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Waweru Njoroge @K24
#1 Posted : Friday, June 29, 2012 9:23:16 PM
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From grace to grass!!!
d'oh! d'oh!
Portfolio: Sold
You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.

#2 Posted : Friday, June 29, 2012 9:34:10 PM
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Impunity wrote:
From grace to grass!!!
d'oh! d'oh!

They said the same thing about when he moved to Citizen..... K24 is rebranding afterall u watched him Laughing out loudly
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#3 Posted : Friday, June 29, 2012 10:22:39 PM
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What matters is the dough man. From rags to swag may be the story.
#4 Posted : Saturday, June 30, 2012 9:13:12 AM
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Where has he been? I hope rebranding works for this station.
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#5 Posted : Sunday, July 01, 2012 8:05:32 AM
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simonkabz wrote:
What matters is the dough man. From rags to swag may be the story.

Dough he's got! Daddy Dough!!!
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.
#6 Posted : Sunday, July 01, 2012 8:22:56 AM
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wow ! i also wonder where he has been ?
who says its from grace to grass . i hope you also say the same for Jeff !
you think jeff is foolish to leave cnn and come to k24 if there's no money ?
#7 Posted : Sunday, July 01, 2012 8:40:10 AM
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@QW, Jeff was relieved of his duties at cnn due to unauthorized landing.
Portfolio: Sold
You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.

#8 Posted : Sunday, July 01, 2012 2:50:17 PM
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QW25091985 wrote:
i hope you also say the same for Jeff !
you think jeff is foolish to leave cnn and come to k24 if there's no money ?

Jeff was so FIRED from CNN. They can't even want to see him there visiting.

He was landing on an much older airport and as a typical man, he told her all his/network secrets including stage managing interviews. The worst was his famous interview with Nigerian terrorists which as it turned our was stage managed and all the actors paid for their performance! Jeff gave all the details to the older airport and what's worse he did it on email! Anywho, jeff one day decides to breakup with the airport and she goes ballistics! She starts talking and releases all the emails to press. In short Jeff was lucky to get the K24 job. Nobody else could touch him!
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.
#9 Posted : Sunday, July 01, 2012 4:37:07 PM
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MaichBlack wrote:
QW25091985 wrote:
i hope you also say the same for Jeff !
you think jeff is foolish to leave cnn and come to k24 if there's no money ?

Jeff was so FIRED from CNN. They can't even want to see him there visiting.

He was landing on an much older airport and as a typical man, he told her all his/network secrets including stage managing interviews. The worst was his famous interview with Nigerian terrorists which as it turned our was stage managed and all the actors paid for their performance! Jeff gave all the details to the older airport and what's worse he did it on email! Anywho, jeff one day decides to breakup with the airport and she goes ballistics! She starts talking and releases all the emails to press. In short Jeff was lucky to get the K24 job. Nobody else could touch him!

Is it a job or is he part shareholder at the station?
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt...
-Mark Twain
#10 Posted : Sunday, July 01, 2012 5:39:02 PM
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No matter how he ended up there I am 1000% sure Jeff is having more fun at K24 than he would ever have had in a lifetime at CNN even if they paid him 1000 times more than he makes now. He has his own show, he deals with people and topics he is passionate about, he works in Kenya, he is mentoring young people. I am happy he was fired from CNN!!!! He has it all now and for him and for all of us who enjoy the show its a good thing.

Sit back!!!!!!!! All Kenyan!!! All the time!!!
#11 Posted : Sunday, July 01, 2012 6:35:52 PM
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true. and making proper and variety landings without paparazi fears.
#12 Posted : Sunday, July 01, 2012 8:28:42 PM
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@bkismat, Jeff is not a shareholder. Just the Most Valued Employee. Dude earns serious chapaa there. His show is the most popular in the station(though fans of msa raha may disagree)
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#13 Posted : Monday, July 02, 2012 12:16:09 PM
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Kusadikika wrote:
No matter how he ended up there I am 1000% sure Jeff is having more fun at K24 than he would ever have had in a lifetime at CNN even if they paid him 1000 times more than he makes now. He has his own show, he deals with people and topics he is passionate about, he works in Kenya, he is mentoring young people.

Mentoring young people to do what???

I am not a fan of his program but the times I have watched it, I have realized that Jeff is as biased as they come. He has opinions on different topics and will normally invite guests who share his opinion and steer the interview towards a certain direction.

He somehow believes that the retaliatory attacks in Naivasha and elsewhere helped end the PEV. He has had numerous interviews to push this opinion. I have never seen one where he invited a guest with an opposing opinion.

He is totally against the Hague trials and has invited guests who share this opinion including an "expert on African something" who has become a repeat guest and the fellows [Americans] who had filed a case against the trial. Even the times he has hosted Ocampo, he has tried to illustrate how the process/case is flawed but Ocampo has proven too smart for him.

He holds the same opinion as most of us that MPs should be degree holders but as a journalist, he should invite guests who share this opinion and those who are opposed to it. Last week (or last week but one) he invited a "youth leader" who's message was to encourage the youth to vote and also vie for different posts. The "youth leader" mentioned that the requirement to have a degree is discriminatory etc. Jeff quickly steered the conversation in another direction!

It is okay for everyone - including journalists - to have an opinion, but an objective journalist should invite contributions from both sides of an argument and give the guests an equal opportunity to discuss their perceived merits and de-merits of each scenario.

I personally don't take what Jeff does to be journalism!!! I wouldn't want him to ever mentor my son or daughter!
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.
#14 Posted : Monday, July 02, 2012 1:02:01 PM
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@maichblack, I agree with you that Jeff Koinange is clearly biased. He takes an opinion and wants to push it!

In addition to the cases you've listed, during the referendum campaigns, Jeff was clearly pro YES and would use the bench to castigate the NO team as 'false prophets'.

But I really enjoyed last week when both Mwangi(or what was the youth leader's name?)and Atwoli disagreed with him about the requirement for degrees for MPs. I found it annoying for a journalist of Koinage's calliber to refer to people without degrees as illiterates!

That said, Jeff sure is great, if only he would be more objective.
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#15 Posted : Monday, July 02, 2012 1:05:10 PM
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Rumour has it that WN was wash washed clean by wifey who is in the US of A, he literary sold kila kitu and even quit his job at kei dee en to join her and live happily ever after, she never paid his ticket, and he was stranded at jkia till late the day he was to travel, sijui alienda kuishi wapi….total wash wash I tell you

Problems can get out of proportion, and not only in the wee small hours. Don't let the problems eclipse the Master. Let the Master eclipse the problems.
#16 Posted : Monday, July 02, 2012 1:14:16 PM
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MaichBlack wrote:
Kusadikika wrote:
No matter how he ended up there I am 1000% sure Jeff is having more fun at K24 than he would ever have had in a lifetime at CNN even if they paid him 1000 times more than he makes now. He has his own show, he deals with people and topics he is passionate about, he works in Kenya, he is mentoring young people.

Mentoring young people to do what???

I am not a fan of his program but the times I have watched it, I have realized that Jeff is as biased as they come. He has opinions on different topics and will normally invite guests who share his opinion and steer the interview towards a certain direction.

It is okay for everyone - including journalists - to have an opinion, but an objective journalist should invite contributions from both sides of an argument and give the guests an equal opportunity to discuss their perceived merits and de-merits of each scenario.

I personally to take what Jeff does to be journalism!!! I wouldn't want him to ever mentor my son or daughter!

The Bench is one of my favourite programs on Kenyan TV scene. Interesting enough,I have not noted the bias that Lolest and You are talking about. Disclaimer, I watch the program very very few times. What I have observed, in those few times, is that JK acts like a trigger - he asks you the questions that will bring out the message you've got. He asks questions that the interviewee is passionate about, stands for etc, with an angle that seems to reinforce the interviewee's position.

My 5cents worth
#17 Posted : Monday, July 02, 2012 1:24:23 PM
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Joined: 12/11/2008
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You mean there are people who have no idea why Jeff is no longer with CNN? Ati mentoring!! The guy used to land at wrinkled airports and blurted his secrets during airport talk! He was promptly fired. He may be earning cash at K24, but I assure you he would rather be you know where
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