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Safaricon!!!$#*^*>...ABK!!!!...NKT x 1000!!!!...
#21 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:20:51 PM
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Joined: 2/25/2009
Posts: 973
I only use safcon net when browsing with my fon but i know theres been a myriad of complaints recently about modem data bundles and the 'better' option should sort those issues out asap.
#22 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:00:27 PM
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murchr wrote:
Change your anti-virus update settings from automatic to manual and everything that Mukiri has said there fuata otherwise utalia tu. If you go to another site here on Wazua, u'll find others complaining of "Airtel nuisance". Na wachana na hio mapicha na mavideo

may be you are not getting me...as long as you have enough credit to finance the requested for bundle, there will always be data to be burned...
if there is none (credit) mukiris theories don't apply at all...
next, i don't watch videos...the picture content of the surfing is minimal and contributes little in terms of data content...smile
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#23 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:07:31 PM
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Gadaffi wrote:
Kaigangio wrote:
faa wrote:
Hehehehe ni hali ya life budaa. Do something

like i said i will use the remaining 260, break the sim into two and forget safaricon for ever...

forget safcon n go wea...safcon happens 2b th lesser evil. Wait until u experience sm other providers wit primtive svc n lousy customer care

i can assure you @ gadaffi safcon is the bigger evil...you might want to remember this "mgema akisifiwa tembo hulitia maji"...safcon is doing just that...next, there is something that goes thus...he who does not travel thinks that his/her mother cooks the best food...
you would not know about other providers unless you taste their services...na hama kabisa!!!

...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#24 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:11:20 PM
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sitaki.kujulikana wrote:
Gadaffi wrote:
Kaigangio wrote:
faa wrote:
Hehehehe ni hali ya life budaa. Do something

like i said i will use the remaining 260, break the sim into two and forget safaricon for ever...

forget safcon n go wea...safcon happens 2b th lesser evil. Wait until u experience sm other providers wit primtive svc n lousy customer care

evil is evil, hakuna lesser or more

you @ sitaki are very right but safcon is a deadly evil bwana...
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#25 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:19:17 PM
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essyk wrote:
Kaigangio wrote:
Hunderwear wrote:
take this to their tweeter n facebook ac

i would rather stay in wazua coz if i head to tweeter or fb i will shout at the that "mangirohia nda magicunga nugu icio!!!"

ngaatho! unajua wewe ni landlord na landlords ni kama headmasters. Laughing out loudly
if u listen to those kids on customer care lines ul go mad.they are clueless at times.
Go to customer care and raise a storm.
I honestly think the prob is on ur side.
chunguza vizuri.
usihame.better the devil u know.

@ essyk, if i went to customer care i would not only raise a storm but i would pita with somebody....nii no hituke na mundu!!!!

like i said these safcon idiots could not even explain to me how it was possible for things that happened to me to happen let alone having a clue on why the electronics circuits behave the way they do with or without power or the transmitters and receivers...

sorry petite, this time round better the devil that i dont know...
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#26 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:23:09 PM
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@ essyk...dont also forget any additional expenditure from whichever side will be loaded onto your monthly rents...better defend the landlords kama hamtaki kuongezewa rent!!!Laughing out loudly
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#27 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:26:42 PM
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Kaigangio wrote:

sure enough i charged my mulika mwizi phone account which read a balance of kshs 1082.10

i took out the sim card from the phone, inserted it into a safaricom modem and voila!...when i reached the safaricom home page 1/2 a minute later i closed the internet service, took out the sim from the modem, reinserted it back to the phone and went to sleep.
yesterday early in the morning at around 7:00am, i checked the balance in readiness to buy the 1.5 gig plus the kid bonus but alas it read kshs 943.42. this was kshs 140 less than the balance in the previous evening...i did not want to believe that safaricon had charged me at a rate of ksh 280 per minute!! i thought to myself that may be the 140 was the minimum amount that was levied upon just opening the browser which is normal.

Kaigangio allow me to ask please.What was the purpose of changing the sim if you did not browse at all? Are u sure you only put in the sim worth 1082 of credit,opened the browser and closed? Why did u do that and for what gain?
If you open the safcom browser the safcom bundles automatically shows.In ur case u did not purchase any bundles and were therefore charged per minute hence the reduction. And that is damn expensive.

At this juncture i purchased 80mb data bundle at kshs 100. i knew i had a balance worth kshs 843.42 left and all that i needed was kshs 160 to get the 2.25gig which i were to acquire later in the day!!

i took out the sim from the mm and inserted it into the modem, opened my laptop and plugged the modem and started browsing till the bundle got exhausted at around 9:00am..

Hahahaah! Now lemmie pause there.
I have done this before and guess what?
I know that if u buy bundles and u still got some 'unconverted credit' left in ur modem,once the bundles are exhausted,it starts chewing ur credit reserve bila notice!! That's where I have beef with these guys.
It's starts charging per minute and trust me u can easily faint the moment that kabell rings,and on checking u discover its a message saying u have less than 1MB left!!
I learnt the hard way so I am always quick to ensure that I convert all my modem credit into bundles and leave say just 50 bob.

took out the sim and put it back into the mulika mwizi.
all that time from when i recharged the kamm i had made no voice calls for obvious reason...2.25gig!!! i decided to confirm the balance once again at around 12:00 noon after buying the kshs 200 recharge...i could not believe what i saw on the screen! i put the phone down went to the tap and washed my eyes again, went back, took the mm and requested for the balance once more...avando zi!!! ati kshs 271.33 was the bal..yaani i was kshs 572 down!!!

You think that u used only 80MB? No you did not!
Laughing out loudly
What actually happened was that, u exhausted the 80MB and guess what? the warning bell will not ring to inform u that it's over cz u still have reserve credit!That reserve will go down per minute except u convert it into bundles.
Trust me I have been a victim and that's why I never keep reserve credo anytime I purchase few bundles.Better safe with lots of bundles than lots of credit on Modem.

i called safaricon and that kubafu digital lady's voice from the amg circuitry told me that i will be charged ksh 10 for the service...i went kshs 10 further down and went mad!!!
Woi Go and apologise now.Laughing out loudly

We should instead ask safcom to ring the warning bell instead of eating up our reserve uncoverted credit.

@ essyk, if i went to customer care i would not only raise a storm but i would pita with somebody....nii no hituke na mundu!!

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Typical kyuk craze. Cool down eish.

Lakini Kumbe hata hukuongeza rent? We Tenants must have tishad you!

Finally ukihama utarudi tu, utupate hapa hapa humu humu.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#28 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:34:17 PM
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Joined: 2/27/2007
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chris79 wrote:
This is what awaits you on the other side. Like the page then go through the comments...


now that is like telling a person to help you carry a load of cash....who would hate to be in such a place surely???Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#29 Posted : Sunday, August 26, 2012 12:04:29 AM
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Joined: 2/27/2007
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@ essyk,

Kaigangio allow me to ask please.What was the purpose of changing the sim if you did not browse at all? Are u sure you only put in the sim worth 1082 of credit,opened the browser and closed? Why did u do that and for what gain?
If you open the safcom browser the safcom bundles automatically shows.In ur case u did not purchase any bundles and were therefore charged per minute hence the reduction. And that is damn expensive.

you know what, i would not remember how to charge through the modem so i had to charge through the phone...not out of ignorance...the last time i used this modem was in 2010...
people of my age do funny things sometimes which makes very little sense, but nevertheless incomprehensiblesmile smile

Hahahaah! Now lemmie pause there.
I have done this before and guess what?
I know that if u buy bundles and still u got some 'unconverted credit' left in ur modem,the bundles are exhausted,it starts chewing ur credit reserve bila notice!! That's where I have beef with these guys.
It's starts charging per minute and trust me u can easily faint the moment that kabell rings,and on checking u discover its a message saying u have less than 1MB left!!
I learnt the hard way so I am always quick to ensure that I convert all my modem credit into bundles and leave say just 50 bob.

i think this could be what happened but then i was on the net for a very short period...again eating into somebodys account contents after the legally agreed amount is illegal...

You think that u used only 80MB? No you did not!
Laughing out loudly
What actually happened was that, u exhausted the 80MB and guess what? the warning bell will not ring to inform u that it's over cz u still have reserve credit!That reserve will go down per minute except u convert it into bundles.
Trust me I have been a victim and that's why I never keep reserve credo anytime I purchase few bundles.Better safe with lots of bundles than lots of credit on Modem.


We should instead ask safcom to ring the warning bell instead of eating up our reserve uncoverted credit

what bell now and they know for sure that mukiri is waiting with a thiefing kiondo to collect on the safcon illegal deals from unknowledgeable customers...the only thing here is to hama kabisaaaaaa...

...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#30 Posted : Sunday, August 26, 2012 12:21:53 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 11/15/2011
Posts: 4,518
Kaigangio wrote:
@ essyk,

you know what, i would not remember how to charge through the modem so i had to charge through the phone...not out of ignorance...the last time i used this modem was in 2010...
people of my age do funny things sometimes which makes very little sense, but nevertheless incomprehensiblesmile smile
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
am sorry but had to. Are u sure that modem is not rusted? it could be having the virus messing u up.Is that sim an old one? is it even registered?
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Aish hii uzee jamani.

i think this could be what happened but then i was on the net for a very short period...again eating into somebodys account contents after the legally agreed amount is illegal...

Well that is safcom.A very short time on internet bila bundles can mess you up pretty bad.
But once u buy their credit it's all their's, both the converted and uncoverted.Yours is to browse within that amount. Me thinks it's a way of poking u into converting all to bundles so stay safe by doing just that or better still keep refreshing the account bal so that u can add bundles in bits if that is what u prefer.
Avoid having reserves if u browse a lot.

We should instead ask safcom to ring the warning bell instead of eating up our reserve uncoverted credit

what bell now and they know for sure that mukiri is waiting with a thiefing kiondo to collect on the safcon illegal deals from unknowledgeable customers...the only thing here is to hama kabisaaaaaa...

Lol! was about to ask who Mukiri is.!Laughing out loudly
When ur bundles reach 1MB safcom gives a warning bell so that u can top up or reduce surfing.
Unfortunately it only rings when ur account is running dry kabisa.
'The silly bell can't diff between bundles and credit.

So are u still hamaring? From frying pot to fire?
Kaa hapa! We are the bestest option.Laughing out loudly
Damn and the way they piss me off at times.

And to quote.Highlight the text u want and click on quote. hapo juu iko na arrows mbili.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#31 Posted : Sunday, August 26, 2012 9:12:27 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 2/25/2009
Posts: 973
Sim card from phone to modem then back to phone,data bundles,unconverted credit,bells,kiondos & frying pots just to browse the net is too much for me.I just want to switch on comp and surf bila headaches,i dont even like cyber cafes where the log in/out button is 'hidden'!
#32 Posted : Sunday, August 26, 2012 10:31:44 AM
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Joined: 2/27/2007
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essyk wrote:
And to quote.Highlight the text u want and click on quote. hapo juu iko na arrows mbili. x

0%.....grade F

...the result of too much safaricon!!! Ngai aharuruke na ndagatumane!!

...i have already used up the 260 and what is remaining of it is kshs 1.58 which cant make a call. kwaheri safaricon!!!kwaheri mama na ubaki salama......




..safaricon!!!NKT!!nugu!!nugu kabisa!!...

...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#33 Posted : Sunday, August 26, 2012 10:33:12 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 11/15/2011
Posts: 4,518
0%.....grade F

...the result of too much safaricon!!! Ngai aharuruke na ndagatumane!!

...i have already used up the 260 and what is remaining of it is kshs 1.58 which cant make a call. kwaheri safaricon!!!kwaheri mama na ubaki salama......

..safaricon!!!NKT!!nugu!!nugu kabisa!!...

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly my ribs jamani.
Yaaani ur this angry.

Lakini kaigangio,hata wewe ni shida za kujitafutia.
U should have bought 200MB with 250 and still had sh 10 left.
You just burned your self stop the curses.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#34 Posted : Sunday, August 26, 2012 10:37:44 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/27/2007
Posts: 2,768
rock wrote:
Sim card from phone to modem then back to phone,data bundles,unconverted credit,bells,kiondos & frying pots just to browse the net is too much for me.I just want to switch on comp and surf bila headaches,i dont even like cyber cafes where the log in/out button is 'hidden'!

you see @ rock you experience so many nightmares in a given week but 90% of it has its origin in safaricon...the only lusting solution is to hama without thinking twice...

wacha essyk abaki akinugunika peke yake...
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#35 Posted : Sunday, August 26, 2012 10:44:28 AM
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Joined: 11/15/2011
Posts: 4,518
Kaigangio wrote:
rock wrote:
Sim card from phone to modem then back to phone,data bundles,unconverted credit,bells,kiondos & frying pots just to browse the net is too much for me.I just want to switch on comp and surf bila headaches,i dont even like cyber cafes where the log in/out button is 'hidden'!

you see @ rock you experience so many nightmares in a given week but 90% of it has its origin in safaricon...the only lusting solution is to hama without thinking twice...

wacha essyk abaki akinugunika peke yake...

Announcement: Kaigangio is a typical example of a user who subscribes to a service,fails to take full advantage of what it offers,burns himself then blames the service.
Imagine what you could have done with 200MB.

You are in control jamani!the service is useless without ur control.

Ok go and run very fast. Remember to carry ur kiondo .Utarudi back into the arms of safcom.

kwanza nyinyi ndio munacause jam safcom.
RUN BABY RUN!Laughing out loudly

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#36 Posted : Sunday, August 26, 2012 11:20:33 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/27/2007
Posts: 2,768
essyk wrote:
Kaigangio wrote:
rock wrote:
Sim card from phone to modem then back to phone,data bundles,unconverted credit,bells,kiondos & frying pots just to browse the net is too much for me.I just want to switch on comp and surf bila headaches,i dont even like cyber cafes where the log in/out button is 'hidden'!

you see @ rock you experience so many nightmares in a given week but 90% of it has its origin in safaricon...the only lusting solution is to hama without thinking twice...

wacha essyk abaki akinugunika peke yake...

Announcement: Kaigangio is a typical example of a user who subscribes to a service,fails to take full advantage of what it offers,burns himself then blames the service.
Imagine what you could have done with 200MB.

You are in control jamani!the service is useless without ur control.

Ok go and run very fast. Remember to carry ur kiondo .Utarudi back into the arms of safcom.

kwanza nyinyi ndio munacause jam safcom.
RUN BABY RUN!Laughing out loudly


let us see...i wanted the 2.25 gig to burn it and not to burn myself...safaricon burnt me up by doing something illegal which @ essyk agreed they do!!! i am now convinced that 75% of those mega profits are plain thiefing!!Sad Sad

yes i am imagining what i could do with 200mb but not in safaricon...sorry my dear 200mb elsewhere.d'oh! d'oh!

what control are you talking about in safaricon??if you cannot control the charge rates or data flow into your modem you are not in control of anything...actually safaricon is controlling you...try to look at the bigger picture..Pray Pray

the kiondo belongs to one safaricon shareholder mukiri so i leave it behind...something else, i will not put my fingure back to the hole where i once got bitten...no way!!Shame on you Shame on you

make the services transparent and retain the customers...don't cry baby don't cry!!!Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#37 Posted : Sunday, August 26, 2012 11:45:48 AM
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Joined: 11/15/2011
Posts: 4,518

let us see...i wanted the 2.25 gig to burn it and not to burn myself...safaricon burnt me up by doing something illegal which @ essyk agreed they do!!! i am now convinced that 75% of those mega profits are plain thiefing!!Sad Sad

aarrghhh! is kaigangio a gizzard?
Ok let me rub this on ur face kabisa ndio uhame faster than one can say Bolt.
Have u ever had sh 1000 only on ur modem and u know that's 1.5MB.But when u connect it reads balance sh995 thus disqualifying you from buying the 1.5MB? There's an small amount that disappears betwn updating and activating bundles.
How d u explain that? HAMA! Run baby!and don't look behind lest u become a pillar of salt.
To be safe I ensure I have an extra 50 bob for them to eat.
I don't know maybe Karma will catch up with them but in the meantime SIHAMI.
I am yet to be fully enraged cz that is the day I will see Collymore in person.Laughing out loudly

yes i am imagining what i could do with 200mb but not in safaricon...sorry my dear 200mb elsewhere.d'oh! d'oh!

what control are you talking about in safaricon??if you cannot control the charge rates or data flow into your modem you are not in control of anything...actually safaricon is controlling you...try to look at the bigger picture..Pray Pray

the kiondo belongs to one safaricon shareholder mukiri so i leave it behind...something else, i will not put my fingure back to the hole where i once got bitten...no way!!Shame on you Shame on you

make the services transparent and retain the customers...don't cry baby don't cry!!!Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

You know what RUN! I give up and take care of your shoe and kamaru hat!
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#38 Posted : Sunday, August 26, 2012 11:59:21 AM
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essyk wrote:

You know what RUN! I give up and take care of your shoe and kamaru hat!

sawa utanikuta mbele nikikuandalia meza...chakula, michuzi, gigabytes, matunda, free calls, mivinyo chungu nzima...come baby come!!!smile smile
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#39 Posted : Sunday, August 26, 2012 12:16:39 PM
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By the way I will be on the lookout for ur tribulations with another subscriber.
These ISP's providers behave like a marriage.
Those in want out,those out want in.
In short hakuna kuzuri.
But trust me to dig out this thread everytime you feel shortchanged.
But if all I hear are praises I may be tempted to hama as well.
In the meantime,I yet to be convinced.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#40 Posted : Sunday, August 26, 2012 12:42:10 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/27/2007
Posts: 2,768
essyk wrote:
By the way I will be on the lookout for ur tribulations with another subscriber.
These ISP's providers behave like a marriage.
Those in want out,those out want in.
In short hakuna kuzuri.
But trust me to dig out this thread everytime you feel shortchanged.
But if all I hear are praises I may be tempted to hama as well.
In the meantime,I yet to be convinced.

you may be right...they are not all clean but the level of cleanliness differs from one moboservice provider to the next.

you know what i have an airtel line, but in another handset...

two weeks ago they were running a promotion service where when you spend kshs 75 on voice calls you were rewarded five times, that is you got kshs 375 bonus airtime...

i was out of town and was having the "airtel phone"...i called alot and at around 7:00 pm in the evening i had used about kshs 90...

i was awarded the bonus but alas it was only valid for airtel-airtel calls...that was okey and manageable...the shocking bit was that it was only valid upto midnight!!! i have only three friends in airtel and i had 5 hours to talk to them about nothing!!

a bloody bure kabisa offer!!!...but at least not conned.
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
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