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Anderson cooper ; I am Gay
#121 Posted : Monday, July 09, 2012 10:11:59 PM
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hamburglar by any chance are you guy or human? Just asking
My folks told me that my very first word was 'billionaire'
#122 Posted : Monday, July 09, 2012 10:17:44 PM
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ralp_mutu wrote:
hamburglar by any chance are you guy or human? Just asking

Ignorance in your case is bliss dude....
#123 Posted : Monday, July 09, 2012 10:35:53 PM
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essyk wrote:
But it's only proper for a society to tolerate that which enhances the quality of humans and sincerely I don't see that in gays.
I am yet to understand how gayism contributes to positive human development.
Isn't tolerance aimed at developing humans first?
Gayism leaves people with raptured bowels and damaged behinds esp when they reach old age.

Nobody is persecuting straight people, but gay people are being killed as nearby as Uganda. They live in fear and that's why they are trying to bring attention to themselves so that people like yourself will understand that they are just human beings that need to be treated like everybody else. There is a difference between forcing it down our throats and a cry for help. These people are discriminated on and even killed in certain societies, they need to be protected just like everybody else in this world is protected...Everybody has a right to life....Nobody has any right to take somebody else's life because they have dissenting views from them. being the center of attention is different from crying out for help.

Excuse me? wait a min.So we should spend millions trying to protect gays because of a lifestyle they chose to live? A lifestyle that contradicts the norm?
I am not advocating that they be killed but that is proof of how strong human conscience is.
You disturb normal conscience and expect an abnormal reaction.

Let them do their stuff as long as they don't try to convince me that it's normal.

Nobody is asking for any money to be used to protect gays, all they are asking for is acceptance and tolerance. We don't need to use even a single penny, we just need to leave these people alone and mind our own business. Besides, who are you to say what's normal and what's not? If being gay is normal to them, then in their world it's normal. Learn to accept that people are different, and one shoe does not fit all. Embrace diversity, your way is not the only way
#124 Posted : Monday, July 09, 2012 10:46:02 PM
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hamburglar wrote:

Nobody is asking for any money to be used to protect gays, all they are asking for is acceptance and tolerance. We don't need to use even a single penny, we just need to leave these people alone and mind our own business.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#125 Posted : Monday, July 09, 2012 11:24:06 PM
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hamburglar wrote:
ralp_mutu wrote:
hamburglar by any chance are you guy or human? Just asking

Ignorance in your case is bliss dude....

But am not jumping up with joy.

Gay or human.
My folks told me that my very first word was 'billionaire'
#126 Posted : Monday, July 09, 2012 11:44:11 PM
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ralp_mutu wrote:
hamburglar wrote:
ralp_mutu wrote:
hamburglar by any chance are you guy or human? Just asking

Ignorance in your case is bliss dude....

But am not jumping up with joy.

Gay or human.

lol, say no to drugs dude...A little comic relief is refreshing though, but don't jump up with joy, just stay as you are. No jumping, ok?
#127 Posted : Tuesday, July 10, 2012 8:41:52 AM
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hamburglar wrote:
Lolest! wrote:
hamburglar wrote:

If they enjoy it then let them be...How does someone else's boot being opened affect your life?

Respect other human beings even if you do not agree with their lifestyle, sexual orientation or whatever the case might be, tolerance will really make you objective and eventually a better human being my friend....Just because you wouldn't like it up your ass does not mean somebody else wouldn't like it...To each their own, your responsibility is to be respectful and tolerant to those that are different than you

Ooh, some people feel like having 'it' with animals! Others with corpses!

We let them have fun? Law and morality meet on some of these issues.

Having sex with animals and having sex with corpses is not consensual, gay sex is consensual....That's the difference my friend. Quit with the morality issue, that's not a gay problem alone, how about you see what goes on in heterosexuals bedrooms nowadays and then we can really talk about morality....heterosexuals are doing stuff that would put gay people to shame nowadays but I guess that is okay to you because they are not gay, right? That's moral to you, right?

I think we should not oppose for the sake of opposing, even if we have no solid ground. We need to listen to the other person so that we know how to respond to what he says. Not you Lolest, I know you are a sober debater.

I do not agree with hamburglar, but he writes some salient points that provokes the intellect and is a mirror of sorts.

The mistake we do is to think the next person cannot make a decision. Consensual is a very important word. Unless someone is raped and forced to do it against his conscience....

It may be worth noting that the opposite of homosexuality is not heterosexuality. Homosexuality cannot be measured against heterosexuality for that is not the standard, especially if we are to include the law and morality. Both homosexuality and heterosexuality are measured against purity. This is THE standard.

Many heterosexuals cannot hold a candle to homosexuals in this regard. The ones who can, well, use a different and less militant approach.

By the way, legislating morality, legislating for or against the conscience .... do we really want to enforce christian principles through the civil powers?
#128 Posted : Thursday, July 12, 2012 6:35:06 PM
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Kratos wrote:
I have never understood the hullabaloo with announcing one's "i get it in the ***" status. Kwani sisi ni familia yake NKT!

Homosexuals have between 22 to 106 partners every year. Homosexuals make up 10% of the population of Western countries. Unbelievable!

NOTE: Please don't get attitude at me, these are not my statistics. These are statisitcs that reputed intellectuals, institutions that we rely upon for demographics produced these statistics.

Let me go on.
- 73% of homosexual men have sex with boys under age of 19.
- Homosexuals parpetrators account for 33% of child molestation in the Western world each year.
- 4 out of every 20 women in US experiment with lesbianism at least once.

Now if only we had Kenyan statistics...
#129 Posted : Monday, August 13, 2012 9:29:22 AM
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The guy Anderson was supposed to be getting married to has been seen kissing some other fellow. Eeeew! This is gross man.

And what is it with paparazzi? They guys are so nosy!

Anderson cooper plugger!
Great men are not always wise, neither do the aged understand judgement...
#130 Posted : Monday, August 13, 2012 9:42:39 AM
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Robinhood wrote:
The guy Anderson was supposed to be getting married to has been seen kissing some other fellow. Eeeew! This is gross man.

And what is it with paparazzi? They guys are so nosy!

Anderson cooper plugger!

Sad Sad .....uuuuurghhhh...krukutup!...bure kabisa.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#131 Posted : Monday, August 13, 2012 10:59:44 AM
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He did not push poopoo well...and so dropped...
King G
#132 Posted : Monday, August 13, 2012 2:46:03 PM
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I thought this group of people are very loyal to their partners. Kumbe kuna uclande kila mahali wow.

King G
#133 Posted : Monday, August 13, 2012 2:47:45 PM
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By the way is the a K-street for gays in Nairobi?
#134 Posted : Monday, August 13, 2012 3:51:55 PM
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boss hii mi siwezi never ever
#135 Posted : Monday, August 13, 2012 4:47:07 PM
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King G wrote:
I thought this group of people are very loyal to their partners. Kumbe kuna uclande kila mahali wow.


When it comes to infidelity they are worse than humans.
King G
#136 Posted : Monday, August 13, 2012 5:40:12 PM
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kyt wrote:
boss hii mi siwezi never ever

Inda block 10 it can happen to you by force mara hiyo hiyo!
#137 Posted : Monday, August 13, 2012 6:18:36 PM
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hamburglar wrote:
essyk wrote:
I will answer this question...NO, I would not care...Is it against the law to be gay? People need to live and let live. Mind your own business...As long as the gay people are not doing anything illegal, then LET THEM BE. Jeez people, WTF?

yep buglar, it is in Kenya and many other nations as well.
Juts cz it's legal in nyc,SA etc doesn't mean it is everywhere.

Small minded nations outlaw GLBT, progressive nations allow it....The operative words here are SMALL MINDED and PROGRESSIVE. So guess where Kenya falls and where the US is in that equation....No wonder Africans will always lag behind.

small minded? if that is the technical lingo then i d rather be small minded any day. Many people find homosexuality (the men kind) repugnant and disgusting. Personally i dont care what they do in private, but now legalizing it and encouraging kids that it is normal is what I have a problem with. It s disgusting enough to know you are gay, but forcing the system to kiss your ass and congratulate you is something else
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