In spring of 2004, I planted more than 18,000 clones e-grandis eucalyptus seedlings in three parcels of the family land, around Aberdare range in Kandara District.
But due to the prevailing drought at that time, only around 10,000 seedlings survived and which now are healthy matured trees with an average base of 1.4'diameter and height of 70ft.
When we were planting these hybrid species of trees from KEFRI's Biotech Trees Project we were informed that we could fetch at least a minimum average of Ksh.10,000.00 per treated pole of either 10mm, 11mm or 12 mm.
I have also read some literatures of some trees growers getting an average of Ksh5,000 to 7,000 for untreated pole, where the buyer will only take that part of pole he require and leave the remaining part to the owner.
Could anyone advice me on how to get rid of this investment, since the bureucracy of Kenya Power & lighting Company just continues keeping those farmers with matured trees in darkness and yet its Board had by 2009 agreed to be buying from local forest growers?