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Dr Owuor prophesied an earth quake
#21 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 11:40:06 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 11/15/2011
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@essyk, Are you saying since the days of New Testament,God got rid of prophets? Prophets have been there since then, only that Christians are stuck in time warp.The good old days of the New Testament. Believing what happened 2012 years ago is so so so easy.

What am saying is 'You shall know them by their fruits'.Fruits here represents their life.

The kind of life some people live doesn't reflect well on their ministry.

I never blink an eyelid even if one prophecises fire from heaven cz prophecy never contradicts the word.And I know the word.
We live in times of Grace but these 'prophets' are trying to take us back to law by calling on judgment everytime a people sin.
They do that to intimidate and bring fear so that people can 'reverence them.
It's all about the 'greatness and superiority of the prophet and his ministry but NOTHING about God and his people. The prophecies are tools to advance and propel his ministry not to bring back people to God.
That is wrong!
Once pride sets in,God takes off and the 'prophet' is left with the spirit of divination to prophecy.
And they gather many followers.
Nkt.I am delivered.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#22 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 11:53:45 AM
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essyk wrote:
The last real prophet was in the new testament
Got no time for fakes

@essyk, I thought this is what you'd said?

Good to know that you are delivered.
If Jesus of the second coming showed up today, would you believe Him?
#23 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 12:06:37 PM
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Hehehe Mkeiyd.
I have been at the core of Ministry work.
That question sounds so nursery to me why lie.
I leave u to guess.

Ok,do this,compare the prophets of old with the present day prophets.Not in terms of dressing! but lifestyle,love for God,Sacrifice,Family etc.
Compare the clarity and precision.
Prophets of old spoke cz they heard from God.
Today they speak cz they hear from stomachs.

You want real prophecy? Read the word and live by it before u get discombobulated by 'fakes'

One time christians cleared supermarkets and filled their stores with grains of all manner.
A great 'prophet had predicted a drought'
Guess what? El-NINO hit the country.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#24 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 12:08:29 PM
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This guy reminds me of another Dr who also studied in Israel.I can't recall his name.The guy I believe co-discovered Kemron(A supposed AIDS cure) with a Dr.Koech at KEMRI.........
#25 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 12:08:55 PM
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#26 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 12:11:03 PM
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#27 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 12:24:44 PM
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mkeiyd wrote:
essyk wrote:
The last real prophet was in the new testament
Got no time for fakes

@essyk, I thought this is what you'd said?

Good to know that you are delivered.
If Jesus of the second coming showed up today, would you believe Him?

@mkeiyd help me a bit here. You said "Last real prophet"... Who was Jesus (peace be with him) talking about here John 16:7?
#28 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 12:37:22 PM
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A prophet is a man who has been called of God to speak for Him and be His messenger. A prophet receives the Lord's word for mankind including revelations, prophecies, and commandments.

Today they call themselves
They speak for themselves
And are people's messengers.
They receive the Lord's word to intimidate mankind not bring them close to God Laughing out loudly

Ok enough.Very few prophets exist.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#29 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 1:36:29 PM
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rock wrote:
Cant believe guys are giving him this much airtime.19 posts for this clown is 19 too many!! smh

The airtime does well to let the ignorant ones learn about their revered CONMAN. I hope they do.
#30 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 2:05:03 PM
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essyk wrote:
Hehehe Mkeiyd.
I have been at the core of Ministry work.
That question sounds so nursery to me why lie.
I leave u to guess.

Ok,do this,compare the prophets of old with the present day prophets.Not in terms of dressing! but lifestyle,love for God,Sacrifice,Family etc.
Compare the clarity and precision.
Prophets of old spoke cz they heard from God.
Today they speak cz they hear from stomachs.

You want real prophecy? Read the word and live by it before u get discombobulated by 'fakes'

One time christians cleared supermarkets and filled their stores with grains of all manner.
A great 'prophet had predicted a drought'
Guess what? El-NINO hit the country.

@essyk, Sounding nursery or not,stick to the Bible.
Have you read my earlier post? If you have, being at the core of the ministry ain't guarantee for you or anyone.
Why do you think, the least man in heaven is greater than John the Baptist?
Remember John was the guy who fed on locust,down from the hills,preparing way for the Son of God,yet, he's lesser the than least man in heaven?

#31 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 2:24:49 PM
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mkeiyd wrote:
essyk wrote:
Hehehe Mkeiyd.
I have been at the core of Ministry work.
That question sounds so nursery to me why lie.
I leave u to guess.

Ok,do this,compare the prophets of old with the present day prophets.Not in terms of dressing! but lifestyle,love for God,Sacrifice,Family etc.
Compare the clarity and precision.
Prophets of old spoke cz they heard from God.
Today they speak cz they hear from stomachs.

You want real prophecy? Read the word and live by it before u get discombobulated by 'fakes'

One time christians cleared supermarkets and filled their stores with grains of all manner.
A great 'prophet had predicted a drought'
Guess what? El-NINO hit the country.

@essyk, Sounding nursery or not,stick to the Bible.
Have you read my earlier post? If you have, being at the core of the ministry ain't guarantee for you or anyone.
Why do you think, the least man in heaven is greater than John the Baptist?
Remember John was the guy who fed on locust,down from the hills,preparing way for the Son of God,yet, he's lesser the than least man in heaven?

this is interesting, just out of curiosity - who is the least man in heaven, and is there some criteria for determining the same.
#32 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 2:48:25 PM
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Posts: 573
I may not be very conversant with spiritual matters other than from the little i know prophets exist same as connish ones do.Whatever the prophecy God always give His people room for repentance hence some prophesies may not happen even after having been prophesied.Disclaimer an not judging.
#33 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 2:55:02 PM
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@nakujua, About the least man in heaven,i'm afraid you will have to consult with Jesus Christ.
I'm just quoting what's on the Bible.

Using human thinking,i would say its somebody who got to heaven by a whisker. The most "sinful" in heaven.

Now,if the most "sinful" in heaven is greater than John,where is John himself?
#34 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 3:55:40 PM
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If I continue with this I may become a behemoth
Its okay Mkyeid.
I prophecy good to myself everyday I wake up.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#35 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:18:34 PM
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Why is that these so called "prophets" keep talking about negative stuff mara sijui El Nino, Death, Violence, Earthquakes......most of the Biblical prophecies were supposed to enhance faith and Trust in God.

"But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." (2 Peter 1:20-21)

#36 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:40:15 PM
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mkeiyd wrote:
@nakujua, About the least man in heaven,i'm afraid you will have to consult with Jesus Christ.
I'm just quoting what's on the Bible.

Using human thinking,i would say its somebody who got to heaven by a whisker. The most "sinful" in heaven.

Now,if the most "sinful" in heaven is greater than John,where is John himself?

No amount of human thinking, no matter how intelligent, can claim to know of heaven and all those other stories in the bible. Someone wrote them and you were conditioned, mostly by your upbringing, to believe them.
#37 Posted : Wednesday, August 08, 2012 5:24:12 PM
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kenyanbeef wrote:
mkeiyd wrote:
@nakujua, About the least man in heaven,i'm afraid you will have to consult with Jesus Christ.
I'm just quoting what's on the Bible.

Using human thinking,i would say its somebody who got to heaven by a whisker. The most "sinful" in heaven.

Now,if the most "sinful" in heaven is greater than John,where is John himself?

No amount of human thinking, no matter how intelligent, can claim to know of heaven and all those other stories in the bible. Someone wrote them and you were conditioned, mostly by your upbringing, to believe them.

@kenyanbeef, Which part of my post didn't you understand.
I said he,@nakujua will have to consult Christ coz i don't know.
My thinking on those scriptures is just my thinking,PERIOD!
Where did i say i claim i know?

What was your point anyway?
#38 Posted : Monday, August 13, 2012 4:34:32 PM
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On one of those days I take a mat home early coz of a migraine, I get into the first available and as soon as I settle the driver checks in and turns up those translated sermons so loud everyone complains. The guy pretends to turn it down and insists anything below that volume,too bad. We complain some more and nothing and now we have had to settle. For the sake of my headache I decide to just let the idiots be. Na vile sometimes the spirit makes them yell... I ask the kange what church this is being imposed on people...answer...ati Owuor! Mega migraine. I want to burst a vein! Nothing good can come out of even his followers!! Brick wall Brick wall Brick wall
|The Universe will correspond to the nature of your song ...
King G
#39 Posted : Monday, August 13, 2012 6:57:15 PM
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Sarrouniya wrote:
On one of those days I take a mat home early coz of a migraine, I get into the first available and as soon as I settle the driver checks in and turns up those translated sermons so loud everyone complains. The guy pretends to turn it down and insists anything below that volume,too bad. We complain some more and nothing and now we have had to settle. For the sake of my headache I decide to just let the idiots be. Na vile sometimes the spirit makes them yell... I ask the kange what church this is being imposed on people...answer...ati Owuor! Mega migraine. I want to burst a vein! Nothing good can come out of even his followers!! Brick wall Brick wall Brick wall

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Pole ndugu!
#40 Posted : Monday, August 13, 2012 9:56:27 PM
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in the wise words of Gamaliel (Acts 5:35-39)... "Men of Israel, consider carefully what you intend to do to these men.Some time ago Theudas appeared, claiming to be somebody, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing. After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered.Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail.But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God."
Kwa ufupi in due time God proves or disapproves these characters
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