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Anderson cooper ; I am Gay
#81 Posted : Friday, July 06, 2012 6:19:53 PM
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selah wrote:
The signs were there those who opted to not see them are in denial....now I am waiting for George clooney to come out.

Being a bachelor past 50 is a warning sign.

What is wrong with being a bachelor past 50? Just because you subscribe to marriage does not mean that everybody else should....Maybe he just likes to be single, what's wrong with that? Gol-lee, what kind of reasoning is this????
#82 Posted : Friday, July 06, 2012 6:22:42 PM
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QW25091985 wrote:
Just when you think you have a role model in copper BOOM ! he turn's gay ! so saddening .

Dude, you really need to open up your mind and stop being so close minded, you say some of the dumbest things on this site all the time....Why is it sad for somebody to have a different sexual orientation from you?
#83 Posted : Friday, July 06, 2012 6:31:35 PM
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2012 wrote:
Rollout wrote:
Whether gay is normal or not normal is not for me to decide, I will live my life and gay people will live their life it doesn't bother me and it doesn't affect me, I would have loved if Anderson Cooper was playing for my team but he is playing for the other team, I respect that and the game of life should continue, we worry so much about harmless gay people and we forget thieves and killers in us, we show up to pray for suspected ICC guys and we curse at gay and lesbians! how ironical.

Q: Would you worry if your son or father was to 'come out of the closet' one day?

I will answer this question...NO, I would not care...Is it against the law to be gay? People need to live and let live. Mind your own business...As long as the gay people are not doing anything illegal, then LET THEM BE. Jeez people, WTF?
#84 Posted : Friday, July 06, 2012 9:09:52 PM
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The only people who are worried about gays are those who don't trust their sexual orientation and are scared that they might be influenced by gay to turn gay, I know I am straight and I want more men to be gay that way I can have more women to sort through!
#85 Posted : Saturday, July 07, 2012 7:21:41 AM
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Joined: 1/7/2007
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Caramba wrote:
marko wrote:
And these are the Western ideals we are meant to "emulate"?
Washana nayo. I'd rather go back to barter trade and wearing hides and skins.

The colonialists/Westerners played a role in promoting homophobia when they brought the Judeo-Christian/Islamic religions that outlawed same-sex relationships.

Homosexuality was actually tolerated in some African societies in that barter era that you wax nostalgic about.


And ofcourse the guardian is your rink. Do you not sense something wrong there? Anyway,what do i have to do with an obscure tribe in Angola or Burkina Faso?
#86 Posted : Saturday, July 07, 2012 10:59:41 AM
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@Burglar, ok lemme not ask lol!
#87 Posted : Saturday, July 07, 2012 12:08:55 PM
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hamburglar wrote:

I will answer this question...NO, I would not care...Is it against the law to be gay? People need to live and let live. Mind your own business...As long as the gay people are not doing anything illegal, then LET THEM BE. Jeez people, WTF?

yep buglar, it is in Kenya and many other nations as well.
Juts cz it's legal in nyc,SA etc doesn't mean it is everywhere.

You know why it shall always make headlines? It interfers with the natural order of things and that is just wrong.
Of the phyllum of mammals, man is the only sad creature that has changed this order.

If a famous guy publicly declares his unatural status we would sure like to know why.
Not that it wouldn't stop me from breathing No,but it would help me understand a very unnatural trend and it's impact on a society I live in.

We humans just like animals need to maintain a perfect ecosystem/balance for things to work well in future,but gays imo are destabilising it.

At this rate this is what I foresee.
-More women will turn lesbian
-polygamy will be on the rise and so will immorality.
-It's obvious,gays can't reproduce on their own, so they adopt.The adopted kids are most likely to end up gays so they will adopt again.
And the cycle repeats itself till we develop a deep culture of adopting without procreating.

In the end we will have less babies left to adopt and a society full of young potential gays/lesbians who will need to adopt but adopt what? maybe cats.

And that will be the end of the human race.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#88 Posted : Saturday, July 07, 2012 2:00:38 PM
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essyk wrote:

...At this rate this is what I foresee.
-polygamy will be on the rise and so will immorality...

@essyk Please be careful. Otherwise explain yourself how 'polygamy' equals 'immorality' Shame on you
#89 Posted : Saturday, July 07, 2012 2:14:02 PM
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AlphDoti wrote:
essyk wrote:

...At this rate this is what I foresee.
-polygamy will be on the rise and so will immorality...

@essyk Please be careful. Otherwise explain yourself how 'polygamy' equals 'immorality' Shame on you

Argh forgot to delete that part.I was editing.

But I still think 'modern day' polygamy is as a result of immoral behaviour. It's more circumstancial than cultural unless proved otherwise.
Anyway that is not the topic here cz I personaly prefer a polygamous responsible fellow like Akuku Danger.smile
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#90 Posted : Saturday, July 07, 2012 3:42:25 PM
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essyk wrote:
Of the phyllum of mammals, man is the only sad creature that has changed this order.

We belong to the same FAMILY as bonobos: The Bonobo, which has a
matriarchal society, is a fully bisexual species — both males and females engage in sexual behaviour with the
same and the opposite sex, with females being
particularly noted for
engaging in sexual behaviour with each other and at up to
75% of sexual activity being nonreproductive.

#91 Posted : Saturday, July 07, 2012 3:55:25 PM
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Joined: 11/15/2011
Posts: 4,518
Ok perhaps I should have put it this way.

Of the phyllum of mammals, man is the only sad creature with superior mind that has changed this order.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#92 Posted : Saturday, July 07, 2012 3:56:37 PM
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rock wrote:
Impunity wrote:
essyk wrote:
Impunity wrote:
essyk wrote:
simonkabz wrote:
essyk wrote:
simonkabz wrote:
Is it only me or gays got mad talent?

Aren't people naturally talented? well they only perfect the talent.
The sexual orientation comes later.imo

Perhaps you should have said that people with mad talent choose/prefer to have different sexual orientation?

I also thought people are naturally gay! Can guka, magigi or impunity wake up one day and change their orientation???
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Keep on thinking. Ever heard of a gay baby?
Gays imo aren't born! but made.
Your friends above can't change except they choose to do so like Cooper.
And that change occurs in the mind once one reaches a knowledgable age before it shows in body.

Ok am no expert in this.Just trying to understand at what point one decides he is gay.

And have you seen a baby-boy bearded?
Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you

Asian babies are very hairy! like some creatures I hate.
chunga unaponirushia swali.smile


Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Hehehe..nice one!

ok..ha..ha..these could be a son of one wazuan
Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it
#93 Posted : Saturday, July 07, 2012 4:08:17 PM
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Location: Black Africa
essyk wrote:
Ok perhaps I should have put it this way.

Of the phyllum of mammals, man is the only sad creature with superior mind that has changed this order.

Sorry, sijaelewa the part about superior mind. Which are the other creatures with 'superior mind'
#94 Posted : Saturday, July 07, 2012 4:42:49 PM
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youcan'tstopusnow wrote:

Sorry, sijaelewa the part about superior mind. Which are the other creatures with 'superior mind'

see how you are trying to discombobulate me.
Below is what you wanted me to read from link you posted.
Animal sexual behaviour takes many different forms, even within the same species. Among animals other than humans, researchers have observed monogamy; promiscuity; sex between species; sexual arousal from objects or places; sex apparently via duress or coercion; copulation with dead animals; homosexual, heterosexual, and bisexual

In summary you were proving me wrong for having said that man is the only 'creature' that changed his 'sexual order'

Mammals(man, primates etc) are creatures. No?
But one mammal has a superior mind than the rest.sivyo?

Hence my statement.

ok..ha..ha..these could be a son of one wazuan


"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#95 Posted : Sunday, July 08, 2012 11:02:14 AM
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hamburglar wrote:

I will answer this question...NO, I would not care...Is it against the law to be gay? People need to live and let live. Mind your own business...As long as the gay people are not doing anything illegal, then LET THEM BE. Jeez people, WTF?

Stung!!...huh??....And what will are being told here is that,when you neighbour eats his child's brain we live and let live??Pray....Oh!...It's not against the law to eat your childs' brains!!Liar Liar Shame on you Shame on you Sad d'oh!
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#96 Posted : Sunday, July 08, 2012 8:05:22 PM
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I have never understood the hullabaloo with announcing one's "i get it in the ***" status. Kwani sisi ni familia yake NKT!

“People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one, and if you repeat it frequently enough, people will sooner or later believe it.” ― Walter C. Langer
#97 Posted : Monday, July 09, 2012 6:04:36 PM
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Njung'e wrote:
hamburglar wrote:

I will answer this question...NO, I would not care...Is it against the law to be gay? People need to live and let live. Mind your own business...As long as the gay people are not doing anything illegal, then LET THEM BE. Jeez people, WTF?

Stung!!...huh??....And what will are being told here is that,when you neighbour eats his child's brain we live and let live??Pray....Oh!...It's not against the law to eat your childs' brains!!Liar Liar Shame on you Shame on you Sad d'oh!

You are not making any sense, it is against the law to eat your child's brain, it's called HOMICIDE. What people do behind closed doors is not anyone's business and only small minds have a problem with people's sexual orientation. There is so much to worry about in this world than to worry about what consenting adults are doing behind closed doors. It's just sad how small minded people think.
#98 Posted : Monday, July 09, 2012 6:19:14 PM
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simonkabz wrote:
@Burglar, ok lemme not ask lol!

You can ask dude, there is nothing to worry about...I will be pragmatic and answer the question that you are being shy to ask....NO, am not gay, but I have absolutely no problem with anybody being gay. I have a bunch of gay friends who happen to be wonderful human beings...I have hang out and even been to a gay club before, these people are human just like you and me, let them be. Damn!!!!

Actually the gay community is one of the most open minded and progressive. What two consenting adults do behind closed doors should not be anybody's business. People need to mind their own business. There are heterosexual people that do more degenerate sexual acts in the bedroom than gay people but nobody is up in arms about that...I don't see people condemning heterosexual people going down on each other or dong threesomes and other things which might be deemed unnatural....

Why are people singlig out and picking on the gay community and not addressing how perverse heterosexual sex has become? If we want to ban gay sex then we need to ban dudes that go down on women and women who give their men head and all that other stuff....Why the double standards?

It's nobody's business what two people do in the bedroom, the reason we have so many problems in this world is because people can't mind their own business...Society has this holier than thou facade and want to dip their noses in other people's business that does not concern them and yet this same society that is judging these people is conpletely messed up itself. How does two adults doing what they want to do in their bedroom affect anybody's life other than people just being nosey idiots and sticking their noses where they don't belong? people need to worry about their families before they can start acting like they are the moral police...Petty minds are just despicable.
#99 Posted : Monday, July 09, 2012 6:23:00 PM
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essyk wrote:
I will answer this question...NO, I would not care...Is it against the law to be gay? People need to live and let live. Mind your own business...As long as the gay people are not doing anything illegal, then LET THEM BE. Jeez people, WTF?

yep buglar, it is in Kenya and many other nations as well.
Juts cz it's legal in nyc,SA etc doesn't mean it is everywhere.

Small minded nations outlaw GLBT, progressive nations allow it....The operative words here are SMALL MINDED and PROGRESSIVE. So guess where Kenya falls and where the US is in that equation....No wonder Africans will always lag behind.
#100 Posted : Monday, July 09, 2012 6:25:24 PM
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marko wrote:
Caramba wrote:
marko wrote:
And these are the Western ideals we are meant to "emulate"?
Washana nayo. I'd rather go back to barter trade and wearing hides and skins.

The colonialists/Westerners played a role in promoting homophobia when they brought the Judeo-Christian/Islamic religions that outlawed same-sex relationships.

Homosexuality was actually tolerated in some African societies in that barter era that you wax nostalgic about.


And ofcourse the guardian is your rink. Do you not sense something wrong there?
No, i don't see anything wrong.

Anyway,what do i have to do with an obscure tribe in Angola or Burkina Faso?
You are African.

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