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Safaricon!!!$#*^*>...ABK!!!!...NKT x 1000!!!!...
#41 Posted : Sunday, August 26, 2012 1:02:19 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 11/15/2011
Posts: 4,518
Kaigangio wrote:

you may be right...they are not all clean but the level of cleanliness differs from one moboservice provider to the next.

you know what i have an airtel line, but in another handset...

two weeks ago they were running a promotion service where when you spend kshs 75 on voice calls you were rewarded five times, that is you got kshs 375 bonus airtime...

i was out of town and was having the "airtel phone"...i called alot and at around 7:00 pm in the evening i had used about kshs 90...

i was awarded the bonus but alas it was only valid for airtel-airtel calls...that was okey and manageable...the shocking bit was that it was only valid upto midnight!!! i have only three friends in airtel and i had 5 hours to talk to them about nothing!!

a bloody bure kabisa offer!!!...but at least not conned.

Haha! See? why they are not all smooth riding? You will get tired hopping from one to another in search of excellence.
Even the nightshift Safcom 750 bonus data sucks cz u have to stay up late to exhaust it.

Put your bonus to good use from 10pm to 8 am which will be valid for an entire week.

Offers carry crazy restrictions.
I had an airtel line which I stopped using cz I got bombarded by so many useless messages in one day I got fed up.
They seemed so desperate to keep me as customer and thought that sending me 50 texts a day was the way to go.
Well Go I did,but never to return.

See everytime I read complaints about other subscribers and I choose to stick to the devil I know.
As for you,I ask u to go like the spies who were sent to go spy the foreign land in the BB.
Bring back a good report not a scary one.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#42 Posted : Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:35:39 PM
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Joined: 2/25/2009
Posts: 973
Kaigangio wrote:
[quote=essyk][size=4]i was out of town and was having the "airtel phone"...i called alot and at around 7:00 pm in the evening i had used about kshs 90...

i was awarded the bonus but alas it was only valid for airtel-airtel calls...that was okey and manageable...the shocking bit was that it was only valid upto midnight!!! i have only three friends in airtel and i had 5 hours to talk to them about nothing!!

a bloody bure kabisa offer!!!...but at least not conned.

Laughing out loudly Kenyans n free offers,do you HAVE TO call even if just to say "salaams tu" & "otherwise"..so if u were given a full mbuzi choma,one basin of ugali and 3 crates of your favorite drink for free to finish within 5 hrs then that would mean it would be your last meal?!
#43 Posted : Sunday, August 26, 2012 9:50:57 PM
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#44 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 3:21:01 AM
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Enyewe turf wars have taken a whole new dimension! Ni kubaya, every service provider will try win over subscribers 'by any means necessary'! Hii ndio inaitwa 'thinking out of the box'!

My bet is in a few days, you'll hear how Airtel is offering impeccable service. Si useme tu you've been given new targets, instead of testing our intelligence?

Proverbs 19:21
#45 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 9:06:52 AM
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Location: Nairobi
Kaigangio wrote:
hi guys

The day before yesterday armed with a full, clean thou, i set out to hunt for the fat, juicy 1.5 gig plus 0.5 gig bonus.

sure enough i charged my mulika mwizi phone account which read a balance of kshs 1082.10 and i knew that the gigs were an arms stretch...the mulika mwizi is ofcourse the hardy monochromatic type not suited for internet browsing and as such i could not use it..

i therefore took out the sim card from the phone, inserted it into a safaricom modem and voila!...when i reached the safaricom home page 1/2 a minute later i closed the internet service, took out the sim from the modem, reinserted it back to the phone and went to sleep.

yesterday early in the morning at around 7:00am, i checked the balance in readiness to buy the 1.5 gig plus the kid bonus but alas it read kshs 943.42. this was kshs 140 less than the balance in the previous evening...i did not want to believe that safaricon had charged me at a rate of ksh 280 per minute!! i thought to myself that may be the 140 was the minimum amount that was levied upon just opening the browser which is normal. At this juncture i purchased 80mb data bundle at kshs 100. i knew i had a balance worth kshs 843.42 left and all that i needed was kshs 160 to get the 2.25gig which i were to acquire later in the day!!

i took out the sim from the mm and inserted it into the modem, opened my laptop and plugged the modem and started browsing till the bundle got exhausted at around 9:00am..took out the sim and put it back into the mulika mwizi.

all that time from when i recharged the kamm i had made no voice calls for obvious reason...2.25gig!!! i decided to confirm the balance once again at around 12:00 noon after buying the kshs 200 recharge...i could not believe what i saw on the screen! i put the phone down went to the tap and washed my eyes again, went back, took the mm and requested for the balance once more...avando zi!!! ati kshs 271.33 was the bal..yaani i was kshs 572 down!!!

i called safaricon and that kubafu digital lady's voice from the amg circuitry told me that i will be charged ksh 10 for the service...i went kshs 10 further down and went mad!!!

i reached the customer care and a "real" gentleman picked the phone and i explained to him the situation...my friends, that guy hit me with a bucket full of shit..the answer that i got from him was the conman type and the most interesting...ati i did not close the browser when i was through with the browsing and therefore that is why the money was being spent, and he went further to give a friendly advise or instructions on how to close the browser!!! ngai baba!!when i recovered from the shock of the answer that i got from him, i asked the safaricon idiot on the other end how it is possible for the internet to run when one has disconnected the power and removed the sim card from the modem (when the data transmission is completely disabled)!!!

the vagabond gave me the same answer and went further to tell me that infact as we were talking the internet was still running and i was still being charged...jesus christ!!! i think i was talking to a guy who has never been to school!!! my question to him was how it was possible for safaricon to register an internet service provision or any other service in their server, when the sim card has been removed from the modem or the phone!!! the idiot just told me that he would consult i dont know who to explain...i hung up before he finished preaching his summon as i went completely berserk...

kenya post and telecommunication corporation is back where one could be hit with bills showing telephone services 10 years after the phone disconnection!!!

i am hamaing completely leaving nothing behind including the cockroaches and without looking back...ata hiyo empesa wacha ikae!!!...my safaricon sim, i am physically breaking it into two after spending the kshs 261 left, and call-me-more can have it and stick it in his bloody big fat A#*<>le!!!NKT!!!

SCOM doesn't charge per minute for browsing; it is per MB

If you are not using the bundles, the you pay something like sh10 per MB.

LESSON: buy the bundle BEFORE you connect for browsing!
#46 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 9:48:13 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 11/20/2009
Posts: 1,402
@ Kaigangio

may be you should try Facebook/Twitter customer service,

Then for sure you would be sorted by someone who really understands

Had a similar experience but understand now that not all their CS reps are Data Survey (my own opinion)

but on twitter, someone senior picks it up.

Otherwise..I have read thru your curses and..I think you should repent at the mugumo tree
#47 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 9:57:15 AM
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Joined: 11/15/2011
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chiaroscuro wrote:

LESSON: buy the bundle BEFORE you connect for browsing!

Umeskia hiyo gizzard??
and nice correction there by Chirao..It's charged per MB not minute.
Ulifanya mambo kadha wa kadha kwa hiyo internet ndio ikala like that.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#48 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 10:03:45 AM
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Muheani wrote:
@ Kaigangio

Otherwise..I have read thru your curses and..I think you should repent at the mugumo tree

@ muheani!!!me!!! ati repent at mugumo tree...for being reaped off!!!aaiii!!! onawe ni wokia muno ta mwarimu!!!Sad

safaricon should apologise to me instead and then we begin every from a clean slate...but they would need to give me a billion gigs for free for me to return!!smile

...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#49 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 10:10:53 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/27/2007
Posts: 2,768
@ essyk...

when looking at all the illnesses and sleeplessnesses that kaigangio has committed let us just analyse the extract below...

....i reached the customer care and a "real" gentleman picked the phone and i explained to him the situation...my friends, that guy hit me with a bucket full of shit..the answer that i got from him was the conman type and the most interesting...ati i did not close the browser when i was through with the browsing and therefore that is why the money was being spent, and he went further to give a friendly advise or instructions on how to close the browser!!! ngai baba!!when i recovered from the shock of the answer that i got from him, i asked the safaricon idiot on the other end how it is possible for the internet to run when one has disconnected the power and removed the sim card from the modem (when the data transmission is completely disabled)!!!

the vagabond gave me the same answer and went further to tell me that infact as we were talking the internet was still running and i was still being charged...jesus christ!!! i think i was talking to a guy who has never been to school!!! my question to him was how it was possible for safaricon to register an internet service provision or any other service in their server, when the sim card has been removed from the modem or the phone!!! the idiot just told me that he would consult i dont know who to explain...i hung up before he finished preaching his summon as i went completely berserk...

can,t you see some conmanship if not incompetence here???

...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#50 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 10:23:06 AM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 8/17/2012
Posts: 30
@Gizzard, I've been using orange's 1 month unlimited bundle for the last three months. So far nothing to complain about. But i've only used it in Nairobi, I don't know whether it works well in other regions. So if you're a guy of trotting the country i'd not be in a position to advice.

Otherwise, tone down on the curses bana.. Hama silently... Kiungwana..
#51 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 10:32:49 AM
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Posts: 341
#52 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 10:37:07 AM
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Kaigangio wrote:
chris79 wrote:
This is what awaits you on the other side. Like the page then go through the comments...


now that is like telling a person to help you carry a load of cash....who would hate to be in such a place surely???Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Maybe you didn't go through the posts. See this link....

#53 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 10:43:37 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 11/15/2011
Posts: 4,518
Kaigangio wrote:
@ essyk...

when looking at all the illnesses and sleeplessnesses that kaigangio has committed let us just analyse the extract below...

....i reached the customer care and a "real" gentleman picked the phone and i explained to him the situation...my friends, that guy hit me with a bucket full of shit..the answer that i got from him was the conman type and the most interesting...ati i did not close the browser when i was through with the browsing and therefore that is why the money was being spent, and he went further to give a friendly advise or instructions on how to close the browser!!! ngai baba!!when i recovered from the shock of the answer that i got from him, i asked the safaricon idiot on the other end how it is possible for the internet to run when one has disconnected the power and removed the sim card from the modem (when the data transmission is completely disabled)!!!

the vagabond gave me the same answer and went further to tell me that infact as we were talking the internet was still running and i was still being charged...jesus christ!!! i think i was talking to a guy who has never been to school!!! my question to him was how it was possible for safaricon to register an internet service provision or any other service in their server, when the sim card has been removed from the modem or the phone!!! the idiot just told me that he would consult i dont know who to explain...i hung up before he finished preaching his summon as i went completely berserk...

can,t you see some conmanship if not incompetence here???

Now u.Stop dealing with those kids on customer care lines.They always sound worse than std 5 kids.I asked one to give me a sec to get my pen but he disconnected telling me to call later instead when I am ready with pen. Customer care!!
Clueless and vain.Infact they will waste your credit telling you rubbish.

Andika email.I don't know but once you have a ref.no and booked it's attended to faster.
That is the way I go.

Its Monday ngai! get them off your back!
Just chill.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#54 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 10:55:25 AM
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Location: nairobi
you want us to teach you how to close your browser or what?
#55 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 11:01:49 AM
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Sany wrote:
@Gizzard, I've been using orange's 1 month unlimited bundle for the last three months. So far nothing to complain about. But i've only used it in Nairobi, I don't know whether it works well in other regions. So if you're a guy of trotting the country i'd not be in a position to advice.

Otherwise, tone down on the curses bana.. Hama silently... Kiungwana..

i am now using orange to do my browsing...very good and comforting indeed...i am on 1 gig and so far so good...hakuna matata!!!

...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#56 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 11:07:02 AM
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chris79 wrote:
Kaigangio wrote:
[quote=chris79]This is what awaits you on the other side. Like the page then go through the comments...


now that is like telling a person to help you carry a load of cash....who would hate to be in such a place surely???Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Maybe you didn't go through the posts. See this link....


gotcha...looks like a similar story but with a slight variation...with mine there was data transmission even when there was no sim card in the modem and battery in the phoneSad
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#57 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 11:10:22 AM
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Joined: 2/27/2007
Posts: 2,768
essyk wrote:
Kaigangio wrote:
@ essyk...

when looking at all the illnesses and sleeplessnesses that kaigangio has committed let us just analyse the extract below...

....i reached the customer care and a "real" gentleman picked the phone and i explained to him the situation...my friends, that guy hit me with a bucket full of shit..the answer that i got from him was the conman type and the most interesting...ati i did not close the browser when i was through with the browsing and therefore that is why the money was being spent, and he went further to give a friendly advise or instructions on how to close the browser!!! ngai baba!!when i recovered from the shock of the answer that i got from him, i asked the safaricon idiot on the other end how it is possible for the internet to run when one has disconnected the power and removed the sim card from the modem (when the data transmission is completely disabled)!!!

the vagabond gave me the same answer and went further to tell me that infact as we were talking the internet was still running and i was still being charged...jesus christ!!! i think i was talking to a guy who has never been to school!!! my question to him was how it was possible for safaricon to register an internet service provision or any other service in their server, when the sim card has been removed from the modem or the phone!!! the idiot just told me that he would consult i dont know who to explain...i hung up before he finished preaching his summon as i went completely berserk...

can,t you see some conmanship if not incompetence here???

Now u.Stop dealing with those kids on customer care lines.They always sound worse than std 5 kids.I asked one to give me a sec to get my pen but he disconnected telling me to call later instead when I am ready with pen. Customer care!!
Clueless and vain.Infact they will waste your credit telling you rubbish.

Andika email.I don't know but once you have a ref.no and booked it's attended to faster.
That is the way I go.

Its Monday ngai! get them off your back!
Just chill.

could you, mukiri and other shareholders recommend in your next agm the disbanding of the customer service department..smile
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#58 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 11:11:55 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 11/20/2009
Posts: 1,402
@ Kaigangio
so i asked a friend at the Saf
see below comments

" Thanks. Will try get his number. I however gone through the post and he is using a windows machine and I can bet with surety auto updates are on., therefore when he tops up, the PC starts updating at a rate of 8 bob per MB….this can chew even 1k in a matter of minutes depending on how good a connection is. He is bitter with Safaricom but this is due to lack of propoer information on how his Pc works vs how billing is done. Hope we can reach him and explain it to him.""

So can they get your number if you havent yet torn it into two?

....n i still insist you need to repent....otherwise that vitriol is bad for your health..."kuwa mpole"

#59 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 11:14:10 AM
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mlefu wrote:
you want us to teach you how to close your browser or what?

*&^>#!!!...ndukanume!!!ndukanume ringi njege ino...nama unginuma ringi no njuge njuragwo ni essyk nanii ngumunye magego!!!

welcome back though chief...its been a long time..smile smile
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#60 Posted : Monday, August 27, 2012 11:22:44 AM
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refund on the ay..na huyu Esskay d'oh!
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