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Samuel Kivuitu on NTV
#81 Posted : Friday, September 14, 2012 9:59:18 AM
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Joined: 3/18/2011
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Um Sayala wrote:

Wazua spirit. Please these arguments and counters are taking us nowhere. Shit happened in 2007, I would not wish that happens again, even to my worst enemy. So cool down guys.

I think you're right. We ought to stop this. But I wish you stopped here too. Coz after this you also immersed yourself in this argument.

Mistakes were done, i'd say by both sides. From composition of KivuECK, to the propaganda by Kikuyu elites that Kiuks wangemalizwa had power left the house of Mumbi (I still consider this BS coz even in 2005 pple voted against the constitution, and nobody was killed coz of his ethnicity. The powerful elites wanted to retain power by whatever means).07 was the peak of the hatred, the point where Kibz was to be removed. Remember, during the referendum, top ODM fellows were still in govt!
ODM had their own agenda, especially in the RV, which is subject to ICC and I dont wanna comment further.
Our leaders could have done more, both sides, to stop the chaos. THEY DIDNT. Kifaki as Gova didnt. OAR and his brigade didnt.

Do we want a repeat performance, I say NO. I happened to have been in Darfur from 2003-2010, when i later moved to Khartoum. I saw it all, villages scorched, men, women and children burning like logs. Please kenyans, let us cherish the peace. it starts with what u post in Wazua.

Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#82 Posted : Friday, September 14, 2012 10:07:53 AM
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Joined: 3/30/2010
Posts: 176
Sany wrote:

That aside, why are we having so much negative energy even on Wazua where i believe most of us are well educated? Why do we still articulate our ideas like our folks back in shagz? Does this mean that we're forever doomed as a country? It is said that the middle class are the heart of any economy and if this is true i fear for this country. We're middle class in terms of having nice jobs, driving flashy cars and servicing mortgages but upstairs we're still stuck in Lower-lower class!!

Am a Kiuk and will not vote for Uhuru for the simple reason he has done nothing for his people that he represents in Gatundu. I'll not vote for Raila for the same reason not because he's Luo.
I'd vote for Tuju, Peter Kenneth any day for their development record during their tenure as the MPs for Rarienda and Gatanga respectively.

I'd vote for Martha Karua any day for what she stands for. Its a high time we moved away from tribal based politics to Issue based politics. Unfortunately, politics is a game of numbers and these three presidential candidates have no numbers. How i pray for my beloved country.

@Sany, me tooSad
#83 Posted : Friday, September 14, 2012 10:09:40 AM
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Location: Kianjokoma
alma wrote:
Saying that a presidential candidate has the power to stop a mini war, is accepting that a president is powerless or rudderless.

This is to assume that all you needed to do to stop the violence was to use security forces. Wrong approach.
McReggae wrote:

During the negotiations, Kifaki and his brigade from Anaan and you darling Magunia have clearly told us that the PNU side were very reluctant to get a solution as the violence raged, this until Anaan told Kifaki that over 1000 people were dead.......now you know who would have stopped the violence in the very 1st place!!!

Yeah, during the negotiations after attacks and counter attacks. This thing could have been over by the first week of Jan if Tinga wanted it! And no, I don't like Mikunakuna.
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#84 Posted : Friday, September 14, 2012 10:19:02 AM
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We can blame Kivuitu all we want but let's be real here. If we decide to have a campaign period that is based on hatred we will definitely get violence whether the elections are free or fair or not.

That's why I get scared when I hear people say 'Another Kikuyu should not rule', 'Luos must never rule', 'You cannot trust Kambas with anything'. This, Kenyans, is what makes Kenya bleed. Not stolen elections and Kivuitu's incompetence.

Ok. You were incited into violence. But what made it so easy for you to hack your neighbour, rape his wife, move on to burn others in a hse? Stolen elections? NOOO!!You must have been full of hatred!

I refuse to buy the stolen-elections-caused-the-violence theory. It is as sick as they come. If we were to go with this theory, it would mean that every time we have a dispute we take pangas and start hacking each other and later blame electoral commission and politicians! Bad precedent I say!

We will get it right when every citizen takes responsibility and stops passing the buck to politicians and the electoral commission.
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
King G
#85 Posted : Friday, September 14, 2012 10:46:04 AM
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Dia wrote:
Sany wrote:

I'll not vote for Raila for the same reason not because he's Luo.
I'd vote for Tuju, Peter Kenneth any day for their development record during their tenure as the MPs for Rarienda and Gatanga respectively.

I'd vote for Martha Karua any day for what she stands for. How i pray for my beloved country. [/b]

@Sany, me tooSad

Spoilt votes!
#86 Posted : Friday, September 14, 2012 10:51:04 AM
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Posts: 261
Magigi wrote:
Muheani wrote:

Met the man at M-P shah hosp yesterday, on a wheel Chair..
Other than the voice, nothing much remains...unrecognisable
I have sooo forgiven him while he is still around.

...The man plunged our country into chaos. Let him Rest In Peace on that chair as he gets proper treatment!


You are no special. You also incite here in this forums. You hate !

Kivuitu was a scapegoat and all of us know who planned the violence.So please stop celebrating that the guy is dying. You could also be going after him.

The much we can do now is wish the old man well. We know cancer is no joke and is taking people without choosing.

Usichekelee mwenzako.

#87 Posted : Friday, September 14, 2012 10:59:01 AM
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abdulrahman wrote:


You are no special. You also incite here in this forums. You hate !

Kivuitu was a scapegoat and all of us know who planned the violence.So please stop celebrating that the guy is dying. You could also be going after him.

The much we can do now is wish the old man well. We know cancer is no joke and is taking people without choosing.

Usichekelee mwenzako.

...@Abdul...Whether I die now, afternoon, tomorrow is for God to determine. The main question when this happens is what I did when I was alive...And for your information I don't fear death because I know when day I will be a guest in a morgue. I don't hate...Its only that facts sting more than a bee. Peace man!
#88 Posted : Friday, September 14, 2012 11:57:40 AM
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Joined: 2/11/2008
Posts: 126
Dia wrote:
Sany wrote:

That aside, why are we having so much negative energy even on Wazua where i believe most of us are well educated? Why do we still articulate our ideas like our folks back in shagz? Does this mean that we're forever doomed as a country? It is said that the middle class are the heart of any economy and if this is true i fear for this country. We're middle class in terms of having nice jobs, driving flashy cars and servicing mortgages but upstairs we're still stuck in Lower-lower class!!

Am a Kiuk and will not vote for Uhuru for the simple reason he has done nothing for his people that he represents in Gatundu. I'll not vote for Raila for the same reason not because he's Luo.
I'd vote for Tuju, Peter Kenneth any day for their development record during their tenure as the MPs for Rarienda and Gatanga respectively.

I'd vote for Martha Karua any day for what she stands for. Its a high time we moved away from tribal based politics to Issue based politics. Unfortunately, politics is a game of numbers and these three presidential candidates have no numbers. How i pray for my beloved country.

@Sany, me tooSad

I try spreading that word of our 3 most promising presidential candidates to people I consider very informed and they dismiss it as a lost vote. they are there to be the victors, to win the elections and shout for the next 5 years that they won the elections while the incompetent leaders they voted for continue to ruin the country. and they will still say they won??? BK
#89 Posted : Friday, September 14, 2012 3:48:01 PM
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Kaigangio wrote:
harrydre wrote:
ODM made it clear they had won elections even before elections...they followed the advise of one Dick Morris to make the place ungovernable just as he advised some politicians in Eastern Europe causing similar chaos. I still believe ODM bears the greatest responsibility for all the destruction but let's focus on 2013 elections for now if at all we learn't anything in 2007/2008.

i don't know why you have still not been hit with a bucket full of s*#t from some fellows here...

coz that's the truth and it hurts doesn't it? this time round hamna bahati.
Obi 1 Kanobi
#90 Posted : Friday, September 14, 2012 3:52:52 PM
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Joined: 7/23/2008
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Sany wrote:
Manyala wrote:
Lolest! wrote:
Manyala wrote:

Kivuitu should have stopped it by stating that both parties were involved in rigging; in view of this he should have declared he is unable to verify who the true winner was and washed his hands from it. If things were not going as expected, why state it the go ahead and the go ahead and declare one the winner. Or is it a question of who rigged less?
Pause to think what would have happened! Watu wangechinjana chinji chinji. Regardless of what happened, there was going to be chaos courtesy of the hate campaign which peaked btwn 2005-2007.

Please, please don't give this man, RAO, too much credit. What do you mean he is the only man who could have stopped the violence? Who powerful is this man, surely?
He was. No Raila No Peace goons would have listened to him if he had urged them to be peaceful. Wiper supporters were not engaging in rape, killings and arson, were they?

Question is did he do a good job and if he knew of the challenges he should have quit; period. It is called integrity.
Again let me say this, you make RAO soo powerful, that what ever he wishes for goes. so if he say, 'No Raila No Peace'; it goes. No authority to challenge that and ensure peace prevails. Spare me.

@Manyala have you stopped and thought at what point he would have quit? What would have followed after?? Believe you me, he'd have gone with his integrity intact but what would have followed would have made Rwanda genocide look like child play!!! I still believe that he did the best under the prevailing circumstances.

That aside, why are we having so much negative energy even on Wazua where i believe most of us are well educated? Why do we still articulate our ideas like our folks back in shagz? Does this mean that we're forever doomed as a country? It is said that the middle class are the heart of any economy and if this is true i fear for this country. We're middle class in terms of having nice jobs, driving flashy cars and servicing mortgages but upstairs we're still stuck in Lower-lower class!!
Am a Kiuk and will not vote for Uhuru for the simple reason he has done nothing for his people that he represents in Gatundu. I'll not vote for Raila for the same reason not because he's Luo.
I'd vote for Tuju, Peter Kenneth any day for their development record during their tenure as the MPs for Rarienda and Gatanga respectively. I'd vote for Martha Karua any day for what she stands for. Its a high time we moved away from tribal based politics to Issue based politics. Unfortunately, politics is a game of numbers and these three presidential candidates have no numbers. How i pray for my beloved country.

This buck passing is hilarious.

Nobody appointed Kivuitu to stop the a Rwanda style genocide, his job was very simple, to oversee the elections.

Are we forgetting that there was a sitting president, the police and an Army. They were and are the ones chraged with national security, so the line on Kivuitu sacrificing his integrity for the country is what I call warped thinking.

As to who to vote for, just remember that you have one vote, use it wisely to vote in your preferred candidate, unfortunately the candidates you have listed as the best have so far performed very poorly in mobilisation, so you can't blame Kenyans for ignoring them. They however still have enough time to demonstrate to the rest of the kenyans the good qualities that you have seen in them.

I have been to gatanga and i did'nt know i was there until I was told, basically what i am saying is that it looked exactly like any other rural set up in central, I did'nt see any development record that clearly places PK above the other MPs. As for Tuju's mythical mobile clinic, the less we say the better. I remember Martha karua being as the biggest stumbling block during the PEV negotiations, so i have no clue what you mean by "what she stands for"

I like PK and would consider voting him if he decided to actually run for President, I however respect everyone's decision to elect any other monkey of their choice.
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