@eco, Called to enquire but was told they don't handle local courier services? So...no good for me right now.
@WaxwingErrands & @dj.insertsal I like that you guys are online, I actually prefer to email delivery details. Being on FB and Twitter works well for me too.
@cmk Thanks, much appreciated. Will be calling on him shortly.
@chiaroscuro Agreed! Kenyans are an enterprising lot, that's clear; however many go into biashara with blinders on and end up missing the point entirely!
For example, i once walked into a shop that takes passport photos and requested the attendant to take photos of a few products i had and give me the digital copies instead of hardcopy print outs. (These i could later upload to an on-line shop)
I was told flat out that they don't do that. So an entire afternoon and numerous 'photo' shops later i learnt my lesson -
a camera for a passport photo shop is only used for passport photos!
Généralement, les gens qui savant peu parlent becoup, et les gens qui savant beaucoup parlent peu.
- Rousseau.