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Before you say "I Do"
#1 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 3:57:10 PM
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to those intent to get married..searching for the "suitable" helper..

..there's a book by T.D Jakes about marriage... called "Before You Do"

So before you make that decision..it would be quite advantageous to read the book..

In it is a chapter titled "Junk in the Trunk"
..here's the sermon on the same.

..Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven...Matt5:16
- 1769 Oxford King James Bible 'Authorized Version
#2 Posted : Tuesday, June 26, 2012 9:34:38 AM
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Don't Get married...if...

..you're not ready to delay gratification when your are angry. To hold your tongue, lower your voice and sometimes wait till the appropriate time, day or even month before you can deal with an issue thoroughly.... don't get married. Immaturity is the inability to delay gratification. Marriage is for the mature.

If you're not ready to leave center stage and allow someone else to become your focus, your study, your muse... don't get married. Selfish people make very bad spouses. In marriage you don't lose yourself but your heart has to be big enough to gain someone else. And soon, with God's blessing: little, crying, diaper soiling, demanding little ones are coming!

If you are not ready, to stand up and calmly deal with meddling in laws as a united front: The opinionated sister, the insensitive uncle, the domineering father, the manner less brother, the nosy aunt..... don't get married. Boundaries do not exist automatically, they must be created. A good spouse is committed to respectfully stand up for and protect their marriage from meddling relatives. Don't abandon your spouse to your relatives. It's betrayal.

If you are not ready to pay bills.... don't get married. Love does not pay bills. Kenya power will not give a waiver because your love is O so strong and your gazes at each other, O so romantic.

If you are not ready to let go of your opposite sex "best friends" and invest that into your spouse. To like, to laugh, to play, to be silly and to enjoy life with them, above anyone else... don't get married. Affairs happen because people did not marry their best friends. Someone else holds their heart. Someone else gets them better. Someone else inspires them more. Marry your best friend and cultivate your friendship so that you remain best friends.

If you are not ready to stop competing with the Joneses.... don't get married. Let the Joneses buy their yatch when you are still walking, and enjoy the walk. Your journeys are different. They may have to cross the oceans but you may be going through the road route. A boat might not do you any good on your journey. You must be ready to pace yourselves: stop competing, stop spending your future before you get there, stop the debt, stop trying to impress people. You must be able to be content. To enjoy your journey without deciding your happiness simply by measuring your progress against other people.

If you are not ready to be an open book. To tell the whole story of your past, deal with the memories, expose the failures and risk rejection.... don't get married. It is fraud to have someone sign off their life to you without the full details. The past is a touchy and demanding friend. It always shows up in the marriage. It doesn't enjoy being ignored and the more you snob, the bolder it becomes and the more tantrums it throws. It will mess up the "neat" and "all together lovely" image that you are struggling to maintain.

If you are not ready to let go of your philandering and wild oats farming.... don't get married. Don't take somebody's son or daughter and subject them to your germs, your indiscretions and your chips fungaz. It never ends well. It's romanticized in the movies, it's being fronted as the only "realistic" way to stay married and keep the fire burning. But truth be told, the only thing that the fire will burn will be you, your spouse and your children. That family will burn for generations in bitterness, disease, fear, failure, hatred, broken hearts, broken dreams and conniving.

Finally, if you are not ready to let go of the adrenalin rush of a risque life and to settle down.... don't get married. The great Colombus [who we were told "discovered" America, Have you ever wondered if the Native Indians who were in it, knew that it existed smile] had a diary that was long sought for. People wanted to read about the wild journeys, the sea tempest, the reckless pirates they fought, the death and the danger they must have encountered. When it was found, there was great disappointment. Majority of the pages simply had 5 words: "This day, we sailed on.".

Marriage, like life in general, has many "we sail on" days. You have to learn to find the thrill in the normal everydayness of it. If you depend on wild romance, all night sex [ha], romantic cruises, wild parties, compulsive moves across continents, tempestuous fights and make up sessions to be happy, you may be disappointed. You have to learn to thrill in gentle smiles, loving hugs, knowing looks, cozy moments, shared chores, cute babies, everyday work, dreaming together, praying together and simply living together. If these things are not thrilling, exciting and satisfying, you will look for a way out. The "boom twaff" moments are still there, but they are normally punctuations to the usualness of living. They cannot be your reason for getting married. They are unsustainable on an every day basis. The one you choose must be thrilling to you even in the most mundane of moments.

I pray this helps someone. Remember singles, YOU HAVE THE PRIVILEGE OF CHOICE. Never let anyone pressure you into marriage. You are either ready or you're not: You decide!. But please don't marry somebody and then punish them to live with your childish ways for the rest of their lives smile. A childish baby is cute but a childish adult is extremely frustrating.

Marriage is for the mature and in many ways, we the married, are still being confronted with the demand to grow up day by day. If you are not ready for that demand, don't get married!!!!
..Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven...Matt5:16
- 1769 Oxford King James Bible 'Authorized Version
#3 Posted : Tuesday, June 26, 2012 11:09:29 AM
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Quite a good read for the singles out there and an update for the married. Also take heart all is not so serous affair, there is lots of 'fun' to be discovered under all circumstances.
#4 Posted : Tuesday, June 26, 2012 11:53:44 AM
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Joined: 5/8/2007
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Good read proverB

But don't forget to mention money is also very important. Very very
#5 Posted : Tuesday, June 26, 2012 12:35:20 PM
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Joined: 6/26/2008
Posts: 365
Good stuff ProverB. Hebu tupe source ya hiyo write up.
If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love - Maya Angelou
#6 Posted : Tuesday, June 26, 2012 5:38:02 PM
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Jacy26 wrote:
Good stuff ProverB. Hebu tupe source ya hiyo write up.

Ooooh the stuff Madea teaches!!! :)
#tyler perry
..Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven...Matt5:16
- 1769 Oxford King James Bible 'Authorized Version
#7 Posted : Tuesday, June 26, 2012 5:45:43 PM
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The preacher on Sunday told us that being single is okay. It is not a crime. Jesus, Paul, John the baptist et al were all single. but always it is better to marry than to burn!!!
#8 Posted : Tuesday, June 26, 2012 5:59:16 PM
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Magigi wrote:
The preacher on Sunday told us that being single is okay. It is not a crime. Jesus, Paul, John the baptist et al were all single. but always it is better to marry than to burn!!!

Is the preacher married? smile

..Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven...Matt5:16
- 1769 Oxford King James Bible 'Authorized Version
#9 Posted : Tuesday, June 26, 2012 6:03:58 PM
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kweli people donot want to be married or marry

Guest (63), ProverB, QW25091985
#10 Posted : Tuesday, June 26, 2012 6:04:56 PM
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ProverB wrote:
Magigi wrote:
The preacher on Sunday told us that being single is okay. It is not a crime. Jesus, Paul, John the baptist et al were all single. but always it is better to marry than to burn!!!

Is the preacher married? smile

Yes he is...What do u think about his thoughts?
#11 Posted : Tuesday, June 26, 2012 6:09:26 PM
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Magigi wrote:
ProverB wrote:
Magigi wrote:
The preacher on Sunday told us that being single is okay. It is not a crime. Jesus, Paul, John the baptist et al were all single. but always it is better to marry than to burn!!!

Is the preacher married? smile

Yes he is...What do u think about his thoughts?

Anyway..whether you are married or not...marriege is tied to your purpose in this life... I doubt God would have let those whom your preacher mentioned to be married considering the purpose they Held..

..imagine John Going home in the evening in wet camel hair having been in river Jordan all day...bytheway...nothing stinks as bad....imagine the trauma his family would undergo when he got jailed and eventually beheaded... the same to all those others...
...paul spent his entire life after conversion on "the road" preaching the Gospel.... He taught that if anyone neglected his family he is worse than a heathen...

your marriage Magigi...is tied to your purpose in this life.. Coz the one who marries you..has the grace to have your back.

..the same time..the one whom you marry..u have the grace to hold them up while they achieve that which they came to this world to do...

...literally...behind every successful person..is a spouse that stayed with them when everything seemed to be destroyed..

Marriage is totally an amazing phenomenon... but again.. depends with your perspective..
my 2 cents.
..Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven...Matt5:16
- 1769 Oxford King James Bible 'Authorized Version
#12 Posted : Tuesday, June 26, 2012 6:13:02 PM
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ProverB wrote:
Magigi wrote:
ProverB wrote:
Magigi wrote:
The preacher on Sunday told us that being single is okay. It is not a crime. Jesus, Paul, John the baptist et al were all single. but always it is better to marry than to burn!!!

Is the preacher married? smile

Yes he is...What do u think about his thoughts?

Anyway..whether you are married or not...marriege is tied to your purpose in this life... I doubt God would have let those whom your preacher mentioned to be married considering the purpose they Held..

..imagine John Going home in the evening in wet camel hair having been in river Jordan all day...bytheway...nothing stinks as bad....imagine the trauma his family would undergo when he got jailed and eventually beheaded... the same to all those others...
...paul spent his entire life after conversion on "the road" preaching the Gospel.... He taught that if anyone neglected his family he is worse than a heathen...

your marriage Magigi...is tied to your purpose in this life.. Coz the one who marries you..has the grace to have your back.
my 2 cents.

...Well put, mate. Keep the faith.
#13 Posted : Thursday, October 04, 2012 7:48:06 PM
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Joined: 2/16/2012
Posts: 808

Very insightful posts.

Knowledge is power and a slayer of ignorance.

They tried to bury us, they didn't know we were seeds.
#14 Posted : Thursday, October 04, 2012 9:26:15 PM
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Can i marry someone am not sure i love?
possunt quia posse videntur
Jus Blazin
#15 Posted : Thursday, October 04, 2012 10:21:46 PM
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maka wrote:
Can i marry someone am not sure i love?

As long as you aren't sure you love them, you shouldn't marry them.
Luck is when Preparation meets Opportunity. ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca
#16 Posted : Friday, October 05, 2012 12:18:57 AM
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...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#17 Posted : Friday, October 05, 2012 12:40:19 AM
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Jus Blazin wrote:
maka wrote:
Can i marry someone am not sure i love?

As long as you aren't sure you love them, you shouldn't marry them.

I think that adultery finds its way to a spouse who married without loving the partner, for why would one cheat on someone they love?
They tried to bury us, they didn't know we were seeds.
#18 Posted : Friday, October 05, 2012 8:00:28 AM
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Marriage works best when done right....just like everything else in life. You can't get an A in Mathematics while studying English.

Marriage has principles that ought to be followed for things to work out well.

Most people put water in the petrol tank and expect the thing to work! Umuhimu wa maji uko kwa radiator.

I like the book "Are You Wife Material" - it lays it all bare. I posted a few excerpts sometime back.


#19 Posted : Friday, October 05, 2012 8:34:34 AM
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D32 wrote:
Jus Blazin wrote:
maka wrote:
Can i marry someone am not sure i love?

As long as you aren't sure you love them, you shouldn't marry them.

I think that adultery finds its way to a spouse who married without loving the partner, for why would one cheat on someone they love?

Marriage is a complex institution will mostly work if there is commitment and sacrifice from both partners, love is just a value addition.

one should never marry for love, a perfect partner is one you can stand for the rest of your life.
#20 Posted : Friday, October 05, 2012 8:37:51 AM
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Coolbull wrote:
Marriage works best when done right....just like everything else in life. You can't get an A in Mathematics while studying English.

Marriage has principles that ought to be followed for things to work out well.

Most people put water in the petrol tank and expect the thing to work! Umuhimu wa maji uko kwa radiator.

I like the book "Are You Wife Material" - it lays it all bare. I posted a few excerpts sometime back.


that book is very harsh on sex
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