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Safaricon!!!$#*^*>...ABK!!!!...NKT x 1000!!!!...
#1 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 9:13:56 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/27/2007
Posts: 2,768
hi guys

The day before yesterday armed with a full, clean thou, i set out to hunt for the fat, juicy 1.5 gig plus 0.5 gig bonus.

sure enough i charged my mulika mwizi phone account which read a balance of kshs 1082.10 and i knew that the gigs were an arms stretch...the mulika mwizi is ofcourse the hardy monochromatic type not suited for internet browsing and as such i could not use it..

i therefore took out the sim card from the phone, inserted it into a safaricom modem and voila!...when i reached the safaricom home page 1/2 a minute later i closed the internet service, took out the sim from the modem, reinserted it back to the phone and went to sleep.

yesterday early in the morning at around 7:00am, i checked the balance in readiness to buy the 1.5 gig plus the kid bonus but alas it read kshs 943.42. this was kshs 140 less than the balance in the previous evening...i did not want to believe that safaricon had charged me at a rate of ksh 280 per minute!! i thought to myself that may be the 140 was the minimum amount that was levied upon just opening the browser which is normal. At this juncture i purchased 80mb data bundle at kshs 100. i knew i had a balance worth kshs 843.42 left and all that i needed was kshs 160 to get the 2.25gig which i were to acquire later in the day!!

i took out the sim from the mm and inserted it into the modem, opened my laptop and plugged the modem and started browsing till the bundle got exhausted at around 9:00am..took out the sim and put it back into the mulika mwizi.

all that time from when i recharged the kamm i had made no voice calls for obvious reason...2.25gig!!! i decided to confirm the balance once again at around 12:00 noon after buying the kshs 200 recharge...i could not believe what i saw on the screen! i put the phone down went to the tap and washed my eyes again, went back, took the mm and requested for the balance once more...avando zi!!! ati kshs 271.33 was the bal..yaani i was kshs 572 down!!!

i called safaricon and that kubafu digital lady's voice from the amg circuitry told me that i will be charged ksh 10 for the service...i went kshs 10 further down and went mad!!!

i reached the customer care and a "real" gentleman picked the phone and i explained to him the situation...my friends, that guy hit me with a bucket full of shit..the answer that i got from him was the conman type and the most interesting...ati i did not close the browser when i was through with the browsing and therefore that is why the money was being spent, and he went further to give a friendly advise or instructions on how to close the browser!!! ngai baba!!when i recovered from the shock of the answer that i got from him, i asked the safaricon idiot on the other end how it is possible for the internet to run when one has disconnected the power and removed the sim card from the modem (when the data transmission is completely disabled)!!!

the vagabond gave me the same answer and went further to tell me that infact as we were talking the internet was still running and i was still being charged...jesus christ!!! i think i was talking to a guy who has never been to school!!! my question to him was how it was possible for safaricon to register an internet service provision or any other service in their server, when the sim card has been removed from the modem or the phone!!! the idiot just told me that he would consult i dont know who to explain...i hung up before he finished preaching his summon as i went completely berserk...

kenya post and telecommunication corporation is back where one could be hit with bills showing telephone services 10 years after the phone disconnection!!!

i am hamaing completely leaving nothing behind including the cockroaches and without looking back...ata hiyo empesa wacha ikae!!!...my safaricon sim, i am physically breaking it into two after spending the kshs 261 left, and call-me-more can have it and stick it in his bloody big fat A#*<>le!!!NKT!!!

...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#2 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 9:41:52 AM
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Joined: 5/8/2007
Posts: 709
Hehehehe ni hali ya life budaa. Do something
#3 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:16:09 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/11/2012
Posts: 5,222
Who said 'My brothers are dying because of lack of knowledge?'
1. Some site are constantly refreshing.. meaning using up bundles, meaning your reducing airtime, even when you are not using it.
2. There are updates, meaning reducing airtime
3. Some comp clocks synchronize, meaning they regularly check time with some server, meaning reducing bundles and reducing airtime
4. Anti virus updates
5. Hackers, spyware nayo?

NB: I once heard a madman shouting that he'd met some mad people, that were annoying him. I couldn't help but smile :) I almost told him to talk sofetly lest he mulikas himself!

As a shareholder, I'd urge you not to move. There are many ways to skin a cat. Na unafikiria tutakula nini?

Proverbs 19:21
#4 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:26:54 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/27/2007
Posts: 2,768
faa wrote:
Hehehehe ni hali ya life budaa. Do something

like i said i will use the remaining 260, break the sim into two and forget safaricon for ever...
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#5 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:41:09 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/27/2007
Posts: 2,768
Mukiri wrote:
Who said 'My brothers are dying because of lack of knowledge?'
1. Some site are constantly refreshing.. meaning using up bundles, meaning your reducing airtime, even when you are not using it.
2. There are updates, meaning reducing airtime
3. Some comp clocks synchronize, meaning they regularly check time with some server, meaning reducing bundles and reducing airtime
4. Anti virus updates
5. Hackers, spyware nayo?

NB: I once heard a madman shouting that he'd met some mad people, that were annoying him. I couldn't help but smile :) I almost told him to talk sofetly lest he mulikas himself!

As a shareholder, I'd urge you not to move. There are many ways to skin a cat. Na unafikiria tutakula nini?

@ mukiri...let us see...

1. Some site are constantly refreshing.. meaning using up bundles, meaning your reducing airtime, even when you are not using it. ...tell me how would you continue making calls when your account is very empty? how would you continue surfing when the subscribed bundle is completely exhausted?

2. There are updates, meaning reducing airtime...yep! just as long as you are in the internet and your data transfer aggregate is within the purchased bundle...

3. Some comp clocks synchronize, meaning they regularly check time with some server, meaning reducing bundles and reducing airtime ..yep! just as long as you are in the internet and your data transfer aggregate is within the purchased bundle...

4. Anti virus updates...answer as 3 above

5. Hackers, spyware nayo?...answer as 3 above...

could you, in God's name, be that guy in the customer care that i talked to???

so safaricon shareholders are very busy crafting some not-very-clever methods of thiefing from custmers...

...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#6 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:55:44 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/27/2007
Posts: 2,768
@ mukiri...something else..

if i purchased 1.5gig worth of data bundle, opened an internet site,

(i) and immediately removed the phone battery leaving the sim card in the phone, how much of the bundle will i have used after an hour?

(ii) and immediately removed the sim card leaving the battery in the phone, how much of the bundle will i have used after an hour?

(iii) and immediately disconnected the modem from the computer leaving the sim card in the modem, how much of the bundle will i have used after an hour?

(iv) and immediately removed the sim card from the modem leaving the modem connected to the computer, how much of the bundle will i have used after an hour?
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#7 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:15:20 AM
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Joined: 2/22/2009
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Location: Africa
At the rate these safcon guys are going, i foresee a major lawsuit against them very soon. I've been a victim of their thievery. Their hunger for unsustainable mega profits will be their downfall
#8 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 12:44:18 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/11/2012
Posts: 5,222
Boss, I hear you.

What there is, is that you need a detailed explanation of how each unit was spent. You are a customer and its your right to it. If its a print-out, you should get it.

Please try another customer service.. lol na sio mimi tuliongea! I'll also forward this complaint to some guy who says he's important there

Proverbs 19:21
#9 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 1:27:58 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 11/15/2011
Posts: 4,518
smh Kaigangio.Sad

On Jun 1 safcom was offering 500 bonus upon IK top up on mobile phones.
In my greed, I removed my Modem sim and topped it up on phone to grab the offer.I just wished I had many sims.
I wasn't interested in all that calling credit cz I browse a lot.I wanted bundles.
My modem had some credo which I hadn't converted to bundles yet.
Now I put my 'loaded sh 1,500sim' back on modem and activated the bundles!!
Alas!.Kumbe the offer was 'unconvertable',
So guess what? it was charging me per min and I ended up losing even the credo that I hadn't converted before!
I wrote to safcom and cursed them like u just did Laughing out loudly
But these are stuff they will no tell you.
I bought this offer.Probs is its just for midnight so imagine to enjoy it you have to stay awake before offer ends.

Another time I realised that my credo was running down fast at an amazing speed.
Upon opening the browser I would go to the statistics and check the upload and download speed.
I discovered that as soon as I opened the browser my the graph would shoot up like lava!! Things were just downloading and I rem losing like 100MB in just 2 minutes.

I went to safcom customer care and called them conmen!! I was soo bitter and told them I wasn't able to top up cz credo inamwagika.
They tested my modem and it was fine.
So they asked if I have other applications running behind or virus.They even asked me to bring my laptop to their office.
I carried it to office for the IT guys to verify that!
Kumbe my anti-virus had x-pired and dudu was really working behind the scenes downloading stuff.
Then I closed down automatic updates.I decide what and when to update.
Me thinks kuna kitu chewing it up and most of the safcom guys on customer care lines behave like school drop puts.Pretty ignorant.
Well that was what.
If not go there and bring the whole place down.
Laughing out loudly
I just don't know why I can't leave safcom.
Is just in the blood I guess.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#10 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 1:43:33 PM
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Joined: 6/17/2010
Posts: 572
these telecons will always steal money away from you as long as you buy internet connection in data bundles, the idea of data bundles to me has always been daylight robbery hence I only buy the daily internet bundles for checking mail and browsing wazua, for the heavier stuff I have zuku
'One headache for famous medieval holy people was that someone might murder you to acquire your body parts for the relics trade'
#11 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 3:29:39 PM
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Joined: 5/9/2011
Posts: 178
Location: Nairobi
Safcon!! i thought people realized its expensive to use their service from the numerous threads about their bundles..i only keep my saf line coz of contacts but never use it to call or browse.i call with my yu or zain lines and receive with safaricom.Try orange its better,plus their daily unlimited is cheaper.and if you can afford go for unlimited for 1 month.
Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it
#12 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 3:38:01 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/27/2007
Posts: 2,768
Mukiri wrote:
Boss, I hear you.

What there is, is that you need a detailed explanation of how each unit was spent. You are a customer and its your right to it. If its a print-out, you should get it.

Please try another customer service.. lol na sio mimi tuliongea! I'll also forward this complaint to some guy who says he's important there

sorry, chief. i dont want anything to do with your company...i am done with it...my few thous per month mobointernet expenditure will go elsewhere...why dont you shareholders convince bob to fire that incompetent customer care kubafu?
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#13 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 3:45:24 PM
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Joined: 4/14/2011
Posts: 639
take this to their tweeter n facebook ac
#14 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 3:49:58 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/27/2007
Posts: 2,768
essyk wrote:
smh Kaigangio.Sad

On Jun 1 safcom was offering 500 bonus upon IK top up on mobile phones.
In my greed, I removed my Modem sim and topped it up on phone to grab the offer.I just wished I had many sims.
I wasn't interested in all that calling credit cz I browse a lot.I wanted bundles.
My modem had some credo which I hadn't converted to bundles yet.
Now I put my 'loaded sh 1,500sim' back on modem and activated the bundles!!
Alas!.Kumbe the offer was 'unconvertable',
So guess what? it was charging me per min and I ended up losing even the credo that I hadn't converted before!
I wrote to safcom and cursed them like u just did Laughing out loudly
But these are stuff they will no tell you.
I bought this offer.Probs is its just for midnight so imagine to enjoy it you have to stay awake before offer ends.

Another time I realised that my credo was running down fast at an amazing speed.
Upon opening the browser I would go to the statistics and check the upload and download speed.
I discovered that as soon as I opened the browser my the graph would shoot up like lava!! Things were just downloading and I rem losing like 100MB in just 2 minutes.

I went to safcom customer care and called them conmen!! I was soo bitter and told them I wasn't able to top up cz credo inamwagika.
They tested my modem and it was fine.
So they asked if I have other applications running behind or virus.They even asked me to bring my laptop to their office.
I carried it to office for the IT guys to verify that!
Kumbe my anti-virus had x-pired and dudu was really working behind the scenes downloading stuff.
Then I closed down automatic updates.I decide what and when to update.
Me thinks kuna kitu chewing it up and most of the safcom guys on customer care lines behave like school drop puts.Pretty ignorant.
Well that was what.
If not go there and bring the whole place down.
Laughing out loudly
I just don't know why I can't leave safcom.
Is just in the blood I guess.

you see @ essyk if you have a certain amount of data in your aacount the more you have many websites open and other web applications running in the background the faster the account drains...

but for safaricon to tell me that i am surfing the internet when my phone has no battery or sim card is truely a miracle...more tech miracle than that of pastor adam m. njoro and eve mwende...smile
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#15 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 4:04:14 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/27/2007
Posts: 2,768
Hunderwear wrote:
take this to their tweeter n facebook ac

i would rather stay in wazua coz if i head to tweeter or fb i will shout at the that "mangirohia nda magicunga nugu icio!!!"
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#16 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 4:49:47 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2012
Posts: 15,980
Change your anti-virus update settings from automatic to manual and everything that Mukiri has said there fuata otherwise utalia tu. If you go to another site here on Wazua, u'll find others complaining of "Airtel nuisance". Na wachana na hio mapicha na mavideo
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#17 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 4:57:28 PM
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Kaigangio wrote:
faa wrote:
Hehehehe ni hali ya life budaa. Do something

like i said i will use the remaining 260, break the sim into two and forget safaricon for ever...

forget safcon n go wea...safcon happens 2b th lesser evil. Wait until u experience sm other providers wit primtive svc n lousy customer care
#18 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 6:57:37 PM
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Gadaffi wrote:
Kaigangio wrote:
faa wrote:
Hehehehe ni hali ya life budaa. Do something

like i said i will use the remaining 260, break the sim into two and forget safaricon for ever...

forget safcon n go wea...safcon happens 2b th lesser evil. Wait until u experience sm other providers wit primtive svc n lousy customer care

evil is evil, hakuna lesser or more
#19 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 8:00:29 PM
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Joined: 11/15/2011
Posts: 4,518
Kaigangio wrote:
Hunderwear wrote:
take this to their tweeter n facebook ac

i would rather stay in wazua coz if i head to tweeter or fb i will shout at the that "mangirohia nda magicunga nugu icio!!!"

ngaatho! unajua wewe ni landlord na landlords ni kama headmasters. Laughing out loudly
if u listen to those kids on customer care lines ul go mad.they are clueless at times.
Go to customer care and raise a storm.
I honestly think the prob is on ur side.
chunguza vizuri.
usihame.better the devil u know.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#20 Posted : Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:07:13 PM
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