
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#53 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 9:40:52 PM
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Lolest! wrote:
hamburglar wrote:
ChessMaster wrote:
Lolest! wrote:

Nobody asked him whether he is gay or not. He chose to tell us about his sexual preference! Why do gays feel obliged to declare their 'special' status? Ama they get funding from liberal countries?

If you declare it yourself today it won't be used on you tomorrow.Thats what I think

Lolest, I can't simply enagage you in a mature debate, you are the same person that was saying that magic is real....Surely, do you expect me to have any kind of debate with soembody who believes in magic? lol, kuwa serious dude...

Well, who invited you here? I started the thread!

Why are you so emotional about these perverts? Or is @nostop and @ dash right when they say you are the strange type of plug?

Anyway, on magic, why don't you keep this debate in your thread for atheists or start a new thread on magic.

Mr Too-good-to-believe-in-God , you have judged God to be evil and told us how good you are. Would you care to extend that goodness here? We could do with a little bit more of politeness!

I agree....But Mr Too-good-to-believe-in-god? That's a new one.....Lol, How about Mr Too-good-to-believe-in-nonexistent-gods? That's how I see myself....But I agree with everything else that you have just said up there other than calling gay people perverts......Why the cheap shot? I am not emotional at all, please, why would I be? I am just defending a group of people that are wrongly discriminated against and even at times persecuted and killed for just wanting to be with who they love....If wanting to be with who you love is a crime, then we need to persecute everybody in this world...I can't wrap my mind against such kind of blatant HATE that people display against gay people, honestly, it's disturbing....

These stories of plugs and sockets (silly words) are really juvenile to be honest with you...Grown men talking about people's sexual orientations instead of evaluating the person's qualifications is so wrong on very many levels.....

No emotions from me, just rational talk to see if maybe people here can learn to appreciate each other regardless of color, creed, religion, sexual orientation etc. What those nitwits akina sijui nostop and dash say about me doesn't realy matter, you can call me gay, shoga, whatever, I have been called worse.....What they are displaying is the result of weak minds who resort to personal attacks when they can't conjure an argument about the topic at hand....Let's continue with this modicum of decorum that you've set, we might be able to get somewhere civil afterall....
#54 Posted : Thursday, October 11, 2012 8:52:33 AM
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@ ham Emotions ni za nini jamani?. I saw the guy on K24 well educated, seems smart but his sex orientation is not doing him good. I wish he kept quite about it. On another note I think he is getting big bucks from his sponsors for him to shout from the roof top he is gay.

#55 Posted : Thursday, October 11, 2012 9:20:01 AM
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sheri wrote:
@ ham Emotions ni za nini jamani?. I saw the guy on K24 well educated, seems smart but his sex orientation is not doing him good. I wish he kept quite about it. On another note I think he is getting big bucks from his sponsors for him to shout from the roof top he is gay.

Didn't know wanapata mapeni mapeni of also writing too much conveying very little.
#56 Posted : Thursday, October 11, 2012 9:28:20 AM
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MKWASI wrote:
sheri wrote:
@ ham Emotions ni za nini jamani?. I saw the guy on K24 well educated, seems smart but his sex orientation is not doing him good. I wish he kept quite about it. On another note I think he is getting big bucks from his sponsors for him to shout from the roof top he is gay.

Didn't know wanapata mapeni mapeni of also writing too much conveying very little.

Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#57 Posted : Thursday, October 11, 2012 9:32:56 AM
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" You are completely entitled to your opinion, but much to your chagrin, homophobia will soon be defeated once all you neanderthals are six feet under and we have a new generation of more tolerant people inhabiting this earth....Slavery and its atrocities fell so gay people's rights will prevail as well, we just need to ignore ignorant people like you and your ilk and continue to advocate for gay people's rights and defend them from discrimination from "holier than thou" bullies...Everybody, white, black, red, gay, straight or othwerwise is equal, there is no room for stupid backward thinking like yours in a civilised world anymore....But then again, opinions are like assholes (pun intended), everybody has one, so you are absolutely entitled to your opinion... "

Next these people will tell us its ok to screw animals and tell us to be tolerant to those who fancy humping goats. After that they will say that all those "neanderthals" who are not tolerant of animal humpers will soon be 6 ft under and they shall hump animals at their pleasure with those tolerant of it.

#58 Posted : Thursday, October 11, 2012 9:34:56 AM
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Next these people will tell us its ok to screw animals and tell us to be tolerant to those who fancy humping goats. After that they will say that all those "neanderthals" who are not tolerant of animal humpers will soon be 6 ft under and they shall hump animals at their pleasure with those tolerant of it.

#59 Posted : Thursday, October 11, 2012 10:18:54 AM
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I was reading somewhere that the gays are like the slaves, that they are undergoing (almost) the same discrimination as the slaves.

Well I do not see any gay being shipped off to work in cotton plantations. Is my hint clear?

If there are candidates, and they all have their opinions and blueprints on 'development' (dont they all have) and the only thing that distinguishes one from the other is his gayness is that why should I vote for him?

Why should one make known his private affairs? Are they not private for starters? Or does he do them in public in the open? Is this not indicative of how he handles matters? What if he is in a position of leadership that makes him close to certain matters that require prudence in handling? Look at his propensity to publicize hidden matters that should not!

Is he even fit to be in charge of the home secrets? Or even the monthly household shopping for that matter?

And then ati parliament????

#60 Posted : Thursday, October 11, 2012 10:46:39 AM
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Pheeeeewwwww...Apeleke poo poo mbali...
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