Let me add and say,being and practicing to be a Christian is one of the hardest things I've ever experienced in life. Come-on now,I know what am talking about. Do you want to know?
Everyday I have to live resisting all kinds of temptations,beginning with...watching porn on the internet,flirting with ladies in the office who are not my wife,stealing from my employer,entertaining lustful thoughts,masturbating when sex is not all that forthcoming from my wife,or even going to K-street. Or do you think I dont experience all that?
Am being very honest with you,but by the grace of God and determination to do what is right and live according to His will,I have a solid resolve not to do any of those things even when I know that no one is watching me.
Now you think about that,and then you will know that any one can fall in sin.
But also like I think shee has said,one can be forgiven of his/her sin if they acknowledge. That is the way to live as a Christian,not to deny but to accept and allow God in His power to give you strength to overcome temptation. Pastors,Bishops,Reverends,Gospel Musicians,Prophets,lay Wakristos like me,we are all human beings and can sin any time any day anywhere. What counts is our resolve to stay pure before God for His Name sake and to His praise.
the voice of reason